C-Maniax forum Computer Science and Engineering conducted 2 days inter-college Online technical fest named Technofia-2021 on 26th & 27th June 2021. There were 10 events which was a collaboration of both Technical and non-Technical Events. A total of 712 students registered. About 400 students from AIET and 300 plus students from 80 various colleges took part in various events with the Registration fee of Rs. 40(individual). The total funds generated from the entire fest was 25000/- , from which 10000 was utilized for hosting the event and cash prizes.
A meeting on how to utilize and what to do with the remaining 15000 was conducted in presence of Mr. Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee, Dr. Peter Fernandes, Principal, Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD CSE, Mrs. Reena Lobo, Forum coordinator and the student event coordinators. After having a discussion among all, considering the pandemic situation into account, the panel members decided to donate the remaining funds of 15000 to a nearby old age home who are really in need of their basic needs. Upon searching we were able to identify Snehalaya Charitable Trust to donate the funds generated.
Snehalaya Charitable Trust was founded by Joseph Crasta, who was inspired by the word of St. Mother Theresa that, “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”Established on August 26th, 2009, with a motto to Love, care and provide service – joyfully to the needy. Snehalaya Psychosocial rehabilitation center for Men, Snehalaya Psychosocial rehabilitation Home for women, Shanthi Dham, home for the aged are some of the landmark institutions run by the Trust.“Mannaha” is a unique mission first in its kind was initiated by the founder to feed mid-day meal to the standby at the patients who were without food for days. Since 5 years it successfully caters to the hungry needy.“Social outreach programs” during disasters viz floods, land-slides, COVID-19 Crisis, through dedicated volunteers is well reached to the poor and the unreached. Housing, education, health facilities, free ambulance service are some of the note-worthy activities of the Trust. Snehalaya caters its service to the Last, Least & Lost in the society without any discrimination of caste, creed, status, religion and party, as we believe that we are children of the same GOD.
In this regard, a few CSE students visited Snehalaya Charitable Trust, Manjeshwara, Mangalore on 02/08/2021 to donate the funds in the form of Groceries, Household items, vegetables and fruits, generated from The Online Technical Fest Technofia – 21 organized by the CSE department.
The following staff members accompanied the students Mrs. Reena Lobo, Ms. Shilpa.
- Student’s Corner
- Parent’s Corner
- Best Practices
- Feedback
- Feedback on the curriculum
- Institute Distinctiveness
- Mandatory Disclosure
- Affiliations
- Audit Reports
- Digital Library
- ISRO Bhuvan Project
- Rules
- University Code Of Conduct For Student
- Alumni
- Commemorative Days and Festivals
- Students & Employee Wellness Measures
- Institutional initiatives for inclusive environment
- Sensitization to the constitutional obligations
- IPR Reports
- EDC Reports
- Research Methodology Reports
- Water Conservation Facilities
- Waste Management in Campus
- Grievance form
- SC/ST/OBC Grievance Form
- Class room facility
- Tabulated Student List 5 Years
- Tabulated List Govt Scholarships
- Sanctioned Posts 5 Years
- Tabulated List of Faculty 5 Years