• 08258-262724
  • principalaiet08@gmail.com
  • CET CODE-169

Alva's Institute of Engineering & Technology

A Unit of Alva's Education Foundation(R), Moodubidire

(Affilliated to VTU, Belgaum, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka)

Computer Science & Engineering

Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in the year 2008, offers UG (currently intake 280 students) PG and Ph.D Programs. Department practices the Outcome Based Education(OBE) and accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi (2019 to 2025) for the period of 6 years. Department was recognized as a Research Centre by VTU, Belagavi and department is having a qualified supervisors for guiding the research students in the areas like Computer Networks Security, IoT, Ad.hoc Networks, AIML & Data Analytics. Department boasts of well qualified teaching faculty with rich research & teaching experience. Department has excellent placement record in reputed industries with an average of 90–95% placement of students along with 5% higher studies.







Research Laboratories

The Research Centre of the CSE department was recognized by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the academic year 2018-19. Department offers a Ph.D. Program in Computer Science & Engineering since 2018 comprising of 4 Research Supervisors. Totally 9 Research Scholars are doing their research in the area of Data Analytics, Wireless Sensor Networks, Network Security, Image Processing, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning. The center provides the research facilities to Faculty as well students through Apple iOS Lab, Envision Lab, Innovation Lab and e-Yantra Robotics Lab

University Year of Recognition Reference Number
VTU 2018-19 VTU/ACA-RES-CEN/A4/2018-19/1633/70
VTU 2019-20


VTU  2021-22


VTU  2023-24


The research center emphasis on research under various areas of specializations that includes, Computer Network Security, Mobile Adhoc Networks & Wireless Sensor network, Algorithms & Data Mining and Data Science for the research scholars. The laboratories are well equipped with all kinds of research oriented tools listed below.

List of Open Source Research Oriented Tools
Sl. No Name of the Open Source Software Tool
1 NS-3 with Ubuntu OS
2 QtiPlot (Scientfic plotting tool)
3 Python IDLE & C++
4 Objective C
5 LaTex
Sl.No. Data Mining Open source tools
1 RapidMiner
4 R-Studio
5 Orange
6 DataMelt
Sl. No Machine learning tools
1 TensorFlow
2 Keras
3 SciKit-Learn
4 Lime


Research Activities
  • Special training for the students during vacation on Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Cyber Security etc.
  • Encourage students to take-up research oriented projects in interdisciplinary areas.
  • Motivating students for higher education in this area and to apply for internships and jobs in various industries.

Research Achievements

Ph. D Awarded 

Sl. No. Name Year of Completion University
1 Dr.Mahesh Kaluti 2016-17 Modi University
2 Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha 2016-17 Anna University
3 Dr. Manjunath Kotari 2017-18 V.T.U, Belgavi
4 Dr. Sumith N 2017-18 NITK, Surathkal
5 Dr.Madhusudhan S 2021-22 Kuvempu University
6 Dr.R.Senthil Kumar 2023-24 Anna University

Details of Ph. D Guides/Supervisor

Sl. No. Name of the guide University
1. Dr. Manjunath Kotari VTU
2. Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha VTU
3. Dr. Roopalakshmi R VTU
4. Dr.Kiran B. Malagi VTU
5. Dr.Chandra Naik VTU
6. Dr.Aslam B Nandyal VTU
7. Dr.Ramesh G VTU
8. Dr.Pradeep V VTU
9. Dr.Rachana P VTU
10. Dr.Pradeep Nazarath VTU

Details of Candidates registered in AIET-CSE Research Center

Sl. No Name of the student Date of Registration Current Status Guide Topic of research
1. Ms. Sreelatha R


2014 Awarded Dr. Roopalaksmi R WSN-based Intelligent Transformation System for Traffic monitoring and management in Urban environments
2. Veena M


09-Apr-2019 CourseWork Completed Dr. Manjunath Kotari Data Analytics and Machine Learning approaches for Educational Data Mining: A Case study of Engineering Education in Karnataka
3. Sathyprakash B P 01-01-2015 Awarded Dr. Manjunath Kotari Wireless Adhoc Networks
4. Mr. Harish Kunder 2020 CourseWork Completed Dr. Manjunath Kotari An efficient method for handling non-convex optimization problems in Machine Learning
5. Mr. Nagesh U B 2020 Registered Dr. Manjunath Kotari Implementation and Performance Analysis of IoT
Based Secure Autonomous Vehicles Using
Blockchain Technology
6. Jayanth Kumar A Rathod 2020 Awarded Dr. Manjunath Kotari A novel FramWork for Secure Messege Transmision in Mobile Adhoc Using Cripto Messege Fragmentation
7. Rizawan N shaikha 2023 Registered Dr. Chandra Naik Novel Optimization Models for Epilepsy Seizure Identification and Prediction Using Generative AI.
8. Kiran Raj K M 2023 Registered Dr. Ramesh G Design and Optimization of Lightweight Encryption and Decryption Algorithms for
Enhanced IOT Security.

 Faculty Registered for Ph.D. in Other Research Centre/Universities

Sl. No. Name of the Research Scholar Registration Date Name of the Other University/Research Centre Completed comprehensive Viva
1 Mr. Vasudev S Shahapur 29-01-2016 KVGCE, Sullia Completed Course Work
2 Mrs. Deeksha M 01-08-2018 NITK, Surathkal Completed comprehensive Viva
3 Partha Sarathi Pati 22-07-2015 IIT, Guwahati Completed 3rd Annual Progress Seminar
4 Ms. Deepika Kamath 01-02-2024 SDMIT,Ujire Completed Course Work
5 Mr. Giridhar Gowda 02-01-2024 SAHE, Tumkur Completed Course Work

Research Paper Publications

Sl. No. Assessment Year Number of National / International Journals Number of National / International Conferences Number of Book Chapters
1 2023-24 80  113
2 2022-23  07 110    06
3 2021-22  – 169
4 2020-21 24 04 02
5 2019-20 19 01
6 2018-19 49 15 2
7 2017-18 16 19 2
8 2016-17 10 13

Research Patents
1. Dr. Manjunath Kotari, Prof & Head-CSE filed 2 Indian Patents

  • Title of Invention: TOP SLIDING DRIVING HELMET FOR BETTER AIR VENTILATION WITH IOT FEATURES, Application No.202141005226A, Publication Date : 19/02/2021,
iOS Apps approved by App Store



Certification Course on iOS App Development

Phase 1: 16th July 2022 till 10th December 2022

Department of CSE organized Certification Program on “Apple iOS App Development using Swift C Language and XCode” for the students of Fifth Semester BE CSE. The Certification Course was started on 16th July 2022 till 10th December 2022. The Certification Program was conducted on every Saturday from 09.00 AM to 05.00 PM.

Mr. Mahesh Naik, Software Developer from ViaCom18, Bangalore was the resource person for this program. Mr. Mahesh Naik was working as iOS Developer at Code Craft Solutions Pvt Ltd, Mangalore from August 2018 to December 2020. He was working as iOS Developer in Robosoft Technologies Udupi from January 2021 onwards. Currently he is working in Viacom18 Pvt. Ltd as a iOS developer.

He applied Apple’s Swift C development language to code native

apps for iOS platform. The program was started informally by introducing the trainer Mr. Mahesh Naik to the students by the coordinator Mr. Venkatesh. After the introduction of the trainer, HOD CSE suggested the students to grab the opportunities of the training and to develop some apps in this environment.

The trainer divided the course into two phases: Six Weeks of Training Phase and Five Weeks of App Development phase. The training program is again divided into two halves. In the first half, Mr. Mahesh trained the students in the area of programming using Swift C in X-Code environment. In the second half, he trained the students in the area of iOS Programming in X-Code environment.

Mr. Mahesh Naik trained the students in planned way so that the students can learn and understand the topics covered in the training phase.

During App Development phase, the coordinator divided the students into Five batches with the guidance of the trainer Mr. Mahesh Naik. After the discussion with the students, he allotted the apps to each batch for development. The App development phase was ended on 10th December 2022. All the batches are initiated with their app development.

Phase 2: 28th Jan 2023 till 10th June 2023

Department of CSE organized an Extended Training Program on “Apple iOS Programming using Swift C Language and XCode” for the students of Third Semester BE CSE. The Training was started on 28th January 2023. The training Program was planned for Five Weeks. The Training Program was conducted every Saturday from 09.00 AM to 05.00 PM.

The students were enjoyed in this training with writing and executing the programs to few simple problems like getting the temperature from various countries and displaying it, designing simple user interfaces to some simple apps, designing multiple view controller operations, creating outlets etc…

The Trainer divided the students into four batches and asked the students to get the idea to implement the Apps. He got several ideas from the students. He discussed about complexity of the their idea which they may face during the implementation.

Total 29 students of third semester from CSE department of AIET were registered and benefited from the training.

Mr. Mahesh Naik Guided the trained students in flow of covering the topics during the training program.

List of Apps assigned to the students

Batch No



Title of the App





























































Image Vault















Note Making













Alvas Pay








Certification Course on Data Science and Data Analytics

Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized FIVE DAYS Certification Program on “Data Science and Data Analytics” for the students of V Semester CSE, AIET Moodbidri in association with Techtalk Systems Private Limited, Bangalore. The Certification Program was conducted from 13th September 2021 to 17th September 2021.

The inauguration function was held at LH 104 main building AIET. The MC for the inauguration function was Ms. Megha D Hegde, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE. Dr. Manjunath Kotari, the Head of the Department of CSE was presided over the function. Dr. Manjunath Kotari addressed the student, in his inaugural talk, about the importance of the certification courses, and suggested the students to grab the hidden knowledge of the resource person by making the session an interactive one. Mr. Venkatesh, Senior Associate Professor, Department of CSE, was coordinating the Certification course.

Mr. Pavan Kumar, Techtalk Systems Private Limited was the resource person for this Certification Program. He is expertise in Remote Sensing, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and DevOps at L&T Technology Services.

The total syllabus of the course was divided into eleven modules. Where each module was theory and practical-oriented. Module 1 was about a brief overview of python, the Installation step of python software PyChram and Idle. Module 2 was about the General Syntax and Flow Control, Variables, keywords, functions, operators, Expressions. Module 3 and 4 was focused on Data types, Exception handling and default packages in python. Module 5 and 6 were about Statistics and Mathematics, Statistics for Data Science. The remaining modules were focused on some ML-related concepts, SVM Model, Supervised and Unsupervised Learning.

After the certification course, the trainer gave the assessment test on the topics studied in the training hours. Total there were twenty-five questions in the assessment test, to be solved by one hour and based on their score the certificates were issued.

Finally, the certificates were distributed to all the participants.

List of Students Registered

Total there were 60 students have successfully attended the certification course on Data Science and Data Analytics certification course.

. USN Name
5 4AL19CS005 AJAY. N
7 4AL19CS013 ASHIK H R
18 4AL19CS040 JAYANTH. G
19 4AL19CS041 K. VINAY
21 4AL19CS045 KAVYA K.P.
29 4AL19CS064 PRAJNA S P
35 4AL19CS076 RISHAB V
  USN Name
13 4AL19CS093 SNEHA U B
14 4AL19CS092 SINDHU R
20 4AL19CS106 VIKAS T N
21 4AL19CS107 VINAY C T

iOS App Development Certification Course

Department of CSE organized Certification Program on “Apple iOS App Development using Swift C Language and XCode” for the students of Fifth Semester CSE. The Certification Course was started on 23rd October 2021. The Certification Program was conducted on every Saturday. Mr. Mahesh Naik, Software Developer from ViaCom18, Bangalore was the resource person for this program.

The program was started informally by introducing the trainer Mr. Mahesh Naik to the students by the coordinator Mr. Venkatesh. Mr.Mahesh Naik started his session by clarifying the students about the importance of the iOS. After this he started the course as per the syllabus according to his plan.

The trainer divided the course into two phases: Six Weeks of Training Phase and Six Weeks of App Development phase.

The Training Phase was conducted from 23rd October 2021 to 18th December 2021. The App Development Phase was conducted from 01st January 2022 to 05th February 2022 on each Saturdays.

Total 28 students were registered and benefited from the training.

He researched and selected APIs for integration into development projects. He worked with quality assurance team to confirm app compatibility with analogous solutions on other platforms.

He instructed junior developers on use of Swift programming language, creating collaborative learning environment to onboard personnel.

He took the responsibility of developing some real-time apps like some tournaments to be developed in iOS platform etc… and he finished in deploying the apps successfully. He Followed Apple’s Human Interface guidelines to create products aligned with iOS UI norms. He achieved 100% app store approval rate on developed applications.

He designed user experience frameworks applicable to multiple screen sizes, including both iPad and iPhone.

Mr. Mahesh Naik trained the students in planned way so that the students can learn and understand the topics covered in the training phase.


Certification course on Apple iOS

Department of CSE organized Certification Program on “Apple iOS App Development using Swift C Language and XCode”. There are 27 students who were registered for Apple iOS Certification Course from 2nd year CSE. The Certification Program was planned to conduct on every Saturday from 06th February 2021 onwards to the end of the even Semester. Mr. Mahesh Naik, the iOS Developer at Robosoft Technologies Udupi, was the Resource Person for this Certification Program.

He instructed students on the use of Swift programming language, creating a collaborative learning environment to onboard personnel. the various topics covered by him during the session are iOS overview, introduction to Xcode and swift, Basic Syntax, Decision Making and Loops, Strings and Characters, Arrays, Sets, Dictionaries, Functions and Closures, Enum, Structures and Classes, Inheritance.

He also explained how to work with the concepts like Initialization and Deinitialization, ARC overview, Optional Chaining, Typecasting, Extensions, Protocols, Generics, Access Control. The resource person is planning to end the course during the second week of May 2021. After that, he is planning to form six teams of four to five students in each team. He is planning to assign one app to each team.

Online certification course

Due to Covid-19 Lockdown, Dept. had given a list of platforms like Coursera, Udemy, Cisco, VMware, Salesforce, Mathworks, AWS, RPA, Uipath, Great Learning through which students can do the online certification course. All the final year students a certification course of duration more than 30 hours.

A certification course is a way to learn a new skill or gain some new knowledge from the comfort of your own home. They can either be paid or offered for free. Some are offered by educational institutions, while others are produced by experts in their field. Many students have opted for java foundation course and database management course from oracle academy, which was for around 30 hours duration.

The most important thing for a certification course is for it to be engaging and to deliver a clear outcome. An online certification course is an academic course (usually a non-degree certificate program) that can be earned primarily or entirely on a distance learning basis through the use of an Internet-connected computer, rather than attending college in a traditional campus setting. Online courses are revolutionizing formal education, and have opened a new genre of outreach on cultural and scientific topics.

Many students of 3rd year opted for the different courses from great learning platforms. The different courses are Java programming, python basics, data structures, Processing management in OS, Computer vision basics, etc. They were very enthusiastic about completing the course. All students submitted their certificates.



Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology conducted a two days National Level Workshop on “Blockchain Technologies” for for all external participants from various Departments, organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Association with EMURGO Academics on 27th Sep to 4th Oct 2019.The workshop was inaugurated by the Principal Dr. Peter Fernandes, AIET, Dr. Praveen J Dean (Aca), Prof. Manjunath Kothari, H.O.D, Dept. CSE and all The HODs of various departments and all staff members and student volunteers were also present during the inauguration function and also total 52 participants had been attended in this workshop.



  • EMURGO Global is the official commercial and venture arm of the Cardano project, registered in Tokyo since June 2017 and in Singapore since May 2018. Being a pioneer in the space of Blockchain, EMURGO enables pragmatic solutions by leveraging “3rd Generation Blockchain Technology- Cardano”. We work closely in a unique affiliation with IOHK, to promote Cardano’s adoption and growth of its ecosystem, globally by building, investing, and advising projects and organizations that adopt Cardano’s decentralized blockchain ecosystem. With a strong presence in Singapore, New York, and Indonesia; we have now recently set foot in India.
  • EMURGO Academy is a Global Blockchain Learning Solutions entity of EMURGO Global established in Jan 2019 to focus on incubation, Training and evangelising Blockchain to foster deep fundamental understanding of blockchain technology and thus establish an education program to drive practical usage of blockchain technology around the globe.


Workshop goals:


  • Getting the participants familiar with the blockchain technology and understanding what makes it revolutionary.
  • After the workshop, participants should be able recognize the advantages of the blockchain technology as well as its limitations.
  • Besides that, they should be able to roughly asses how the blockchain technology might be implemented in their company/organization, what benefits it would bring, what challenges would arise and what resources would be needed for the implementation.


End of the session collected oral feedback from the Resource person and also from participants for the better enhancement of training programs in future.

Apple iOS App Development using Swift C and XCode

Department of CSE organized Certification Program on “Apple iOS App Development using Swift C Language and XCode”. Mrs. Seema Nair, CEO, CalibreCode Solutions Pvt. Ltd was the Resource Person for the Certification Programme. The resource person Mrs. Seema Nair trained for 30 students of 4th SEM BE CSE, AIET. Mr. Venkatesh Senior Associate Professor, Dept of CSE was the coordinator of this certification course.



The Certification Programme was conducted in 2 different slots First Phase was conducted 24th February 2020 to 01st March 2020 and Second Phase was planned during May 2020.


The students developed the features of Apple iOS App development like image display, and some animations with images, Databases using SQLite, Multi tab Communication, Drawing tables, Multi window communications Network Communications etc during the First Phase of Certification Programme. 



The following Apple iOS Apps are planned to develop during the Certification period.



Hospital Daily Monitoring Checklist


Bhavya S


Ambika V


Anvitha H M




Anusha K


Jaison Jaideep Lobo





Oral Cancer Diagnosis



Pramod P M




T K KoushikChinnappa


Prasanna Kumar T R


Nikhil Kumar


Shaikh NumaanImtiyaz





Event Management




B A Sohankumar


Adarsha N Y




AnushRatnakar Shetty


Ijaz Ibrahim





Government Exams – Notifications, Schedule and Reference material


Ponica J


Prathusha K A


Pooja D S




Raveena C Hulikatti





(Voice based Email)


Amrutha G


Anjali Manohar Prabhu




Sudarshan C Shetty




Ritika Kulkarni


Swapna M D


Certification Programme 2018-19| Cyber Security

8 days Certification Course on “Cyber Security” was organized from 18th  February 2019 to 25th  February 2019 by Department of CSE, Alva’s Institute of Engineering & Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka with Technical Collaboration of Computer Society of India Student Chapter and Co-Sponsored by Dlithe Bangalore.

The formal inaugural function was graced by the presence of Managing Trustee Sri. Vivek Alva,  Principal Dr Peter Fernandes,  Head of the Department Dr. Manjunath Kotari,  Mr. Arun V Raj Purohith, CEO Dlithe Bangalore, Mr. Deepak Bhatt, Information Security Consultant & Trainer, Infosectrain and CSI Student Branch Counsellor Prof. Harish Kunder.


The Resource Person Mr. Deepak Bhatt had given following assignments along with the hands-on training:

  • Students are asked to do a study on IPV4 addressing and to know how to set their kali Linux repository
  • Introduction to Linux File System and Command Line 
  • Different Phases of Hacking
  • Information Discovery
  • Scanning
  • Gaining Access
  • Using Various Methods of Password Cracking
  • Hackathon

On the final day, the hackathon was conducted for all the participants. Following assignments were given.

  • Windows XP hacking ( Get the password key from the SAM FOLDER, also get system access) – 10 min
  • Windows 7 hacking ( Get the password key from the SAM FOLDER) – 20 min
  • Troll 2 Machine Hacking ( Get the root access) – 20 min 
  • Hackademic 1 hacking ( Get the root and key.txt file inside the root) – 30 min 

Mr Deepak (resource person) monitored and judged the students based on their successful completion and time taken to complete

Following were the winners

  1. Priyanka, Sneha( Hacked Windows XP, Windows 7, Hacademics, Troll2 ( Reached half))
  2. Jayaraj ,Druvil ( Hacked Windows XP, Windows 7, Hacademics, Troll2 ( Reached half))
  3. Niharika, Rahul ( Hacked Windows XP, Windows 7, Hacademics )

About  70 CSE students were registered for the course and obtained a Certificate from the Dlithe Bangalore.

Dell EMC- Data Science and Big Data Analytics

Department of CSE organized Certification Program on “Data Science and Big Data Analytics”. The Certification  Programme was held during 3rd September 2018 – 8th September 2018. The inauguration of the programme was held on 3rd Sept 2018 at Engineering Seminar Hall. This Certification programme was held in association with ICT Academy Chennai and Dell-EMC, Bangalore. Mr Dineshkumar Gandhi, Sr. Technical Trainer, ICT Academy, Ms Fareha Hareem Sr. Trainer Dell-EMC and Mr Basavadarshan, ICT Academy Relationship Manager were present during the inauguration.  Mr Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee inaugurated the Certification programme along with Dr Manjunath Kotari, HOD CSE and Resource Persons of the Certification Programme. About 121 CSE students participated and 81 students successfully Completed DELL-EMC Certification Exam.


Machine Learning using Python Programming

Department of CSE organized Certification Program on “Machine Learning using Python Programming”. The Certification Programme was held during 27th August 2018 to 1st September 2018. The inauguration of the programme was held on 27th Sept 2018 at Engineering Seminar Hall. This Certification programme was held in association with Dlithe Software, Bangalore. Mr Arun Rajpurohit and Mr N.Sridhar Murthy Dlithe Software were the resource persons of the Certification Programme. About 81 CSE students were participated in this hands-on training session of Machine learning using Python.

Dlithe have assigned the mini projects to the students to practice Python programming, machine learning during their 7th semester. This will help them to keep them abrupt with technology.  Students will also practice an agile way of working. Students have learnt using cloud code repositories such as “GIT HUB” and they will use it during project execution.


Dlithe will engage students on a fortnightly basis and do an on-premise review to check the progress. Students are also appraised with Internship report which they must follow and update regularly based on project progress.

The projects belong to the following area: Banking & Finance, Retail, Entertainment / Social Media, Academics, Agriculture

The objective of these project executions is built an application that can increase customer experience and optimize operational excellence.



Problem statement





Postal department in India plays an important role in letter communication. In the digital world, we still see many letters address is handwritten and processing, sorting takes more time. Department would like to have a solution for faster sorting, processing of letters. 

Batch 1

USN: Spoc



The solution can be extended to all courier services companies. Also, explore other applicability of text/image processing


The police department and Intelligence Bureau are always finding it difficult to trace thieves, terrorists, rowdy sheeters since they change their appearance and freely roam around. Department would like to nab them using an intelligent system  


USN: Spoc




Usually, the camera is installed and images are stored. Can you make use of this data set and build an AI platform?


AIET website is awesome. However, a BOT would add value to increase customer experience and will result in operational excellence. Can you build a BOT for this?

Batch 3

USN: Spoc


Use text and voice datasets 


The bank is experiencing a huge crowd during festival times. The bank manager is confused to take any decisions as the employees are distributed to serve customers with a defined plan. Can you build a platform to solve this problem?



Use sound decibel device, integrate with Python programming to Analyze the sound patterns and provide a decision-making solution


Banks, Financial Institutions, Insurance companies always find it difficult when it comes to cheque processing. The difficult part is to match the signature and often cheques get rejected. On the other side customer experiencing it hard about the returns. Can you build a platform with AI to match the text with the nearest set?

Batch 5

USN: Spoc




The solution can also be useful for fraud prevention


A major retail vendor is introduced many new brands, however, he is confused about the future of these brands and modification needed? Can you analyse the companies twitter tweets or feeds and help them to give some decision?

Batch 6

USN: Spoc



This can be applied to many industry segments


AIET can be benefitted more if ALEXA can be integrated with college infrastructure and make it functional to use it during inaugural functions like sports, tech, annual etc

Batch 7

USN: Spoc


Hema R, Varsha S


Pre-Final Year: Below is the assignment to practice during their 5th& 6th Semester

  • Make a web application to predict the customer eligibility for a loan by analyzing the previous data
  • Implement the basic idea of a self-driving car using Open CV and Neural networks
  • Create a web tool to predict the stock market by analyzing previous data
  • Design a chat application to give a suggestion by analyzing the user previous messages
  • Create a home security system by analyzing the patterns of a person moving in the home using OpenCV or sensors
  • Build an application to predict diabetics by analyzing the test report of a patient
  • Develop a system to unlock the door by using facial recognition and facial expression recognition


Apple iOS App Development using Swift C and XCode (2018)

Department of CSE organized Certification Program on “Apple iOS App Development using Swift C Language and XCode”. The Certification  Programme was conducted in 2 different slots First Phase was conducted 10-07-2018 to 03-08-2018 and Second Phase was conducted during 24-09-2018 to 06-10-2018. Mrs Seema Nair, CEO, CalibreCode Solutions Pvt. Ltd was the Resource Person for the Certification Programme. The resource person Mrs Seema Nair trained around 25 students of 5th SEM BE CSE, AIET. Mr. Venkatesh Senior Associate Professor, Dept of CSE was the coordinator of this internship program.

The students developed the features of Apple iOS App development like image display, and some animations with images, Databases using SQLite, Multi-tab Communication, Drawing tables, Multi-window communications Network Communications etc during the First Phase of Certification Programme. 

The following Apple iOS Apps were developed during the Certification period.




























































In the above-listed apps, the following apps were published in the Apple App Store and available to the public to freely download.











iOS Certification Course

Department of CSE organized Certification Program on “Apple iOS App Development using Swift C Language and XCode”. The Certification Program was conducted in 2 different phases. First Phase was conducted 16-02-2019 to 23-02-2019 and Second Phase was conducted during 22-04-2019 to 24-04-2019. Mrs. Seema Nair, CEO, CalibreCode Solutions Pvt. Ltd was the Resource Person for the Certification Program. The resource person Mrs. Seema Nair trained around 36 students of 4th SEM BE CSE, AIET. Mr. Venkatesh Senior Associate Professor, Dept of CSE was the coordinator of this certification program.


Department of ISE also conducted the certification program in two phases for ISE branch students. The first phase is from 25-02-2019 to 04-03-2019. The second phase is from 25-04-2019 to 27-04-2019. The resource person Mrs. Seema Nair trained around 40 students of ISE branch. Mr. Manjunath H. R, Dept of ISE was the coordinator of this certification program.

The students were developed the features of Apple iOS App development like image display, and some animations with images, Databases using SQLite, Multi tab Communication, Drawing tables, Multi window communications Network Communications etc. during the First Phase of Certification Program. During the second phase of the program, Mrs. Seema Nair shows her interest on finishing the App designed by the students and get it to upload to the iOS Appstore.

Apps Developed

This section describes about the various Apps developed by the students of CSE and ISE during the certification course time.

Mrs. Seema Nair prepared the six batches in CSE and six batches in ISE. Each batch containing six members. She distributed separate Apps for each batch. HOD CSE and HOD ISE assigned the faculty members of CSE and ISE as a guide for each batch.

The list of the Apps is shown in the table below:

Sl. No

Name of the App

Team Leader

Guide Name







Prof. Venkatesh





Prof. Manjunath H. R.





Prof. Jayanth Rathod





Dr. Manjunath Kotari





Prof. Sayeesh





Prof. Harish Kunder





Prof. Venkatesh





Prof. Parikshith Nayaka S. K.


In the above listed apps, the following apps were published in Apple App Store and available to public to freely download.







Twist Tac Toe



Apple iOS App Development using Swift C and XCode

Department of CSE organized 45 days Certification Program on “Apple iOS App Development using Swift C Language and XCode”. The internship Program was conducted from 01-08-2017 to 03-02-2018 with intervals. The Certification Program was inaugurated by Mr. Divyang and Mr. Sudheep Jha, Monkfox, Bangalore. Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD CSE, AIET and Mr. Venkatesh Bhat Senior Associate Professor were present during the inauguration. The resource person Mr. Sudheep Jha and Mr. Divyang trained around 50 students of 6th SEM BE CSE, AIET. Mr. Venkatesh Senior Associate Professor, Dept of CSE was the coordinator of this internship program.

The students learned various features of Apple iOS App development like image display, and some animations with images, Databases using SQLite, Multi-tab Communication, Drawing tables, Multi-window communications Network Communications etc….

The following Apple iOS Apps were developed during the internship period.

Sl No






Ashwini P Shetty







Deeksha Shetty



Devika Shetty



Hemanth Kumar T



Shilpa Shetty




Sneha K N






Srujana G B









Adithya M Naik




Algeena Carol D’ Souza






Sachin Pandith



Vilasraj Pandith



Prajwal P



Arpitha S

Automated Time Table Generator



Ashritha Jain R









Nidhi Chakravarthy

Online Cake Ordering Application



Shruthi Salian



Priyanka B M



Luxmi Devi



Kalavara Deekshith Raj

2 – Player Tank Survival Game



H. Akshay Kedlaya



Heisnam Sursita Devi

Image Mode Changing









Arshitha M S



Jasmine Princy Lobo

Travel Update App






Jolyn Tellis



Chithra R G

Tic – Tac – Toe



Anu Prakash



Ganesh S







Blogging App



Rakshitha M



Shetty Nikhetha



Pramod K S



Rahul Nayak



Afithya Shetty

Quick Chat






Arjun V



Jeffin Boban




Web Programming and Product Development

Department of CSE organized a 10 days Certification Programme on “Web Programming and Product Development” from 22nd January 2018 to 03 February 2018. For the students of II Year CSE Students. Mr. Chandrashekhar Rao Kuthyaru, CEO, Sangamon Services Pvt Ltd, Mangalore was the chief resource person of this course. Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD, CSE, Mr. Venkatesh Bhat, Sr. Associate Professor, CSE Dept. were present during the course.

The course began with simple HTML program development including Style Sheets, Java Scripts, PHP, etc… Later, 9 teams of the students developed the following Projects under the guidance of Resource Person Mr. Chandrashekhar Rao Kuthyaru:

1) Vishal Nayak and team – Student Information System

2) Pratheeksha and team – Alva Hana 

3) Safnaaz and team – Edu-Santhe

4) Rachana and team – Summer Internship

5) Divyashree and team – Bus Information System

6) Thaizeera and team – TempKam – for temporary jobs

7) Manish and team – Chitra Santhe – Alva’s photo gallery

8) Rakesh and team – Alva’s Tech Forum

9) Harshitha and team – Alva’s Guest Album

Core Java and Advanced Java

Department of CSE organized a 5 days Certification Programme on “Core Java & Advanced Java” from 16th to 20th January 2018.  The inauguration of certification course was held on 16th January 2018 in MBA Seminar Hall. Resource person Mr. Chandra Shekar Rao, Sangam One Connected Services, Bangalore, Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD CSE, Prof. Venkatesh, Dept of CSE were present during the inauguration.  The Certification course was started with a sample Java Program and students were made to make small projects every day.  The resource person explained all the concepts by using hands-on session. About 127 CSE 2nd year students were participated and certified during this course. At the end of the course, the resource person evaluated a project for 100 marks and certificates were distributed accordingly.


The following projects were executed at the end of the certification programme.

  1. Print Multiplication Tables from N1 to N2 after taking input from Console, input from the file.  Print to be sent to Output File

  1. There are 100 prison cells in a row. All cells are locked Jailer is given permission to release any number of prisoners. In Round 1, Jailer opens all the doors.   In Round 2, he closes every alternate door (2, 4, 6…).  In Round 3, every third door (3, 6, 9 …) if Door is Open, he closes it.   If Door is closed, he opens it.  In Round 4, every fourth door (4, 8, 12…), if Door is open, he closes it.  If Door is closed, he opens it.  He does this for 100 Rounds.  At the end, who are the lucky prisoners?


  1. Our College Clock is showing 9 am.  Compute the angle between the Hour hand and the Minute hand and add it to any Collection such as Map, TreeMap, SortedMap, HashMap or LinkedHashMap.  It should show Time: Angle in Degrees from 9:00 am to 8:55 pm with a spacing of 5 minutes.
  2. There are 20+ trains departing from Mangalore Railway Station MAQ.  These train numbers are available in file trainMAQ.txt.  For each Train No, there is a separate text file containing Train No, Train Name, Frequency, Category of Train, Starting Time, Route, Kilometers, Stations en route etc. Eg. 12620.txt will contain details of Matsyagandha Express. You have to take input Train Number from Console and then display the Time Table of that train.  If Train is not running that day, it should give a message, ” No Train today.”.  Print all trains starting from MAQ between 5 am and 8 am.
  3. Alva’s PU College has provided us with the Marks List of 26 students in a certain text file format. This contains Name. Gender, Roll No, English Marks, Maths Marks, Physics Marks, Chemistry Maths, Biology Maths, Class.  Please print the names of Toppers in each Subject and also the college Gold Medalist. There should be an automatic letter generated by the Principal congratulating the top rankers on their performance giving suitable details.   Input file attached.

Certification Program on SOFTWARE TESTING & AUTOMATION

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering had conducted a Four Days Certification Program on Software Testing from 28th October to 31st October 2017 for the third year CSE students of AIET. The resource person for the certification program was Mrs. Seema Nair, CEO, Calibre Code Solutions Private Limited, Bangalore.

During this course of program, Mrs. Seema Nair has covered many topics on software testing such as Testing web pages, finding bugs, off code usage in software testing, automating the web, testing ideas, recording and finding the bugs, coding the website and logging automatically, Selenium tool and its usage, creating the test cases, Framework and tools that are used in software testing,

Some hands-on training on testing various websites, debugging was also provided in these sessions. Each session in the program was very interactive and found to be interesting for the students. 


Certification Programmes for Students

Apart from the Placement Training to Pre-Final Years and Final Years, the Department of Computer Science & Engineering offering following certification programmes for the academic year 2017-18. The details of the courses conducted is available in Workshops & Training for Students link.

  • Apple ioS App Development Course- 15 Days.
  • Software Testing & Automation- 4 Days.
  • Core Java & Advanced Java- 5 Days.
  • Web Development Programming- 10 Days.

Uniqueness of the Department


Department of Computer Science & Engineering was accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi valid from 01-07-2019 to 30-06-2022 for the period of 3 years. To keep pace with latest technologies, department has employed experienced and dedicated faculty with strong commitment towards the research work. The department is dedicated to education, research and overall excellence.

  • Intel-FICE Lab was established with Atom Processors in the year 2013-14.
  • Apple iOS Developer Lab was established in the year 2014-15. Department is recognized as “iOS Developer University Program” with institution id 6MKL3RX9SK from Apple Developer Program Support during January 2015.
  • Edwin’s Linux Lab was established during 2015-16 to promote the open source softwares.


Consultancy Projects / Innovation projects

Sl. No.

Financial Year

Name of faculty and Students

Client Organization

Title of Consultancy of project ( kindly attach the Abstract )




Parikshith Nayaka S K

Alva’s Naturopathy Hospital

Website Development (www.alvasanandamaya.in )


Ravi K R



Karthik M R






Marsh Vishal








Hospital Management App




Dr. Mohideen Badhusha S

Alva’s Homeopathy College, Mijar

Smart Campus System


Datta Kiran

Jayraj Chirag K

Shah Dhruvil Amit

Shetty Satvik R


2021-22 Ms. Shilpa AIET Students Academic Welfare (SAW) ERP On Going
D Richard Frenklin
K S Prajwal
C K Chethan
Laxman Pundalik Budhihal
M Mahammed Asif
M R Jeevan
Jyothi B R


Department is actively involved in MoU / Academic Collaborations with various organizations like

  • National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL), Gadanki, Chittoor, AP.
  • National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Hyderabad
  • Regional Remote Sensing Centre (RRSC)-South Bangalore
  • ISRO Head Quarters, Bangalore
  • IIIT, Allahabad
  • Kumamoto University, Japan
  • HAL, Bangalore
  • Calibre Code Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore
  • VihanSudhan Technologies, Mysore
  • Oscki Labs, Bangalore
  • Dlithe, Bengaluru


Department student Forum is active in Innovative Programmes like

  • Kaliyona Computer– A Rural Computer Education Camp, in which engineering students will teach the computer basics to Rural Govt Kannada Medium School students. Department use to donate the Computers to school during this program.
  • Department has conducted many such programs every year to be specific
  1. High School, Naravi, Belthangadi Taluk, D.K
  2. Govt High School & Primary School, Kamalashile, Kundapura Taluk, Udupi
  3. Govt High School, Venoor, Belthangadi Taluk, D.K
  4. Govt High School & S.V.S PU College, Gongalli, Kundapura Taluk, Udupi Dist
  5. M High School, Kalasa, Chikmagalur Dist
  6. High School, Marodi, Belthangadi Tq, D.K
  7. Govt High School, Januvar Katte, Udupi Dist
  • Linux Awareness Program for first year students to promote the Open Source Softwares.

830 +
Number of Students

30 +
Number of Faculties

410 +

97 %
  • Vision

    “Engendering competent, excellent professionals by transforming the knowledge and computing skills to individuals through modern innovative tools and techniques”.

  • Mission
    • To produce skilled, creative software developers through rigorous training.
    • To conduct specific technical courses to keep abreast to the latest technological developments and transformations in the domain.
    • To establish Industry-Institute Interaction programs to enhance the skills of employability and entrepreneurship.
    • To implement the ideas of research and innovations in interdisciplinary domains.

    The graduates of Computer Science & Engineering will be able to

    • PEO1: Exhibit the knowledge and skillsets to adapt to the dynamic technological transformations and developments in the field of Computer Science and Engineering.
    • PEO2: Get adapted to a corporate working environment discharging entrusted duties competently and be able to stay updated on the emerging technological changes to initiate start-ups.
    • PEO3: Get engaged in an innovative career to exploit new ideas for gaining social and economic values or to pursue higher studies in the field of research.

    A graduate of the Computer Science and Engineering Program will exhibit:

    • PSO1: Professional Skills: The ability to understand & implement the computer programs in the areas of Computer Architecture, System Software, Database Management Systems, Web Design, Multimedia and Computer Networking.
    • PSO2: Problem-Solving Skills: The ability to solve real-world problems by the suitable mathematical model with strong technological concepts in the rapidly growing arena of computer technology.
    • PSO3: Successful Career and Entrepreneurship: Knowledge in diverse areas of Software Engineering and Management & Entrepreneurship for IT Industry, conducive in cultivating skills for successful career development.

Placed Students

2020 - 21


2020 - 21



2020 - 21



2020 - 21






PhD Guidence


Date: 30/06/2023 & 01/07/2023 Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Alva’s Institute of Engineering & Technology, Moodbidri organized 2 days...

Hands-on Session on Java Programming

DATE & Time: 8/3/23 TO 10/3/2023, 9AM-5PM Resource People: Final Year Students Venue: DBMS and CN laboratory Department of CSE,...

KALIYONA COMPUTER-Rural Computer Education Camp

DATE: 27/02/2023-28/02/2023 VENUE: KARNATAKA PUBLIC SCHOOL,VANDSE,NEMPU KUNDAPURA. Department of Computer Science & Engineering student’s association C-Maniax Forum conducted a Rural...


Date: 18th November 2022 Venue: AIET, Auditorium Chief Guest: Mr. Abhijith Shetty,Vice President, Juego Studios Mangalore. CMANIAX student’s forum of...


Date: 24th and 25th June 2022 Alva’s Institute of Engineering & Technology, Moodbidri organized a 2 days(24th & 25th June)...

KALIYONA COMPUTER-Rural Computer Education Camp

DATE & VENUE: 15th and 16th June 2022 at GPUC Bailur Department of Computer Science & Engineering student’s association C-Maniax...


DATE: 16th and 17th December Wartecx was an inter-branch technical fest conducted by the CMANIAX forum of the CSE department...

Tech Kshetra

DATE: 11th And 12th October 2021 Tech kshetra event was conducted by the C-Maniax forum members, of the Computer Science...

Fund Donation to Snehalaya Charitable Trust

C-Maniax forum Computer Science and Engineering conducted 2 days inter-college Online technical fest named Technofia-2021 on 26th & 27th June...

C Kaliyona Workshop

Date: 21/10/2021 and 22/10/2021 Venue: A SECTION-MACHINE EARNING LAB B SECTION-INTERNET LAB C SECTION-PCD LAB Time: 9AM-5PM(both the days) C...



Algoris Club was inaugurated on 26th Nov,2022. Dr.Bharathkumar M, Solution Architect, Niveous Solutions, Mangalore. After the inauguration of the Algoris Club Dr. Bharathkumar M, gave a talk on “Scheduling Algorithms In Infrastructure As Service(IaaS)” on 26th November, 2022.

Dr. Bharath Kumar M explained the various concepts of Scheduling Algorithms In Infrastructure As Service. Students were introduced to Scheduling Algorithm concepts.  All the students learnt about Iaas is also known as Hardware as a Service (HaaS). It is one of the layers of the cloud computing platform. It allows customers to outsource their IT infrastructures such as servers, networking, processing, storage, virtual machines, and other resources. Customers access these resources on the Internet using a pay-as-per use model.

In traditional hosting services, IT infrastructure was rented out for a specific period of time, with pre-determined hardware configuration. The client paid for the configuration and time, regardless of the actual use. With the help of the IaaS cloud computing platform layer, clients can dynamically scale the configuration to meet changing requirements and are billed only for the services actually used. IaaS cloud computing platform layer eliminates the need for every organization to maintain the IT infrastructure. IaaS is offered in three models: public, private, and hybrid cloud. The private cloud implies that the infrastructure resides at the customer-premise. In the case of public cloud, it is located at the cloud computing platform vendor’s data center, and the hybrid cloud is a combination of the two in which the customer selects the best of both public cloud and private cloud. Further, students were asked questions and get familiar with basic algorithms in computer science. 

Principal Dr.Peter Fernades, addressed the gathering and appreciated the Algoris Club members for formal beginning of the club activity. Also, he suggested to conduct many more innovative activities in the Algoris Club.  Dr.Manjunath Kotari, HoD CSE gave the importance of the Algorithms in Curriculum and CSE students life span. He suggested to conduct competitions in Algorithm writing by solving complex problems of real time scenarios. Mrs.Deeksma M proposed the vote of thanks. About 115 student of Algoris Club were attended the session.

Placement Opportunity and Preparation


Resource Person: Mr.Mohith Puthuraya, Director and CTO, Amazon Services, USA.

Department Of CSE, CMANIAX Forum Oragazied a Technical Talk On the Topic on 01/10/2022.Dr.Manjunath Kotari, HOD CSE welcomed the guest.

Mr. Mohith Puthuraya started the session by explaining about how should one prepare for placement.He gave few tips for aptitude preparations for placements like Solve random aptitude-based tasks constantly & consistently, Gather previous aptitude test papers & solve them to get hands-on experience, Talk to professionals/seniors in your domain & ask for relevant tips etc.

 He continued the talk by explaining about why placement preparation is important? .He mentioned Preparing for the placements is the first step to starting one’s professional career. It also paves a path for a Professional Career, hence ensuring a bright future. Placements are very significant in one’s life to kick-start one’s career. He also mentioned some of the websites to refer to improve aptitude skils and also communication.

The session continued by explaining about types of placement,and how to buid your resume.He said Campus placements relieve you from the stress of filling up lengthy applications. All you need is a well-worded resume. It should be brief and clear. Use the words given in the company’s job description. And do not forget to highlight your skills. This way, you will explain why the firm should hire you etc. He also said students to stay updated like to browse the news portal in its field. Absorb as much information as possible. Doing this creates the impression that you live in the present. And you know topical events.

The session was very interesting and it helped our students to understand about importance of placements. Overall 115 students of final year CSE were attended the session.

Basics of API with postman

Date: 19th November 2022

Venue: AIET, Auditorium

Chief Guest: Dr. Mohit P Tahilaini,Professor,NITK SURATHKAL.

Technical talk on “Basics of API with Postman” was organized by CMANIAX FORUM OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,AIET. Dr.Manjunath Kotari,HOD,Computer science and engineering welcomed the guest.

The session started with the introduction about basics of API, building the test suit, import a postman collection. Postman is an application used for API testing. It is an HTTP client that tests HTTP requests, utilizing a graphical user interface, through which we obtain different types of responses that need to be subsequently validated.

Later the session continued with introducing API in layman’s terms and explained why it is important and the role it plays in technology. He introduced about Postman API classroom program by COSH (Center for Open-source Software and Hardware), NITK.hands on session on API testing with postman,download and install postman,postman navigation,create new request in postman,get response in postman was covered in the session.

Later students were asked to register for the course and complete the course to get the certificates. The session was very good and it helped our students to understand the basics of API with postman and how to test API with postman. Overall 400 students of CSE were attended the session.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning


Resource Person: Mrs. Swagath, AI Implementation Engineer at IBM

Department Of CSE, CMANIAX Forum Oragazied a Technical Talk On the Topic “Artificial Intelligence and machine learning” on 02/12/2022.

Mrs. Vidya Assistant professor, Mrs. Reena Lobo, forum coordinator welcomed the guest. The session started with a introduction about artificial intelligence, Artificial Intelligence has made a lot of advancements recently. There is a lot of research happening in almost all fields of AI like quantum computing, healthcare, autonomous vehicles, computer vision, the Internet of Things, robotics, and more. She also mentioned Artificial Intelligence is the study of how to make computer do things which at the moment people do The better. Primary goal of artificial intelligence is to improve computer behavior so that it can be called intelligent. 

Later she continued by explaining about Machine learning (ML) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows software applications to become more accurate at predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed to do so. Machine learning algorithms use historical data as input to predict new output values. However, generally speaking, there are three types of machine learning algorithms: supervised machine learning algorithms, unsupervised machine learning algorithms and reinforcement machine learning algorithms. 

She also mentioned that now a days machine learning and AI plays a very important role in industries .Resource person advised all the students to take up the online courses ,practice the problems and try to solve some basic real world problems which will be helpful for the students to improve themselves in the area of AIML.

The session was very interesting and it helped our students to understand the scope of AIML in industry. Overall 170 students of 3rd year CSE were attended the session. The resource person has cleared all the doubts of the students and at the end oral feedback was taken, students gave evidently a positive feedback.


Algorithms: Different Approaches And Efficiency

DATE & VENUE: 13th July 2021, Google meet

Resource Person: Dr. Prasanna Kumar H R, Professor and Head-ISE, PESITM Shivamogga.

Department of CSE,AIET organized a Technical Talk on “Algorithms: Different Approaches and Efficiency” on July 13th 2021 in google meet(online mode).The speaker was Dr. Prasanna Kumar H R, Professor and Head-ISE,PESITM Shivamogga. Dr.Manjunath Kotari, HOD,CSE Dept. welcomes the guest and introduced the programme to all.

Dr. Prasanna Kumar H R, explained about what is an algorithm and he covered all the basics of algorithm. He also covered the all the basics of algorithms. He also explained efficiency of different algorithms.

He continued the session by explaining main algorithm design techniques like Brute force, divide and conquer, greedy, dynamic programming, sorting, searching etc. The resource person explained all the techniques along with examples.

The resource person has cleared all the doubts of students. The talk started at 9.30 AM and ended at 11 AM. The students found the talk was extremely informative.

The technical talk was very interesting and gave the opportunity to discuss about various algorithms. The basic idea of this event is to enhance the knowledge about Algorithms and their applications. The program was successfully concluded with a formal vote of thanks by Ms. Rachana, 3rd Year CSE to the resource person and to all the participants.

The program was successfully concluded with a formal vote of thanks to the resource person and to all the participants.

Full Stack Development

DATE & VENUE: 29th December 2021, Engineering seminar hall

Resource Person: Mr. Girish Shivanna, CEO, Q-SPIDER’S Bangalore

Department of CSE, AIET organized a Technical Talk on ”Full stack development” on 29/12/2021.The speaker was Mr. Girish Shivanna, CEO, Q-SPIDER’S Bangalore.

Mr. Girish is a seasoned Executive leader, founder & CEO of Test Yantra Software Solutions, Qspiders, Jspiders & Flagroot. Over the years Mr. Girish has played pivotal roles and has been instrumental in co-founding a number of companies.

He started the session by giving introduction about his company and addressed our student and shared his knowledge and experience with us. He spoke about his life experience the challenges he faced in his life to reach his goals and some of his life changing turning moment of his life, about his college life.

He continued the session by asking a question saying Why We Need To Have Knowledge Of Full Stack? What Are Its Importance In the IT Filed/Job Field. He clearly explained about Full Stack Development and its different uses and hierarchy’s of it. Later he explained how exactly the companies appoint candidates the process behind it.

He gave a brief ideas about importance of Full Stack Developers, the rapid progress of them, Being front end developers the progress field is very less and it is a long term process. There will be higher opportunity for the people who has knowledge of full stack. He explained how exactly their company appoint candidates the procedure, the steps they follow and how exactly IT Companies need the candidates to be and how to gain progress in the job field.

The resource person has cleared all the doubts of students. The talk started at 9.30 AM and ended by 11AM .The students found the talk was extremely informative. The talk helped our students to understand the requirement of current IT trends and what are the pre requisites for facing interviews.

The talk mainly helped our students to understand what is full stack development? Demand for full stcak deveolpers, flexibility when you learn full stack development etc.

Current IT Trends

DATE & VENUE: 03/01/2022, Engineering seminar hall

Resource Person: Mr. Amarnath Shetty, Managing Director, LDS InfoTech Pvt ltd.

Department of CSE, AIET organized a Technical Talk on ”current IT trends” on July 13th 2021 .The speaker Mr. Amarnath Shetty, Managing Director, LDS InfoTech Pvt ltd.

Mr Amarnath Shetty addressed our student and shared a valuable information about how his company works, what are their objectives, how they work with different companies and with their partners, what are the qualities they need in their partners.

Lds InfoTech helps companies to keep their business up and running with close to zero downtime. He also mentioned that they have a forged alliances with Microsoft, Oracle, Adobe, Red Hat, Corel Corporation, Computer Associates, Symantec, IBM, Novell, SCO, etc. and has been supporting and providing the system integration around the above range of software. They also work with renowned business partners like “Microsoft, Oracle and many more. Lds is used to find a solutions that meet specific business needs, they help our organization turn powerful technology into superior results and competitive advantage. This helped our students to understand about the company work environment.  

He also suggested students to do online courses in the subjects like AI&ML,5G, Robotic process Automation etc.Later he continued the session by explaining about what is actually required to get placed in a company?. It is essential to identify the strengths and career aspirations of the student’s right from the time they start the course, and mentor them to achieve their chosen career goals. This will help institutions identify companies and job profiles that match the batches that are ready to be placed. This will also translate into better placements every year with an increase in the number of companies visiting for campus placement and Offering higher pay packages.

The talk helped our students to understand about what actually needed to get good job and develop those skills to achieve their goals.

Applications of AI/IoT and Remote Sensing


Resource Person: Dr.P.G.Diwakar,ISRO Chair Professor at NIAS(National Institute of Advanced Studies)

Department Of CSE, CMANIAX Forum Oragazied a Technical Talk On the Topic Applications of AI/IoT and remote sensing on 12th April 2022.

Dr. Manjunath kotari, HOD CSE welcomed the resource person for the talk. Dr.P.G.Diwakar, is currently ISRO Chair Professor at NIAS since November 2020.He has retired as Distinguished Scientist from ISRO, Department of Space and has held many key positions in the past.Prof.Diwakar has made significant contributions in Diverse National Missions, web technologies and geo portals such as the design, development and deployment of a unique and the only geoportal of national reckoning “The BHUVAN GEOPRTAL”.

Session was started by introducing what is space technology, what the future of space technology is and what its uses are. He also explained about Drone technology and Ground- Mobile technology and their uses.

He continued the talk by explaining about India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle PSLV-C51 successfully launched Amazonia-1 along with 18 co-passenger satellites (February 28, 2021) from Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR, Sriharikota. He also explained about, the total number of customer satellites from foreign countries placed in orbit by PSLV is 342 satellites from 34 countries. He also explained about the roadmap data captures in android mobiles and how these are useful.

IRS system is to provide remotely sensed data for applications in the areas of agriculture, hydrology, geology, and drought and flood monitoring, marine studies, snow studies and land use and thus is central towards the establishment of the National Natural Resources Management System. He clearly explained about the innovative ideas such as measure the pollutions, data processing challenges, Tsunami advance warning system. Earthquake measure, geo spatial analytics, smart farming etc. He clearly explained all these innovative ideas and what kind of sensors or technology used for these and how these are useful.

The session was very informative and it helped our students to understand about the satellite,space technology and importance of technology in Space technology. Around 170 Students of second year CSE were attended the session.

How to bridge the gap between industry and academia

Resource person: Prof. Vishwanath Belliappa, CodeCraft Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Mangaluru.

Date and Venue: 23/05/2022 at 2.30PM To 4.30PM,MBA seminar hall.

Department of CSE, CMANIAX forum has organized an guest lecture on how to bridge the gap between industry and academia on 23/05/2022 for all second and third year CSE students. Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD, CSE welcomed the resource person and also all the students and teaching staffs. He also mentioned that the importance of understanding the industry requirements and to acquire the knowledge required for it.

Prof. Vishwanath Belliappa started the session by taking about what actually going on in industry and how students should get ready for it. He also explained that Internships works very well to bridge the gap between academia and industry, some of the universities in India (ex: VTU) has already made it mandatory as a part of engineering curriculum. By working on internship, engineering graduates not only learn in terms of their job expectations but also learn about other behavioural aspects. Along with internship students can be made aware about the corporate world by having different engagement programs with the industry.

He also said that Every individual must take a step to improve their capabilities which include students, faculty and organizations. The learning attitude is yet to be cultivated by different mechanisms using which individual can continue to enhance their knowledge and skills. This will also help an individual to become a life-long learner and adapt to changes as they face in future. With new technologies disrupting traditional ways (ex: Artificial Intelligence), having a learner mind-set makes a huge difference.

He explained students about how to get prepared for industry environment by giving examples and he also cleared doubts of students. The session was very useful for all students. When studying in colleges, students are not aware about workplace expectations. Hence awareness is to be created by exposing them with real-time workplace, so that students can learn more things.

Recent Developmenys In Science And Technology In Indian Defence Sector


Resource Person: Mr. Jayapraksah Rao, Former Regional Public Relations Officer DRDO, University Of Defence, Govt. Of India.

Department Of CSE, CMANIAX Forum Oragazied A Technical Talk On the Topic Recent Developments in Science and Technology in Indian defence sector on 4th march 2022.

Dr. Manjunath kotari, HOD CSE welcomed the resource person for the talk Mr. Jayapraksah Rao, Former Regional Public Relations Officer DRDO, University Of Defence, Govt. Of India. Ms. Monika, second year CSE student introduced the guest and welcomed all the gathering.

Mr. Jayapraksah sir started the talk by explaining about life style of Dr. Abdul Kalam, and he also explained about his journey. And he also mentioned an inspirational quote by Dr. Abdul Kalam is that “Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place – that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have perseverance to realise the great life.”

Later he continued the session by giving more information about indian defence. He said New-age technologies such as artificial intelligence, IoT, machine learning, 5G, and quantum computing have now penetrated all major sectors. If properly used, they can be immensely powerful in transforming how these sectors perform. These technologies can completely transform the Indian defence capabilities. He also stated that India does not want to fall behind other nations when it comes to embracing new-age technologies.

The session was very interesting and it helped our students to understand about the Indian defence and how the technology can be used in defence sector.

NFT- Non-Fungible Token


Resource Person: Mr. Karthik Ganiga, E &Y Bangalore

Department Of CSE, CMANIAX Forum Oragazied a Technical Talk On the Topic on 13th April 2022.Mr.Venkatesh, Associate Professor welcomed the resource person.

He started the session by introducing what is NFT. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are cryptographic assets on a blockchain with unique identification codes and metadata that distinguish them from each other. Unlike cryptocurrencies, they cannot be traded or exchanged at equivalency. This differs from fungible tokens like cryptocurrencies, which are identical to each other and, therefore, can serve as a medium for commercial transactions.

He continued the talk by explaining about how to develop own NFT, build your portfolio, and how to be safe in block chain. He also explained about met averse, analysing a blue chip NFT etc. He demonstrated visual demo about the block chain technology.

The session was very interesting and it helped our students to understand about NFT. Around 110 Students of third year CSE were attended the session.


Image Quality And Applications

DATE & VENUE: 9th November 2020, Google meet
Resource Person: Dr. Masilamani V Associate professor, IIIT Kancheepuram

Dr. Masilamani V explained image quality and its applications. He also covered the need for image quality assessment, factors affecting image quality, attributes considered for IQA, types of image quality assessment etc. He explained that Image quality can refer to the level of accuracy in which different imaging systems capture, process, store, compress, transmit and display the signals that form an image. The process of determining the level of accuracy is called Image Quality Assessment.

He briefly explained the types of image quality assessment, applications of image quality assessment like telecommunication, industry automation, security and surveillance etc. He also explained about factors that are affecting image quality are compression, low-quality camera lens, distortion etc.

A practical session was conducted by Kiruthika S for processing the image in MATLAB and Python. Read, write and predefined image quality measures available in MATLAB were explained by her. Websites for laboratories for image and video engineering are given to students if they are interested to work in image quality assessments.

Dr. Masilamani sir and Research Scholar Kiruthika S were actively involved in clearing the various doubts which students and staff had. The entire session was very effective and interactive to the students and staff. Around 104 students of CSE attended the session.

Sensors and IoT

DATE & VENUE:10th November 2020, Google meet

Resource Person: Dr. Shirshu Verma, IIITA

The resource person Dr. Shirshu Verma,IIITA , has explained IoT basics and challenges encountered while using IoT. He has started the session with an introduction to the concept and path to IoT, where he has given a brief introduction about sensor networks, elements of sensor networks and WSN.

He also explained tools for WSN and major applications about WSN. He then explained about fundamentals of IoT.

During the session, students have learned about different layers of IoT, models of IoT like reference model, domain model, information model, functional model etc. Dr. Shirshu Verma also covered some of the IoT applications. Later he explained IoT vs IIoT. Dr. Shirshu Verma explained about How IoT helps in covid 19. Especially things such as Sensor-based doors at entry and exit, automatic sanitizer dispenser, wearable, contact lenses attendance marking, contactless payment etc. He has shown various experimental results and also its analysis. From the analysis, he has explained the degree of irregularity calculation and the factor on the degree of irregularity.

Laboratory session carried out by Mr. Vikas, Research scholars, IIITA. Mr. Vikas has demonstrated the Tiny os program, temperature sensing application etc.. Also, he gave a demonstration of virtual node deployment

Emotional Intelligence & Intelligence Quotient

DATE & VENUE: 11th November 2020, Google meet
Resource Person: Dr. Pragya Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies

Dr.Pragya Singh started the session by explaining emotions, which are derivations of five core feelings- happiness, sadness, anger, fear & shame, emotional awareness & understanding are not taught in school. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and understand emotions in ourselves and others, and also ability to use this awareness to manage behaviors and relationships. Emotional intelligence is something in each of us that is a bit tangible. It affects how we manage behaviors; navigate social complexities and personal decisions. EQ is a flexible skill while personality does not change. IQ, EQ and personality assessed together are the best way to get a picture of the whole person.
She further dealt with:

• Employers value EI over IQ in order of importance as-
• Usually remain calm under pressure
• Resolve conflicts effectively
• Empathetic to their colleagues or act as such
• Lead by example
• May put more consideration into business decisions

She then continued the session by explaining how much impact does EQ has on your professional success?, EQ is the foundation for a host critical skills, EQ is so critical to success that it accounts for 58% of Performance in all types of Jobs. It is the single biggest Predictor of Performance in the workplace and the strongest driver of leadership and personal excellence.

Dr.Pragya Singh also explained that understanding emotional intelligence requires four skills ie, self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management. She explained how these four skills play an important role in understanding emotional intelligence.

Session also included various assessments like identification on various challenges in relationship management, plan on EQ Intelligence, steps to control your self-talk etc. Some of the Assessment Questions were given to students to solve. Finally, a link was given to students to check their EQ and IQ . The session was very interesting and useful to our students.

Parallel Computing

DATE & VENUE:12th November 2020, Google meet
Resource Person:: Dr. Anshu S Anand, Assistant Professor Iiia Allahabad.

Dr.Anshu S Anand started the session by explaining what is parallel computing. He stated that ” Parallel computing refers to the process of breaking down larger problems into smaller, independent, often similar parts that can be executed simultaneously by multiple processors communicating via shared memory, the results of which are combined upon completion as part of an overall algorithm”.

Dr.Anshu S Anand explained about brief History of parallel computing. Today, parallel computing is becoming mainstream based on multi-core processors. The reason is that increasing performance through parallel processing can be far more energy-efficient than increasing microprocessor clock frequencies.

He also listed and explained different challenges which should address by designer and they are the Amount of Parallelizable CPU-Bound Work, Task Granularity, Load Balancing, Memory Allocations and Garbage Collection, False Cache-Line Sharing, Locality Issues and many more.

The session concluded with the application of parallel computing, with the help of suitable examples resource person explained about Key areas which use parallel computing and they are Databases, Data mining, Networked videos etc. The session was very useful to our students to gain more information on parallel computing.

Interaction Sessions-Teksystems

DATE & VENUE: 04-01-2021 at MBA Seminar Hall
Resource Person: Mr. Srivatsa Nagarajaiah, Director, Recruiting at TEKsystems Global Services.

The Technical Talk-5 2020-21 was an interaction session with Mr. Srivatsa Nagarajaiah, he is working as a Director, Recruiting at TEK systems Global Services, in association with the training and Placement department. The talk started by introducing Mr. Srivatsa Nagarajaiah by Mr. Sushanth Anil Lobo, Head, Training and placement. He also mentioned the reason behind arranging the talk with Mr. Srivatsa and the need of understanding the structure of the interview to the students.

The talk was continued by Mr. Srivatsa where he spoke about the company, and how he started his career, which inspired the students. He mentioned that Transformation doesn’t happen in a silo. Business success demands a broad vision and capabilities. The company is with a full spectrum of technology solutions, client-friendly and flexible. The company constantly tracks the top talent in every market, across every line of business and within every niche, so they can bring the people and skills you need when you need them without compromising quality. He explained the environment of the company by giving a small comparison between Tek systems and other MNC’s. In TGS the employee will not lose his identity, unlike other companies.

He continued his talk by explaining the necessity of having confidence among students. He also made all students interact with him in order to boost the students and make them realize the current environment in the company.

He spoke about the recruitment process in TGS, how it is different for freshers and experienced people. Also threw insights on personal growth in TGS, and explained about the internship requirement in academic. The session was concluded by clearing doubts with respect to MNCs and answering the various questions asked by students of AIET.




Resource Person: Mr. Anup Justin, TechTalk Systems, R&D, Bengaluru

Mr. Anup Justin explained about the Ergonomics and its importance initially. It is the process of designing or arranging workplaces, products and systems so that they fit the people who use them. Most people have heard of ergonomics and think it is something to do with seating or with the design of car controls and instruments – and it is… but it is so much more. Ergonomics applies to the design of anything that involves people – workspaces, sports and leisure, health and safety. Ergonomics  is a branch of science that aims to learn about human abilities and limitations, and then apply this learning to improve people’s interaction with products, systems and environments. Ergonomics aims to improve workspaces and environments to minimise risk of injury or harm. So as technologies change, so too does the need to ensure that the tools we access for work, rest and play are designed for our body’s requirements. Ergonomics aims to create safe, comfortable and productive workspaces by bringing human abilities and limitations into the design of a workspace, including the individual’s body size, strength, skill, speed, sensory abilities (vision, hearing), and even attitudes.


He explained how ergonomics works. Ergonomics is a relatively new branch of science, but relies on research carried out in many other older, established scientific areas, such as engineering, physiology and psychology. To achieve best practice design, Ergonomists use the data and techniques of several disciplines:  anthropometry: body sizes, shapes; populations and variations biomechanics: muscles, levers, forces, strength. Environmental physics: noise, light, heat, cold, radiation, vibration body systems: hearing, vision, sensations.  Applied psychology: skill, learning, errors, differences. Social psychology: groups, communication, learning, behaviours.


He briefly explained about the design of ergonomics. Ergonomics is the science of refining the design of products to optimize them for human use. Computers and related products, such as computer desks and chairs, are frequently the focus of ergonomic design.


Finally he explained about the human factors involved in ergonomics. Human factors and ergonomics is concerned with the “fit” between the user, equipment, and environment or “fitting a job to a person”. It accounts for the user’s capabilities and limitations in seeking to ensure that tasks, functions, information, and the environment suit that user.


To assess the fit between a person and the used technology, human factors specialists or ergonomists consider the job (activity) being done and the demands on the user; the equipment used.




Resource Person: Mr. Chandrasekhar Kutyar, SangamOne Infotech, Bengaluru.

Mr.Chandrasekhar Kutyar explained about the topic location intelligence using beacons for smart connected world. Beacons are small, wireless transmitters that use low-energy Bluetooth technology to send signals to other smart devices nearby. Put simply, they connect and transmit information to smart devices making location-based searching and interaction easier and more accurate.


He explained about what is beacons and how beacons technology works. All new technologies are becoming a part of our environment, but many of them remain unnoticed or incomprehensible. For many people, beacons are one of these mysterious items. Many IoT applications in large industries –such as retail and warehousing – use beacons everyday, but these small devices go unnoticed. Beacons are small, wireless sensors that are normally placed in a casing. The technology uses Bluetooth Low Energy (also called Bluetooth Smart or Bluetooth Version 4.0+) to broadcast radio signals or, simply put, to communicate with other smart devices.


He also explained that Beacon developers are still struggling with a number of unsolved issues, including designing better antenna shapes and increasing signal distance. Despite this, beacons are increasingly being implemented in many retail IoT solutions, and are projected to extend further into the industrial and healthcare spheres. Finally he also discussed about several beacon use cases.




Resource Person: Mr. Raviraj , Data Scientist, Swiss RE, Bengaluru


Mr. Raviraj explained about artificial intelligence and its applications. Initially he explained about the history of AI(Artificial Intelligence) .The history of Artificial Intelligence (AI) began in antiquity, with myths, stories and rumors of artificial beings endowed with intelligence or consciousness by master craftsmen. The field of AI research was founded at a workshop held on the campus of Dartmouth College during the summer of 1956.


He then explained about what is AI and why AI .In today’s world, technology is growing very fast, and we are getting in touch with different new technologies day by day. Here, one of the booming technologies of computer science is Artificial Intelligence which is ready to create a new revolution in the world by making intelligent machines. The Artificial Intelligence is now all around us. It is currently working with a variety of subfields, ranging from general to specific, such as self-driving cars, playing chess, proving theorems, playing music, Painting, etc.AI is one of the fascinating and universal fields of Computer science which has a great scope in future. AI holds a tendency to cause a machine to work as a human. Artificial Intelligence is composed of two words Artificial and Intelligence, where Artificial defines “man-made,” and intelligence defines “thinking power”, hence AI means “a man-made thinking power.”


He also explained that With the help of AI, you can create such software or devices which can solve real-world problems very easily and with accuracy such as health issues, marketing, traffic issues, etc.With the help of AI, you can create your personal virtual Assistant, such as Cortana, Google Assistant, Siri, etc.With the help of AI, you can build such Robots which can work in an environment where survival of humans can be at risk.AI opens a path for other new technologies, new devices, and new Opportunities.Finally he explained about goals of AI such as Replicate human intelligenceCreating some system which can exhibit intelligent behavior, learn new things by itself, demonstrate, explain, and can advise to its user.





Resource Person: Mr. Hemanth Kumar, Senior Software Engineer,Thought focus,Bangalore


Mr. Hemanth kumar explained about how to face an interview confidently. People feel stressed as they hear about INTERVIEW. Most of them focus only on the questions to be answered in the Interview. But the interview is the test of not only knowledge but behaviour and honesty too. It does not matter where you went to school, the number of degrees you may hold, the experience you have or whom you know. It is important do the interview successfully. It is vital to approach interviews in the correct manner and with the right attitude, as that is the key to success.


He explained about some of the key aspects such as go prepared,on the day of interview and know what not to do.He explained that before Research the Company Do some homework, e.g. Find out about the company’s vision, goal, strategy, products, finances, departments, competitive advantages, competitors, the work culture and the management from the website. If the company does not have a web presence look them up at the library, call the Chambers of Commerce, and find out everything you can about them. Make sure you know as much about it as you can, so that you can impress your interviewers and show them how much you care. You should be familiar with whatever is mentioned in the CV. Read it thoroughly so that you’re not stumped by any question regarding your past employment and education.Come up with answers to common resume questions.


There are a few things you should avoid at all costs when you go into an interview. Many people don’t know that a few innocent comments can actually cause a big red flag to go up for the interviewer. Choose your words carefully and make sure you give an impression of being a respectful, hard worker who is truly excited about the position.


Industrial Applications of .NET and Applications of C#


Resource Person Mr.Amarnath V Meti, Software Manager, Infosys, Bengaluru.


Mr. Amarnath Meti briefly explained about the how the language has to be utilized in the project. C# is a versatile programming language used in many different ways. It powers many Windows and .NET apps for desktop, tablet, mobile, and web applications. Coders and programmers also use C# in cross-platform development, using Unity for games and using Xamarin for mobile apps. C# is a hybrid of C and C++, it is a Microsoft programming language developed to compete with Sun’s Java language. C# is an object-oriented programming language used with XML-based Web services on the .NET platform and designed for improving productivity in the development of Web applications.


Amarnath explained about the .net framework applications in briefly. A programming infrastructure created by Microsoft for building, deploying, and running applications and services that use .NET technologies, such as desktop applications and Web services. The .NET Framework contains three major parts: the Common Language Runtime. the Framework Class Library. ASP.NET. ASP.NET is an open-source server-side web application framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages developed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, applications and services. … The ASP.NET SOAP extension framework allows ASP.NET components to process SOAP messages.


He explained about the benefits of .net. Less Coding and Increased Reuse of Code: This framework works on object-oriented programming which eliminates unnecessary codes and involves less coding for the developers, Deployment, Reliability, Security, Use across Platforms and Languages.


He then started explaining regarding the C#. Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a UI framework that creates desktop client applications.WPF uses the Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) to provide a declarative model for application programming. Difference between WPF and Windows Forms. Windows Presentation Foundation (also known as WPF) is a graphical subsystem. It is used in order to render user interfaces in Windows based applications. … It is a feature of the Windows .NET Framework, and provides access to the native Microsoft Windows interface elements.


Finally he explained about XAML in C#. XAML is a descriptive programming language used in UWP, WPF, and Xamarin Forms to build user interfaces. Most of the time, you will be using a designer to create your XAML but you’re free to directly manipulate XAML by hand. XAML uses the XML format for elements and attributes.

Edge Computing


Resource Person: Dr. Annappa, Professor, Dept of CSE, NITK Suratkal


Dr.  Annappa explained about the Edge computing and its importance. Initially explained about Cloud computing.Cloud computing is perhaps the most flamboyant technological innovation of the 21st century. This is because it has seen the fastest adoption into the mainstream than any other technology in the domain. This adoption has been fueled mainly by the ever-increasing number of smartphones and mobile devices that can access the internet. Cloud computing is not just for organizations and businesses; it’s also useful for the average person as well. It enables us to run software programs without installing them on our computers; it enables us to store and access our multimedia content via the internet, it enables us to develop and test programs without necessarily having servers and so on.


He also explained about fog computing. Fog computing is the concept of a network fabric that stretches from the outer edges of where data is created to where it will eventually be stored, whether that’s in the cloud or in a customer’s data center.Fog is another layer of a distributed network environment and is closely associated with cloud computing and the internet of things (IoT). Public infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud vendors can be thought of as a high-level, global endpoint for data; the edge of the network is where data from IoT devices is created.


He then explained about edge computing and its importance. Edge computing is a distributed computing model in which computing takes place near the physical location where data is being collected and analyzed, rather than on a centralized server or in the cloud. This new infrastructure involves sensors to collect data and edge servers to securely process data in real-time on site, while also connecting other devices, like laptops and smartphones, to the network. Edge computing is important because it creates new and improved ways for industrial and enterprise-level businesses to maximize operational efficiency, improve performance and safety, automate all core business processes, and ensure “always on” availability. It is a leading method to achieve the digital transformation of how you do business. Finally he explained about difference between edge and fog ,cloud vs fog.



CoCoa and Swift

DATE & VENUE: 25/08/2018 at Engineering Seminar Hall
Resource Person: Mrs. Krishnaveni, Technical Architect, Infosys, Mangalore.

Krishnaveni briefly explained Cocoa applications are typically developed using the development tools provided by Apple, specifically Xcode (formerly Project Builder) and Interface Builder (now part of Xcode), using the languages Objective-C or Swift. For end-users, Cocoa applications are those written using the Cocoa programming environment.

Cocoa is Apple’s native object-oriented application programming interface (API) for its operating system macOS. For iOS, tvOS, and watchOS, a similar API exists, named Cocoa Touch, which includes gesture recognition, animation, and a different set of graphical control elements. It is used in applications for Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. Cocoa consists of the Foundation Kit, Application Kit, and Core Data frameworks, as included by the Cocoa.h header file, and the libraries and frameworks included by those, such as the C standard library and the Objective-C runtime.

She gave importance to Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple Inc. for iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, and Linux. Swift is designed to work with Apple’s Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks and the large body of existing Objective-C code written for Apple products. It is built with the open-source LLVM compiler framework and has been included in Xcode since version 6. On platforms other than Linux, it uses the Objective-C runtime library which allows C, Objective-C, C++ and Swift code to run within one program
She gave a brief explanation of how to develop the app using Swift and CoCoa and also gave a small demonstration by writing the code.

Core Animation: Helps to create rich user experiences by allowing for the smooth movement of visual elements.

Core Data: Provides an object-oriented data management solution and aids in defining an application’s data model in a logical and graphical way.

Finally, she gave suggestions on how to make use of the Swift programing language using which we can develop the app for the Apple iPhone.

Evolutionary Computing

DATE & VENUE: 03/09/2018 at MBA Seminar Hall
Resource Person: Dr. Shridhara K S, Professor, Dept. of CSE, UBDTCE(BOS), Davanagere.

Shridhara briefly explains the different topics of fuzzy logic, artificial intelligence, data compression, machine learning. Fuzzy logic is an approach to computing based on “degrees of truth” rather than the usual “true or false” (1 or 0) Boolean logic on which the modern computer is based. A basic application might characterize various sub-ranges of a continuous variable. For instance, a temperature measurement for anti-lock brakes might have several separate membership functions defining particular temperature ranges needed to control the brakes properly. Each function maps the same temperature value to a truth value in the 0 to 1 range. These truth values can then be used to determine how the brakes should be controlled. A common algorithm is

  1. For each truth value, cut the membership function at this value
  2. Combine the resulting curves using the OR operator
  3. Find the center-of-weight of the area under the curve
  4. The x position of this center is then the final output.

He also told about Artificial Intelligence and it is a way of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot or a software think intelligently, in a similar manner the intelligent humans think Strong artificial intelligence or, True AI, may refer to Artificial general intelligence, a hypothetical machine that exhibits behavior at least as skillful and flexible as humans do, and the research program of building such artificial general intelligence.

He briefly told about Machine learning and it is a core sub-area of artificial intelligence; it enables computers to get into a mode of self-learning without being explicitly programmed. So, put simply, the iterative aspect of machine learning is the ability to adapt to new data independently. Machine Learning with Python. Machine learning is a branch in computer science that studies the design of algorithms that can learn. Typical tasks are concept learning, function learning, or “predictive modeling”, clustering and finding predictive patterns.

Finally, he gave an explanation of data compression. In signal processing, data compression, source coding, or bit-rate reduction involves encoding information using fewer bits than the original representation. Compression can be either lossy or lossless. Lossless compression reduces bits by identifying and eliminating statistical redundancy.

Cloud-Based Technologies

DATE & VENUE: 22/09/2018 at MBA Seminar Hall
Resource Person: Mr.Gururaja Hegde, Co-Founder, Kambala Solutions Pvt. Limited, Mangalore.

Gururaja Hegde initially briefly explained about cloud computing and cloud computing, the word “cloud” (also phrased as “the cloud”) is used as a metaphor for “the Internet,” so the phrase cloud computing means a type of Internet-based computing, where different services —including servers, storage and applications — are delivered to an organization’s computer. Cloud computing networks are large groups of servers and cloud service providers that usually take advantage of low-cost computing technology, with specialized connections to spread data-processing chores across them. This shared IT infrastructure contains large pools of systems that are linked together. Virtualization techniques are often used to maximize the power of cloud computing.

After that he started explaining about cloud-based technologies Cloud computing networks are large groups of servers and cloud service providers that usually take advantage of low-cost computing technology, with specialized connections to spread data-processing chores across them. This shared IT infrastructure contains large pools of systems that are linked together. Virtualization techniques are often used to maximize the power of cloud computing.

Additionally, because the cloud is a hosted service and reduces the need for physical infrastructure it’s a much lower financial investment; with many cloud-based services designed as a ‘pay as you go model’. Effectively what was previously only available to large multinationals is now available to the smaller guys.

An industry that has embraced the cloud is the accommodation sector. Technology that was once only offered to the larger hotel chains is now obtainable by small and medium-sized properties. Hotels of all sizes are realizing the power of hosted solutions and how it helps to improve business efficiency. He gave a demo on a few projects on how this entire work can be done.

Finally, he gave an explanation between public cloud and private cloud. Cloud computing denotes a cloud computing platform that is outside of an organizations’ firewalls on shared systems. In this scenario, your cloud service provider is in control of the infrastructure. In contrast, a private cloud is the same platform; however, it is implemented within the corporate firewall, under the control of the organization’s IT department.

A private cloud is designed to offer the same features and benefits of public cloud systems but removes a number of objections to the cloud computing model including control over corporate and customer data, worries about security and issues connected to regulatory compliance.

Web Application Development, Android App Development, Python & Networking

DATE & VENUE: 09/10/2018 at Engineering Seminar Hall
Resource Person: Mr. Sagar, Corporate Trainer, HPE, Mangalore.

Mr. Sagar explained about web application and A Web application (Web app) is an application program that is stored on a remote server and delivered over the Internet through a browser interface and web-based application is any program that is accessed over a network connection using HTTP, rather than existing within a device’s memory. Web-based applications often run inside a web browser.

Horde groupware is an open-sourceweb application. In computing, a web application or web app is a client–server computer program which the client (including the user interface and client-side logic) runs in a web browser. Common web applications include webmail, online retail sales, online auction.

Sagar explained about android app development and Android software development is the process by which new applications are created for devices running the Android operating system. Google states that,[3] “Android apps can be written using Kotlin, Java, and C++ languages” using the Android software development kit (SDK), while using other languages is also possible. All non-JVM languages, such as Go (JavaScript, C, C++ or assembly), need the help of JVM language code, that may be supplied by tools, likely with restricted API support. Some languages/programming tools allow cross-platform app support, i.e. for both Android and iOS. Third party tools, development environments and language support have also continued to evolve and expand since the initial SDK was released in 2008. In addition, with major business entities like Walmart, Amazon, Bank of America etc. eyeing to engage and sell through mobiles, mobile application development is witnessing a transformation.

Finally he briefly explained about python programming language. Python is an interpreted high-level programming language for general-purpose programming. Python has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability, notably using significant whitespace. It provides constructs that enable clear programming on both small and large scales.

Python features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative, functional and procedural, and has a large and comprehensive standard library.

Python interpreters are available for many operating systems. CPython, the reference implementation of Python, is open source software and has a community-based development model, as do nearly all of Python’s other implementations. Python and CPython are managed by the non-profit Python Software Foundation.

Data Analytics

DATE & VENUE: 13/10/2018 at MBA Seminar Hall
Resource Person: Dr. Rajkumar R, Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, VIT, Vellore.

Dr. Rajkumar explained Data analytics (DA) is the process of examining data sets in order to draw conclusions about the information they contain, increasingly with the aid of specialized systems and software. Data analytics technologies and techniques are widely used in commercial industries to enable organizations to make more-informed business decisions and by scientists and researchers to verify or disprove scientific models, theories and hypotheses.

Data analytics refers to qualitative and quantitative techniques and processes used to enhance productivity and business gain. Data is extracted and categorized to identify and analyze behavioral data and patterns, and techniques vary according to organizational requirements. Modern data analysis tools empower users to retrieve, combine, interact with, explore, and visualize data from any combination of sources, providing them with greater insight into their business processes, their industries, and their customers.

He explained by taking the example of text mining. Text mining provides a means of analyzing documents, emails and other text-based content. Data analytics initiatives support a wide variety of business uses. For example, banks and credit card companies analyse withdrawal and spending patterns to prevent fraud and identity theft. He explained about 3 types of data analytics. 3 Types of Data Analytics: Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive. Jeff Bertolucci of Information Week has written a new article about what distinguishes the three types of Big Data analytics: descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive. Finally he explained about purpose of data analytics. he analytics process starts with data collection, in which data scientists identify the information they need for a particular analytics application and then work on their own or with data engineers and IT staffers to assemble it for use. Data from different source systems may need to be combined via data integration routines, transformed into a common format and loaded into an analytics system, such as a Hadoop cluster, NoSQL database or data warehouse.

Once the data that’s needed is in place, the next step is to find and fix data quality problems that could affect the accuracy of analytics applications. That includes running data profiling and data cleansing jobs to make sure that the information in a data set is consistent and that errors and duplicate entries are eliminated.

At that point, the data analytics work begins in earnest. A data scientist builds an analytical model, using predictive modelling tools or other analytics software and programming languages such as Python, Scala, R and SQL. The model is initially run against a partial data set to test its accuracy; typically, it’s then revised and tested again, a process known as “training” the model that continues until it functions as intended.

Career Development in IT Industry for Students

DATE & VENUE: 13th November 2018 at 11:00 AM in MBA Auditorium.

Resource Person: Vinutha Rao, Vice President, HCL, Bengaluru.

Vinutha explained how a career in information technology can take on many different forms. IT developers might create software programs or be involved in creating the digital infrastructure for a company. Many IT developers work as consultants and do projects for a variety of different organizations. In today’s information age, developers in any area of technology need to have an understanding of their market, and many developers specialize in a specific area. Every industry today is in some way affected by technology, and companies large and small need knowledgeable tech developers to help them build and maintain a useful infrastructure. Additionally, as technology grows and expands, each industry needs new software to help them keep up with a changing marketplace.

Vinutha Briefly described about IT jobs and careers in the IT industry increasingly require more training and skills. Soft skills such as time management, team building, communications skills, problem solving and customer service skills are all important IT skills you will need to advance your career. Whether your position is a manager, IT engineer, IT analyst, or any other IT job you should take your career development very your career and advance your career up the ladder. The most important part of career development is to understand you are in control of your career. It is not likely that someone is going to come in the door and offer you career advancement. Opportunities to advance your career do arise. When they do you need to make sure you have the skills needed to take advantage of them.

Retaining employees/reducing turnover: Through organizational commitment, career development opportunities help to retain employees and thus prevents turnover. … Productivity and Financial Returns: Employers can also increase productivity and financial returns by investing in their employees via career development. Finally she explained why career development is very important in IT industry like When employees are offered career progression opportunities, it makes them feel like they’re growing with the company and provides a sense of purpose, which in turn fosters loyalty. Career development gives employees something to look forward to. It also feeds the hunger to learn and grow, in life and at work.


DATE & VENUE: 15/02/2019 at MBA Seminar Hall
Resource Person: Mr Prithvi G, Senior Engineer, Axiom Research Lab, Bengaluru.

Mr Prithvi G is a Senior Engineer in Axiom Research Lab which works for the TeamIndus Moon Mission & Systems Overview. He explained the mission of the institute and also how the company has established. The Google Lunar X Prize was a competition announced in 2007 that was open to privately funded ventures aimed at inspiring the development of low-cost robotic lunar exploration. The competing craft was required to travel more than 500 metres (1,600 ft) on the lunar surface and transmit high-resolution video and images once there. The TeamIndus’ lunar lander platform was code-named HHK1. The team planned a further modification of the HHK1 for other terrestrial and inter-stellar application after the Google Lunar X Prize competition had completed. For the competition, the HHK1 was to deploy the rovers and then operate as the main communication and control unit consisting of payload, propulsion, structural and other sub-systems.

Prithvi explained about the context with respect to the lunar landing, Mission Trajectory, Lunar Orbit Strategy and Lunar Descent. A Moon landing is the arrival of a spacecraft on the surface of the Moon. This includes both manned and unmanned (robotic) missions. The first human-made object to reach the surface of the Moon was the Soviet Union’s Luna 2 mission.

As TeamIndus company is about to take students for internship Prithvi took the test for 47 students and among them, 6 students were shortlisted from the first round and they went for the second round.

Intel Software Tools

DATE & VENUE: 11/03/2019 at Engineering Seminar Hall
Resource Person: Mr Hemanth, Senior Software Engineer, Intel, Bengaluru.

Mr Hemanth Kumar is a Software Engineer in Intel Software. He explained about the Intel Distribution of Python, Intel Optimized Tensorflow, Intel optimized Caffe, Intel Media SDK, Intel OpenVINO toolkit.

He started explaining about Intel Distribution of Phyton, Intel® Distribution for Python* is a binary distribution of Python interpreter and commonly used packages for computation and data-intensive domains, such as scientific and engineering computing, big data, and data science. The product supports Python 2 and 3 for Windows, Linux, and macOS. The product simplifies Python installation by providing packages in a binary form so that everything is preconfigured and no compilation tools are needed, as well as contains all the dependencies for running on popular OS platforms. Python packages have been accelerated with Intel® Performance Libraries, including Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL), Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB), Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP), and Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel® DAAL). The packages have been optimized to take advantage of parallelism through the use of threading, multiple nodes, and vectorization.

He also explained about the Artificial Intelligence in Intel. An AI accelerator is a class of microprocessor or computer system designed as hardware acceleration for artificial intelligence applications, especially artificial neural networks, machine vision and machine learning. Typical applications include algorithms for robotics, internet of things and other data-intensive or sensor-driven tasks. They are often manycore designs and generally focus on low-precision arithmetic, novel dataflow architectures or in-memory computing capability. A number of vendor-specific terms exist for devices in this category, and it is an emerging technology without a dominant design. AI accelerators can be found in many devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers all around the world. I is bringing new ways to use massive amounts of data to solve problems in business and industry—and in high-performance computing (HPC). AI applications increasingly take on day-to-day use cases, HPC practitioners—like their commercial counterparts—are looking to move deep learning training off specialized laboratory hardware and software onto the familiar Intel®-based infrastructure already in place for handling a wide variety of HPC workloads.

To enable that workload flexibility, we optimized Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors for HPC and AI. We designed Intel® Omni-Path Architecture (Intel® OPA) fabric to provide high-performance communications across large clusters of Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor-based systems. And we’ve optimized the most widely applied AI frameworks to take full advantage of processor optimizations and available cores.

Hemanth Kumar explained about Intel Caffe. Caffe supports many different types of deep learning architectures geared towards image classification and image segmentation. It supports CNN, RCNN, LSTM and fully connected neural network designs. Caffe supports GPU- and CPU-based acceleration computational kernel libraries such as NVIDIA cuDNN and Intel MKL and its applications are Caffe is being used in academic research projects, startup prototypes, and even large-scale industrial applications in vision, speech, and multimedia. Yahoo! has also integrated caffe with Apache Spark to create CaffeOnSpark, a distributed deep learning framework.

Digital Revolution in India

DATE & VENUE: 16/03/2019 at Engineering Seminar Hall
Resource Person: Mr. Gautham Bhat, Senior Technical Staff Member and Associate Director with IBM GTS’s Lab, Bengaluru

Mr Gautham Bhat is a Senior Technical Staff member and Associate Director with IBMs GTS’s Lab. He explained how the Information Age (also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Media Age) is a historic period in the 21st century characterized by the rapid shift from traditional industry that the Industrial Revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based on information technology. Central to this revolution is the mass production and widespread use of digital logic circuits, and its derived technologies, including the computer, digital cellular phone, and the Internet These technological innovations have transformed traditional production and business techniques. Digital technology is a base two process. Digitized information is recorded in the binary code of combinations of the digits 0 and 1, also called bits, which represent words and images. Digital technology replaced analogue signals for many telecommunication forms, particularly cellular telephone and cable systems.

He explained about how long has the technology is been around. Acheulean stone technology 1.6 million years ago (hand axe) Fire creation and manipulation, used since the Paleolithic, possibly by Homo erectus. He explained about the different technologies in the current what industry is expecting like blockchain, artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic, data analytics. AI has immense potential to ease and enrich human life. It can eliminate the need of human involvement in tasks that pose a threat to their life and safety. One of the most high-risk situations in Defense, Reconnaissance missions, would need not use human actors anymore soon enough when we develop sufficiently intelligent Autonomous Drones. Something as simple as a Google search employs Artificial Intelligence algorithms, to bring personalized search results to users. Autonomous Weapons and Autonomous Drones are being researched globally, to reduce risks to human lives in Defense and Reconnaissance.

He explained about block chains like Banking and technology are very closely associated and innovations have changed banking drastically over the period of time. The digital innovations in the banking sector started with the introduction of money that replaced the barter system and then the gradual replacement of wax seal with digital signatures. One such disruptive innovation which is changing the banking sector globally is Blockchain Technology (BCT). Blockchain is shared distributed ledger which stores business transaction to a permanent unbreakable chain which can be viewed by the parties in a transaction. Blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt the financial business applications as it provides permanent and tamper-proof recording of transactions in a distributed network.



Resource Person: Mr. Pradeep and Mr. Rohith, Senior Technical Staff members, TCS, Bengaluru.


The Initial Learning Program (ILP) is a fully-paid, comprehensive training program that includes a TCS orientation, Product Development Life Cycle training, Case Study Implementation and Project Integration courses, inter-cultural effectiveness workshops, and additional technical training specific to the needs.

 Mr. Pradeep explained about the how the academic institutes are key partners in TCS’ talent acquisition strategy, and we remain the preferred employer at leading engineering campuses across India. Campus Commune, our academic engagement portal that helps students collaborate with their peer groups globally, now has over one million members registered across 19 countries. We also use programming contests such as TESTimony, EngiNx, GameOn, and CodeVita to spot and hire top talent.


Mr. Rohith explained about the progressive working environment in the TCS. TCS is an equal opportunity employer, and subscribes to the Tata Code of Conduct in embracing diversity in race, nationality, religion, ancestry, marital status, gender, age, ethnic origin, physical ability, and sexual orientation. Today, we are one of the world’s largest employers of women. Progressive policies such as extended parental leave, a mentoring program for junior women employees, special leadership development programs for senior employees, a virtual support group on child psychology, and parenting workshops for working parents have gone toward making the workplace more employee-friendly.


Our Center of Excellence for Accessibility works on IT solutions for differently-abled individuals, aiding their integration into the workforce. TCS also runs multiple initiatives to help employees grow in their careers, such as CareerHub, a platform that provides them with mentoring services. We also run Inspire, a specialized program that provides fast-track career progression to high-potential employees. Periodic leadership reviews help us maintain a healthy succession pipeline.


Mr. Rohith explained about the different platforms in TCS like advanced drug development, Connected intelligence platform, ERP on clouds and HOBS.

Finally, they explained about Major objectives of orientation are to (1) gain employee commitment, (2) reduce his or her anxiety, (3) help him or her understand organization’s expectations, and (4) convey what he or she can expect from the job and the organization. It is commonly followed by training tailored to specific job positions.


Software Development- Case Study

DATE & VENUE: 15 September 2017 at 10:30AM in Engineering Seminar Hall
Resource Person: Mr. Sanjay Hungund, Co-Founder, GITO.me, Bangalore

Gito.Me is a technological platform of CostPrize Online India Pvt Ltd. This Technology Product Company started in Q1 2012. The mission of the company is to bring deep technology innovation to the global retail community. Gito.me is an omni-channel technology platform owned and operated by CostPrize. is an advanced e-commerce enabling platform (www.Gito.me) that allows offline businesses to sell their merchandise online, under their own brands names, and manage their business across ALL business/sales channels and operating models easily. Using cloud-based technology, Gito.me solves deep problems in Omni-Channel (online, offline, mobile) and Hyper-local (hyper activity in local commerce) space. We have 1 patent granted by the Indian Patent Office with multiple candidates in the pipeline.

Software development is the process of computer programming, documenting, testing, and bug fixing involved in creating and maintaining applications and frameworks resulting in a software product. Everybody would agree that the launch of a startup is extremely popular these days. Startups are created all the time while software development is in constant evolvement. Of course, creating a company from scratch is a quite challenging and uneasy task.

It is true that startups struggle to be successful. So what does it take to create a prosperous and outstanding project? Which characteristics do successful startups have? Among them, there are general and more specific features for those who perform software development.
Being passionate about your project

Although it may sound too naive and even too simple, it is where the entire process starts. Having a dream to develop a product and being passionate about it is the first step towards the creation of a successful and ambitious project, which is going to satisfy customers’ needs and bring considerable profits in the future.

Project Guidance: Fundamentals about Project

DATE & VENUE: 15 September 2017 at 11:30 PM in Engineering Seminar Hall
Resource Person: Mrs. Roopa Sanjay, Founder, GITO.me, Bangalore

Gito.Me is a technological platform of CostPrize Online India Pvt Ltd. This Technology Product Company started in Q1 2012. The mission of the company is to bring deep technology innovation to the global retail community. Gito.me is an omni-channel technology platform owned and operated by CostPrize. is an advanced e-commerce enabling platform (www.Gito.me) that allows offline businesses to sell their merchandise online, under their own brand’s names, and manage their business across ALL business/sales channels and operating models easily. Using cloud-based technology, Gito.me solves deep problems in Omni-Channel (online, offline, mobile) and Hyper-local (hyperactivity in local commerce) space. We have 1 patent granted by the Indian Patent Office with multiple candidates in the pipeline.

A project is defined as a planned set of tasks outside normal business operations with an established beginning and end date that is limited to a defined budget. Project management is the discipline of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria. A project is a temporary endeavor designed to produce a unique product, service or result with a defined beginning and end (usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or deliverable) undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about beneficial change or added value. The temporary nature of projects stands in contrast with business as usual which are repetitive, permanent, or semi-permanent functional activities to produce products or services. In practice, the management of such distinct production approaches requires the development of distinct technical skills and management strategies.

The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals within the given constraints. This information is usually described in project documentation, created at the beginning of the development process. The primary constraints are scope, time, quality and budget. The secondary and more ambitious.

A Sneak Peek Into IT Technologies

DATE & VENUE: 15 September 2017 at 2:00 PM in Engineering Seminar Hall
Resource Person: Mrs. Seema Nair, Senior Development Lead, QSG Technologies, Bangalore

A software development process or life cycle is a structure imposed on the development of a software product. There are several models for such processes, each describing approaches to a variety of tasks or activities that take place during the process. Software testing is a process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding the software bugs. It can also be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a software program or application or product. User Interface Design is its complement, the look and feel, the presentation and interactivity of a product. But like UX, it is easily and often confused by the industries that employ UI Designers.

The marketing of products or services using digital channels to reach consumers. The key objective is to promote brands through various forms of digital media. Digital marketing extends beyond internet marketing to include channels that do not require the use of the internet. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine’s unpaid results—often referred to as “natural”, “organic”, or “earned” results. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, video search, academic search,[2] news search, and industry-specific vertical search engines. SEO differs from local search engine optimization in that the latter is focused on optimizing a business’s online presence so that its web pages will be displayed by search engines when a user enters a local search for its products or services.DevOps is the blending of tasks performed by a company’s application development and systems operations teams. In its most broad meaning, DevOps is an operational philosophy that promotes better communication between development and operations as more elements of operations become programmable. Cloud-computing, Agile development, and DevOps are interlocking parts of a strategy for transforming IT into a business adaptability enabler. If the cloud is an instrument, then DevOps is the musician that plays it.

Machine Learning

DATE & VENUE: 5th October 2017 at 10:00AM in MBA Seminar Hall
Resource Person: Mr. Ananda Padmanabha, Research Associate, Innovation Centre of BMS Innolabs, Bangalore

Mr. Ananda Padmanabha gave a brief introduction on Machine Learning. Machine Learning is a programming computer to learn from the past experience and engineering data. It is an automated detection of useful patterns in data and science of getting computers to perform without being explicitly programmed.

He addressed to the students about how machine leaning can be extended to any area such as anti-spam software to detect fraudulent usage of credit cards, obstacle detection system in vehicles, pattern recognition, web search, computational biology, robotics, info extraction, social network, debugging and medical diagnosis. Pattern recognition can be done for images, text, signature, voice and speech and face detection.

Now a day’s machine learning plays a major role in every field and also has a different classification on machine learning application like learning associations, supervised learning, regressions, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning.

He was explaining to students that in the field of machine learning there are different case studies will come into picture and among that the important field is Google translation, character recognition using machine learning.

For implementing the concepts in machine learning, ‘R’ language is an open source which is normally used and it is very easy to code. Apart from this even python language can also be used in machine learning.

Finally he gave the major difference between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and also the challenges in machine learning. Machine Learning is not only for computer science, it can be applied in the field of automobile/mechanical engineering, medical/bio-medical, electronics and communications and agriculture.

Digital Image Processing

DATE & VENUE: 6th October 2017 at 11:00 AM in MBA Seminar Hall
Resource Person: Dr. Shridevi Soma, Associate Professor, Dept of CSE, PDACE, Gulbarga.

Sridevi Soma gave a detailed explanation of Digital image processing. It is the use of computer algorithms to perform image processing on digital images. It allows a much wider range of algorithms to be applied to the input data and can avoid problems such as the build-up of noise and signal distortion during processing. It is the human vision- perceive and understanding/ interpretations

In Image processing, it is the analysis and manipulation of a digitized image, especially in order to improve its quality. Low-level image processing is the transformation of low contrast image to high contrast image. Among that there are two stages. 1st stage is getting an image i.e. image requisition and 2nd stage is preprocessing.

High-level image processing is understanding about knowledge based-imitate human cognition and make decisions about the information of the image.

She taught about Image processing and its related fields. They are signal processing, computer/ machine/ Robot vision, Biological vision as a major effort in the brain study, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition.

She explained the fundamental steps in digital image processing like Knowledge about a problem domain are coded into an image processing system in the form of a knowledge database. Elements of digital image processing systems: The basic operations performed in digital image processing systems include (1) acquisition, (2) storage, (3) processing, (4) communication and (5) display. There are different processes are there in DIP. 1) High- Acquisition, preprocessing- Intelligence 2) Medium- Extraction, edge joining 3) Low- Recognition- Intelligence

She gave an introduction to the signals ad function of DIP. Signal and function are having variables with a physical meaning. Scalar functions are sufficient to describe a monochromatic intensity image and vector functions represent color images.

Finally, she told about issues and challenges in DIP. Image filtering, image restoration, image registration, image fusion- fusing images for security, image segmentation- sub-images from main images, image classification- the level of understanding of image

Software Localization

DATE & VENUE: 14th October 2017 at 9:00 AM in MBA Seminar Hall

Vinay shastry gave brief explanation on Localization, which was normally thought to be synonymous with Translation in earlier days, has changed its limits with tremendous growth of Language Industry. It is not just customization of available features into other languages but is a complex process which may even lead to a complete redesign of logic, visual structure or presentation depending on the locale.

The IT Industry defines Localization to be “the adaptation of a product, application or document content to meet the language, cultural and other requirements of a specific target market (a locale)”. Several terms like L10n, M17n, G11n and I18n denote various processes of the Industry but sometimes, they overlap to create confusions and varying definitions. In a broader sense, Globalization includes all these processes.

A typical Internationalization involves:

  • Designing and developing to ensure that L10n or I18n deployment is possible. Eg: Usage of Unicode, Concatenation of strings, avoiding code dependency of UI string values, etc.
  • Enabling code to support the preferences of local, regional, language, or cultural entities. Eg: Date & time, local calendars, number formats, sorting and presentation of lists, handling of personal names and forms of address, etc.
  • Support for possible features of L10n in future. Eg: Adding markup in DTD to support bidirectional text or language identification. Similarly, adding to CSS to support vertical text.
  • Separating localizable elements from source code or content, so that they can be selected based on preferences.

AI in Language Industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all about using algorithmic technology to leverage all the available data. For Language Industry, AI is best embodied in Machine Learning (ML), a Software Engineering discipline. ML enables learning and recognition of linguistic patterns to successfully automate processes like speech recognition, machine translation and image recognition. Many open source kits use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to produce simple Chatbots, for example. With recent AI developments, especially in NLP and ML, Language Industry is emerging as a potential sector.

Japanese Localization – specialization

  • Japan is the third big economy, lacking young resources
  • Japanese are good at technology but poor at English
  • So, a young engineer with Japanese and English skills is in great demand, all over the world!
  • This bilingual market presents a wide range of opportunities for Japanese L10N professionals
  • Japanese L10n is now a specialization demanded by many industries all over the world

Future of Localization

I18N significantly affects the ease of product localization and G11n will be the fundamental step in design process. With problems like Y2K in the past, Industry will not take up difficult and time consuming retro-fitting for global deployment.

  • So, there is always a growing demand for L10n sector
  • Even with great AI tools, Language Industry needs humans
  • Designing Human – Machine interaction becomes inevitable

The future will be Human – Machine going hand in hand for globalization requirements.

Software Testing Tools

DATE & VENUE: 14th October 2017 at 11:15 AM in MBA Seminar Hall
Resource Person: Mrs. Rajashree, Senior Quality Manager, Thomson Reuters, Mangalore

Rajashree gave a detailed explanation of testing tools. She started with a brief explanation of software testing. Software testing is a process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs. It can also be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a software program or application or product: Meets the business and technical requirements that guided its design and development. Two forms of testing are 1) Automation testing 2) Manual Testing. Under the automation testing, she explained the important concepts like the decision to automate testing, Test tool application, Automated testing introduction process, Text planning, Design and development, and execution.

She gave the pros and cons of manual testing and automation testing. Under the manual testing she explained important points like manual testing can be done by anyone, it is the very easiest way to improve quality, focusing on the customer’s workflow primarily, it may not identify all test cases, may not identify all defects and it is of lower product quality. Under the automation testing, she explains the important points like faster test cycles can be achieved, defects can be identified faster and finally, it is not cost-effective for less than 3 test cycles.

Automation testing tools are applicable for mobile App testing, HP load runner, HP win Runner. Selenium is a portable software-testing framework for web applications. Selenium provides a playback (formerly also recording) tool for authoring tests without the need to learn a test scripting language (Selenium IDE). It also provides a test domain-specific language (Selenese) to write tests in a number of popular programming languages, including C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Scala. The three components of selenium are IDE, RC, GRID. Selenium IDE Complete List of Commands are addLocationStrategyAndWait, addScript, addScriptAndWait, addSelection.

She neatly explained the framework of selenium. Selenium Framework is a code structure that helps to make code maintenance easy. Without frameworks, we will place the “code” as well as “data” in the same place which is neither re-usable nor readable. Using Frameworks, produce beneficial outcomes like increased code re-usage, higher portability, reduced script maintenance cost, higher code readability, etc.

There is mainly three types of frameworks created by Selenium WebDriver to automate manual test cases. Data-Driven Test Framework, Keyword Driven Test Framework, Hybrid Test Framework. Although there are many benefits that can be achieved by using tools to support testing activities, there are also many risks that are associated with it when tool support for testing is introduced and used.

Finally, she gave disadvantages of using testing tools. In fact, it is the responsibility of the automation tester who needs to handle the tool in a proper way. Because a single mistake during the development of test cases can lead to a fatal situation for the application. It may crash the entire software application if not handled with proper care. So, we can say every advantage comes at the cost of responsibility and we have to accept it. Besides, it also hampers the industry by decreasing the need for man force and hence increasing unemployment. But again if we need quality then we can’t survive with unskilled labor. So we have to take this in a positive mood.

Security issues in wired and wireless networks

DATE & VENUE: 28 th October 2017 at 9:00 AM in MBA Seminar Hall

Resource Person Dr. N Jayashankar, Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, VIT, Vellore, Tamilnadu

Dr. N Jayashankar gave a brief introduction on security issues in wired and wireless networks. Internet is a a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols. He discussed about IPV4 and IPV6 address configuaration. Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) is the fourth revision of the Internet Protocol and a widely used protocol in data communication over different kinds of networks. IPv4 is a connectionless protocol used in packet-switched layer networks, such as Ethernet. Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) is an Internet Protocol (IP) used for carrying data in packets from a source to a destination over various networks. IPv6 is the enhanced version of IPv4 and can support very large numbers of nodes as compared to IPv4. Data communication are the exchange of data between two devices via some form of transmission medium.

He gave brief description of benefits of security issues like safe and stable data exchange environment, joint information protection system, data transmission in compliance with the IP data transmission protocol, quick network connection of new branches and partners, network monitoring and services quality control 24-hours a day.

He discussed about Adhoc On Demand Routing Protocol. An Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) is a routing protocol designed for wireless and mobile ad hoc networks. This protocol establishes routes to destinations on demand and supports both unicast and multicast routing. By passing the hollow packets neighbour can identify neighbour nodes ( route discovery). He gave explanation on malicious nodes. If trust value of the Suspect node does not increase with time, the node is termed a Malicious node, and the route containing the Malicious node can’t be selected as a secure route by the source node for sending its packets.

He discussed on security attacks on protocol stacks. The sheer number of DoS attacks makes the study of this topic challenging. However, the OSI reference model can help sort it out. The OSI reference model details each stage of the process required to connect a computer to the network. Developers and manufacturers use the OSI model as a common denominator to improve network communications. He gave explanation on the types of attacks. They are black hole attack, worm whole attack, gray whole attack. He discussed about some of the network related projects such as detection of packet looping attacks, detection of misdirection attacks, detection of black hole attacks, voice based email for the blink, credit card reader with face recognition based on webcam, recognition of hand movement for paralytic.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Technologies

DATE & VENUE: 19th February 2018, Engineering Seminar Hall

Resource Person: Mr. Krishna Raja H, Senior Program Manager, Oracle, Bengaluru

Krishna Raja gave a detailed explanation of Oracle fusion. He started with a brief explanation of Oracle fusion. Oracle Fusion Middleware is the digital business platform for the enterprise and the cloud. It enables enterprises to create and run agile, intelligent business applications while maximizing IT efficiency through full utilization of modern hardware and software architectures.
Over the past several years, there’s been a lot of talk regarding Oracle Fusion and many people struggle to understand what exactly this means. Essentially “Fusion” refers to Oracle’s Cloud infrastructure (“Fusion” Middleware) and the development of new applications specifically designed for the Cloud and subscription services. More recently, Oracle has focused communications on the business process value and business use of these applications and now refers to these applications and underlying technology simply as “Cloud”. For the purposes of this article, we’ll use the term “Fusion” to describe the underlying technology for those that care, and the term “Cloud” to describe business applications delivered by Oracle in a subscription service model.

He explained about oracle cloud fusion. Oracle Fusion services. The Fusion SaaS offerings can be divided into four primary service categories: Human Capital Management Service, Customer Relationship Management Service, Enterprise Resource Planning Service and Enterprise Performance Management Service.

He explained about fusion application in oracle. The Oracle Fusion service-oriented platform and applications suite joins next-generation enterprise technologies, applications, and services, including Oracle Fusion Applications and Oracle Fusion Middleware, to change the dynamics in the applications marketplace and revolutionize business.

He neatly explained the procurement in oracle fusion. Oracle Fusion Procurement is a modular suite of procurement applications designed to work as a complete procurement solution or as modular extensions to your existing procurement applications portfolio.

Finally, he gave the difference between the oracle fusion and oracle cloud. Oracle Fusion and Oracle Cloud are often used interchangeably and hence lead to initial confusion. However to simplify, Oracle Fusion is the name of the front end application which Oracle has created by combining the previous Oracle EBS, JD Edwards, Siebel and Peoplesoft. Hence the users basically see and perform transactions in Oracle Fusion Applications. Oracle Cloud on the other hand is where the Oracle Fusion Applications reside. Hence unlike the Oracle EBS On-Premise which used to be hosted on servers/data centers in client premises, the Oracle Fusion Applications for a client are stored in remote servers and hence the term ‘Cloud’. The client need not manage the database servers for Fusion Applications. They are managed by Oracle itself. Hope it clarifies

Empowering Next Generation Professionals Salesforce

DATE & VENUE: 7th March 2018, MBA Seminar Hall

Resource Person: Mr. Rajesh R Nambiar, Software developer, Salesforce, Bengaluru.

Salesforce.com, Incis an American cloud computing company headquartered in San Francisco, California. Though its revenue comes from a customer relationship management (CRM) product, Salesforce also sells commercial applications of social networking through acquisition and internal development.

Rajesh gave a detailed explanation of how the next generation professionals have to salesforce is the primary enterprise offering within the Salesforce platform. It provides companies with an interface for case management and task management, and a system for automatically routing and escalating important events. The Salesforce customer portal provides customers the ability to track their own cases, includes a social networking plug-in that enables the user to join the conversation about their company on social networking websites, provides analytical tools and other services including email alert, Google search, and access to customers’ entitlement and contracts.

Salesforce users can configure their CRM application. In the system, there are tabs such as “Contacts”, “Reports”, and “Accounts”. Each tab contains associated information. Configuration can be done on each tab by adding user-defined custom fields. Configuration can also be done at the “platform” level by adding configured applications to a Salesforce instance, which is adding sets of customized / novel tabs for specific vertical- or function-level (Finance, Human Resources, etc.) features. He explained about oracle cloud fusion. Oracle Fusion services. The Fusion SaaS offerings can be divided into four primary service categories: Human Capital Management Service, Customer Relationship Management Service, Enterprise Resource Planning Service and Enterprise Performance Management Service.

He explained about AppExchange and Webservices. web interface, Salesforce offers a SOAP/REST Web service API that enables integration with other systems.

He neatly explained about the Salesforce AppExchange is an online application marketplace for third-party applications that run on the Force.com platform. Applications are available for free, as well as via yearly or monthly subscription models. Applications available range from integrations with SharePoint to mobile approval management. It features 2,948 applications that have driven 3+ million installs. The “AppExchange” is also a place customers can search for cloud consulting partners to help them implement the technology in their own organization. Cloud consulting partners for Salesforce include large companies like IBM’s “Bluewolf” and Accenture as well as smaller ones like Cloudreach.

Finally, he gave a brief explanation of how the Amazon Great Indian Sale will happen and how the next generation students want to work even on the development side without coding. He gave us extra information on how to get into the industry with the proper knowledge of programming subjects.

Application of Novel Algorithm Pattern

DATE & VENUE: 06th April 2018, Engineering Seminar Hall

Resource Person: Mr. Vipin Kumar, Project Manager, Infosys, Mangalore

Vipin Kumar gave a detailed explanation of the Novel algorithm for pattern matching. Modern network security applications, such as network-based intrusion detection systems (NIDS) and firewalls, routinely employ deep packet inspection to identify malicious traffic. In deep packet inspection, the contents of network traffic are matched against patterns of malicious traffic to identify attack-carrying packets. The pattern matching algorithms employed for deep packet inspection must be fast, as the algorithms are often implemented on middle-boxes residing on high-speed gigabits per second links. The majority of patterns employed in network security applications are regular languages. However, regular language-based patterns have limited expressive power and are not capable of describing some complex features in network payload. Back reference is an important feature provided by many patterns matching tools, e.g., PCRE, the regular expression libraries of Java, Perl, and Python. Backreferences are used to identify repeated patterns in input strings. Patterns containing back-references are non-regular languages. Very little work has been done to improve the time-efficiency of back reference-based pattern matching.
He explained the basic idea of the novel pattern approach is to transform a backreference problem to a conditional sub match problem and represent it with a Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA)-like machine subject to some constraints. Our experimental results show that our approach resists known algorithmic complexity attacks, and is faster than PCRE by up to three orders of magnitude for certain types of patterns.

He briefly explained about the novel approach for image compression. The development in communication and the use of multimedia applications has created a remarkable demand for robust ways to store and transmit large databases of images. The current communication system demands compression techniques to store and transmit data in the opposite manner. Compression schemes for images can be used to manage data of high sensitivity with less computational complexity.

He finally neatly suggested a novel algorithm for image compression and pattern matching called Difference Component Analysis (DCA). DCA extracts the most relevant image feature components that identify the image. The DCA is based on the premise that matching images have minimal difference components. The experiment on DCA is done using more than 1000 human face images. The results show that the image can be compressed to a single decimal value and uses less computational steps. The concept can be applied for pattern recognition encryption techniques.

Big Data Applications and Processing Tools

DATE & VENUE: 20/4/2018 at AIET Auditorium

Resource Person: Mr. Rathinaraja Jeyaraj, Research Scholar, Dept of IT, NITK.

Rathinaraja briefly explains about the big data applications in industries. IG DATA is a term used for a collection of data sets so large and complex that it is difficult to process using traditional applications/tools. It is the data exceeding Terabytes in size. Because of the variety of data that it encompasses, big data always brings a number of challenges relating to its volume and complexity. He explains how Industry influencers, academicians, and other prominent stakeholders certainly agree that big data has become a big game-changer in most, if not all, types of modern industries over the last few years. As big data continues to permeate our day-to-day lives, there has been a significant shift of focus from the hype surrounding it to finding real value in its use.

While understanding the value of big data continues to remain a challenge, other practical challenges including funding and return on investment and skills continue to remain at the forefront for a number of different industries that are adopting big data. With that said, a Gartner Survey for 2015 shows that more than 75% of companies are investing or are planning to invest in big data in the next two years. These findings represent a significant increase from a similar survey done in 2012 which indicated that 58% of companies invested or were planning to invest in big data within the next 2 years.

He gave importance to that generally, most organizations have several goals for adopting big data projects. While the primary goal for most organizations is to enhance customer experience, other goals include cost reduction, better-targeted marketing and making existing processes more efficient. In recent times, data breaches have also made enhanced security an important goal that big data projects seek to incorporate.

Finally, he explained the tools used in big data. Here are the top tools used to store and analyze Big Data. We can categorize them into two (storage and Querying/Analysis).
Apache Hadoop, Microsoft HDInsight, NoSQL, Hive, Sqoop, PolyBase, Big data in EXCEL and Presto.

The Department is well equipped with hardware as well as Software facilities. The department has more than 850 computer systems and fully air-conditioned programming labs, Internet laboratories. The labs consist of most advanced Dual Core & Core 2 Duo ,4th generation Lenovo systems with Windows 7 professional and ubuntu and Fedora linux operating systems and servers with Windows Server 2003. Hardware facilities supporting the hardware are equipped with Assembly kits, Interfacing kit, Emulators, Cross-compilers, Micro-controller, D.S.P.Kit.

All the labs are LAN connected with licensed software packages related to latest global techniques. 200 Mbps of BSNL 1:1 Leased line internet with Wi-Fi facility is provided so that the students can develop and sharpen their technical skills. Students have opportunities of working on live projects received from reputed national and international companies. The department has following labs with latest software and configurations.


Unique Labs

Apple iOS Lab

Department of Computer Science & Engineering established Apple iOS Lab for App Development Activity Purpose. The institution has got Apple University Programme ID, currently all interested students of CSE, ECE, ISE are involved in App Development Activity through Certification Programs. At the end of the every course on successful competition of App, the students are honored with Apple Developer Certificates.

Our Institution is recognized as a “iOS Developer University Program” with institution id 6MKL3RX9SK from Apple Developer Program Support.  The institution has MoU with Callibre Code Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore for Certification Programs. Through MoU institution is conducting continuously App Development Programs. The following Apple iOS apps were developed by CSE students of AIET has been approved by App Store.

  1. MERGIO – https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/mergeo/id1438548443?mt=8
  1. YOGA STATION – https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/yogastation/id1439488896?mt=8
  1. MUSICAL EXPRESS – https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/musicalexpress/id1438653274?mt=8
  1. FITREAT – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fitreat/id1453315210?ls=1&mt=8
  1. CHILDSLATE – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/childslate/id1461671756?mt=8
  1. FLORAHUNT – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/florahunt/id1465949442?mt=8
  1. TWIST TAC TOE – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/twist-tac-toe/id1461649998?mt=8

Edwin’s Linux Lab

Department Computer Science & Engineering established a Linux Lab in the department to give the more importance on research based projects in Linux. The Linux lab focusing on various training related to IoT based projects using Python Programming. Prof. Edwin will look after the Linux lab and providing training to all the students time to time. Some of the workshops arranged in Linux lab is depicted in the below report.  Workshop on “Free Open Source Software- Bootable Linux OS Via Flash Drive” was conducted CSE/ECE and ISE students.  Prof. Edwin, Former Professor, Philadelphia University, Australia served as a resource person of the workshop. About 300 students of CSE/ISE and ECE were participated in this workshop.

The Resource person Prof. Edwin brief explained the history of Puppy Linux and demonstrated the students to how to boot the OS using flash drive. “Puppy Linux is a unique family of Linux distributions meant for the home-user computers. It was originally created by Barry Kauler in 2003” Puppy Linux is not a single Linux distribution like Debian. Puppy Linux is also not a Linux distribution with multiple flavours, like Ubuntu (with its variants of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc) though it also comes in flavours. Puppy Linux is a collection of multiple Linux distributions, built on the same shared principles, built using the same set of tools, built on top of a unique set of puppy specific applications and configurations and generally speaking provide consistent behaviours and features, no matter which flavours you choose.



Intel Intelligence Systems Lab was established in department of CSE during year 2013.

The 20 staff members of the department of CSE, ECE and ISE were trained during this workshop. Workshop was inaugurated by Mr.Kiran Nambiar, Intel FICE Bangalore and Mr. Shivaprasad Yadav, Mr.Sainath Shanbaugh and Mr. Purushottam Reddy were the trainers of the Workshop. Prof. Manjunath Kotari, HOD CSE welcomed the gathering. Dr. Peter Fernandes, Principal, AIET, Moodbidri presided over the function. Currently final year students are doing projects on Intel FICE using Atom processor.


  • To support students throughout their engineering program academically as well as emotionally and act as a local guardian, thereby assist them to enhance their academic performance and achieve goals.
  • To fill in confidence to improve their academic performance in slow learners thorough one to one interaction session in prerequisites and fundamentals of topic of interest in the engineering program.


  • Based on previous academic performance, slow learners are identified by the Head of the department (HOD).
  • The HOD will allot, one faculty mentor to 1-3 slow learners. Each mentor should maintain a Proctor form with details like parents/guardian’s name, addresses, contact numbers and academic details, academic scores.
  • More emphasis should be given to monitor the academic progress and design corrective measures for their prerequisites-fundamentals and facilitate them to improve their academic score.
  • Mentor should meet the student at least once in a week or whenever required.

Following are the functions of mentor

Sl. No. Type of mentoring system


1. Academic guidance

Share information of academic planners, academic schedules and e-learning resources.

Identify students with poor attendance and ensure that they improve their attendance by getting counselled in the presence of mentor, counsellor and HOD

Focus on academically weak students, by providing them with additional reading materials, model questions along with solutions and special make-up classes.

2. All – round development Encourage and support students towards all round development through participation in literary, cultural and sports activities which helps to develop leadership qualities, decision making abilities, team spirit, socio-psychological awareness, and shapes the student into an intellectually integrated person.
3. Personal development

Empower and enable inner adjustments by individual students to counter and cope with physical, emotional, mental, social and environmental challenges through student-counsellor interaction/ through meditation workshops/ through other specialized workshops / activities.

Engage in family /peer counselling by Counsellor/ Mentor /HOD to strengthen student’s interpersonal relationships thereby improving their grades.

  • Parent meetings will be conducted regularly for bringing parents into the student mentoring system as key stake-holders.
Alva’s Learnathon 2021

Date: 30th AUGUST 2021 TO 08th SEPTEMBER 2021 Venue: Online The Department of Computer Science & Engineering in association with...

WarTecX – 2021

WarTecX-2021 was an inter-branch technical fest conducted by Tech-Club in association with the CSI forum of the Computer Science Department,...

C Kaliyona Workshop

Department of Computer Science and Engineering had organized a workshop named C Kaliyona for Mechanical students. Intended to make the...

Technical Talk: Digital Revolution in India

Technical Talk on Edge Computing was conducted on 16th March,2019 in association with Computer Society of India(CSI) Student Chapter. Mr....

Machine Learning using Python Programming

Department of CSE organized Certification Program on “Machine Learning using Python Programming”. The Certification Programme was held during 27th August...

Dell EMC- Data Science and Big Data Analytics

Department of CSE organized Certification Program on “Data Science and Big Data Analytics”. The Certification  Programme was held during 3rd...

Cyber Security

Eight days Certification Course on “Cyber Security” was organized from 18th  February, 2019 to 25th  February 2019 by Department of...

Workshop on “Let’s Latex”

Computer Society of India Student Chapter & Department of Computer Science & Engineering , Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology,...

Workshop on “Hadoop for Big Data Analytics”

Department of CSE in association with Computer Society of India(CSI) organized workshop on “Hadoop for Big Data Analytics” for the...

Workshop on Mobile Application Development using Android

The eight days National Level workshop on the theme “Mobile Application Development using Android” was organized from 16th January 2019...

Project Exhibition

Department of computer science and engineering conducted a final year students Project Exhibition on 26th April, 2019. There were 26...

Applications of Python Programming in Data Analytics and Machine Learning- Research Perspective

Department of CSE in association with Computer Society of India(CSI) conducted a two days National Level Workshop on “Applications of...

Edge Computing

Technical Talk on Edge Computing was conducted on 15th Feb,2020 in association with Computer Society of India(CSI) Student Chapter. Dr....

[ctu_ultimate_oxi id="45"]

2020 - 21




  • Ms.Felomina Jancy, CSE 2022 Passout student secured B.E Honour’s Degree in CSE during VTU Convocation held during Feb 2023.
  • Project titled “Technical Term Sign Language Detection” selected for KSCST funding and selected for State Level Project Exhibition, project carried out by GANESHA SHETTY,GIRIPRASAD PATIL, K.VINAY and NATASHA CSE final years under the guidance of Mrs.Vidya.
  • Also 2 batches of Projects of CSE students received the VTU Funding of Rs 5000 each.
  • Ms. Sridevi, CSE Alumni has cleared the GATE 2022 and secured 49th All India Rank. She got admitted to M.Tech at IIT Bombay during Aug 2022.
  • Mr.Chinamaya Bhat and Mr.Karthik Tomar cleared the All India GATE 2023.
  • Mr.Jayasurya R D, 3rd Year CSE student Earned five star Golden Badge for Java in Hackerrank, Secured Elite certificate in NPTEL in DSA using Java., Achieved a global ranking of 157 in the CodeChef February Long 2022 - II Challenge
  • Department of CSE student Mr.Toshif and Mr.Tejas Ravi developed the indigenous software SAW-ERP for Alva’s Degree College, Moodbidri and AIET MBA Department. He is also maintaining the Alva’s Engineering Students indigenous software saw-erp.in, successfully utilized by all teachers for Lesson Plan, Attendance, Internal Assessment  & Final Exam Marks Entry, Student Test Dashboard etc 
  • Megana V, Ranjana R Shetty, DISHA SHETTY students of 3rd years developed an iOS App “Alva’s Shayari” and it was approved by App Store. At present iOS lab  has total 12 Approved apps in the App Store.
  • 37 CSE 3rd Sem students were participated in 3 days Workshop on “TCP/IP Networking” at NITK Surathkal during 20th to 22nd March,2023. 
  • 67 CSE students of 2nd & 3rd Years were received Certificate of Appreciation by Center for Open-source Software and Hardware(COSH), NITK, Surathkal  for successful completion of Application Program Interface(API) with Postman Course.
  • 3 CSE students were participated in HackToFuture, 24 hour long hackathon conducted by EGDK India Private Limited. and shortlisted in Top 50 teams.
  • 45 Review Papers/Conference Papers are published by students during Academic Year 2022-23
2020 - 21

NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Department of CSE students were enthusiastically involved in NPTEL Online Certification Courses and Certification Exams. Year by year more students are involving in these Online Courses and gaining knowledge on various courses like Machine Learning, Introduction to the Internet of Things, Programming in Java, Data Base Management System, Data Analytics with Python, Cloud Computing , Software Engineering, Operating System etc.

List of Students who have completed the NPTEL Courses Successfully.

Sl. No.


Course Name


Amogha U

Introduction To Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur


Adarsh N

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Aishwarya Hosamani

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Aishwarya J

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Akshata Shetty

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Ambika V

Operating System


Amrutha M

Cloud Computing – Online, Data Base Management System, Data Analytics With Python


Anitha Lakshmi T N

Machine Learning For Engineering And Science Applications – Online


Anix Jugal D Cunha

Introduction To Internet Of Things



Software Engineering – Online


Apoorva H P

Cloud Computing – Online, Data Analytics With Python


Apoorva K N

Data Base Management System, Data Analytics With Python


Aruna Kumari V

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Asha Rudrappa Totagi

Introduction To Internet Of Things – Online


Banish M G

Introduction To Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur


Bhavya S

Operating System


Bhramari P Shetty

Data Base Management System, Data Analytics With Python


Bhumika H V

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Brindashree B V

Introduction To Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur, Introduction To Internet Of Things



Design And Analysis Of Algorithms



Operating System


D Richard Franklin

Problem Solving Through Programming In C


Deepika K.V.

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Deril Quadras

Introduction To Internet Of Things – Online


Dhanush Shetty

Introduction To Internet Of Things – Online


Dhanya Bhat

Data Base Management System, Data Analytics With Python


Divya C H

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Divyashree Naik

Introduction To Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur, Introduction To Internet Of Things


Dsouza Elston Ronald

Data Base Management System


Felina Menezes

Programming In Java


Felomina Jancy

Problem Solving Through Programming In C – Online, Programming In Java


Gautham Prabhu

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Hanan Saleem Baji

Programming In Java


Harshitha M

Introduction To Internet Of Things – Online


Huda Sultana

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Jaison Jaideep Lobo

Programming In Java


Jasline Sharon Tauro

Programming In Java, Problem Solving Through Programming In C


Jayalakshmi M

Theory Of Computation, Problem Solving Through Programming In C – Online


John Alsten Tauro

Data Base Management System, Data Analytics With Python


K S Prajwal

Problem Solving Through Programming In C


K Thrishul

Theory Of Computation



Data Base Management System


Keertana Ganesh Ganiga

Programming In Java



Problem Solving Through Programming In C – Online, Programming In Java



Programming In Java


Laxman Pundalik Budihal

Programming In Java



Data Analytics With Python


M Mahammad Asif

Programming In Java


M. C Suchithra Heggade

Data Analytics With Python


Manasa B

Problem Solving Through Programming In C


Manikya K

Introduction To Internet Of Things – Online


Manvitha Rao

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Mithun Kumar D

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Mohammad Ashfan

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Nayan P Joshi

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Netra Suresh Gudagamnala

Introduction To Internet Of Things – Online


Nivedita Magadum

Programming In Java


Pallavi I Sutar

Introduction To Internet Of Things – Online


Parikshith Adiga B

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Pooja D S

Programming In Java


Pooja Rajeev

Data Analytics With Python


Poojashree T

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Pragathi Hd

Introduction To Internet Of Things – Online



Introduction To Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur


Pratibha Shetti

Programming In Java



Data Analytics With Python


Priya Nagari

Problem Solving Through Programming In C


Priyanka Killedar

Introduction To Internet Of Things – Online


Rakshith Gowda N

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Rasik Ramchandra Shetty

Introduction To Internet Of Things – Online


Ravali P

Introduction To Internet Of Things – Online


Raveena C Hulikatti

Programming In Java


Ravi K R

Programming In Java


Riya Cp

Programming In Java



Programming In Java


Sathwik R Gutti

Introduction To Internet Of Things



Programming In Java


Shashank V Rao

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Sheeri Shetty

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Shraddha Acharya

Programming In Java


Shreekiran R Bhat

Programming In Java



Programming In Java



Introduction To Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur



Data Analytics With Python


Sinchana S Kamath

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Sourabh Kakade

Introduction To Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur


Srilatha K Kamath

Introduction To Internet Of Things – Online



Introduction To Internet Of Things



Programming In Java



Programming In Java


Supriksha Shetty

Introduction To Internet Of Things



Data Analytics With Python


Sushmitha Shet

Introduction To Machine Learning IITM – Online, Introduction To Internet Of Things


Swathi V A

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Syed Hudaif Ibrahim

Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online


V Anjana Pai

Programming In Java


Vaibhavi V Bhat

Design And Analysis Of Algorithms


Vanishree. S. Binjadagi

Design And Analysis Of Algorithms


Varada S

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Varsha H Shetty

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Varshitha Makam

Introduction To Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur, Introduction To Internet Of Things


Vidya K C

Theory Of Computation


Vignesha Mandara Shetty

Introduction To Internet Of Things



Programming In Java


Vishwas Acharya

Introduction To Internet Of Things


Vleena Mascarenhas

Introduction To Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur


NPTELOnline Certification Courses

Department of CSE students were actively involved in NPTEL Online Certification Courses and Certification Exams. Year by year more number of students were involved in this Online Courses. Various courses like Machine Learning, Theory of Computation, Cloud Computing,Programming, Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving, Data Structures and Algorithms using Python, Ethical Hacking, Introduction to Internet of Things etc.





Course Name



Introduction to Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur



Data Base Management System



Theory of Computation



Theory of Computation



Introduction to Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur



Introduction to Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur



Introduction to Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur



Introduction to Programming in C



Introduction to Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur



Introduction to Programming in C



Introduction to Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur



Introduction to Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur



Introduction to Programming in C



Theory of Computation



Theory of Computation



Introduction to Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur



Theory of Computation



Theory of Computation



Theory of Computation



Introduction to Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur



Theory of Computation



Data Base Management System



Theory of Computation



Theory of Computation



Theory of Computation



Data Base Management System



Data Base Management System



Data Base Management System



Theory of Computation



Introduction to Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur



Introduction to Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur



Introduction to Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur



Introduction to Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur



Introduction to Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur



Introduction to Machine Learning-IIT Kharagpur



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online

Suman Rathod


Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online

shetty sathvik ravindra


Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online

Pranav L M


Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Problem Solving through Programming in C – Online



Problem Solving through Programming in C – Online



Problem Solving through Programming in C – Online



Problem Solving through Programming in C – Online



Cloud Computing – Online



Ethical Hacking – Online



Practical Machine Learning with Tensorflow – Online



Programming In Java – Online



Programming In Java – Online



Programming In Java – Online



Programming In Java – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving – Online



Practical Machine Learning with Tensorflow – Online



Cloud Computing – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Machine Learning IITM – Online



Introduction to Machine Learning IITM – Online



Introduction to Machine Learning IITM – Online



Blockchain Architecture Design and Use Cases – Online



Machine Learning for Engineering and Science Applications – Online



Machine Learning for Engineering and Science Applications – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Machine Learning IITM – Online



Introduction to Machine Learning IITM – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Introduction to Internet of Things – Online



Machine Learning for Engineering and Science Applications – Online



Machine Learning for Engineering and Science Applications – Online



Machine Learning for Engineering and Science Applications – Online



Machine Learning for Engineering and Science Applications – Online



Machine Learning for Engineering and Science Applications – Online



Machine Learning for Engineering and Science Applications – Online



Machine Learning for Engineering and Science Applications – Online



Machine Learning for Engineering and Science Applications – Online



Machine Learning for Engineering and Science Applications – Online



Machine Learning for Engineering and Science Applications – Online



Machine Learning for Engineering and Science Applications – Online



Software Engineering – Online



Software Engineering – Online



Introduction to Machine Learning IITM – Online



Introduction to Machine Learning IITM – Online



Introduction to Machine Learning IITM – Online



Introduction to Machine Learning IITM – Online



Introduction to Machine Learning IITM – Online



Introduction to Machine Learning IITM – Online



Introduction to Machine Learning IITM – Online



NPTELOnline Certification Courses

Department of CSE students was actively involved in NPTEL Online Certification Courses and Certification Exams. The 68 students(ODD Sem 31 + EVEN Sem 37) were successfully completed NPTEL Courses in this academic year on various courses like IoT, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Java Programming, Cloud Computing etc.

Course Statistics Even Sem 2018-19

Course Name Number of students
Big Data Computing 11
Introduction to the Internet of Things 11
Programming in Java 9
Social Networks 2
Cloud Computing 1
Data Mining 2
Total 37



Elite Gold 8
Elite Silver 7
Elite 5

The following students were scored Elite Gold, Elite Silver and Elite Grade by securing highest percentage in Certification Exams.

Sl.No. Name Course Percentage Grade
1. Prathiksha Introduction to Internet of Things 99 Elite Gold
2. Vleena Mascarenhes Introduction to Internet of Things 94 Elite Gold
3. Ameen Ahammed Introduction to Internet of Things 93 Elite Gold
4. Shwetha Introduction to Internet of Things 93 Elite Gold
5. Deekshith T R Introduction to Internet of Things 92 Elite Gold
6. Albin Francis Introduction to Internet of Things 92 Elite Gold
7. Asha Totagi Progarmming In Java 91 Elite Gold
8. Shwetha Progarmming In Java 90 Elite Gold
9. samrin banu Introduction To Internet Of Things 88 Elite Silver
10. Rabeya Introduction To Internet Of Things 88 Elite Silver
11. Ravali Progarmming In Java 88 Elite Silver
12. Kiran k Introduction To Internet Of Things 86 Elite Silver
13. Safnaaz Introduction To Internet Of Things 84 Elite Silver
14. Priyanka Killedar Progarmming In Java 84 Elite Silver
15. Netra Progarmming In Java 79 Elite Silver
16. Sheetal Introduction To Internet Of Things 70 Elite
17. Anusha Progarmming In Java 70 Elite
18. Aishwarya shetty Big Data Computing 65 Elite
19. Srilatha kamath Progarmming In Java 61 Elite
20. Pranav LM Progarmming In Java 60 Elite
21. Shriraksha Big Data Computing 59 Successfully completed
22. Viaks A L Progarmming In Java 58 Successfully completed
23. Nalini Big Data Computing 54 Successfully completed
24. Thejaswini M B Big Data Computing 53 Successfully completed
25. Varsha S Big Data Computing 52 Successfully completed
26. Geetanjali B RTOS-Real Time Operating Systems 51 Successfully completed
27. Shilpa shetty Big Data Computing 49 Successfully completed
28. Anusha Social Networks 49 Successfully completed
29. Deeksha poojary Social Networks 49 Successfully completed
30. Sumith Kumar Big Data Computing 48 Successfully completed
31. Shridevi Prabhu Big Data Computing 47 Successfully completed
32. prathiksha rai Big Data Computing 47 Successfully completed
33. Rakshitha HB Data Mining 46 Successfully completed
34. Aditya shetty Big Data Computing 41 Successfully completed
35. Meghana G R Big Data Computing 40 Successfully completed
36. Ranjith Cloud Computing 40 Successfully completed
37. Chithra R G Data Mining 40 Successfully completed

Students Achievements in Academic Colloboration/MoU Organizations

Sl. No Student Name Place Event Date Remarks
1. Rasik Shetty, Parikshith Adiga and Sanath Shetty National Remote Sensing Centre(NRSC), Hydrabad Paper Presentation 29th March,2019 Title: Data Analytics with ELK stack and custom dashboard application for Bhuvan usage statistics.
2. Netra S G SJCIT 400 mtrs. 26th -29th October 2018 Third Place
3. Netra S G SJCIT 400 mtrs. Hurdles 26th -29th October 2018 Third Place
4. Netra S G SJCIT 4X400 mtrs. Relay 26th -29th October 2018 First Place
5. Adithya Shetty Canara Engg. College Code Quest 28th Feb- 2nd March 2019 Participated
6. D’Silva Amit Canara Engg. College Code Quest 28th Feb- 2nd March 2019 Participated
7. Jagdish Rathi Canara Engg. College Code Quest 28th Feb- 2nd March 2019 Participated
8. Vishal Nayak S 19th VTU youth fest Janani 2018 2nd Nov – 4th Nov 2018 Participated
9. Marsh Vishal Lobo 19th VTU youth fest Janani 2018 2nd Nov – 4th Nov 2018 Participated
10. AdithyaShetty NITK -Incident 2019 Melas Quiz 02nd Mar 2019 Participated
11. D’silvaAmith NITK -Incident 2019 Melas Quiz 02nd Mar 2019 Participated
12. Deekshith Raj NITK -Incident 2019 Melas Quiz 02nd Mar 2019 Participated
13. Niharika NITK -Incident 2019 General Quiz 02nd Mar 2019 Participated
14. Mukesh NITK -Incident 2019 General Quiz 02nd Mar 2019 Participated
15. Rahul Nayak NITK -Incident 2019 General Quiz 02nd Mar 2019 Participated
16. Prajna NITK -Incident 2019 General Quiz 02nd Mar 2019 Participated
17. Safnaaz NITK -Incident 2019 General Quiz 02nd Mar 2019 Participated
18. Ameen NITK -Incident 2019 General Quiz 02nd Mar 2019 Participated

Participation in Inter-Institute events by students

Sl. No. Guide Name Students Name Year Project Title Status
1 Mr. Tahir N H B Mr. Pratheek P P 2017-2018 VBRAILLE: Text input of multi touch screen mobile phones Completed
2 Mr. Vivek Sharma Ms. Pragathi D K 2017-2018 A speakup App for people Completed
3. Mr. Vasudev S Shahpur Mr. AkashKubasad 2017-2018 Learn and Teach: A platform for digital classroom Completed

Student sponsored projects by- Karnataka State Council for Science &Technology (KSCST)

Sl. No. Guide Name Students Name Year Project Title Status
1 Mr Tahir N H B Mr Prateek P P 2017-2018 VBRAILLE: Text input of multi-touch screen mobile phones Completed
2 Mr Vivek Sharma Ms Pragathi D K 2017-2018 A speakup App for people Completed
3. Mr Vasudev S Shahpur Mr AkashKubasad 2017-2018 Learn and Teach: A platform for the digital classroom Completed

Papers published/ awards received by projects

Sl. No. Name of the Student Title of the paper Name of the publisher





Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized one-day industry visit for 8th semester CSE students accompanied by the faculty Mr. Hemanth Kumar N P to “Gain Insights” dated 10th November 2020, for better technical knowledge enhancement of students.


Industrial visits are an integral part of Engineering and acknowledgment of technological up-gradation. The purpose of industrial visits for students is to provide technical knowledge with the technological development in the industry and to understand the gap between the theoretical and practical knowledge that could be passed in the future. This experience can help students to provided information regarding the functioning of various industries and associated problems and limitations.

Interfacing with the industry also provides a chance to build networks and get their communication skills. Moreover, the participating organizations also gain by getting refined students from the respective institute which could also help in improving their economy.

Company Profile

At Gain Insights, it’s all about celebrating the passion for data and exploring the endless possibilities it offers. It takes to discover and remove data friction for our clients, partners and communities around the world.

There are many dimensions to life at GainInsights and it revolves around a quest to excel – in their work, in their extended lives and in the little things they care about. They’ve created an atmosphere to foster this.

Diverse career possibilities

Data Engineering- Our Data Engineers are passionate about architecting data management systems and building data pipelines that support large-scale analytics

Data Visualization- Consultants are adept in solving challenges across technologies and enabling powerful decisions for businesses

Advanced Analytics- Team of dedicated statisticians, mathematicians can’t have enough of data, as they work on cutting edge analytics products that drive predictions and insights in every sphere of business

Cognitive Technologies- Advanced Technologies team is building the next-generation of AI-led products to help businesses automate processes and deliver models at scale.


They provided students a good opportunity to gain full awareness about industry practices. Students gained a combined knowledge about both theory and practical. About 30 students of CSE benefited from this visit. Students were eager to say organizing this type of industrial visit for practical exposure which shows the success of the visit.


Industrial Visit to E & Y, Bangalore

Department of Computer Science & Engineering organized Industrial Visit to Earnst & Young (EY), Bangalore for Final Year Placed Students on 5th April, 2019. Visit was planned on the occasion of EY Campus confluence Programmer. The working environment of EY has been studied by students.


Industrial Visit to IISc, Bangalore

Department of Computer Science & Engineering organized a Industrial Visit to IISc. Bangalore for 2nd Year Students on 23rd March 2019. Team of 48 students with 2 faculty members visited the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) during Open Day. Students were visited various department during this visit and participated in various events and guest lectures.


On this Open day, students got an opportunity to visit the Institute and go around the campus to explore the exciting science and technology initiatives and activities of the Institute. The Open Day featured popular lectures, experimental demos, poster presentations, quiz contests, scientific competitions, and exhibitions that was showcased in the various departments and centres. Our students exclusively visited Computational & Data Science(CDS) Centre and Computer Science & Automation(CSA) witnessed the following activities

  • Lab Demos 
  • Poster display
  • Talk by experts
  • Quizzes
  • Puzzles
  • Interactive Demos
  • Technical Quiz
  • Coding:
    • Game of Codes
    • Bet to code

Industrial Visit to VHEP, Hosangadi

Name of Industry: Varahi Hydro Electric Project, Varaahi, Kundapura Tq.

Date of Visit: 5th  March 2019, Tuesday

Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Ankitha Shetty & Ms. Shruthi Shetty J

Students: 3rd Year Students



Department of Computer Science & Engineering organized a Industrial Visit to Varaahi Hydro Electric Power Plant(VHEP), Hosangadi for 3rd Year Students of Department of Computer Science and Engineering on 5th March 2019. Team of 54 students with 2 faculty members visited the plant and gained practical knowledge on various theoretical concepts known to them, with the co-ordination of consultant guide at power plant.


Varahi Hydro Electric Project:

  • 4 Units x 115MW = 460 MW
  • The river Varahi takes its birth at a height of 730 m in the Western Ghats at Hebbagilu, near Agumbe in Shimoga District. It joins the Arabian Sea near Kundapur. After a 25 Km initial run, this swift and powerful river falls 455 m in cascades to form the bellowing Kunchikal falls.
  • Varahi is Karnataka’s first underground powerhouse – a key milestone in the corporation history of KPCL.
  • Varahi as a surface power house was later converted into an underground Powerhouse. The change-over was based on three key parameters: technical, economical and our concern for environment protection.
  • Stage I of the Varahi Hydro Electric Project has a total installed capacity of 230 MW   and  Stage II of the Varahi Hydro Electric Project has a total installed capacity of 230 MW contributing 1100 MU annually.
  • This consists of 4 x 115 MW Generating Units at Varahi underground Powerhouse and two 4.5 MW units in Varahi Tail Race Mini Hydel Scheme ‐ 37.5 MW


Varahi Tail Race Mini Hydel Scheme:

The Varahi Tail race Mini Hydel Scheme is located on river Varahi, downstream of the location of the Underground power house of Varahi Hydro Electric Project, presently having an installed capacity of 230MW (2 x 115MW).

The VTR Mini Hydel Scheme utilizes the tail race waters of the Varahi Underground power house and water from independent catchment upto the diversion weir site on Varahi River just downstream of Varahi Underground power house tailrace confluence and the drop in the river bed level upto location of VTR Mini Hydel Scheme Power House location, for power generation. The scheme is developed by M/s Sandur Power Ltd. the power house at the Mani Dam site.

IT and Computerization:

The Corporation has taken a number of IT initiatives to meet its business commitments. Some of the IT activities/infrastructure as detailed below:

  • Hardware platform: Provided Blade Servers and Rack Servers
  • Connectivity: Established; OFC connectivity between all major power houses and office complex, Local Area Network and Wide Area Network through MPLS/MLLN circuits of BSNL at corporate and major project offices.
  • Application Software: The application software developed and implemented are:
    • Fuel Management System
    • Integrated Inventory Management System
    • Owing to many changes in government policies, increased number of projects, KTPP act, e-portal procedures and increased number of spares due to technological changes made to modify the entire IIMS package to suit to present day conditions without deviating the KPCL’s administrative procedures in vogue modified IIMS to suit the requirement of RTPS and BTPS with the following major features and implemented:
      • Standardized the procedure/functions/ activities performed on inventory management.
      • Defined the responsibilities / accountability.
      • Increased the speed of processing of purchase of materials.
      • Introduced “Material Requirement Planning”.
      • to move towards paperless transaction in inventory management
    • Generation Management System
  • Other software: AutoCAD, STAAD, Adobe software and e-tab are being used extensively at Design offices. Oracle 9i/11g database, Oracle 10g Application server, Oracle Forms 6i and Reports 6i are used for application software.
  • E-procurement: Government of Karnataka e-procurement portal is being used for procurement of goods and services as per the transparency act at corporate office and projects as per KTTP Act.


ISRO-ISAC & HAL, Bangalore

A Report on Two Day Industrial Visit to Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Satellite Centre (ISAC), Bangalore & HAL Heritage Centre, Bangalore

The department of Computer Science and Engineering had organized an industrial visit for 36 students of the Sixth semester B.E on the 20th March 2018, who were accompanied by three of the faculties of the department.

ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) is the lead center of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) responsible for design, development, assembly & integration of communication, navigation, remote sensing, scientific and small satellite missions. For the benefit of students there is a space exhibition center at ISAC. Our students were able to see the exhibition. Scientist Mr. H L Srinivasa explained each and every display unit kept for the exhibition. It includes the models of the first Indian satellite Aryabhatta, APPLE, INSAT series etc. Satellites are basically of two types- Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites and communication satellites. IRS-1A was the first remote sensing mission undertaken by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). It was a part-operational, part-experimental mission to develop Indian expertise in satellite imagery.

Students also gained knowledge about how television signals are broadcasted with the help of satellites. A working model was demonstrated. Various images of India taken at different angles from the satellites, for the purpose of geographical/weather study were seen. Latest images of moon obtained from satellite was also shown. Different electronic devices used in satellite and space communication were explained.

The most interesting part was the tour of the lab areas where the students were shown the making of real satellites in the clean room and were given a glimpse of the equipment and manpower involved in the making, testing and launching of satellites. The tour was extremely informative and greatly benefitted the students and enhanced their knowledge about ISRO and its satellites. It was followed by an informative and interesting movie showing the establishment of the organization and the immense achievements of ISRO in the past and its plans for the future.

The visit to HAL Heritage Centre, Bangalore was organized on 20th March 2018 with the prior permission and guidance of beloved HOD Dr. ManjunathKotari.

The guiding staff onsite was very supportive to all students and guided to her best. Students had practical insights about LCA (Light combat Aircraft division). They also had audio video presentation on the development of propulsion system and gas turbine followed by visit to Heritage center and Aerospace Museum where a number of aircrafts and aero engines are on display.   It was a good experience, which has provided exposure to the pre-final year students with the knowledge of Aviation. The students are benefited in terms of the technical details provided by the company. The students also enjoyed learning new things.

Industrial Visit To UPCL

The department of Computer Science and Engineering had organized an industrial visit for 65 students of the Fourth semester B.E on the 13th March, 2018, who were accompanied by Two of the faculties of the department.

Udupi  Power Co-operation Limited(UPCL) is a subsidiary of Adani Power limited(APL) .It has established a 2×600 MW coal based power plant which is located in notified industrial area at villages Yelluru and Santhuru,Taluk  Udupi,District Udupi,Karnataka State.It is also the largest private power producer in India.

The units at the UPCL comprises of:

  • Demineralization plant
  • RFG
  • Clarifier-2
  • Cascade Aerator
  • BTG-Boiler Turbine Generator
  • Ash sylo tank
  • Surge tank
  • Setting tank
  • Track hopper
  • CHP-Coal Handling Plan
  • Machine stacker rechamber
  • ESP-Elactrostatic Precipitators
  • FGP-Fume Gas differlization System
  • Chlorination Tank
  • Natural Cooling Towers

The power plant of Udupi  is India’s first power plant which uses 100% imported coal.

  • The coal has less ash content as compared to Indian coal that is  per kg the ash content is 10.20%.Because of the less ash content the heat efficiency  and the capacity of the coal is more .Per day  around 8000 metric ton  coal is imported from Indonesia and Australia.The coal is imported and is sent to  track hopper  CHP-Coal  Handling Plan.There are a total of 2 units containing 12 bunkers with 6 bunkers per unit.4 bunkers run at a time where as the other 2 bunkers are kept  for stand-by.The unit has also got 2 salt water ponds,which are used for the purification of the sea water required  for the production of electricity. The water is taken through the large pipelines which are underground connected to the nearest seashore, emptied into these lakes.The total water requirement for the purposed project is 14381 m3/hr. The requirement  is fulfilled by the Arabian Sea.Due to the operational constraints faced in the sea water intake system,the system is designed to cater for both the phases upto sea water intake  pump house.The sea water intake and outfall locations are finalized by CSIR-NIO,Goa.

Location and Description of the Site                                  

The entire project area falls under  industrial area notified by State govt. of Karnataka.

The National Highway, NH-66 runs at a distance of 5 km, west connecting Mangalore to Udupi and State highway SH1 connecting NH66 from Padubidri to Karkala runs at a distance of 2.0 km, South from the proposed plant boundary.The site is located adjacent to new broad gauge of Konkan  Railways connecting Mangalore to Mumbai.

Anticipated environmental impacts & Mitigation Measures

  The preventive measures are taken care of in the power plant for the following fields

  • Air Environment
  • Noise Environment
  • Water Environment
  • Solid waste generation
  • Green-belt Development
  • Socio-Economic Measures

Project benefits

The  purposed project by UPCL would enable to meet part of the growing power demand  in the Karnataka State which is due to rapid industrialization and also due to large  scale use of electricity for irrigation, domestic  and commercial purposes. Further , the   purposed power  plant will result in improvement  of infrastructure as well upliftment of  social structure in the area.It is anticipated that the  purposed water plant will provide benefits for the locals in two phases i.e. during construction phase as well as during operational phase.

Industrial Visit to VHEP(Varahi Hydro Electric Project), VARAHI


Name of Industry: Varahi Hydro Electric Project

Date of Visit: 13/10/2017, Friday

Faculty Coordinators: Hemanth Kumar N P and Vivek Sharma


As a part of their academics, 3rd year students of Department of Computer Science and Engineering visited VHEP, Hosangadi on 13th October 2017.

Team of 39 students with 2 faculty members visited the plant and gained practical knowledge on various theoretical concepts known to them, with the co-ordination of consultant guide at power plant. The sites such as Varahi hydro electric project and Varahi Tail race mini hydel scheme were toured during our visit and also got to know how the information technology is used in these power projects.

4 Units x 115MW = 460 MW

Varahi is Karnataka’s first underground powerhouse – a key milestone in the corporation history of KPCL.  Varahi as a surface power house was later converted into an underground Powerhouse. The change-over was based on three key parameters: technical, economical and our concern for environment protection.  Stage I of the Varahi Hydro Electric Project has a total installed capacity of 230 MW   and Stage II of the Varahi Hydro Electric Project has a total installed capacity of 230 MW contributing 1100 MU annually. This consists of 4 x 115 MW Generating Units at Varahi underground Powerhouse and two 4.5 MW units in Varahi Tail Race Mini Hydel Scheme ‐ 37.5 MW

IT and Computerization

The Corporation has taken a number of IT initiatives to meet its business commitments. Some of the IT activities/infrastructure as detailed below:

  • Hardware platform: Provided Blade Servers and Rack Servers
  • Connectivity: Established; OFC connectivity between all major power houses and office complex, Local Area Network and Wide Area Network through MPLS/MLLN circuits of BSNL at corporate and major project offices.
  • Application Software: The application software developed and implemented are:
    • Fuel Management System
    • Integrated Inventory Management System
    • Owing to many changes in government policies, increased number of projects, KTPP act, e-portal procedures and increased number of spares due to technological changes made to modify the entire IIMS package to suit to present day conditions without deviating the KPCL’s administrative procedures in vogue modified IIMS to suit the requirement of RTPS and BTPS with the following major features and implemented:
      • Standardized the procedure/functions/ activities performed on inventory management.
      • Defined the responsibilities / accountability.
      • Increased the speed of processing of purchase of materials.
      • Introduced “Material Requirement Planning”.
      • to move towards paperless transaction in inventory management
    • Generation Management System
  • Other software: AutoCAD, STAAD, Adobe software and e-tab are being used extensively at Design offices. Oracle 9i/11g database, Oracle 10g Application server, Oracle Forms 6i and Reports 6i are used for application software.
  • E-procurement: Government of Karnataka e-procurement portal is being used for procurement of goods and services as per the transparency act at corporate office and projects as per KTTP Act.

2020 - 21

Report of iOS Certification Course 2023-24

Report of BCA iOS Training 2024-25

Android Report 2023-24

Cyber Security Finishing School 2023-24

Cyber Security- Training Program 2023-24


iOS Students Training Report 2023-24

Qspider Company Specific Training 2023-24

Report on Blockchain workshop 2023-24

WORKSHOP -IoT Applications 2023-24

Workshop on Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 2023-24


Cyber Security

DATE & VENUE: 21/01/2023 at 9.00AM to 5.00PM,

Venue: Machine learning laboratory

Resource Person: Kaushik G.N Assistant Manager CySecK Bangalore, India and

Vineeth Shetty CyberSecurity Engineer, TietoEvry India Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore, India

Department of CSE, CMANIAX FORUM, AIET organized a hands on session on cyber security 21/01/2023 for interested students of CSE.

Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD, CSE welcomed the resource person and also all the students.

The Resource person on the day had given a speech to all the students and the importance of cyber security and the cybercrimes around the world and some examples are also given. The workshop is aimed and focused to get awareness in students how to secure & protect our data from others using it and how to maintain the data in closed manner. The workshop is for 1day, first the introduction was been given and the basic tags and a theory section was been given to the students.

The session was then continued with secureness of our accounts and how they will be hacked by others. The software’s were also been thought to the students, and some programs are been thought to protect the system from cyber attacks. Students are been thought deep into the subject and were been shown which sites are secure or not.

In the afternoon session Attacks like phishing, spoofing, Trojan, backdoors, worms etc were also demonstrated with real examples and case studies. Overall 56 students of CSE were present for the workshop. This was a very informative and useful workshop for students.

Reading Mongo DB Time Series data using Python

Date: 26/05/2023

Venue: Machine Learning Laboratory

Resource Person: Mr. Darshan Jayarama, Senior Technical Services Engineer,

Mongo DB, Bengaluru, India.

Department of CSE, CMANIAX FORUM, AIET organized a hands on session on “Reading Mongo DB Time Series data using Python “on 26/05/2023 for interested students of CSE. Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD, CSE welcomed the resource person and also all the students.

The objective of the workshop was basically to ensure that the students should develop skills on Mongo DB and they should get the idea that how to start projects in this domain And as a speaker is working in industry as a Head of Python Development, so the students should take benefit and a lot of insights could be inferred from his experience in the industry.

Mongo DB is an evolving and leading database technology for unorganized data and it has vast applications in Big Data Analysis also. On the other hand, Node.JS is basically the only available technology with which JavaScript can be implemented on the server side of the web-site. Also, Node.JS and its different packages serves as alternative to many well-known technologies in computer development. It is used considerably in Web-App development, Cross-Platform App development, Machine Learning, Internet of Things etc.

Topics covered:

  1. Build Database and Front-End of Website

● Getting Started with MongoDB

○ Exposure to NoSQL database

○ BSON & JSON format

○ Unstructured Database

○ Mongo Compass

  1. Getting Started with NoSQL

○ Create Database

○ Create/Drop Collection

○ Insert, Remove, Update, Find Document (One or Many)

○ Find with Pretty format

○ Working with $and | $or with MongoDB find().

○ Introduction to Sharding Concept.

The session was very interactive and it helped students to get more insights in the database concepts. Overall 70 students of CSE were present for the workshop. This was a very informative and useful workshop for students.

Robotic Process Automation

DATE: 11th to 21st Oct 2022

RESOURCE PERSON: Mr.PRALAY KUMAR DAS, Stellium Inc, Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore

About : Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that uses software robots (also known as “bots”) to automate repetitive and rule-based business processes. These bots can be programmed to perform a wide range of tasks, such as data entry, data validation, data transfer, and other activities that would otherwise be done manually by humans.

RPA technology is designed to mimic human actions, which means that bots can perform tasks in the same way that a human would. They can read data from various sources, process it, and then enter it into another system or application. This helps to reduce errors, increase efficiency, and free up human workers to focus on more complex and creative tasks.

RPA has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly in industries such as finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. Some of the benefits of RPA include increased productivity, cost savings, and improved accuracy and quality of work. However, it is important to note that RPA is not a silver bullet solution and should be used in conjunction with other technologies and strategies to optimize business processes.

Students had an excellent overview of the concepts and workings of the RPA model. Resource person Mr.PRALAY KUMAR DAS shown its uses, architecture and Advantages and disadvantages. Later, students were shown the real-world problems Statements and their Solutions throw at RPA.

Students then started using tools of RPA, For the tools, we used Automation Anywhere 360

Software and explored the software in the beginning days and went into many concepts like

  1. Record

Recorded the website and Opened the website using RPA

  1. Capture

We Capture Text from a website and navigate through the websites.

  1. Set Text

RPA Model 1: We created a Google form and Filled the Form from Excel Sheet with over 10 different identities of 20 persons Using the Automation Anywhere tool.

  1. Insertion of Variables

We Created Tables of excel in Automation Anywhere tools which would directly use variable data to automate things.

  1. Gmail, outlook

We accessed Gmail from the Automation Anywhere tool and mailed a few people at a particular time, To read a new message and Download files in the mail.

  1. Loop Commands

We explored loop options and entered multiple data on automation, by which we can repetitively do tasks which is the main purpose of RPA tools.

  1. OCR

RPA Model 2: We created a Tool which could read text from images and copy

it down, By this concept we made an Image PDF converter Automation Tool.

  1. AI Bot

An Idea was Given On this topic about how AI Bot can make Automation

more easier and more interesting.

  1. Excel Advanced Tools

RPA Model 3: We created a model which can compare 2 excel sheets and enter the dates of one to the other excel, particularly to its respective column and sort the sheets.

  1. Triggering (Email Triggering, Excel Triggering, Command Triggering etc.)

RPA 4: We created a model which can starts with a particular message in our Mail, the moment it receives that message the Automation Tool starts and it would Read all the unread mails and download the files and create a proper log and share

me back throw mail. By this, we don’t have to go throw all the mail, every content with the subject and short information on it would be present in a single mail.

  1. Try and Catch Tools

RPA Model 5: We implemented this in all our previous models and created a log file and error file which would collect at what time the program was started and stop with what was the error if the program was not completed.

  1. Boolean and conditional Statements
RPA Model 6:

We Created a mine Calculator.

RPA Model 7:

Students built an automation tool which could file any information about the class to a website with just one click.

RPA Model 8:

Students have created a model that can send pre-programmed messages to persons with specific names and greetings to the given number in an excel spreadsheet filled with data.

RPA Model 9:

Students have created an automation tool that would send a patient’s information to an app, obtain the confirmation number from an excel spreadsheet, and message the patient with the confirmation number.

RPA Model 10:

Students have created a tool that would be triggered by email, download the product file from the mail, copy the data to a primary excel sheet, sort the data with tax, and calculate the total. Likewise, repeat the same for all the other mail. The tool would mail the primary file to the owner once there was no more mail. With only one click, we may access all the necessary information and a product’s price with tax. This would help in big Online Saling stores.

Students had an amazing overview of RPA Tools and we experimented with these tools and built many mini-projects using them. Students were able to understand and come up with solutions for the problem statements given by sir and learnt and explored RPA Tools.

Website Building Competition

A website building competition was conducted in Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology for II and III Year students organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering from 17th July 2023 To 31st July 2023. The competition was inaugurated by Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD , Department of CSE, AIET. The program was coordinated by Abhijith L Kotian, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, AIET, Moodbidri.

Around 24 students had registered for this event, out of which 17 students from Computer Science and Engineering branch, 5 students from Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning branch and 2 students from Computer Science and Design branch have participated in this competition.

Day 1 : All the students who had registered for the event were grouped into 6 teams consisting of four members in a group. Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD CSE, AIET , announced the theme for developing the website as “Tourism places in and around Moodabidri”, along with all the rules and regulation that govern the smooth running of the competition for the coming two days. He then wished all the six team to perform well and come up with their best developed website on 19/7/2023 where presentation of the same has to be given by the students.























































































Day 2 : Students were trying to develop their website with both the front end and back end for effective designing the website in the given time

Day 3 : The panellist for today’s program consisted of three member judges

  1. Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD, Department of CSE, AIET

  2. Dr. Mohideen Badhusha , Professor, Department of CSE, AIET

  3. Dr.Chandra Naik , Professor, Department of CSE, AIET

After looking at the presentation of the students, all t he panel members appreciated the hard work done by all the participants of the event and also mentioned the areas where improvements are required so as to develop a more secure, and ease of design is made possible. At the end Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD CSE, AIET said that the second round of the event will be taking place on 31/07/2023 where a winner will be announced and all the other participants will be inducted in one or the other consultancy projects which will be taken up by student’s consultancy cell and concluded the event.

Day 4 : Final round of website building competition was conducted on 31/07/2023 , with 4 teams of 13 participants, out of which 10 students from Computer Science and Engineering branch, 1 students from Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning branch and 2 students from Computer Science and Design branch participated in the final round of this competition.




















































The panellist for 31st July ,2023 consisted of three judges

  1. Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HoD, Department of CSE, AIET

  2. Dr. Mohideen Badhusha , Professor, Department of CSE, AIET

  3. Dr.Chandra Naik , Professor, Department of CSE, AIET

After looking at the presentation of the students, all t he panel members appreciated the hard work done by all the participants. All the panel members unanimously decided that group 4 having team members Abhishek R G, Manoj P M, Ashwin K S and Tushar as the winners and group 3 having team members Neerav V Patel, S M Hamsendra Jain and Sathvik S as the runner up of this event .

At the end Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD CSE, AIET encouraged all the participants to participate in such events both at the intra and inter college levels in the future, and soon there will be some consultancy projects on which the students should actively involve in one or the other consultancy projects which will be taken up by student’s consultancy cell and concluded the event.


Alva's Learnathon 2021

Date: 30th AUGUST 2021 TO 08th SEPTEMBER 2021
Venue: Online

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering in association with IIIT Allahabad and Computer Society of India(CSI) has organized Alva’s Learnathon 2021-Learn, Lead & Inspire to the students of Final & Pre-Final. Alva’s Learnathon 2021 was conducted from 30th August 2021 to 8th August 20.

On 30th August 2021, Dr. P Nagabhushan, Director IIIT Allahabad was the resource Person of the event. The topic of his training is “Problem Solving with Algorithms”. In his training, Dr. Nagabhushan trained our students very well in the field of how to write effective algorithms to solve the given problem.

On 31st August 2021 and 1st September 2021, Mr. Sanjay Kumar Sonbhadra, Ph.D. Scholar, IIIT Allahabad, was the resource person of the event. He evaluated the assignments given in the previous day by Dr. P Nagabhushan.

On 2nd September 2021, Dr. Mohammed Javed was the resource person of the training session. The title of his topic was “Problem Solving with C Programming Language”. In his training, the students learned how to analyze the problem and how to write the C Program for the given problem statement.

On 3rd September 2021 and 4th September 2021, Mr. Bulla Rajesh, Ph.D. Scholar, IIIT Allahabad, was the resource person of the event. He evaluated the assignments of students given by Dr. Mohammed Javed, IIIT Allahabad, on the previous day. He also suggested to the students how to analyze the problems, and how to write the C Program for the given problems.

On 6th September 2021, Dr. Shekhar B H, Professor from Mangalore University, Konaje, Mangalore was the resource Person for the training Program Learnathon 21. His training topic is “Principles of Data Structures and Applications”. He evaluated the assignments on the topics done by him from 7th September 2021 to 9th September 2021.

Five Days Student Development Program (SDP) on Flutter

Date: 15th February 2022, to 19th February 2022 Saturday
Venue: Machine Learning Lab, Ground Floor, Main Block, AIET

Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology Moodbidri has arranged a Five Days Student Development Program (SDP) on “Flutter” for the Second Year Students of Computer Science and Engineering Department AIET from 15th February 2022, Tuesday to 19th February 2022, Saturday. The training was coordinated by Professor Venkatesh, Senior Associate Professor, Dept of CSE. The training program was conducted in Machine Learning Lab Ground Floor Main Building AIET. Total Fifty Students have attended the training program. The resource person of this training is Mr. M Alfaz, co-Founder and Software Developer in Builddreams Software.

The First Day, he trained the students about the Installation of VS Code (Flutter + Dart) and other required software applications. During the second day, he gave the training on basic widgets like MaterialApp, Scaffold, Appbar, Text, Image, Button, Container, etc…

On the third day he gave the training on UI Designing concepts. Here, students were worked with the buttons, Images, Animation packages, and other assets required. During the fourth day, students have studied the design of Instagram login UI Clone.

During the last day of the training, students were trained in list-view concepts and Multipage navigation Apps.

In each session, the resource person gave a sufficient number of problems to the students and guided the students on how to implement them. Total Fifty students from Computer Science and Engineering have enjoyed all the sessions training and got more knowledge in designing the apps in Flutter.

Development of web-oriented applications using PHP, HTML, JavaScript and MySQL

Date: 10 January 2022 to 13 January 2022
Venue: Internet Lab, Ground Floor

A Four days Workshop Programme on “Development of web-oriented applications using PHP, HTML, JavaScript and MySQL” was conducted from 10 January 2022 to 13 January 2022, for selected Pre-final Year students of CSE.

This workshop has been organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and coordinated by Prof. Venkatesh. The Resource Person for this workshop is Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha.

The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Manjunath Kothari, H.O.D/ CSE. The sessions were conducted by the resource persons Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha/Professor, CSE

Dr. Manjunath Kothari, Head Department of CSE has given a brief introduction about the workshop and outcomes of its outcome.

Workshop Overview

  • This workshop imparts the fundamental knowledge required to design and develop an online management system of client-server technology using dynamic, database-driven web pages using PHP, HTML, JAVASCRIPT and MySQL.
  • It provides hands-on training sessions which offer a creative idea in the development of web-oriented applications
  • The practical programming exercises assigned amidst the lecture hours enhance the interest in the development of different real-life applications using PHP and MySQL and offers a comprehensive knowledge in the development of online management system.

Pre-requisite Knowledge/Skills:

Basic Programming skills in Logical development with fundamental SQL knowledge.

Course Objective

  • Elucidate salient unique features of the server-side programming script, PHP.
  • Analyze the basic programming constructs of PHP and commands in MySQL in perspective of imparting fundamental programming knowledge using hands-on sessions.
  • Apply the knowledge acquired for the development of web-oriented applications by creating online management systems based on client-server technology.
  • Design and develop online web-oriented applications by imparting hands-on training sessions.

Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

Date: 22nd Oct 2021 to 28th Oct 2021.

Venue: Machine Learning Lab, Internet Lab and Seminar Hall.

Resource Person: Ms. Preethi Mehta, Mr. Mohammed Raza, Mr. Rahul Roy, iMerit, Bengaluru.

Department of CSE and AIML conducted a 5 days Online workshop on Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Association with Imerit from 22/10/2021 to 28/10/2021 for all the CSE, ISE and AIML students. Mr. Harish Kunder, HOD, AIML welcomed all the members of iMerit, Ms. Preeti Mehta, Manager, Learning development, iMerit. Sudeeptha H and Rajdeep, Mohammed Raza and Rahul Roy for the session. Dr. Majanunath Kotari, HOD, Dept. of CSE, introduced the resource person Ms. Preeti Mehta and Rahul Roy. All the faculties of CSE and ISE were present during the sessions.

iMerit is a data annotation and enrichment company. It offers computer vision, natural language processing, and content services. The company caters to autonomous vehicles, geospatial technology, medical AI, finance and insurance tech, retail, and government sectors.

Day 1 session was handled by Ms. Preeti Mehta, she explained about basics of Artificial Intelligence, Why artificial Intelligence is important now a days, How it works and also she gave numerous example of AI. She then explained about how machine learning is overtaking the human beings

Day 2 session was continued by Ms. Preethi Mehta she explained about the emergence of Artificial intelligence (AI) has led to applications which are now having a profound impact on our lives. How AI is incorporated in Machine Learning and also she explained about Computer Vision basics and its usage in detecting the objects, importance of detecting the objects in day to day life.

Day 3 session was handled by Mr. Mohammed Raza, who explained about the various algorithm of AI and also demonstrated the how the algorithms works on different types of data. Later he clarified the doubts of the students with great enthusiasm.

For Day 4 session, Ms. Preethi Metha was the resource person, she explained about the Machine Learning basics, Types of ML, and also explained about Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning. Later the session was continued by demonstrating about the Data collection and It’s Processing.

Day 5 session was handled by Mr. Rahul Roy, he gave brief introduction about the LiDAR. He explained about What is LiDAR? , What does LiDAR stand for? , How does Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) work?. Later he continued the session by showing how do LiDAR sensors works and What can you use LiDAR systems and data for? How does LiDAR images looks like etc.

The valedictory program of workshop was held on 28th Oct, 2021 @ 7:00 PM. About 3-4 participants shared their feedbacks and expressed their gratitude for conducting such kind of workshops. Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD-CSE,AIET spoke about the resource persons dedications in preparations of materials and spending time in their busy schedule. Mr. Harish Kunder, HOD-AIML, AIET expressed his heart felt, grateful to all the participants about their active involvement in the and then proposed the vote of thanks.

SDP on React JS

Date: 15th February 2022, to 19th February 2022

Venue: Internet Lab Ground Floor Main Building AIET

Resource Person: Mr. M HARSHAD, Software Developer in Build-dreams Software.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology Moodbidri has arranged a Five Days Student Development Program (SDP) on “React JS” for the Second Year Students of Computer Science and Engineering Department AIET from 15th February 2022, Tuesday to 19th February 2022, Saturday. The training was coordinated by Professor Venkatesh, Senior Associate Professor, Dept of CSE. The training program was conducted in Internet Lab Ground Floor Main Building AIET. Total Seventeen Students were attended the training program. The resource person of this training is Mr. M HARSHAD, Software Developer in Builddreams Software.

During the First Day of Training, M Harshad trained the students to install the required tools. Later he explained what is React and myths, Bruch-up ES6 Concepts, Installing React and Explaining the File Structure.

In the Second day of his training, Mr. Harshad told to delete all boilerplate code and writing them from scratch. He also explained to add CSS to React, Components of the react, States and Props. He explained to create Reusable components and Counter App.

In third day of his training, students studied to convert HTML Template into React app. This makes the students to understand the power of React JS

In the fourth day, students learned how to install required packages, API Integration, and Creating the components of app.

In the Last day of the training, students are working on the CSS, connecting components, Connecting APIs, Firebase Deployment.

In each session, resource person gave sufficient number of Exercises to the students and guided the students how to implement it. Total Seventeen students from Computer Science and Engineering were enjoyed all the sessions of the training and got more knowledge in React JS.

SDP on Data Structures With Applications

DATE: 21/02/2022 at 9.30AM to 5.00PM

VENUE: Engineering seminar hall

RESOURCE PERSON: Dr. Prasanna Kumar H R, Professor and Head-ISE,PESITM Shivamogga.

Department of CSE, AIET organized a Student Development Program on Data structures and its applications on 21/02/2022 for all the 2nd year CSE students.

Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD, CSE welcomed the resource person and also all the students and teaching staffs. He also mentioned that data structures is very important for placement point of view and advised students to concentrate and learn more topics by this program.

Dr. Prasanna Kumar H R started the session by briefing about c language. He covered different types of operators, data types and variables in c. He also took various examples of Programmes such as leap year and greatest of three numbers etc.

Later he explained about the operations of arrays such as insertion, deletion, traversing, searching, sorting and merging of elements. He also explained clearly about structures and pointers and their applications. He continued the session by explaining about stacks, queues and linked list. He gave examples for each topics with tracing.

Finally He gave students to solve aptitude questions on c and data structures and cleared their doubts.

The SDP was very useful to our students, they learnt many more topics of data structures. The session was very useful students to understand the importance of data structures for placements. The session was concluded by a vote of thanks by Ms. Monika, 2nd year CSE.

Feedback was taken from the students it was evidently a very good session.

Workshop on Object Oriented Programming using C++ and Java - an interview perspective

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology organized a 3 days’ workshop on “Object Oriented Programming using C++ and Java – an interview perspective” with hands-on sessions for CSE II year A, B and C section students in 3 different phases on 14th, 15th & 17th March 2022, 28th, 29th & 30th March 2022, 4th, 5th & 6th April, 2022 respectively. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Manjunath Kothari, HOD, Dept. of CSE. All the HODs of various departments, all staff members and student volunteers were also present during the inauguration function along with the resource person Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha. Around 177 (60, 58, 59) students participated in this workshop.

Resource person explained various concepts of Objects Oriented Concepts


Session 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming paradigm – Understanding of important basic terminologies of OOPs such as Class and objects, constructors, encapsulation, abstraction, Information hiding in C++ with example programs.

Session 2: Inheritance, types of inheritance, function overloading, operator overloading in C++ with example programs with example programs with example programs.


Session 1: Introduction to Java Programming – basic programming constructs in java with example programs. Class and objects in Java with example programs.

Session 2: Class and objects, Multilevel Inheritance with Method overriding using super in Java with example programs with exercises


Method overloading, Interface Modules and Packages in Java with Miniproject in Java with example programs

End of the session, oral feedback is collected from the students for the enhancement of training programs in future.

The day was ended with a valedictory function where all the participants are provided with certificates.

Student Development Program on TCP/IP-NETWORKING

DATE & VENUE: 11/06/2022 at 9.30AM to 2PM, Engineering seminar hall and Machine Learning Laboratory

Resource Person: Dr. Mohit P. Tahiliani ,Professor, NITK, Surathkal.

Department of CSE, AIET organized a Student Development Program on TCP –IP networking on 11/06/2022 for all the 2nd year CSE students.

Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD, CSE welcomed the resource person and also all the students and teaching staffs. He also mentioned that the importance of networking concepts nowadays.

Dr. Mohit P. Tahiliani started the session by briefing about basics of networking, protocols etc. Later he explained about IP, Subnet and NAT(Network Address Translation).He also explained about Common TCP/IP protocols such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) handles the communication between a web server and a web browser, HTTP Secure handles secure communication between a web server and a web browser and File Transfer Protocol handles transmission of files between computers.

He also explained about How does TCP/IP work, why it is important,4 layers of TCP/IP and also briefed about uses of it.He continued the session by giving hands on training on IP Addressing and Sub netting, Working with Binary, Decimal and Hexadecimal Numbers, IP Processes etc.

The session was very interesting it helped our students to understand the essential elements of the TCP/IP protocol suite, Explore the 7-layer OSI model, and the TCP/IP suite of protocols. In the entire session students completely filled with enthusiasm and made the session more interactive and showed lot of interest.

2020 - 21

How to crack Tech Giants

Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a webinar on How to crack Tech Gaints on 20th November 2020. Resource person for the session was Shashank Mishra, Data Engineer, Amazon.

Following are the gist of content delivered and discussed in the webinar.

How to Write actual code that works, not pseudo code, Opt for a mainstream programming language such as Java, C/C++, Python, JavaScript. How to Practice coding on a paper and need for Writing a clean code, Use of good names for classes/functions/variables. Show good modularity (classes/functions). Use of  proper algorithms and data structures and make sure to state Big-O for all of them. When first approaching a problem makes sure you understand the task. Repeat it to show that to yourself and the interviewer. Don’t begin by writing code immediately. Think about the task, inputs, assumptions, formats; most questions are under specified on. Start with a simple example; later add detailed ones, Clarify the function signature of the problem early on. This will help focus your thoughts, and possibly invite subtle guidance from your interviewer. Start with a simple inefficient solution, to improve the inefficient one Break down the problem to parts.

Questions are in-depth, usually don’t have an easy solution. Think about input validation, constraints. If the interviewer gave examples/hints use them. When done ask if you can refine the code, improving variable names, extracting other methods, etc. Upon completion of first solution, either try to improve it, or try to come up with a different solution that is better. Assumptions might now change, and so the solution needs to be adapted. Glossing over standard APIs if you’re not sure is OK, make sure you state that and give a reasonable API to work with.

HTML Awareness


Department Of Computer Science and Engineering from Tech Club had organized a HTML Awareness session for all chemistry cycle, 1st year students of Academic Year 2020-21 from 4/1/2021 to 6/01/2021. Session was inaugurated by Manjunath Kotari, HOD, Dept. Of CSE and Tech club in-charge Mr. Hemanth Kumar NP.


In this session students of around 14 students of 3rd year CSE, gave introduction about the Web Technology Introduction. Web servers and web browsers are communicating client-server computer programs for distributing documents and information, generally called web data, over the Internet. Web data are marked up in the HTML language for presentation and interaction with people in web browsers.  Students also explained the brief history of HTML and then thought them the basic of HTML which included structure of HTML, the basic tags such as heading, paragraph and break. They also learnt to make the web page by adding font colour and background colour tags and also different types of marquee tags. They also gave awareness about how to insert the images and videos to make web pages more attractive. There was hands-on session along with explanation through which they learnt to create login page.

British Council IELTS

British Council IELTS is The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) which is the world’s most popular English language proficiency test for higher education and global migration. A Webinar on IELTS Orientation session was conducted only for the students who are planning for Higher Studies. Third and final year students of AIET attended the Orientation session  on 4/12/2020 from 3pm to 4pm.

In the session, What is IELTS test and Importance of IELTS Test was discussed. IELTS– is the world’s most popular English language test. IELTS is one of the pioneering English language assessments developed by the prestigious University of Cambridge and offered by the British Council. The test has been setting the standard for English language testing and is trusted by countries for both academic and immigration purposes.

It is developed by some of the world’s leading experts in language assessment and evaluates all of your English skills reading, writing, listening and speaking and language assessment. It has an excellent international reputation and is accepted by over 10,000 organizations worldwide, including schools, universities, immigration authorities, professional bodies and employers.  It is accepted by educational institutions, companies, professional bodies and government organisations in the UK, the USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, Europe and 140 more countries around the world.

Governments in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom use IELTS to process immigration applications.

There are two IELTS tests – IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. We need to choose the test based on your requirement.

IELTS Academic – assesses whether your degree of English language proficiency is appropriate for an academic environment. The test reflects aspects of educational language and measures whether you have the required English language ability to study successfully in an English-speaking environment.

IELTS General Training – assesses the candidates English language level to function effectively in everyday situations. The questions in the test relate to both the working environment and social circumstances

Alvas Technothon 2020

Alva’s Institute of Technology (AIET), Moodbidri, has taken an initiative to educate the students of AIET in the Latest trends in Computer Science and Engineering – A 21 Day Technothon , in collaboration with IIIT, Allahabad.  Dr. P.  Nagubhushan, Director, IIIT, Allahabad, a personage  in Computer Science and Engineering, threw light on the topic – “Problem solving with intelligent systems” to the final year students of Computer Science and Engineering and Information Science and Engineering on 23-10-2020. 

In his key note address of the inaugural function, Dr. P. Nagabhushan, spoke about the requirements that enhance the current education system. The present systems of selecting the students for HEIs are purely based on an entrance test. Students prepare for the exams from previous year questions and get a rank and also the ranking with 2 Lakh also!.

After inauguration Dr. Nagabhushan addressed students on efficient human learning in making make machine learn. Human problem solving involves search. Therefore, to simulate human problem solving in a computer we need to develop algorithms for search. 

On day 02 of the Technothon, the students presented the solutions to the assignments given. Mr. Sanjay Kumar Sonbhadra was the incharge of the session and listened to all presentations patiently and clarified the doubts and suggested corrections in the presentation.

On day 3, resource person Dr. Sharad Sinha, Indian Institute of Technology, Goa. gave an Overview of Computer Architecture and some MIPS assembly programs were discussed. He explained about the single processor performance and multiple processor performance and how semiconductor industry related to processor has evolved, there is phenomenal growth from 1985 to 2010 in terms of speed and size of the processors

On day 04 of the Technothon, the students presented the solutions to the assignments given. Prof. Pavithra research scholar IIIT Allahabad was the incharge of the session and listened to all presentations patiently and clarified the doubts and suggested corrections in the presentation.

Day 5 Was On The Concepts Of Problem Solving With Data Structures By Prof D.S. Guru, University Of Mysore The Session Started With The Proverb Saying “Neither Algorithm Nor Data Structure Alone Has Meaning Without The Other.” Later Prof. D S Guru Gave Brief Information About What Is Problem, How To Solve It And Understanding About Data Structures And Data Model In Various Domains, Design Of Algorithm, Analysis Of Algorithm, Coding Of Algorithm And Execution Of Algorithm.

Day 6 Students completed and presented their assignment in-front of the Vinay Kumar. Vinay Kumar, research scholar IIIT Allahabad was the in charge of the session and listened to all presentations patiently and clarified the doubts and suggested corrections in the presentation.

Day 7 was on by Prof. B H Shekar, Mangalore University. He gave a brief introduction about  of different topics of DBMS was discussed such as Brief Introduction on DBMS, Characteristics and Advantages of DBMS, Entity Relationship, Schema, Relational Schema, Types of Attributes, ER diagram, Enhanced Entity Relationship Model, Data Definition Languages, Data Manipulation Languages, Insert, Delete, Update operations, Structured Query Language and Normalization along with real time examples.

On day 8 Students solved the assigned tasks to their teams and successfully presented the solved assignments in presence of Shekar sir and his Research Scholars.

On Day 9 session began with Introduction to Machine Learning by Dr. K.P. Singh, IIITA. He started with basic concepts and history of machine learning along with machine learning workflow.  He explained about supervised and unsupervised learning with examples. He also gave detailed explanation along with suitable problem for Validation and test sets, Pitfalls.

Day 10 was Hands on session on Machine Learning concepts conducted by Mr. Lal Upendra Pratap Singh, Research Scholar, IITA. First he explained about how to use google colab and also shared wine quality data set for hands on session. Later he explained step by step code along with data set for KNN algorithm.

Day 11 was addressed by the resource person was Dr. Shivram Dubey, IIIT, Sri City. Dr. Shivram Dubey, threw light on the topic – “Neural Network and Deep Learning Foundations” In the session he laid the foundation by giving the introduction to basics of machine learning to make students understand the concepts of neural network by discussing about the various classifiers, gradient descent function for optimization.

On day 12 Mr. Albert Mundo, PhD Scholar, IIITA with Nanda Kumar Yadav, IIIT Allahabad, gave hands on experience to students to carry out the assignments given. The session started with explanation of importing packages and uploading datasets in Google-Co-Lab by research scholar Albert Mundo. He demonstrated how to use various pytorch libraries in co-lab. Students presented the solutions to the assignments given in the previous session.

Day 13 : A technical session on the topic  ‘Big Data Analytics’ was presented by the IIIT- A professors Dr. Sonali Agarwal and Dr. Manish Kumar explained about Big data concepts such as  4Vs involved in Big data analytics, Types of Data, Cyber Physical System (CPS), Hadoop, Apache Spark, Map reduce, HDFS and other important topics of the Bigdata were covered in this session.

Day 14: Students presented the solution to the assignments given. The research scholar has helped the students to work out the problem and solve them.

Day 15: Session was on Image Processing. The main theme of the session was to learn the philosophy behind image processing. Dr. Mohammed Javed enlightened the students with explaining how powerful the picture is and also the advantage of the image processing in real life. The challenges associated with identifying the information from the image. Different Image Processing concepts were taught with very good examples.  Mr. Bulla Rajesh gave demonstration on how to use MATLAB software and also hands on session were conducted successful by briefing the concepts with example in MATLAB software.

Day 16: Students presented the solutions to the assignments given. Mr. Bulla Rajesh was the in-charge for the session and listened to all presentations patiently and clarified the doubts and suggested corrections in the presentation.

Day 17: The session was presented by Dr. V Masilamani. The session started with introduction to image quality assessment, Need for Image Quality Assessment, Applications of Image Quality Assessment, Factors affecting  Image Quality, Attributes considered for IQA, Types of Image Quality Assessment, NRIQA using Wavelet and NSCT were covered. Practical session was conducted by Kiruthika S for processing the image in MATLAB and Python. Read, write and predefined image quality measures available in MATLAB was explained by her. 

Day 18: The session was on Sensors and IoT. The resource person Dr. Shirshu Verma ,IIITA. He started the session with introduction to concept and path to IOT, where he has given brief introduction about sensor network, elements of sensor network and about WSN. IoT basics and challenges encountered while using IoT.

Day 19: The session was presented by Dr. Pragya Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, IIITA, She started the session by explaining about emotions, which is derivations of five core feelings- happiness, sadness, anger, fear & shame, emotional awareness & understanding are not taught in school. EQ is a flexible skill while personality does not change. IQ, EQ and personality assessed together are the best way to get a picture of the whole person.

Day 20: The session was by Dr Anshu S Anand, Assistan Professor IIIT Allahabad, session began with the brief introduction about what is parallel computing, it’s brief history, Application, Comparison between latency and bandwidth, Process of harvesting multi-core, why parallel program is difficult and its challenges.

Finally on Day 21, session was concluded by the valedictory program. All the Resource Persons and Research scholars, Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee, Principal Peter Fernandes and HOD of the Computer Science and ISE dept. Along with all the dept. Staff attended the valedictory. HOD of Computer Science department briefed about the 21 days session and Top 2 teams who scored max marks in assignment. Students also gave oral feedback about the Technothon  program.

All the students were very much enthusiastic as it was an innovative and new approach of teaching and learning from AIET in association with eminent personalities from IIIT, Allahabad.

Linux Awareness


Department Of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Linux Awareness session for 1st year students of Academic Year 2020-21 by Tech Club members on 18/12/2020 and 19/12/2020 for Chemistry cycle and 1/01/2021 and 2/01/2021 for Physic Cycle.

Linux is open source operating system whereas Windows OS is commercial. Linux has access to source code and alters the code as per user need whereas Windows does not have access to source code. In the session basics and Introduction to Linux was being taught for the students along with hands-on-session. The entire session was very interactive and useful to the students since, they were completely new into Linux Platform. A simple command of Linux was taught in the entire session in Ubuntu platform. The session also highlighted how Linux is better than any other operating systems.

Development of web applications using HTML, CSS, MySQL and PHP

Department of CSE organized Workshop on “Development of web applications using HTML, CSS, MySQL and PHP” from 08th July 2021 to 15th July 2021 for BCA Alva’s Degree College Internship students. The resource person for this event was Dr. Sm. Badhusha Sr. Professor, Department of CSE, AIET. The main intension of the event was to make students learn various concepts on HTML, CSS, MySQL and PHP and help in developing their projects.

This event was inaugurated by Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD, Department of CSE, Dr. Kiran Maligi Event coordinator, Department of ISE, Prof. Harish Kunder, HOD, Department of AI and ML. Various members Prof. Sayeesh Department of CSE, Prof Vanitha Prabhu, HOD, Department of BCA where also present during the inauguration of the event.

Day 1: (8.7.2021) There was four sessions on this day. First session was a lecturer and Demonstration on HTML & CSS tags and its controls, followed by Hands-on training with the exercises in HTML& CSS tags and its controls. Afternoon session started with Demonstration on Salient features & basic programming constructs of PHP and it was followed by Hands-on training on Salient features & basic programming constructs with the exercises in PHP.

Day 2: (9.7.2021) The day started with discussion and Demonstration on application basic programs of PHP and HTML controls and Hands-on training with the exercises in the application basic programs of PHP and HTML controls. Afternoon the session started by giving Demonstration on application advanced programs of PHP and HTML controls Hands-on training with the exercises in the application advanced programs of PHP and HTML

Day 3:(10.07.2021) On this day students were assigned to Development of Mini Project work using PHP, HTML and CSS and the resource person helped in developing the projects. Students had to complete4 mini projects on Employment drive, online course, Mark Report and Online Hotel Management system. Day 5 Was on The Concepts of Problem Solving with Data Structures by Prof D.S. Guru, University of Mysore The Session Started with The Proverb Saying “Neither Algorithm nor Data Structure Alone Has Meaning Without the Other.”

Day 4: (11.07.2021) This was continuation of day 3, were students completed all the four mini-projects assigned to them followed by Mini Project Demonstration.

Day 5: (12.07.2021) This day students had Lecture and demonstration on MySQL queries and its applications. The day was continued by taking Final Project Demonstration. Completion of anyone of the final Projects on Employment drive, Online course, Mark Report and Online Hotel Management system was made mandatory for the students.

Day 6: (13.07.2021) MySQL queries and practical session was continued on this day. Students were completed their project with various modifications. Completion of anyone of the final Projects on Employment drive, Online course, Mark Report and Online Hotel Management system was made mandatory for the students.

Day 7: (14.07.2021) The faculty members were guided the various mini projects to complete the process of training. The students were enthusiastically involved in all the process of learning.

Day 8: (15.07.2021) This day Evaluation of the Final Project work was done.


Workshop on How To Develop Pythonic Coding Rather Than Python Coding – Logic Perspective

A Four days online workshop Programme on “How to develop Pythonic coding rather than Python coding – Logic Perspective” was conducted on 21.07.20 -24.07.20 for all the students from II and III years of CSE, ECE and ISE of AIET for around 250 students. This workshop was jointly organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Electronic and Communication Engineering in Association with CSI Bangalore. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. D.V Manjunatha, H.o.D/ ECE, all the students of II and III years of CSE, ECE and ISE were present online during the inauguration function along with the resource persons Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha/Professor,CSE.

Dr. D.V Manjunatha has given a brief about the Pythonic workshop. The workshop coordinators Miss. Shilpa prof/CSE and Mrs. Nishma, prof/ECE have given the resource person introduction and detailed instructions of 4 days workshops. They explained and how the exercises of 4 days workshops can be obtained from the Github repository and how the solved exercises have to be submitted onto the Github repository. Finally, during the Valedictory function on the fourth day of the workshop, Dr. Manjunath Kotari HoD/CSE has delivered the valedictory note and wished all the participants for bright future.

Objectives of the Online Workshop

  • The workshop imparts a fundamental knowledge in Pythonic coding required for the present corporate environment with google colab.
  • The practical programming exercises assigned amidst the lecture hours enhance the interest in solving problems in Pythonic coding
  • It provides hands-on training sessions which offer basic data structures in Python (List, Tuple & Dictionary)
  • It provides hands-on training sessions which provides the knowledge of Pythonic coding
  • It provides hands-on training sessions which clearly demonstrate how to write Pythonic coding.
  • It finally imparts the knowledge of solving different Case-Studies using Pythonic coding with PEP – 8 rules for writing Pythonic coding

Python is a powerful tool for software development in MNCs. Python is really a great tool and is becoming an increasingly popular language among coders. The reason being, it’s easy to learn, integrates well with other databases and tools like Spark and Hadoop. Majorly, it has great computational intensity and has powerful data analytics libraries. Python has a rich set of libraries for any scientific computations and data analysis. The following libraries of python such as Numpy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, SkLearn, RE, BeautifulSoup and Scrapy find wider applications in various domains.

Pep Talk On Advanced It Requirements For Future Engineers

Department of Computer Science and Engineering had organized an E-Pep Talk on Advanced IT requirements for future engineers on 03rd July 2020, for all final year and pre-final year students, by the Resource person Mr. Aditya Maruti Nayak, Core Developer, Valtech, Banglore. Mr. Hemanth Kumar N.P, Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering introduced the Resource Person for the session to the participants.

Mr. Aditya Maruti Nayak gave brief information about what are all the things one must do for learning and improvising himself. Certification courses, coding practices are a must in order to get success as a software developer. Why Choose IT companies, what is the expectation of the IT companies and what matching skills one must have in order to succeed in any IT industry. Types of jobs, what is the future scope in IT companies, Understanding the job role, IT phases like training, Assessment, Agile/ Scrum meeting. He also gave awareness about Pandemic Re-creating opportunities in European countries which they can do as work from home and the importance of Virtual Communication.

Pep Talk On Advanced It Requirements For Future Engineers

Python Programming in Data Analytics

Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology conducted a two days National Level Workshop on “Applications of Python Programming in Data Analytics and Machine Learning- Research Perspective” for for all external participants from various institutions, IIIT internship students and also inhouse faculties organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Association with CSI on 4th and 5th July 2019. The workshop was inaugurated by Sri Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee, AEF. The Principal Dr. Peter Fernandes, AIET, Dr. Praveen J Dean (Aca), Prof. Manjunath Kothari, H.O.D, Dept. CSE and all The HODs of various departments and all staff members and student volunteers were also present during the inauguration function along with the resource person Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha. And also total 49 participants had been participated in this workshop.



Dr. Peter Fernandes Principal AIET Moodbidri had given a brief about the National Level workshop and also motivated our IIIT students for internship and major projects in data analytics and machine learning.


The event inauguration was published in Vijay Karnataka paper


Workshop Overview

  • The workshop imparts a fundamental knowledge in Python required for Data Analytics and Machine Learning with Jupyter Notebook
  • The practical programming exercises assigned amidst the lecture hours enhance the interest of solving problems in Data Analytics using python
  • It provides hands-on training sessions which offer a basic data structures in Python (List, Tuple, Dictionary & files)
  • It provides hands-on training sessions which implements data structures, Data Munging, Manipulation and Exploratory analysis using Pandas
  • It finally imparts the knowledge of solving a Case-Study of Data science project and Machine Learning Model using different Python Libraries such as Pandas, Numpy, SkLearn and Matplotlib with Jupyter Notebook
  • Development of different real-life applications using PHP and MySQL and offers a comprehensive knowledge in the development of on-line management system.


Resource person Introduction had been done by Prof. Mangala Kini Assistant Professor Department of CSE.



Dr. Peter Fernandes Principal AIEt Moodbidri had given guest talk and motivated all participants of this workshop



Then the Sessions of the workshop started as per time table

Day 1

Session 1 Basic data structures in Python (List,Tuple,Dictionary & files) in Jupyter Notebook  – Exercises.

Session 2 Hands-on training

Session 3 Implementations of  its data structures, Data Munging, Manipulation,  Exploratory analysis using Pandas in Jupyter Notebook

Session 4 Hands-on training


Day 2

Session 1 How to develop your data science project?- A case study- using jupyter notebook

Session 2 Hands-on training


Session 3 How to develop your machine learning model- A case study- using jupyter notebook

Session 4: Hands-on training


End of the session collected oral feedback from the participants for the better enhancement of training programs in future.   


The day was ended with a valedictory function and event was narrated by Ms. Megha Hegde,  Mrs. Mangala Kiniand and Mr. Sushant Mangasuli and at the end of the function Dr. Manjunath Kothari H.O.D Department of CSE, Resource Person Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha Department of CSE and Dr. Praveen J Dean (Aca) distributed certificates to all the participants. All media persons were also present for the event.



Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology conducted a two days National Level Workshop on “Blockchain Technologies” for for all external participants from various Departments, organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Association with EMURGO Academics on 27th Sep to 4th Oct 2019.The workshop was inaugurated by the Principal Dr. Peter Fernandes, AIET, Dr. Praveen J Dean (Aca), Prof. Manjunath Kothari, H.O.D, Dept. CSE and all The HODs of various departments and all staff members and student volunteers were also present during the inauguration function and also total 52 participants had been attended in this workshop.



  • EMURGO Global is the official commercial and venture arm of the Cardano project, registered in Tokyo since June 2017 and in Singapore since May 2018. Being a pioneer in the space of Blockchain, EMURGO enables pragmatic solutions by leveraging “3rd Generation Blockchain Technology- Cardano”. We work closely in a unique affiliation with IOHK, to promote Cardano’s adoption and growth of its ecosystem, globally by building, investing, and advising projects and organizations that adopt Cardano’s decentralized blockchain ecosystem. With a strong presence in Singapore, New York, and Indonesia; we have now recently set foot in India.
  • EMURGO Academy is a Global Blockchain Learning Solutions entity of EMURGO Global established in Jan 2019 to focus on incubation, Training and evangelising Blockchain to foster deep fundamental understanding of blockchain technology and thus establish an education program to drive practical usage of blockchain technology around the globe.


Workshop goals:


  • Getting the participants familiar with the blockchain technology and understanding what makes it revolutionary.
  • After the workshop, participants should be able recognize the advantages of the blockchain technology as well as its limitations.
  • Besides that, they should be able to roughly asses how the blockchain technology might be implemented in their company/organization, what benefits it would bring, what challenges would arise and what resources would be needed for the implementation.



End of the session collected oral feedback from the Resource person and also from participants for the better enhancement of training programs in future.

Applications of Python programming in Data analytics and Machine Learning

A Seven days Internship Programme on  “Applications of Python  programming in Data analytics and Machine Learning” conducted on  22.1.20 -24.1.20 & 27.1.20 -30.1.20    Venue:  ISE lab,4th floor was organized by  Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology  for  internal participants from circuit branch students organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Association with IIIT Allahabad.



The workshop was inaugurated by Sri Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee, AEF. The Principal Dr. Peter Fernandes, AIET, Dr. Praveen J Dean (Aca), Prof. Manjunath Kothari, H.O.D/ CSE and  the HoDs of various departments and all staff members and student volunteers were also present during the inauguration function along with the resource person Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha/Professor,CSE.


Dr. Manjunath Kothari, Head Department of CSE has given a brief about internship programme and outcomes of this programme.


Objectives of the Workshop


  • The workshop imparts a fundamental knowledge in Python required for Data Analytics and Machine Learning with Jupyter Notebook
  • The practical programming exercises assigned amidst the lecture hours enhance the interest of solving problems in Data Analytics using python 
  • It provides hands-on training sessions which offer a basic data structures in Python (List,Tuple,Dictionary& files)
  • It provides hands-on training sessions which implements data structures, Data Munging, Manipulation and  Exploratory analysis using Pandas
  • It finally imparts the knowledge of solving a Case-Study of Data science project and Machine Learning Model using different Python Libraries such as Pandas, Numpy, SkLearn and Matplotlib with Jupyter Notebook



Workshops & Training for Students

Hadoop for Big Data Analytics

Department of CSE organized workshop on “Hadoop for Big Data Analytics” for the final year students during 12th March to 19th March,2019. The Workshop was inaugurated by Mr. Manjunath Mulimanni, Research Scholar, NITK, Surathkal , Dr. Manjunath Kotari HOD CSE and Prof. Jayathkumar Rathod, HOD ISE.  The 97 final years were participated in this workshop.


Hadoop is 100% open or free source, and pioneered a fundamentally new way of storing and processing data. Instead of relying on expensive, proprietary hardware and different systems to store and process data, Hadoop enables distributed parallel processing of huge amounts of data across inexpensive, industry-standard servers that both store and process the data, and can scale without limits. With Hadoop, no data is too big. And in today’s hyper-connected world where more and more data is being created every day, Hadoop’s breakthrough advantages mean that businesses and organizations can now find value in data that was recently considered useless.



To gain the hands on experience in the Hadoop fo Big Data



The participants learnt how to MapReduce using hadoop concepts. The speaker gave the details of Big Data from the scratch. He explained with good examples. Overall the participants were very happy. They attended the workshop with enthusiasm all the sessions. The workshop was a big hit. 



The participants got both Theoretical and Practical knowledge about BIGDATA and HADOOP. Planning to setup BIGDATA and HADOOP Lab. More and more research activity are to be planned on HADOOP.



Mr. Manjunath Mulimani (Research Scholar)

Department: – Computer Science Engineering

Education: – NITK, Surathkal

Workshop on “Let’s Latex”


Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology conducted a 2 days Student development Program on “Let’s LaTeX” for Final year students organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering on 14th and 15th February 2019. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Manjunath Kothari A, H.O.D, Dept. CSE and also addressed the students. Resource person- Dr. Sumith N, all faculty members and final year students were also present during the inauguration.


Workshop Overview

 This workshop imparts a fundamental knowledge required to design and write papers and reports using LaTeX tool.  The practical exercises assigned amidst the lecture hours enhanced the interest of students to use the tool for their final year project report.

Course Goal: To master the techniques required to write a professional project report and paper based on the format of the respective publication.

Course Objective 

  • Learn syntax, features of, and commands to utilize the LaTeX tool.
  • Design and write a document using the tool.

Topics covered 

  • Installing Latex Software
  • Latex Environments And Packages
  • Document Writing
  • Paper Formats
    • IEEE
    • Springer
    • Elsevier Presentation Slides
  • Writing Reports
    • Chapters
    • Section

Workshop on “C++ and Java”


Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology conducted a 5 days workshop on “C++ and Java – an interview based approach and a bridge course for OOC with hands-on sessions” for 2nd year students on 11th to 15th FEB 2019. The workshop was inaugurated Mr. Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee, AEF. The Principal Dr. Peter Fernandes, AIET and Prof. Manjunath Kothari,  H.O.D, Dept. CSE and all The HODs of various departments and all staff members and student volunteers were also present during the inauguration function along with the resource person Dr. S. MohideenBadhusha. And also total 123 participants from 2nd Year CSE were participated in this workshop.


Workshop Overview


  • Basic fundamentals about c++ and java programming.
  • This workshop provided a brief knowledge about object oriented concepts
  • This workshop imparts a fundamental knowledge required to design and develop of mini project using object oriented concepts.
  • This workshop filled gap between academic and university syllabus.
  • The practical programming exercises assigned amidst the lecture hours enhance the interest of development of different real-life applications using c++, java and object oriented concepts.

Course Goal

To master all techniques of software development in the C++ Programming Language and demonstrate these techniques by the solution of a variety of problems spanning the breadth of the language.

Topics covered

  • Intro to Classes and Objects
  • Control Structures
  • Methods
  • Arrays
  • Pointers
  • Classes
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Templates
  • Exceptions
  • Files
  • STL
  • Operator Overloading


The proceedings of the workshop are as follows:



Session 1: Introduction to object oriented programming paradigm – Understanding of important basic terminologies of OOPs   such as Class and objects, constructors, encapsulation, abstraction, Information hiding in C++ with example programs. 


Session 2:Inheritance, types of inheritance, polymorphism, types of polymorphism,   dynamic binding, Static binding, Virtual and pure virtual Functions, Abstract class,Templates in C++ with example programs.



Session 1:File handling functions, Exception handling, In-line functions and Friend function and class in C++ with example programs. Class and objects, constructors, encapsulation, abstraction, Information hiding in Java with example programs.


Session 2:Basic operators Logical expression; Type casting; Strings Control Statements: Selection statements, iteration statements, Jump Statements in Java and exercises.



Session 1: Applets,Multi-Threaded Programming, Event Handling and Swings in Java and exercises

Session 2:Practice Session for rigorous training of Interview based questions 


End of the session collected oral feedback from the students for the better enhancement of training programs in future.


The day was ended with a valedictory function where all the participants are provided with certificates.

Internship Training Program on Deep Learning


A three weeks Student Internship Program on ‘Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Deep Learning’ was organized by the Department of Computer Science Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering and Information Science Engineering at Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology, for the students of Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology from 15th to 29th  January 2019. Dr. Satish Kumar Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, Indian Institute of Information Technology – Allahabad and Dr. Mohammed Javed, Assistant Professor Department of Information Technology, Indian Institute of Information Technology – Allahabad were present during inauguration.


The inaugural function commenced with a formal introduction of the dignitaries by Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD, Department of Computer Science Engineering, AIET and welcomed the gathering. Dr. Praveen J, Dean Academics, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering introduced the resource persons.  Mr. Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee AIET, Dr. Dattatreya G, Dean Research and Mr. Jayanth Kumar Rathod, HOD, Department of Information Science Engineering was also present in the inaugural function. Mr. Vivek Alva shared his experience about the visit to Indian Institute of Information Technology – Allahabad and briefed about the applications of machine learning and big data analytics and how it has gained its popularity in the recent times. Dr. Satish Kumar Singh delivered his address by stating that machine learning and AI concepts have been in existence since the 1960’s but has only recently gained popularity due to advancements in computing and hardware technologies. Dr. Mohammed Javed, shared his experience he had at Alva’s as a student and how it moulded to shapen his career growth. He expressed his views on Big Data Analytics concluding the inaugural session, soon after which the internship sessions followed.


The following topics have been covered by resource persons daywise is  as follows.



Resource Person

Topics Covered


Dr. Satish Kumar Singh

What is and image?, How images are formed? Digital images and biometrics


Dr. Mohammed Javed

Data Analytics, Different type of tools for big data, An assignment to analyse and install different tools


Dr. Satish Kumar Singh

Analysis of the biometric and biometric images, Gaussian curve analysis


Research Scholars

Hands on session on Anaconda Navigator tool and Jyupter tools and their working


Dr. Mohammed Javed

Image processing and its applications, image segmentation, filtering and others concepts


Research Scholars

Hands on session on the numpy using Anaconda Navigator


Dr. Mohammed Javed

MAT lab and image processing  an Hands on session


Research Scholars

Students done the Mini projects on the problems stated by Dr. Mohammed Javed to the various groups


Research Scholars

MAT lab and image processing concepts with hands on session for segmentation, restoration, and etc.


Research Scholars

MAT lab and image processing concepts with hands on session for, edge detection, object detection and etc.


Prof. Shekhar Verma 

Deep Learning Concepts, TensorFlowand TensorFlow library


Dr. Krishna Pratap Singh

Training and Testing of Image procession and PytorchPackage installation and edge detections


Prof. Shekhar Verma 

Concepts of Supervised learning, unsupervised learning


Dr. Krishna Pratap Singh

Concepts of Reinforced learning and semi supervised learning


Prof. Shekhar Verma 

Semi-supervised learning(SSL), Markov Decision Processes (MDP) Policy  Future Return, Discounted Future Return , Deep Q-Network (DQN)


Dr. Krishna Pratap Singh

Self-Training, Generative Models, S3VMs, Graph-Based Algorithms, Multi-view Algorithms


Prof. Shekhar Verma 

Random number generations, finding the distance programs and its executions


Dr. Krishna Pratap Singh

K-Near and finite array , Graphical representation of  KNN


Prof. Shekhar Verma 

Regression, Classification, Clustering, Under-fitting and OverfittingOptimization



Dr. Krishna Pratap Singh

Linear Regression for Machine Learning, ReRegularizationgression Model Representation, Gradient Descent,


The valedictory program of the Internship was held on 29th Jan,2019.

WORKSHOP for Alva’s BCA Students


Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology conducted a 3 days workshop on Inter College Level Workshop on “PYTHON PROGRAMMING” organized by department of computer science and engineering from Sep 17th to 19th 2018. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Manjunath Kotari, Professor and Head, Department of computer science and engineering. The HODs of various departments, Deans of the institution were also present for the inauguration function along with the resource person Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha. Participants from Alva’s Degree College students have been participated.


Total Number of external candidates participated : 39

Resource Person : Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha, Sr. Professor, Dept of CSE, AIET.

Workshop Coordinator : Mr. Sushant Mangasuli, Assistant |Professor, Dept of CSE, AIET.


The proceedings of the workshop are as follows:

Day 1: Started with the demonstration on salient and unique features of  python programming along with the hands on training in the basic programming constructs such as iteration and strings with relevant exercise in python and also hands-on sessions


Day 2: Started with demonstration on introduction of lists and tuples, directory and files with the hands on training in implementing the simple programs with relevant exercises in python programming. Demonstration of implementing the inbuilt functions in python programming along with hands on training in implementation of the inbuilt functions with relevant exercises.

Day 3:  Started with demonstration on basic of python to read XML data along with the hands on training for implementing basic XML data queries and The afternoon session was followed with the demonstration of development of Mini-project on Salary report  using XML and Python

The day was ended with a valedictory function where all the participants were provided with certificates.


Web Development using HTML, CSS and PHP with Mini project


Department of CSE conducted a 6 days workshop on “Web Development using HTML, CSS and PHP with Miniproject” for 2nd year students organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering on 6th to 11th AUG 2018. The inauguration function held on 6th by Resource person Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha. And also total 106 participants from our department had been participated in this workshop.


Workshop Overview


  • This workshop imparts a fundamental knowledge required to design and develop an on-line management system of client–server technology using dynamic, data-base driven web pages using HTML, CSS and PHP.
  • It provides hands-on training sessions which offer a creative idea in the development of on-line management systems
  • The practical programming exercises assigned amidst the lecture hours enhance the interest of development of different real-life applications using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL and offers a comprehensive knowledge in the development of on-line management system.

Pre-requisite Knowledge/Skills:

Basic programming skill in Logical development with fundamental SQL knowledge.

Course Objective

  • Elucidate salient unique features of the server sided programming script,PHP
  • Analyze the basic programming constructs of PHP and commands in MySQL in perspective of imparting fundamental programming knowledge using hands-on sessions
  • Apply the knowledge acquired for the development of web oriented applications by creating on-line management systems based on client server technology.
  • Design and develop the on-line web oriented applications by imparting hands-on training sessions

The proceedings of the workshop are as follows:



Session 1: Demonstration on Salient and Unique features of PHP

Session 2: Hands-on training in the basic programming constructs with relevant exercises in PHP

Session 3: Demonstration on advanced programming constructs in PHP and CSS and its applications

Session 4: Hands-on training in implementing the advanced programming constructs with relevant exercises in PHP


Session 1: Demonstration of implementing the in-built functions in PHP using python programming.

Session 2: Hands-on training in implementation of the in-built functions with relevant exercises in PHP

Session 3: Demonstration on basic programming constructs  in PHP

Session 4: Hands-on training with the exercises in PHP


Session 1: Demonstration on application programs of PHP and HTML controls.

Session 2: Hands-on training with the exercises in the application programs of PHP and HTML controls

Session 3: Development of Mini Project work using PHP, HTML and CSS

  • Students Mark Report
  • Employee Payroll

Session 4: Development of Mini Project work using PHP,HTML and CSS

  • Students Mark Report
  • Employee Payroll


The day was ended with a valedictory function where all the participants are provided with certificates.


Development of Python Applications using MySQL, SQlite and XML

27th FEB to 03rd MAR, 2018.

A 5 days workshop on “Development of Python Applications using MySQL, SQlite and XML” has been organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, AIET, Mijar from 27th FEB to 03rd MAR 2018. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Manjunath Kothari H.O.D, Dept. CSE and  all staff members and student volunteers were also present during the inauguration function along with the resource person Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha.  54 internal participants from  Computer Science and Engineering department, Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology have participated in this workshop.


Workshop Overview

  • The workshop imparts a fundamental knowledge required to write program in Python language
  • It provides hands-on training sessions which offer a creative idea in solving problems using python program
  • The practical programming exercises assigned midst the lecture hours enhance the interest of development of different real-life applications using python
  • It offers the knowledge of advanced programming constructs in Python and It provides hands-on training sessions in related concepts.
  • The workshop imparts the knowledge of implementation of  applications in Python using GUI, SQlite, MySQL and XML.
  • The workshop offers the knowledge of design and develop application oriented programs using python,


Resource Person :

Dr. S.Mohideen Badhusha

Sr.Professor/CSE, AIET


Dr. Manjunath Kothari

Professor & Head, CSE


Mr Sushant Mangasuli

Assistant Professor

Department of CSE


Pre-requisite Knowledge/Skills:

Basic Programming skill in Logical development with basic knowledge in XML and MySQL


Course Objective

  • Elucidate salient unique features of Python language
  • Analyze the basic programming constructs of Python language in perspective of  imparting  fundamental programming knowledge using hands-on sessions
  • Apply the acquired knowledge for the development of Python applications by continuous practical sessions.
  • Design and develop the Python applications using XML, GUI, SQlite and MySQL by offering hands-on training sessions and Mini-project work


The proceedings of the workshop are as follows:



Session 1: Demonstration on salient and unique features of Python

Session 2: Hands-on training in the basic programming constructs with relevant exercises in Python

Session 3: Demonstration on advanced programming constructs in Python

Session 4: Hands-on training in implementing the advanced programming constructs with relevant exercises in Python



Session 1 : Demonstration on  Advanced data structures in Python

Session 2 : Hands-on training  in  implementing the Advanced data structures in Python with relevant exercises in Python

Session 3: Demonstration on the String and file handling functions in Python

Session 4: Hands-on training in implementing the String and File handling functions with relevant exercises in Python


DAY 3 :

Session 1: Demonstration of  MySQL – Python  Application programming 

Session 2: Hands-on training in implementing simple applications using MySQL- Python

Session 3: Demonstration of implementing  GUI programming and its components

Session 4: Hands-on training in implementation of  GUI programming with relevant exercises in Python


DAY 4:

Session 1: Demonstration of development of  Python applications with XML

Session 2: Hands-on training in development of  Python applications using XML with relevant exercises

Session 3: Demonstration of development of Python applications with SQlite

Session 4: Hands-on training in the development of  Python applications with SQlite


DAY 5: Development of Mini Project work using Python, XML, MySQL and SQlite

The following projects were developed during this workshop


  • Students Mark Report
  • Employee Payroll
  • Banking Management System
  • Inventory Control System
  • Hotel Management System



The day was ended with a valedictory function where all the participants are provided with certificates. Two best Mini-projects developed by students’ batches have been selected for cash prizes and distributed with the certificates of appreciation.


Workshop on Web Oriented approach using PHP/MySQL

Department of CSE organized 4 days Workshop on “Web Oriented approach using PHP/MySQL” from 17th to 20th January,2018 for BCA students of Alva’s Degree College. The Workshop was inaugurated by Resource Person Dr. M.S. Badhusha, Professor CSE dept, Prof. Sunil, HOD CS, Alva’s Degree College and Mr. Sushant M, Workshop Coordinator on 17th Jan,2018.


The proceedings of the workshop are as follow:

Day 1: The demonstration was made on ‘Salient and unique features of PHP’ with the hands-on training sessions in the basic programming constructs along with relevant exercises in PHP followed by advanced programming constructs in PHP with HTML.

Day 2: The demonstration was made on ‘Introduction to the object oriented programming concepts in PHP’ along with the hands-on training sessions in implementing the simple object oriented programs with relevant exercises in PHP followed by the demonstration of implementing the in-built functions in PHP.

Day 3: Basic MySQL commands are delivered along with the hands-on training sessions for implementing basic queries in MySQL followed by demonstration of implementing advanced queries in MySQL.

Day 4: The exercises on ‘Development of web oriented applications using PHP, HTML and MySQL’ with the hands-on training sessions for developing on-line applications followed by the demonstration of development of online management system using PHP, HTML and MySQL with Case Studies.


Workshop on Web Development Programming

Department of CSE organized a 45 days internship course on “Web development Programming” from 16th January to 5th March 2018. The workshop was inaugurated by Mrs. Seema Nair, CEO Calibre Code, Pvt Ltd on 16th Jan, 2018. Dr. Manjunath Kotari and Prof. Venkatesh were present during the inauguration.  Thirteen Students were got the benefits from this internship.


Complete Web Development Suite is a comprehensive training program that equips students with the all the necessary tools and techniques of web development with extensive practice in coding of functional web applications.

The web development program provides training on a series of server-side and client-side programming languages and techniques to develop websites that are more responsive to the audience, thereby generating greater user engagement.

Using cascading style sheets such as CSS and CSS3 for controlling web page layouts enables the development of pages that are more user friendly for scree-reader users. Client-side scripting languages such as JavaScript entailed here enable the creation of interactive effects among the web browsers.

The resource person assigned the work to students about how to build small projects using this web development course. Finally 22 students of 3rd years were get benefited with this course.



A two days workshop on “PYTHON PROGRAMMING” with interactive hands-on sessions has been conducted by the department of Computer Science and Engineering in Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology on March 7th and 8th, 2017. The workshop was inaugurated by Sri Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee, Alva’s Educational Foundation and an inspirational talk regarding the learning of a programming language like Python was offered by him.  The Principal Dr. Peter Fernandes, AIET also addressed the gathering and conveyed few encouraging words to the participants. Prof. Manjunath Kotari, HOD/ CSE, Resource Person of the workshop,  Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha, Deans and  HODs of various departments, all staff members and student volunteers were also present during the inauguration function.  80 external participants from Alva’s Degree College (B.C.A) have participated in this workshop.



 The proceedings of the workshop are as follows:

Day 1: The session I started with the demonstration on salient and unique features on Python, along with the hands-on training in the basic programming constructs with relevant exercises in Python and the session II started with the demonstration on advanced programming constructs in Python with hands-on training in implementing the advanced programming constructs with relevant exercises in Python.


Day 2: The session III started  with demonstration on introduction to the object oriented programming concepts in Python programming along with the hands-on training in implementing the object oriented programs with relevant exercises in Python and also demonstration of implementing the in-built functions in Python along with hands-on training in implementation of the inbuilt functions with relevant exercises in Python and in the session IV, a mini-project was given to the participants for their thorough understanding of the concepts taught in the all the sessions.

The day was ended with a valedictory function with a feedback from the participants in which all the participants are provided with certificates.

Report on Linux Workshop

FIVE Days workshop on “Free Open Source Software- Bootable Linux OS Via Flash Drive” was conducted during 5th September, 2016 to 9th Septemebr,2016 for the 2nd year CSE/ECE and ISE students.  Prof. Edwin, Former Professor, Philadelphia University, Australia served as a resource person of the workshop. About 300 students of CSE/ISE and ECE were participated in this workshop.


The Resource person Prof. Edwin brief explained the history of Puppy Linux and demonstrated the students to how to boot the OS using flash drive. “Puppy Linux is a unique family of Linux distributions meant for the home-user computers. It was originally created by Barry Kauler in 2003”

Puppy Linux advantage

  1. Ready to use → all tools for common daily computing usage already included.
  2. Ease of use → grandpa-friendly certified ™
  3. Relatively small size → 200 MB or less.
  4. Fast and versatile.
  5. Customisable within minutes → remasters.
  6. Different flavours → optimised to support older computers, newer computers.
  7. Variety → hundreds of derivatives (“puplets”), one of which will surely meet your needs.



Puppy Linux is not a single Linux distribution like Debian. Puppy Linux is also not a Linux distribution with multiple flavours, like Ubuntu (with its variants of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc) though it also comes in flavours.

Puppy Linux is a collection of multiple Linux distributions, built on the same shared principles, built using the same set of tools, built on top of a unique set of puppy specific applications and configurations and generally speaking provide consistent behaviours and features, no matter which flavours you choose.

2020 - 21

Non-Teaching Staff Training on Problem Solving and Data Structures Using C

Date: 3rd January 2021 to 7th January 2021
Venue: DSA Lab, 1st Floor, Main Block, AIET

Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology Moodbidri has arranged a Five Days Training on “PROBLEM-SOLVING AND DATA STRUCTURES USING C” for the Non-Teaching Staff members of Computer Science and Engineering Department AIET from 3rd January 2021 to 7th January 2021. The training was coordinated by Professor Venkatesh, Senior associate Professor, Dept of CSE under the guidance of Dr. Manjunath Kotari, Head, Dept of CSE, AIET. A total of eight non-teaching staff members have attended the training.
The training was conducted in the Data Structure Application Laboratory, first floor, Main building AIET. The resource persons of the training program are Prof. Ashwitha C Thomas, Prof. Venkatesh, and Prof. Merlyn Melita Mithais.

The Training session was started by Prof. Ashwitha C Thomas with the basics of data structures and a few examples of data structures. She covered a few applications and Practical implementation example programs on array Data Structure.
Prof. Merlyn Melita Covered the portions of Stacks and Queues and their Applications. She begins with the stack concepts, the creation of the stack in C. She discussed basic Operations of the stack and then she moved to its applications like infix to postfix conversion, evaluation of postfix expression, towers of Hanoi, etc. She covered the concepts of the Linear queue and circular queue with differences.

Prof. Merlyn covered the linked list, different types of Linked List, and its applications. In the application of a linked list, she covered various applications of a linked list like reversing the list, finding the middle element of the list, sparse matrix representation using a linked list, etc… She also covered some frequently asked questions from a few companies.
Prof. Venkatesh covered how to write a recursive function for a given iterative function, advantages of writing recursive function, and then moved to Graph, and Tree Structures. In the Graph structure, he covered the concepts like creating the graph, and determining it is connected or not using the Breadth-First Search technique and Depth First Search techniques. He discussed the application of graph by giving one example of the Travelling salesperson problem, finding the shortest distance between any two nodes, Spanning Trees etc…

In a Tree structure, he discussed basic terminologies of the tree, Binary tree, Binary Search Tree, Threaded Binary Tree, Heap, 2-3 Tree, etc… along with their operations. He also discussed some MCQs in Tree concepts so that they can trace the tree programs effectively.
This training program explored more concepts and applications of various data structures to the participants.
Finally, HOD CSE Dr. Manjunath Kotari concluded the session by saying that non-teaching staff members should be well trained so that they can engage in the lab session in the absence of teaching faculty members in the lab.

Problem Formulations, Publications, Proposal & Thesis Writing

Report On Workshop On Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

Date: 26th March 2022 @10am.

Venue: Research Lab

Resource person: Mr. Amar Singh, Cuemath – (Bangalore)

Dept. of CSE organized workshop on” Artificial Intelligence AND Machine Learning: Industrial applications” in association with ISTE Faculty Chapter on 26th March, 2022 @ 10 AM, for all the faculties of CSE and ISE. Dr.Manjunath Kotari, HOD, CSE welcomed the resource person Mr. Amar singh and all the faculties of CSE and ISE.

Resource person started the session by introducing himself, he had been a mathematics faculty for 15 years. Mathematics being the foundation for Artificial Intelligence. He explained the basic maths and its importance in AI&ML.

Later he continued the session by explaining about fundamental principles of Artificial Intelligence, difference between Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning. He also briefed about the emergence of Artificial Intelligence, The emergence of Artificial intelligence (AI) has led to applications which are now having a profound impact on our lives.

The session was continued by explaining about the applications of artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence has various applications in today’s society. It is becoming essential for today’s time because it can solve complex problems with an efficient way in multiple industries, such as Healthcare, entertainment, finance, education, etc. AI is making our daily life more comfortable and fast.

Finally the session concluded by explaining about the methodology for teaching AI&ML .AI has already been applied to education primarily in some tools that help develop skills and testing systems. As AI educational solutions continue to mature, the hope is that AI can help fill needs gaps in learning and teaching. AI can drive efficiency, personalization and streamline admin tasks to allow teachers the time and freedom to provide understanding and adaptability uniquely human capabilities where machines would struggle. By leveraging the best attributes of machines and teachers, the vision for AI in education is one where they work together for the best outcome for students. Since the students of today will need to work in a future where AI is the reality, it’s important that our educational institutions expose students to and use the technology.      

The session was very useful for all the faculties to understand more about AIML and implement the same in teaching. 

2020 - 21

How to improve quality in teaching learning processs

Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Association with IIIT Allahabad had organized a 2 days online FDP on “How to Improve Quality in Teaching Learning Process” on 02nd October 2020 and 3rd October 2020for all AIET internal faculties of various departments. The workshop was inaugurated by Mr. Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee, Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology and Dr. P Nagabhushan, Director, IIIT, Allahabad for the inaugural session all the HODs of various departments, all staff members and Resource persons were present.

First session was by Dr. P Nagabhushan, Director, IIIT, Allahabad. He address the gathering by his motivational talk and explained about some thoughts for better teaching learning process under affiliated constraints. He suggested that teacher should always give equal importance to all the topics while teaching. Teacher should be clear about the topic which he/she is going to teach in the particular class. And must make student understand where this topic will be used and why this topic is needed to be learnt. How experience in learning is most important factor in teaching learning process. He concluded the session by saying that lecturer hour should be minimized and tutorial hour (students learning on their own process) must be maximized by giving more practical sessions.

Second session was by Dr. Syed Zakir Ali, Middle East College, Oman, Muscat. He explained about Continuous Assessment –Some Experience to Improve Quality in Teaching Learning Process. He also explained about Preamble to assessments in affiliated Engineering Colleges, Challenges and problems associated with such assessments, What happens in the Continuous Assessment, how it will happened and What learning process will help in Continuous Assessment, Concept of Knowledge obtained from learning and how to store and apply the knowledge in further stages for learning. He concluded the session by explaining how teachers need to proactive in building up the career of their students.

Third session was by Dr. Mohammed Javed, IIIT, Allahabad. He explained about Teaching-Learning-Assessment Best Practices in CS/ IT, A case Study with two related Courses- Computer Programming and Design and Analysis of Algorithms. He also explained How to motivate the students for doing the projects and also programming assessment. He also suggested that it’s a good practice one should follow to submit the assignment in the IEEE format i.e the professional report. He concluded the session by giving awareness about what is a problem and what are the steps to be taken in order to solve that problem in terms of computer science.

Fourth and final session was by Dr. Vrijendra Singh, Associate Professor, IIIT Allahabad. He explained about Paradigms for Augmenting Quality in Teaching, Learning and Assessment Process, Quality can be achieved by Adopting best practices for quality assurances, Feedback mechanism for Quality control, Academic pillars like Curriculum design, Content delivery and Learning material, Continuous assessment and Academic freedom to choose the course in which students are interested. He took an example of Neural network concept and related the Augmenting Quality in TLP. Dr. Vrijendra Singh concluded the session by explaining about factors influencing quality teaching.

All the sessions were concluded by Queries and answers. A feedback session was conducted at the end of the online FDP, were most of the participants expressed their opinions in a positive way. Finally a 2 days FDP was concluded by giving Vote of thanks to all the Resources persons and participants.


Online webinar on National Education policy – Role of Teachers in Higher Education

Alva’s Institute of Engineering Technology hosted a one day online webinar on National Education policy – Role of Teachers in Higher Education on December 5, 2020 for all the internals staff members. The chief guest/ Resource person for the talk was Dr. K. Reddy, Chairman of ITC’s Board of Governors, NITK, Surathkal. The webinar was inaugurated formally by Mr. Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee, AIET, Mijar. Dr. Peter Ferenandes, Principal and all the Dept. HOD’s and Faculties were present during the inauguration.

Dr. K Balaveera Reddy gave awareness about the National education Policy, which is proposed by the Ministry of Human Resource, Govt. Of India. He spoke about the Current education Policy in Higher education and the changes suggested by the NEP scheme.  Following are the gist of content he talked about.

Purpose of an NEP is a comprehensive framework to guide the development of education in the country. The policy also proposes phasing out of all institutions offering single streams and that all universities and colleges must aim to become multidisciplinary by 2035.

Major recommendations of the NEP in higher education? Are, Replacing the UGC and the AICTE with the Higher Education Commission of India. Opening up Indian higher education to foreign players. Reintroduction of the four-year multi- disciplinary Bachelors programme, with exit options. Flexibility to institutions to offer different designs for Master’s programmes. Discontinuation of the M.Phil. Setting up of a National Research Foundation.

How will the four-year multidisciplinary bachelor’s programme work: Four-year bachelor’s programmes generally include a certain amount of research work and the student will get deeper knowledge in the subject he or she decides to major in. After four years, a student should be able to enter a research degree programme directly depending on how well he or she has performed… However, master’s degree programmes will continue to function as they do, following which student may choose to carry on for a PhD programme.

Webinar- National Education Policy – Role of Teachers in Higher Education

Alva’s Institute of Engineering Technology hosted a one-day online webinar on National Education policy – Role of Teachers in Higher Education on December 5, 2020, for all the internal staff members. The chief guest/ Resource person for the talk was Dr. K. Reddy, Chairman of ITC's Board of Governors, NITK, Surathkal. The webinar was inaugurated formally by Mr. Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee, AIET, Mijar. Dr. Peter Ferenandes, Principal and all the Dept. HOD’s and Faculties were present during the inauguration.

Dr. K Balaveera Reddy gave awareness about the National Education Policy, which is proposed by the Ministry of Human Resource, Govt. Of India. He spoke about the Current education Policy in Higher education and the changes suggested by the NEP scheme. Following are the gist of the content he talked about.

The purpose of a NEP is a comprehensive framework to guide the development of education in the country. The policy also proposes phasing out all institutions offering single streams and that all universities and colleges must aim to become multidisciplinary by 2035.

Major recommendations of the NEP in higher education? Are, Replacing the UGC and the AICTE with the Higher Education Commission of India. Opening up Indian higher education to foreign players. Reintroduction of the four-year multi-disciplinary Bachelor's programme, with exit options. Flexibility to institutions to offer different designs for Master's programs. Discontinuation of the M.Phil. Setting up of a National Research Foundation.

How will the four-year multidisciplinary bachelor’s program work: Four-year bachelor’s programs generally include a certain amount of research work and the student will get deeper knowledge in the subject he or she decides to major in. After four years, a student should be able to enter a research degree program directly depending on how well he or she has performed… However, master’s degree programs will continue to function as they do, following which students may choose to carry on for a PhD program.

Applications of Mathematical Concepts in Data Analytics and Machine Learning using Python

Department of CSE organized offline FDP on “Applications of Mathematical Concepts in Data Analytics and Machine Learning using Python” from 19th to 21th April 2021. 14 Participant from various colleges joined this workshop.

The main objective of the FDP is to groom the problem solving skills in mathematics especially in Data analytic and Machine Learning using Python. The Python package Sympy helps solve the problems in Mathematics with simple coding skill in Python language. The basic Python coding skill is trained so that any traditional mathematical problem can be solved through Sympy. In addition to it, the mathematics in Data analytic and Machine Learning is imparted through Exercises so that problems related to Data analytic and Machine Learning can be solved through Python package Sympy.

Day 1: The day started with Inaugural Function. Principal, HODs of various department, resources person graced the inaugural function. The day then continued with the daily sessions. The first lecture Session was on basics of Python with demo and continued with Hands-on session for solving relevant exercises. The after session dealt with Lecture Session on basics of Python with demo followed by Hands-on session with relevant exercises.

Day 2: This day the lecture session was on Implementation of Mathematical concepts using python with demo followed by Hands-on session for solving relevant exercises. Afternoon session started with explanation on Implementation of Mathematical concepts using python with demo followed by Hands-on session for solving relevant exercises.

Day 3: On this day Lecture Session was on Implementation of Mathematical concepts in Data science and Machine Learning using python with demonstration followed by Hands-on session for solving relevant exercises. The afternoon session was on Implementation of Mathematical concepts in Data science and Machine Learning using python with demo then participants was given hands-on session for the same.
The FDP was concluded on 21st April 2021 by having valedictory function by getting the feedback from the participants and certificates was also given to the participant.

Outcomes of FDP:

  • To make the faculty members understand the basics of Python to implement the basic mathematical concepts
  • To enhance the coding skill in Python to implement the mathematical concepts in Data Analytic and Machine Learning
  • To provide on-line hands-on training sessions with which the required knowledge of implementation of mathematical concepts in Data Analytic and Machine Learning.

Orientation Program on Webex Tool Usage

Department of CSE organized Orientation on “Cisco Webex Tool Usage” on 08th June 2021. The resource person for this event was Ms. Shilpa, Department of CSE, AIET. The main intension of the event was to make Faculties know about how to use the tool for conducting online classes during the pandemic situation. WebEx is a tool that allows users to host or participate in video conferencing, online meetings, and screen sharing, with up to 1,000 participants allowed in a virtual meeting room. Meetings can be joined in a number of ways via the WebEx desktop, web, and mobile apps.

Resource person explained about the Schedule Events, Schedule, Edit, Cancel, or Start an Event in Webex Events. Start and Join Events, Start a Meeting in Microsoft Outlook Using the Webex Meetings Desktop App. Manage Audio, Audio Broadcast in Webex Events, Mute or Unmute in Webex Meetings Suite, then later she explained about how to Record Events Webex | Record a Meeting, Edit a Recording Using the Cisco Webex Recording Editor, Share Content in Webex Meetings and Webex event, Share Multimedia Content in the Multimedia Viewer.

How to Communicate with Participants, Conduct a Question and Answer Session in Webex Events, Manage Polls in Webex Events. Later she explained about how to create and manage contacts for sharing the webex link, Adding the distribution list, creating the .CSV file format and importing the contact list, How do I add external contacts to Webex team.


Workshop on Applications Of Python Programming In Data Analytics And Machine Learning Research Perspective

Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Association with CSI Bangalore and IIIT Allahabad has organized Five days online workshop on “Applications of Python programming in Data analytics and Machine Learning – Research Perspective” from 15th June 2020 to 20 June 2020. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Manjunath Kothari, H.O.D, Department of CSE. Also HODs of various departments, all staff members and Organizers were present during the inauguration function along with the resource persons Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha/Professor, CSE and Dr. Mohammed Javed IIIT-Allahabad.

Dr. Manjunath Kothari, Head Department of CSE has given brief information about the internship program and the outcomes of this program. Workshop has been conducted in google meet and 94 external participants and 120 circuit branch students took benefit of this workshop.

Objectives of the Online Workshop are:

It imparts a fundamental knowledge in Python required for Data Analytics and Machine Learning with Jupyter Notebook The practical programming exercises assigned amidst the lecture hours enhance the interest in solving problems in Data Analytics using python. To provide hands-on training sessions which offer basic data structures in Python. To provide hands-on training sessions which provide the knowledge of Data Analytics using the Modules Pandas and Numpy. To provide hands-on training sessions which implement data structures, Data Munging, Manipulation and Exploratory Data Analysis using Pandas and NumpyIt finally imparts the knowledge of solving different Case-Studies of Data science project and Machine Learning Model using Python Libraries such as Pandas, Numpy, SkLearn and Matplotlib with Jupyter Notebook.

E-Webinar On Agile Technologies

Department of Computer Science and Engineering had organized an e-Webinar on “Agile Technologies” on 21st July 2020, for all external participants from various institutions including students, faculties and research Scholars and also for in-house faculties and students by Mr. Kiran M, Senior Manager, Comcast, USA. Dr. Manjunath Kotari, Head of the department of computer science and engineering briefed about the webinar to the participants.

Mr. Kiran is an Experienced Senior Manager in Comcast Corporation USA with a proven track record of bringing new products and enhancements to existing products to market, applying a unique blend of technical and business expertise to a breadth of areas such as proposal writing, product roadmap planning, project execution planning, requirements management, technical architecture, software design and development, resource management and customer relationship management.

He has 24 years of experience in the IT Industry, Telecom & Financial Industries with all phases of the Software development life cycle from requirements gathering, business analysis, system analysis, design, coding, testing, implementation and support of application software and products based on client-server technology, object-oriented programming, database programming & Big Data applications.

Mr. Kiran explained about the waterfall model, agile methodology, scrum framework and its roles, agile ceremonies like Sprit Planning, Daily Scrum/Standup, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, Scrum artifacts and metrics like Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Burndown Chart, Velocity Chart.

Virtual Lab Awareness

Virtual Lab Awareness Workshop

Department of Computer Science & Engineering organized a 2 days Workshop on “Virtual Lab Awareness” an Initiative of MHRD, Govt. of India on 8th& 9th Jan,2020. The research scholars of NITK, Surathkal Ms. Swathi Shetty, Ms.Shresta, Ms. Anusha and Mr. Rohith Kushwaha were the resource persons of the Workshop. All the CSE faculty members were actively participated in usage of various virtual labs developed by IITs and NITs.



  1. To provide remote-access to Labs in various disciplines of Science and Engineering. These Virtual Labs would cater to students at the undergraduate level, post graduate level as well as to research scholars.
  2. To enthuse students to conduct experiments by arousing their curiosity. This would help them in learning basic and advanced concepts through remote experimentation.
  3. To provide a complete Learning Management System around the Virtual Labs where the students can avail the various tools for learning, including additional web-resources, video-lectures, animated demonstrations and self evaluation.
  4. To share costly equipment and resources, which are otherwise available to limited number of users due to constraints on time and geographical distances.

The following Virtual Labs were discussed and demonstrated by resource persons.

  • Introduction to PHP Lab (New)
  • Database Lab (New)
  • Computer Graphics Lab (New)
  • Introduction to Blockchain (New)
  • Machine Learning Lab (New)
  • Soft Computing Tools in Engineering Lab
  • Problem Solving Lab
  • Artificial Neural Networks Lab
  • Pattern Recognition Lab
  • VLSI Lab
  • Computer Architecture & Organization Lab
  • Software Engineering Lab
  • Data Structures Lab
  • Computer Programming Lab
  • Computer Organization Lab
  • Speech Signal Processing Lab
  • Computer Graphics Lab
  • Image Processing Lab
  • Computational Linguistics Lab
  • Natural Language Processing Lab
  • Wireless Sensor Network Remote Triggered Lab
  • Cryptography Lab

Microcontroller and Embedded Systems

Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology conducted a two days Faculty Development Programme  on Microcontroller and Embedded Systems for all external participants from various institutions (Teaching, non-teaching, research scholars) organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Association with VTU Belagavi and CSI 24th and 25th Jan 2020. The FDP was inaugurated by Prof. Manjunath Kothari, H.O.D, Dept. CSE and Dr. Shivayobi B Ullagaddi, Special Officer VTU Belagavi and all The HODs of various departments and all staff members, student volunteers and all external participants from various institutes were also present during the inauguration function along with the resource person Dr. Mohan Kumar J, School of Information Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education and Technical support Mr. Sriram, Manager, ESA Sales, Bangalore.




Prof. Manjunath Kothari, H.O.D, Dept. CSE AIET Moodbidri had given a brief about the Program and outcomes of embedded system hands-on sessions.


The event inauguration was published in Upayuktha newspaper



The day was ended with a valedictory function and event was narrated by Ms. Megha Hegde,  and Mr. Sushant Mangasuli and at the end of the function Dr. Manjunath Kothari H.O.D Department of CSE, Resource Person Dr. Mohan Kumar J, School of Information Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education distributed certificates to all the participants. All media persons were also present for the event. And also Collected oral feedbacks from external participants. Finally at end of the programme as a token of gratitude presented a memento to the resource person.

Workshops/FDPs & Training

Mobile Application Development using Android

8 days National Level workshop on the theme “Mobile Application Development using Android” was organized from 16th  January 2019 to 23rd January 2019 by Alva’s Institute of Engineering & Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka with Technical Collaboration of Computer Society of India Student Chapter and Co Sponsored by Dlithe Bangalore.

The formal inaugural function was graced by the presence of our Head of the Department Dr. Manjunath Kotari,  Mr. Arun V Rajpurohith Founder Dlithe Bangalore, Mr. Avinash R S Corporate Trainer – Android & Robotics  and Certification Course Coordinator Prof. Harish Kunder.

 52 CSE students were registered for the course and obtained a Certificate from the Dlithe Bangalore.



Case Studies:

The following case studies are assigned to respective batches. All the case studies are expected to be completed by end of March 2019

  1. Grocery shop owner finding it difficult to visit APMC as its far and thus increasing his operational expenditures. He is in need of a simple app for placing his orders through a mobile app
  2. Children’s between the age of 4-12 are exposed to the internet world, thus watching video’s online. Parents wish to have a mobile app which can streamline video related to kids interest and block rest everything
  3. Saloon owner wish to have a mobile app for his VVIP customers to block the date with their choices of haircut etc..
  4. Your college wish to have a mobile app with all relevant information and updates. Can you build one app?
  5. Corporate wants a mobile app to capture minutes of meeting recording and convert that as report and send it to participant’s email
  6. Flower shop owner wants a mobile app for accepting the orders from his regular customers and deliver it with delivery confirmation through app
  7. Dlithe would like to have a mobile app to collect “e-waste” from the households. A waste ordering/collecting app will help to collect e-waste from the households.

4th International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology (iCATccT) - 2018

Dates: 6TH & 7TH of Sept, 2018

The International conference iCATccT – 2018 was jointly organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Departments of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Department of Information Science and Engineering 6th and 7th September 2017.

The main objective of this conference is bring both to Applied and Theoretical Computing Researchers, academicians, scholars, experts, engineers, students and Industrialists This conference was focused on promoting, developing and organizing associations and networks of Academicians, Engineers and Professionals and also to make faculty indulge in high end research in the relevant fields. Keynote address, and paper presentations from authors were a part of iCATccT – 2018.


A total of 209 submissions were received across India as well as from abroad.  To name very few among them are – UttarPradesh, Gujarath, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Hyderabhad, Telagana and various parts of Karnataka, witnessing this truly popular and international event. The Technical Program Committee (TPC) comprising around 150 experts from academia and industry selected 61 papers for presentations and 53 registered. Acceptance rate is 27.6%. The conference will run in 3 parallel sessions in 2 days.

Later lighting the lamp by Guest of Honor Dr.  Alvaro Rocha, Professor, University of Coimbra, Portgul and other dignitaries on the dias. The other dignitaries present during the inauguration were Sri Ganga Prasad, Sr. Director and Center Head, C-DAC, Bengaluru,  Sri.Vivek Alva, Managing trustee, AEF, Dr.Peter Fernandes, Principal, AIET, General Chair Dr.Niranajan Sr. member IEEE, Professor and Head Dept. of Computer Application. Proceedings of the conference released by dignitaries.


General Chair Dr.Niranajan, iCATccT – 2018 was briefed about the details of the conference, He mentioned that total of 209 submissions were received across India as well as from abroad and the Technical Program Committee (TPC) comprising around 150 experts from academia and industry selected 61 papers for presentations and 53 registered.

After the tea break, the inauguration function was followed by key note address by Dr Alvaro Roach, AISTI & University of Coimbra, Portugal, in his key note address, stressed about process quality management through information technology audit. The roots lie in IBM’s Business System Planning Methodology which provides a top down analysis of the information requirements of the business. Dr Alvaro Roach was felicitated by guest of honor Sri.Ganga Prasad GL.

After the lunch, papers were presented by the participants in their respective tracks.  The three track in charges, were


Session – 1.1

  1. Theoretical Computer Science I

Date/Time –  September 6, 2018 (Thursday) / 02:15 –  03:45 hrs

Venue Room Number -002

Chairs – Dr. MohideenBadhusha S, Sr.Professor, dept. of CSE, AIET

              N.V Subba Reddy, Professor Department of Computer Science &

              Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology.

Session -1.2.

  1. Applications of Communication I,

           Date/Time –  September 6, 2018 (Thursday)/ 02:15 03:45 hrs

           Venue Room Number -002

Chairs – Dr. Manjunatha D.V, HOD & Sr.Professor, dept. of ECE, AIET

              Dr. Bore Gowda S B, Professor Department of Electronics & Communication

              Engineering Manipal Institute of Technology

Session 1.3

  1. Big Data Analytics

                Date/Time September 6, 2018 (Thursday) 02:15 ‐ 03:45 hrs

                Venue Room Number -103

Chairs– Dr. Sumith.N, Associate Professor, dept. of CSE, AIET

             Dr. Prema K V, Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering

             Manipal Institute of Technology.

Session 2.1

  1. Computing Applications I

                Date/Time September 6, 2018 (Thursday) 04:00 ‐ 05:30 hrs

                Venue Room Number -001

Chairs – Dr. ManjunathaKotari, HOD & Professor, dept. of CSE, AIET

              N.V Subba Reddy, Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering

              Manipal Institute of Technology

Session 2.2

  1. Communications Theory

                Date/Time September 6, 2018 (Thursday) 04:00 ‐ 05:30 hrs

               Venue Room Number -002

Chairs – Dr. RoopaLakshmi.R, Professor, dept. of ISE, AIET

              Dr. Prema K V, Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering

              Manipal Institute of Technology

Session 2.3

  1. Applications of Communication II

               Date/Time September 6, 2018 (Thursday) 04:00 ‐ 05:30 hrs

               Venue Room Number -103

Chairs – Dr. Dattathreya, Dean Planning & Sr. Professor, dept. of ECE, AIET

              Dr. Bore Gowda S B, Professor Department of Electronics & Communication

              Engineering Manipal Institute of Technology

On Second day 07/09/2108, the conference sessions were started with paper presentation at 10 AM. The sessions are mentioned below-

Session 3.1

  1. Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing I

                 Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 10:00 ‐ 11:30 hrs

                 Venue Room Number -001

Chairs – JayanthkumarRathod.A, Professor & HOD, dept. of ISE, AIET

              Dr. Shashidhar G. Koolagudi, Professor Department of Computer Science

              & Engineering NITK-Surathkal

Session 3.2

  1. Computing Applications II

                Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 10:00 ‐ 11:30 hrs

                Venue Room Number -002

Chairs – Dr. Sumith.N, Associate Professor, dept. of CSE, AIET

              Dr. Geetha V, Professor Department of Information Technology NITKSurathkal

Session 3.3

  1. Applications of Communication III

               Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 10:00 ‐ 11:30 hrs

               Venue Room Number -103

Chairs – Dr. Praveen.J, Dean Academic & Professor, dept. of ECE, AIET

              Dr. Muralidhar Kulkarni, Professor Department of Electronics &

              Communication Engineering NITK- Surathkal.

Session 4.1

  1. Applications of Communication IV

                    Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 11:45 ‐ 01:15 hrs

                    Venue Room Number -001

Chairs – Prof. Shankar, Associate Professor, dept. of ECE, AIET

              Dr. MuralidharKulkarni, Professor Department of Electronics &

              Communication Engineering, NITK-Surathkal.

Session 4.2

  1. Theoretical Computer Science II

                     Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 11:45 ‐ 01:15 hrs

                     Venue Room Number -002

Chairs – Dr. Roopalakshmi.R, Professor, dept. of ISE, AIET.

             Dr. Shashidhar G. Koolagudi, Professor Department of Computer Science

             & Engineering NITK-Surathkal.

Session 4.3

  1. Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing II

                     Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 11:45 ‐ 01:15 hrs

                     Venue Room Number -103

Chairs – Dr. MohideenBadhusha.S, Sr.Professor, dept. of CSE, AIET

              Dr. Geetha V , Professor Department of Information Technology NITKSurathkal


Session Photos

After all the presentations, the valedictory function was started at 1PM, Dr.Murlidhar Kulkarni, chief guest of the valedictory was address the gathering followed by Dr.Peter Fernandes, Principal, AIET and concluded at 2 PM.

Photo session with Dignitaries, organising team and Sponsorers of the ICATCCT-2018


Faculty Development Programs (FDPs)

Department of CSE organized a National Level FDP(Faculty Development Program) on Web Technology and Its Applications as per VTU Revised Syllabus from 24th July to 28th July, 2018. Dr. Shivayogi B Ullagaddi, Special Officer VTU, Belagavi inaugurated the FDP on 24th July, 2018. After the inauguration Dr. Ullagaddi emphasized that Faculty members need to enhance their knowledge time to time as per the technological changes. Dr. Manjunath Kotari welcomed the gathering. Mr. Vasudev Shahapur introduced the chief guest to the audience. Dr. Mohideen Badhusha S proposed the vote of thanks.


The FDP was focused on the various aspects of Development of client – server web applications using PHP and MySQL. The FDP imparts a fundamental knowledge required to design and develop web oriented applications. The following salient features included and discussed:


The Resource Person Dr. Badhusha trained the participants with hands-on training sessions which offered a creative idea for developing   using PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, XML, a and HTML. The practical programming exercises were assigned in midst of the demonstration hours to invoke the interest on development of different real-life applications using PHP, JavaScript and MySQL. It offered a comprehensive knowledge in the development of on-line management system. E-materials along with 70 video lessons were provided for the participants.

About 40 participants from various engineering colleges of Karnataka were actively participated in this 5 days FDP.




Department of Computer Science & Engineering in association with ICT Academy & Palo Alto Networks, Bangalore organized a 5 days Faculty Development Programme on “Firewall, Installation, Configuration and Management” from 8th to 12th January , 2018. The FDP was inaugurated by Mr. Shanmughavel Somu, Palo Alto Networks, Dr. Kurien Athikari, Principal, Alva’s Degree College, Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD CSE , Mr. Harish Kunder, Coordinator of FDP and Mr. Basavadarshan, ICT Academy Relationship Manager on 8th January,2018.


The session began with introduction to firewall called PaloAlto, followed by the installation of the virtual workstation, to implement the Firewall. Over the period of five days the various features of the firewall were implemented such as, the methods of blocking various application, websites, and results of the applied methods.


The Objective of this FDP is to Understand the configuration steps for the security, networking, threat prevention, logging, and reporting features. The resource person was explained and gave the hands on experience of how to configure and manage the entire line of Palo Alto Networks Next – Generation firewalls. The resource person also shared his experience on Security and NAT Policies, Basic App-ID& User ID, File Blocking and WildFire.


The following Modules were discussed with hands-on session which includes Platforms and Architecture, Initial Configuration, Basic Interface Configuration, Security and NAT Policies, Basic App-ID, Basic Content-ID, File Blocking and WildFire, Decryption, Basic User-ID, Site-to-Site VPN, Management and Reporting and Active/Passive High Availability.

About 40 participants of different ICT Academy Partner Institutions were participated in the FDP.

Report on 3 Days FDP on Algorithms

Department of CSE organized a 3 days Faculty Development Programme on “Algorithms” from 10th to 12th December,2017. The FDP was inaugurated by Dr. Shashidhar Koolgudi, Department of CSE, NITK, Surathkal and Dr. Manjunath Kotari on 10th Dec,2017.  The objective of the FDP was to train and develop professionals in their area, so that, they can act as ‘Resource Persons’ in guiding and motivating young students provide insight about Algorithms.  FDP is mainly to equip the participants with requisite skills, knowledge and competencies for effective analysis of the subject. This FDP was arranged only to internal faculty members to empower teachers to overcome hurdles and motivate student towards Quality education.


The following are the topics discussed during First day of the FDP which includes, Introduction, Performance Analysis, Asymptotic notations, Important Problem Types, Fundamental Data structures, Divide and conquer method, Decrease and Conquer approach.

On second day, Greedy method, Minimum cost spanning Tree, Single source shortest paths, Optimal Tree problem, Transform and Conquer Approach, Dynamic Programming and Transitive closure topics were explained by resource person.

On last day, Dynamic Programming, All Pairs Shortest Paths, Backtracking, Branch and Bound                                  , 0/1 Knapsack problem, NP -Complete and NP- Hard Problems were discussed.

Dr. Shashidhar Koolagudi, Professor, NITK Surathkal was the resource person and about 15 faculty members of CSE department were attended this FDP.

Report on Amazon AWS Workshop

One day workshop on “Amazon Web Services(AWS)” has been organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, AIET, Mijar on 19th MAR 2018. Key note speakers Mr. Ravindra Verna, Voice President, Engineering services CollPoll and Mr. Durga Prasad Kakaraparthi, Senior solution architect, Amazon web services were resource persons of the Workshop. About 20 Faculty members of the Mangalore Region Engineering Colleges were participated in this Workshop.

Report on 5 Days Workshop

Five days National Level Workshop on “Development of Web Oriented Applications using PHP and MySQL and Orientation Program towards Research” was conducted by Department of Computer Science & Engineering from 16th January 2017 to 20th January, 2017. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Balakrishnan Manikiam, Sir-MV ISRO Chair Professor, Bangalore University. He lighted the lamp of wisdom and in his speech. He emphasized the need of digital transformation in current scenario. He educated the gathering on the growth and integration of technologies and importance of web applications. He also explained how such workshops would help us provide knowledge of using web applications to turn India into “Digital-India”.



The Dean Academics, HoDs of various departments were also present during the inaugural function. The resource person Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha highlighted the importance of the web oriented applications with intensive hands-on sessions and delivered vote of thanks. There are 50 participants from various colleges participating in the workshop.


The proceedings of the workshop are as follow:

Day 1: The demonstration was made on ‘Salient and unique features of PHP’ with the hands-on training sessions in the basic programming constructs along with relevant exercises in PHP followed by advanced programming constructs in PHP with HTML.


Day 2: The demonstration was made on ‘Introduction to the object oriented programming concepts in PHP’ along with the hands-on training sessions in implementing the simple object oriented programs with relevant exercises in PHP followed by the demonstration of implementing the in-built functions in PHP.

Day 3: Basic MySQL commands are delivered along with the hands-on training sessions for implementing basic queries in MySQL followed by demonstration of implementing advanced queries in MySQL.

Day 4: The exercises on ‘Development of web oriented applications using PHP, HTML and MySQL’ with the hands-on training sessions for developing on-line applications followed by the demonstration of development of online management system using PHP, HTML and MySQL with Case Studies.

Day 5: On 5th day, Prof.  Manjunath Kotari , HoD/CSE conducted a session on “Research Orientation- General Advice” to the Research Scholars.  In the session, he explained as how to start the Research, what are the good qualities of Research, types of Researches in India, Structure of Ph.D thesis and tips to write the thesis and journal paper.  Dr. Mohideen Badhusha, Professor, Dept of CSE delivered a lecture on Research Avenues in Computer Science & Engineering domain and caveats with some examples for thesis work”. The day ended with a valedictory function in which the certificates were distributed to all the participants.



Student's Innovative Project Competition-2024




Engineer’s Day Celebration

“Engineering is not merely knowing and being knowledgeable; engineering is not merely analysis; engineering is not merely the possession of the capacity to get elegant solutions to non-existent engineering problems; engineering is practicing the art of the organized forcing of technological change.”

In remembrance of Sir Mokshagundam Vishweshwarayya, the most outstanding Engineer of all times, the engineering fraternity of India celebrates “Engineer Day “every year on 15th September. Engineers operate at the interface between science and society. To identify the great works done by our hard-working engineers every year, 15th September is celebrated as “Engineer’s Day” marking the birthday of Sir Mokshagundam Vishweshwarayya, recognizing his contributions in the field of hydropower energy in India.

Department of Computer science and engineering celebrated Engineer’s Day by organizing the technical events to our students of first year and second year. The events were organized within the department and the details are given below.


First-round will contain multiple-choice questions based on general aptitude questions and pseudocode on C programming. Based on the score participants will be selected for the second round. In first-round, approximately 260 students have participated from first year and sec year CSE.In this roundabout 75 students were got selected for the next round.


In this round, a Program and Clue is divided into a set of blocks and each block will be located at different places. Participants have to find them and show them all Clues to Coordinators then they have to execute it as a single program where they get a number as output and they have to sit in the same room which they got as an output. The first five teams will be selected for the Next round.


In this round participant have to design a simple front end using a website called https://www.figma.com.Constraints will be given and they have to follow the constraints and get exact output. The Best of two from each year will be awarded.

There are approximately 280 students participated in the event. out of that best 4 students from both the years were awarded with prizes on 15th September 2021.

The organising of Engineer’s Day bought a very good bonding among all students. The event was a huge success in terms of participation from first and second year students. Many students took the initiative to conduct the particular event with a good participation spirit and with the support of the Management, HOD and Faculties of CSE, AIET.

Cmaniax Forum Inauguration 2021-22

Date: 27th September 2021
Venue: AIET, Auditorium
Chief Guest: Mr. Vishal Vanaki, Corporate Trainer, Q spiders Bangalore.

CMANIAX student’s forum of the computer science and engineering department was inaugurated on 27th September 2021, with the vision of bringing in the development of the students through technical seminars/workshops, cultural and extracurricular activities. CMANIAX Forum 2021-22 was inaugurated by Mr. Vishal Vanaki, Corporate Trainer, Q spiders Bangalore.

The inaugural ceremony of CMANIAX FORUM commenced with a prayer song by Prashant and Riya, 4th-year students and lighting of the lamp by a group of dignitaries Mr. Vishal Vanaki, Corporate trainer, Q-Spiders Bangalore (Chief guest), Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD, DEPT OF CSE, Forum president, secretary and forum staff coordinators.

Ms. Anjali Prabhu, a 4th-year student formally welcomed all the dignitaries present on the dais and faculties and students of CSE. Later President CMANIAX student forum informed about the various events planned for the year and invited to register to participate in the Competitions.

The program was followed by a chief guest talk, He motivated everyone to actively participate in all the events to get benefited. In his address, he briefed about the importance of participating in various events and the program was followed by oath-taking by all forum members. He wished for the success of the student’s forum.

Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD ,Dept. of CSE addressed the gathering and he informed about all the activities of CMANIAX and informed students to actively participate in it. The program was next followed by the prize distribution. In the end, Mr. Harin Gowda, 4th year offered a vote of thanks to all. Overall 300 plus students of CSE participated in the inaugural ceremony.

C Kaliyona Workshop

Date: 21/10/2021 and 22/10/2021
Time: 9AM-5PM(both the days)

C Kaliyona workshop was conducted by the C-Maniax forum members, of the Computer Science and Engineering Department for 2nd-year cse students in the month of October 2021 for the academic year 2021-2022. This training mainly focuses on the basics of c programming and most of the concepts of c programming with explanation and hands-on sessions which helps in developing the students to meet the Industries’ recruitment process.


  • The course is designed to provide complete knowledge of the C language.
  • The students will be able to develop logics that will help them to create programs, applications in C.
  • Evaluate the performance of the students prior and after the training.
  • By learning the basics of C programming, they can easily switch over to any other language in the future.

Dr. Manjunath Kotari,Hod, CSE ,Mrs. Reena Lobo and Mr. Vasudev Shahapur, forum staff coordinators, Mr. Laxman, President visited all the labs and HOD gave an introduction about the session and he advised students to make use of this training efficiently.

C-Maniax forum member trainers of Computer Science and Engineering Department took a rigorous training on various aspects like Basics of C programming, Conditional operators, Loops (for, do-while, while), Arrays (single, multidimensional), Strings and its operations, User-defined function, Recursion, Structures, Pointers and hands-on session for all these concepts covered. Forum members from the final year and third year are involved in training for two days.

The entire training session was very interactive, students took an active part in understanding the topic. Approximately 170 students of CSE have attended the workshop. Feedback on the session was taken. There is evidently positive feedback on the various aspects of the organizing workshop.

Fund Donation to Snehalaya Charitable Trust

CManiax forum Computer Science and Engineering conducted 2 days inter-college Online technical fest named Technofia-2021 on 26th & 27th June 2021. There were 10 events which was a collaboration of both Technical and non-Technical Events.  A total of 712 students registered. About 400 students from AIET and 300 plus students from 80 various colleges took part in various events with the Registration fee of Rs. 40(individual). The total funds generated from the entire fest was 25000/- , from which 10000 was utilized for hosting the event and cash prizes.

A meeting on how to utilize and what to do with the remaining 15000 was conducted in presence of Mr. Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee, Dr. Peter Fernandes, Principal, Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD CSE, Mrs. Reena Lobo, Forum coordinator and the student event coordinators. After having a discussion among all, considering the pandemic situation into account, the panel members decided to donate the remaining funds of 15000 to a nearby old age home who are really in need of their basic needs. Upon searching we were able to identify Snehalaya Charitable Trust to donate the funds generated.

Snehalaya Charitable Trust was founded by Joseph Crasta, who was inspired by the word of St. Mother Theresa that, “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”Established on August 26th, 2009, with a motto to Love, care and provide service – joyfully to the needy. Snehalaya Psychosocial rehabilitation center for Men, Snehalaya Psychosocial rehabilitation Home for women, Shanthi Dham, home for the aged are some of the landmark institutions run by the Trust.“Mannaha” is a unique mission first in its kind was initiated by the founder to feed mid-day meal to the standby at the patients who were without food for days. Since 5 years it successfully caters to the hungry needy.“Social outreach programs” during disasters viz floods, land-slides, COVID-19 Crisis, through dedicated volunteers is well reached to the poor and the unreached. Housing, education, health facilities, free ambulance service are some of the note-worthy activities of the Trust. Snehalaya caters its service to the Last, Least & Lost in the society without any discrimination of caste, creed, status, religion and party, as we believe that we are children of the same GOD.

In this regard, a few CSE students visited Snehalaya Charitable Trust, Manjeshwara, Mangalore on 02/08/2021 to donate the funds in the form of Groceries, Household items, vegetables and fruits, generated from The Online Technical Fest Technofia – 21 organized by the CSE department.

The following staff members accompanied the students Mrs. Reena Lobo, Ms. Shilpa.

Tech Kshetra

DATE: 11th And 12th October 2021

Tech kshetra event was conducted by the C-Maniax forum members, of the Computer Science and Engineering Department for 2nd year and 3rdyear students in the month of October 2021 for the academic year 2021-2022.

The inaugural ceremony of TECH KSHETRA commenced with a prayer song by Prashant and the team. Ms. Shraddha, 4th-year student formally welcomed Dr. ManjunathKotari, HOD, DEPT OF CSE, Dr.Mohideen Badusha and Ms.Shilpa, Consultancy project coordinators, Forum president, forum staff coordinators,and all faculties and students. Later Ms.Prathusha, Forum member informed about the various events and gave brief information about the events.

The program was followed a talk by Dr. ManjunathKotari, HOD CSE, He motivated everyone to actively participate in all the events to get benefited. In the end, Mr. Tushitsukla, Forum secretary offered a vote of thanks to all. Overall 450 plus students of CSE have participated in the inaugural ceremony.

Tech kshetra events were conducted for two days. The event started with a technical debate, logo identification in which students need to identify the logos, debugging in which each team will be given a program which needs to be solved and get the output, it quiz, blind coding, soft skills, idea presentation etc.

The entire second-year CSE students participated in the event, feedback on the session was taken, there is positive feedback from all the students.


Html Awareness

Department Of Computer Science and Engineering from Tech Club had organized a HTML Awareness session for all chemistry cycle, 1st-year students of Academic Year 2020-21 from 4/1/2021 to 6/01/2021. The session was inaugurated by Manjunath Kotari, HOD, Dept. Of CSE and Tech club in charge Mr Hemanth Kumar NP.

In this session students of around 14 students of 3rd year, CSE gave an introduction about the Web Technology Introduction. Web servers and web browsers are communicating client-server computer programs for distributing documents and information, generally called web data, over the Internet. Web data are marked up in the HTML language for presentation and interaction with people in web browsers. Students also explained the brief history of HTML and then thought them the basics of HTML which included the structure of HTML, the basic tags such as heading, paragraph and break. They also learnt to make the web page by adding font colour and background colour tags and also different types of marquee tags. They also gave awareness about how to insert images and videos to make web pages more attractive. There was a hands-on session along with an explanation through which they learnt to create a login page.

C Kaliyona workshop

Department of Computer Science and Engineering had organized a workshop named C Kaliyona for Mechanical students. Intended to make the students of the 2nd Year Mechanical engineering stream of Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology familiar and confident in C Programming Language and create opportunities for them to take part in placements for IT companies. With the support of the Head of departments of CSE and Mechanical streams, the workshop was set up successfully.
C Program is considered to be the fundamental language that is a “must-know” subject all over the globe. Day 1 of the workshop was kick-started with a short inauguration by both the heads of departments. HOD’s of the CSE branch and Mechanical branch spoke about the importance of learning the C programming language.

Day 1 of the workshop started off at 2:30 pm. Ms. Priyanka, student of the Third year, CSE, handled the session. Introduction about C programming. She discussed and demonstrated the following concepts related to the basics of C such as Structure of C, Data Types, C Tokens, Rules of Identifier, Operators.

Day 2 of the workshop started off at 2:30 pm. Mr. Laxman and Ms. Archana J C, students of final year, CSE, handled the session. She covered the following concepts by giving demonstrations of each subject like Revision of day 1, Control Statements, Arrays.

Day 3 of the workshop started off at 2:30 pm. Ms. Viha B Raju, student of final year, CSE, handled the session she taught the concepts of using Array to solve real-world problems.

The workshop witnessed satisfactory results and also received good feedback from the students’ side.

Linux Awareness

Department Of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Linux Awareness session for 1st-year students of Academic Year 2020-21 by Tech Club members on 18/12/2020 and 19/12/2020 for Chemistry cycle and 1/01/2021 and 2/01/2021 for Physic Cycle.

Linux is an open-source operating system whereas Windows OS is commercial. Linux has access to source code and alters the code as per user need whereas Windows does not have access to source code. In the session, basics and Introduction to Linux were being taught for the students along with hands-on-session. The entire session was very interactive and useful to the students since they were completely new to the Linux Platform. A simple command of Linux was taught in the entire session in the Ubuntu platform. The session also highlighted how Linux is better than any other operating system.


KALIYONA COMPUTER-Rural Computer Education Camp - Januvara Katte

DATE & VENUE: 22ND -23RD OCTOBER 2019 at GOVT KANNADA MEDIUM HIGH SCHOOL, Januvara katte, Udupi Dist.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering student’s association C-Maniax Forum conducted a Rural Computer Education camp in Govt Kannada Medium High School, Januvara katte. The program was formally inaugurated on 22nd October 2019 at Govt Kannada Medium High School, Januvara katte  by Principal of AIET Dr. Peter Fernandes,  HOD of CSE department Dr. Manjunath Kotari and Head Master Mr. VijayKumar, Mr. Harish Kunder, Mr. Vivek Sharma, Ms. Shruthi Shetty J and Ms. Ankitha Shetty were present during the inauguration function.

Soon after the inauguration, the students began their training session by introducing them about what exactly is a computer? What is its importance and how it evolved? What are the major hardware parts and majors software’s found in a computer were dealt in detail. There was a one to one interaction session with the students.

In the afternoon, hands-on sessions were conducted related to the topics discussed in the morning. The students seemed to be very interested and enthusiastic about the session and were comfortable in using and getting to know well about the computers.

The next day started well with an introduction about UNIX systems, how they changed the world by the concept of free access and software. All the existing Android, Windows all have an internal kernel, which is actually derived from the UNIX system. The UNIX gives user the freedom and advantage to do whatever changes, modifications, research related to any field of his interest by easily developing, distributing the software’s or code free of cost available to everybody throughout the world. The hands session on that day consisted of getting to know some UNIX commands such as mkdir, cd etc., to create, delete, change directories and other things by making use of the Terminal available in a Linux distribution which is nothing but UNIX like in nature.

The final day contained the major task of installing a Linux Operating System such as Puppy Linux. The students were first shown how to install the Linux, later all students were given a chance to try themselves out. The various processes involved such as booting the Linux, system softwares and some application softwares were discussed. Later the day concluded by a demonstration of how to use a Netbanking, book a bus or train ticket, how to use online payment system such as GooglePay, Paytm, Freecharge etc., were discussed consisting of separate session both for faculties as well as for students.


Linux awareness program was a two day session on Linux operating system for the students of first year B.E. which was held on 12 September 2019 and 13 September 2019. The programme was focused mainly to introduce Linux to the new users. The session started with an introduction to operating systems and the history of Linux. The students were given an awareness as to why Linux operating system is better in comparison with the other operating systems. A comparison of assembly language program and basic C program was made to specify how the programming was evolved to ease the usage. The Linux architecture, kernel and Unix and Linux flavours were explained. The file system hierarchy and file accessing were dealt along with the file permissions. The shell and terminal were explained along with the structure of commands and basic commands. A hands on session was made where the students executed general commands and bash commands.

The Linux awareness program was completed with providing basic knowledge about Linux operating system along with practical knowledge.


KALIYONA COMPUTER-Rural Computer Education Camp - Marodi

DATE & VENUE: 29th October to 31st October 2018 at Rural Computer Education Camp to students of Govt Kannada Medium School, Marodi,

Kaliyona Computer was organised by CMANIAX forum from 29th October to 31stoctober 2018, Rural Computer Education Camp to students of Govt Kannada Medium School, Marodi.Inuagration was done by Ravindra Poojari, President of Lion’s Club, Shirthadi, Dr. Peter Fernandes, Alva’s Engineering College Principal and Dr. Kurian, Alva’s Degree college Principal.Further there was an orientation aboutKaliyona Computer lead by Shreyas Rao,Event Coordinator followed by forum coordinators.

Giving the Basic knowledge of MS-Word, MS-Excel, Paint etc. Giving the basic knowledge about MS-Word which is extraordinarily useful for them andallows to bemore creative and also opens up a wide range of knowledge. MS-Excel is done as essentially with set of formulas to calculate the values. These values have been calculated by using formulas. By this student have understood slightly about how to use MS-Excel. Our student coordinators taught how to use paint option in computer and how to use it.

Entire two days the students were able to learn the basic knowledge of MS-Office and paint. Our student coordinators gave few assignments to judge whether the students have learnt the concepts. Student coordinators included brain storming sessions like quiz.The entire session was  students completely filled with enthusiasm and made the session more interactive and showed lot of interest and we encouraged them by distributing chocolates.



FUTSAL’18 was an inter-collegiate football tournament conducted by C-Maniax forum of Computer Science Department, AIET. FUTSAL’18 brought together all the best Football teams of  seven different Engineering Colleges of the Dakshina Kannada and Udupi region.

FUTSAL’18 was conducted on 22nd April 2018 at AIET main campus.

FUTSAL’18 was inaugurated by Mr.Ashraf karnere of Expertise group and with the presence of Mr.Vivek Alva, Dr. Manjunath Kotari, Mr.Hemanth Kumar N P ,C-Maniax members and all the participants from the various colleges at 9:30 AM .

There were 16 football teams, 6 from AIET and 10 from other engineering colleges .15 matches were conducted in total and the matches were Knock-out matches and the 2 best team made to the final . The matches were officiated by the referees from the BPT colleges of Alva’s. Around 108 players took part in the event with the Registration fee of Rs 400.

Teams of FUTSAL’18:


The matches were held from morning 10 AM – 6:30 PM with the support and  great sportsman spirit from all the teams, referees, volunteers and coordinators.

Winners and Runners of FUTSAL’18:


Honorary awards were given to the best Player and Best Goalkeeper of the C-MANIAX FUTSAL’18.

KALIYONA COMPUTER-Rural Computer Education Camp - Kalasa

Date &Venue : 17th to 19th January,2018 at J.E.M High School, Kalasa, Chikkamagaluru Dist.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering student’s association C-Maniax Forum conducted a Rural Computer Education camp in J.E.M High School, Kalasa. The program was formally inaugurated on 17th January,2018 at J.E.M High School, Kalasa by HOD of CSE department Dr. ManjunathKotari with Kalasa Education Society President Mr. Shreekanth, Secretary Mr. GopinathPai, Joint Secretary Mr. Narendra and Head Mistress Mrs. Sunanda. Mr. Hemanth Kumar N P, Mr. Vivek Sharma, Ms. Shruthi Shetty J and Ms. Ankitha Shetty were present during the inauguration function.

Soon after the inauguration, the students began their training session by introducing them about what exactly is a computer? What is its importance and how it evolved? What are the major hardware parts and majors software’s found in a computer were dealt in detail. There was a one to one interaction session with the students. Lot of doubts and questions raised by the JEM students were well handled by the Alva’s students. In the afternoon, hands-on sessions were conducted related to the topics discussed in the morning. The students seemed to be very interested and enthusiastic about the session and were comfortable in using and getting to know well about the computers.


The next day started well with an introduction about UNIX systems, how they changed the world by the concept of free access and software. All the existing Android, Windows all have an internal kernel, which is actually derived from the UNIX system. The UNIX gives user the freedom and advantage to do whatever changes, modifications, research related to any field of his interest by easily developing, distributing the software’s or code free of cost available to everybody throughout the world. The hands on session on that day consisted of getting to know some UNIX commands such as mkdir, cd etc., to create, delete, change directories and other things by making use of the Terminal available in a Linux distribution which is nothing but UNIX like in nature.

The final day contained the major task of installing a Linux Operating System such as Puppy Linux. The students were first shown how to install the Linux, later all students were given a chance to try themselves out. The various processes involved such as booting the Linux, system softwares and some application softwares were discussed. Later the day concluded by a demonstration of how to use a Netbanking, book a bus or train ticket, how to use online payment system such as Paytm, Freecharge etc., were discussed consisting of separate session both for faculties as well as for students. The students were given with how to develop a website by using HTML etc was taught during this camp. Also students were taught with C Programming introduction during this course.

C Programming Awareness Program to Alva’s High School Students

Date &Venue : 30th October,2017 at AIET, Moodbidri.

C Programming Awareness Programme was organized by CMANIAX forum on 30th October 2017 at AIET, Mijar for the 10th standard students of Alva’s High school, Moodbidri. Alva’s High School students were brought to the campus and given C programming fundamentals awareness was given. Inauguration was inaugurated by Dr.ManjunathKotari, HOD CSE, Forum cordinatorProf.Venkatesh,   Mr. Hemanth Kumar, and Mr. Chanchal Antony were present during the inauguration . Mrs. Nayana and Mrs. Soudamini, teachers of Alva’s High School also took part in the inaugural ceremony. This program was completely organized by CMANIAX forum students of Final & Pre-Final years.

Immediately after the inaugural function there was orientation for C Programming lead by Nikhitha Kale M, Event Cordinator followed by forum cordinators. She gave the basic knowledge about programming which is extraordinarily useful for High School students and allows be more creative and also opens up a wide range of knowledge about computers.

Computer programming is done as essentially with set of written instructions that the computer follows (also known as binary coding). These instructions can be written in a number of different “languages”, or organizing the instructions and text. Different languages tend to be used to create different types of programs.

The students mainly focused on initialization, declaration, control statements, functions of C Programming. And they gave introduction of HTML which is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and describes the structure of Web pages using markup. And they taught brain storming sessions like quiz. The entire session was students completely filled with enthusiasm and made the session more interactive and showed lot of interest.

2020 - 21

Basics of C Programming Language by Q-Spider

Date: 16th AUGUST 2021 TO 2nd September 2021

Venue: Engineering Seminar hall and Internet Lab, AIET

Mr. Vishal from QSpider Training agency was training the students of VII SEM CSE Students around Fourteen Days starting from 16th August 2021 to 2nd September 2021. Mr. Vishal started his training to the Final Year Students of AIET with very basics of C Programming Language by giving examples, problems and logics.

He was discussing the basic concepts in the morning sessions and he is allowing the students to implement these concepts in the evening sessions. He was also giving some assessment problems to the students to solve or implement in the evening sessions.

The trainer discussed various problems like printing patterns, concepts of one-dimensional arrays and its related problems, two dimensional arrays, pointer concepts, functions and recursions, string concepts and various problems on strings.

Every day, the trainer also discussed a few interviews related problems and their hints to solve.

At the end, he also trained the students on the concepts of sorting, searching and few data structures and its applications. Overall, the entire training was much informative and worth attending.

Preplacement Bootcamp Training by DLithe

Date: 22nd SEPTEMBER 2021 TO 24th SEPTEMBER 2021

Department of Computer Science has arranged training on “JAVA PROGRAMMING” for the students of Final year CSE Students. The training was given by the resource person Aasai thambi from DLithe Pvt Ltd Bangalore.

The training for all the students of the Final year CSE was handled from 22nd September 2021 to 24th September 2021. The training sessions are conducted in the Computer Center LAB of the CIVIL Department.

The department faculty members have monitored all the sessions on a shift basis. Mr. Venkatesh Training Coordinator, Dr. Manjunath Kotari HOD of CSE, and Mr. Sushanth Lobo Placement Head were visiting the sessions.

The resource person Aasai Thambi refreshed the basic concepts of Inheritance, data abstraction and data encapsulation and made the students feel comfortable.

Preplacement Bootcamp Training by E Box

Date: 30th AUGUST 2021 TO 16th September 2021
Venue: C Programming Lab

Department of Computer Science has arranged the training on “Complex Problem-Solving using Algorithms” for the students of Final year CSE Students. The students were divided into two batches batch1 and batch2. The training session for batch1 students was handled from 30th August 2021 to 7th September 2021. The E-Box training for batch2 students was handled from 09th September 2021 to 16th September 2021.

The department faculty members have monitored all the sessions on a shift basis. Mr. Venkatesh Training Coordinator, Dr. Manjunath Kotari HOD of CSE, and Mr. Sushanth Lobo Placement Head were visiting the sessions.

The resource persons have refreshed the basic concepts of the following topics and made the students feel comfortable.

  • Structures and Problems on Basic Competitive Programming
  • Linked List and Implementation
  • Stack and Queue
  • Binary Search Trees
  • Graphs and Graph Traversals
  • Searching and Sorting Algorithms
  • Divide and Conquer and Greedy Design Strategy
  • Dynamic Programming, Backtracking

All the assignments were well planned to keep students engaged with the same level of interest throughout the training.

With the E-box portal for programming exercises, students were made to be accurate on programming as per the requirements. This made students be focused on output-driven programming.

The resource person divided the assignments into three phases:
Level 1 is i-Explore, Level 2 is i-Analyse and Level 3 is i-Design.

i-Explore level intends to explore one’s knowledge in C and Data Structures for a given general problem statement. This improves thinking capacity.

i-analyze level intends to analyze the problems and answer a set of questions. Here, for example, problem descriptions are given along with the possible inputs and expected outputs. By answering this set of questions debugging capacity increases.

Aptitude Training Report

Date:17/03/2022 to 22/03/2022

Venue: classroom

A 6-day training Program is conducted in Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology on Aptitude for CSE III Year students organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering from 17th March 2022 To 22nd March 2022. The workshop was inaugurated by Mr. Vivek Alva, Trustee, Alva’s Education Foundation, Moodbidri and Dr. Manjunath Kotari, HOD CSE, AIET. The Aptitude Training Program was Coordinated by Prof. Venkatesh, Senior Associate Professor, Department of CSE, AIET, Moodbidri.

All the HODs of various departments, all staff members and student volunteers were also present during the inauguration function along with the trainers from BACCE Foundations. Around 117 students from Computer Science and Engineering branch have participated in this workshop.

There are several trainers from BACCE Foundations are involved in this training to train the students effectively. They are:

(i) Mr. Naresh

(ii) Mr. Shridhar

(iii) Mr. Krishna

(iv) Mr. Varadaraj

(v) Mr. Girish

Every session comprises of the lecture and demonstration of the concept by the Resource person followed by hands – on sessions with respective worked out examples and exercises on the topics. The students are divided into five different batches and for each batch separate class room was allotted with separate trainer. All the sessions are observed by the department faculty members in shift basis.

The session-wise syllabus covered in the training is as follows:

DAY 1: Many problems are solved and hints of the solving the Problems are explained by the trainer on Calendar, MOT, Clock and Simple Interest concepts.

DAY 2: Various problems related to the concepts finding squares and square root, multiplication, finding cube and cube roots, average related problems, Compound interest, Mixtures and allegations, profit and loss are explained very nicely.

DAY 3: Age related problems, Distance and speed, Time and work concepts are explained in detail and many problems are solved related to these topics.

DAY 4: The trainers covered many problems related to Parts of speech, Articles, Tenses, Synonyms, Subject Verb agreement, Antonyms. Many exercise problems are given by the trainer so that students can think the solution and trainer made them to solve the problems. Students are participated with very interestingly.

The trainers gave many problems to solve by the students. The session was very interactive.

DAY 5: Permutations and Combinations, Probability problems related to cards, tossing a coin and dice, Problems related to balls using combinations and probability are covered during morning session. During afternoon session, the trainers covered the topics like finding Selling price and Cost price, speed and distance related to trains.

DAY 6: Ratio and proportion, Simple interest and compound interest, Permutations and Combinations, Profit share related problem, MOT, Speed and distance, Work and time, Upstream and Downstream. The trainers also covered the many problems on Verbal: synonym, analogy, passive and active voice, Idioms and Phrases, phrases and verb

SDP on C and Data Structure

Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology Moodbidri has arranged a Ten Days Student Development Program (SDP) on “C AND DATA STRUCTURE” for the Third Year Students of Computer Science and Engineering Department AIET from 30th March 2022, Wednesday to 09th April 2022, Saturday. The training was coordinated by Professor Venkatesh, Senior Associate Professor, Dept of CSE.

The first session was the motivation talk by Mr. Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee, Alva’s Education Foundations, Moodbidri. In the Motivational talk, Mr. Vivek Alva suggested the students to show the actively involvement in the whole training. He also suggested the students to get more and more benefits from the trainer. He wants to prepare the students to grab the very good post in good companies.

The theory part of the training program was conducted in MBA Seminar Hall, and Practical Sessions were conducted in the Internet Lab Ground Floor Main Building AIET and Networking Lab, 3rd Floor Main Building, AIET, Moodbidri. Total One hundred and Seventeen students were benefited from this training. The resource person of this training is Mr. Vishal C Vanaki from Q-Spider Bangalore.

Mr. Vishal covered C core data types and subjects such as arrays, enumeration, and several sorting strategies as well as some sample programs relating to searching techniques In the afternoon session, the students learned about different linear search algorithms. Several operations on singly and doubly linked lists have been discussed. Insertion at the end, Insertion at the front, Insertion at the middle have all been discussed.

Training was started with Doubly Linked List (DLL) principles. Several operations on DLL have been discussed. Insertion at the end, Insertion at the front, Insertion at the middle have all been discussed. The push(), pop(), display(), and empty stack and full stack criteria were addressed.

The students started with Queue principles on the fifth day of instruction. The trainer performed the enqueue(), dequeue(), display() and numerous queue procedures. He explained how to use a linked list to create a queue and how to use a stack to create a queue.

The students were given multiple examples to tackle, similar to those that were asked at various businesses. The questions are rotating the matrix 90 degree, finding the triplet that sum to a given value, Knight Problem, Josephus’s Problem, etc.


About 117 CSE students were trained by Mr. Vishal Vanaki and Mr. Rishi, Q-Spiders in various concepts of C & Data Strictures. Several Applications of Data structures were illustrated during the training. All the students shared their feedback and they were able to solve various similar problems of C & Data Structures. About 10 faculty of CSE were also attended the training program and monitored all the sessions and provided the feedback.


2020 - 21

Pre-placement training was organized for final year students which focused on current industry concepts as well as training for placement. Pre-placement training focused on over all development of candidate in order to prepare for various placement drives. The students were divided into two batches B1 batch and B2 Batch.

The following aspects are included and conducted in the training.

Developing Logics through Advanced data structures using Python

Developing Logics through Advanced data structures using Python: Four days training on Developing Logics through Advanced data structures using Python was conducted for B1 batch students. The resource person of this training are Dr. S. Mohideen Badhusha, Ankitha Shetty, Shilpa, Megha Hegde, Vidya, Manjunath H R, and Pradeep Nayak. This training was conducted from 16th September 2020 to 19th September 2020; and 30th September 2020 to 3rd September 2020. Finally, the assessment on this training was conducted on 20th September 2020.

Programming with C and Data Structures with C

Programming with C and Data Structures with C: Q-Spider Training Software Institute, Bangalore in association with Department of CSE has conducted a Thirteen days hands-on training on hidden tricks on C Programming Language and Data Structures with C from 21st September 2020 to 5th October 2020. Mr. Shariq was the trainer during these days. About 136 final year students were trained by above resource persons. Mr. Shariq trained the students with interview based questions, some MCQs and some techniques used in C and Data Structures concepts.

Data Structures and its Applications using C

Data Structures and its Applications using C: Two days training was conducted on Data Structures and its Applications using C language for final year students in Boot camp on 26th October 2020 and 27th October 2020 from 09.30 AM to 05.00 PM. Session was started by Mrs. Jaishma Kumari. The training started with introduction to Data Structures and basic concepts of arrays. Mrs. Merlyn continued the session with the concepts of Pointers and Structures.

Mr. Venkatesh trained on how to write the recursive procedures for a given problem and it was compared with iterative solution. The training was continued with different types of data structures and its applications. He also explained about the implementations of some applications on linked list, trees, stacks and queues.

Mrs. Merlyn Melita Mathias explained the implementations of various operations of stacks, queues, pointers and structures. Students implemented these operations in C language.

Jaishma Kumari explained about how to create the linked list, and implementation of its basic operations.

Java Programming

Java Programming:Two days training was conducted on Java programming for final year students in Boot camp from 6-10-2020 and 7-10-2020 (9.30 AM to 1.00 PM and 2.00 PM to 4.45 PM). Session started with introduction on java, explained basic concepts starting with data types, array, different types of operators, different types of conditional statements followed by, iteration statements and followed by string operation. The session was continued by making students work on all this concepts by giving different problems, made them to work on the same.  Some problem statements were given related to the same and made students to work on it by Ms. Megha D Hegde.

The second session was conducted by Ms. Shilpa, which was on the introduction to classes and objects, followed by OOPs principles/features like Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, types of inheritance with examples for each, Polymorphism. And also discussed about Using Super keyword, Final keyword, this pointer. Exception handling- Types of exception handling, throwable class and the exception handling mechanism. Multithreading concepts like creating the threads, thread priorities and isAlive() and join() methods and other methods of multithreading. All the concepts were explained with programming example and made students to work on it.

The third session was conducted by Mr. Sayeesh, which was on interview related questions on basics, classes and objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Super keyword, Final keyword, this pointer. Also, in this session discussed on different programs for Exception handling- Types of exception handling, threads, Multithreading, thread priorities various methods of multithreading, Garbage collection and dynamic dispatch. Also solved interview related questions for all these concepts.

Web Programming

Web Programming: Two days training was conducted on web programming for final year students in Boot camp from 6-10-2020 and 7-10-2020 (9.30 AM to 1.00 PM and 2.00 PM to 4.45 PM). The resource person for this training are Dr. Kiran B Malagi, Mrs. Vidya and Mr. Abdul Khader. The schedule of the course is given as in the following Table.

Session #



Topic Covered




9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Introduction to Web Technology and Basics of HTML

Dr. Kiran B. Malagi



2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Introduction to CSS

Ms. Vidya



9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Web programming with Bootstrap

Mr. Abdul Khader

In the First Session Dr. Kiran B. Malagi, introduced students to history of internet and WWW, basic terminologies and advanced techniques of Web programming. Later he started with basics of HTML. The simple HTML program, tag structure, and many of the basic tags were introduced.

All the sessions were conducted in Laboratory itself so that students could get hands on feel of programming. Students were asked to develop a simple, static webpage, using all the basic HTML tags. The List of Web pages created by different teams is given in the following table:

Sl. No

Team Leader Name


Name of Web page


Viha B. Raju


Wedding Planner Website




Movie Ticket Booking


Bhramari P. Shetty


Nirvyadhi Foundation(NGO)


Sahana c










Department Website


B. Sai Harsha


Movie Database


Lokesh P






Amusement Park


Vikas A. L.


Gaming Website




Event Management




Fashion Shop






Vinod Kumar


Hotel Management

In the afternoon session Mrs. Vidya, Assistant professor, Dept. of CSE, introduced the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)concepts to Students. She covered the topics like style sheets, selector types,example programs, box model etc. She covered almost all the property and value pairs for various HTML elements. Students adopted these styles for web pages that they created in the first session.

On 12-10-2020, Mr. Abdul Khader, Assistant professor, Department of CSE, covered the topics on Bootstrap. The objective of his session were to address the following topics.

  • Built-in Support for layout, grids, fluid grids, and responsive designs.
  • Pre-built CSS: Contains global CSS classes for typography, tables, grids, forms, buttons, images, and more
  • Components: Contains lots of reusable components including Icons, Dropdowns, Navbars, Breadcrumbs, Popovers, Alerts, and many more.
  • JavaScript Plug-ins: Contains lots of custom jQuery plug-ins. You can include them all or one by one.
  • Customizable Components: We can customize Bootstrap’s components with LESS variables and jQuery plug-ins to create our own version.

. Net Programming with C#

. Net Programming with C#: Four Hours training was conducted on Dot NET Programming by using C# language for final year students in Boot camp on 13th October 2020 from 9.30 AM to 1.30 PM. The session was divided into two types of applications namely Console Applications and Windows Forms Applications.

Session started with Console Applications. The first project developed by students in the Console Applications is displaying the welcome message. The session is run with introduction on C#, explained basic concepts. In Console Applications, the students studied many information starting from how to Display Welcome message in Console, data types, array concepts, different types of operators, different types of conditional statements followed by, iteration statements and followed by string and string builder operations. They also studied the various operations on DateTime type objects. The session was continued by making students to work on all this concepts by giving different problems, made them to work on the same.  Finally, Mr. Venkatesh told about some list of real time applications which can be developed by using Console Applications. He also instructed the students to try to implement these applications in their free timing.

After these Console Applications, the session was taken into Windows Applications. The students studied how to design the form with various suitable elements and how to program it. The windows applications is begins with very simple applications like copying the string from one textbox control to another textbox control, Concatenating two strings which are stored in two textbox controls and store it in the third textbox control. Later they taken into some numeric applications like displaying the next Fibonacci number.

Students were trained with many simple projects on windows applications. They also studied to design multi form applications. Finally, Mr. VENKATESH informed the students to develop one mini project “Simple Calculator” and “Scientific Calculator”. Later he informed the students to merge these two calculators in one project by giving options in the first form.

Oracle Assessments

Oracle Assessments:Two days training and assessment sessions are conducted on 13th October 2020 and 15th October 2020 by Hmanth Kumar N P, Shruthi Shetty J, and Sharan

Operating System

Operating System: The training session on Operating System was conducted by Mr. Sayeesh on 14th October 2020 from 9.30 AM to 11.00 AM.The session was started with the functions of operating system, followed by types of operating system. Next discussed about process scheduling, why process scheduling is required, and various scheduling algorithms with examples. And also discussed about deadlock and how to prevent deadlocks, Banker’s algorithm with examples. Finally, session was concluded with interview related questions of operating system.

Computer Networks

Computer Networks: The training session on Computer Networks was conducted by Ms. Ankitha Shetty on 14th October 2020 from 11.00 AM to 12.30 PM.

In this training session, Ms. Ankitha Shetty covered the following Topics: 

Computer Network Introduction, OSI Model, TCP/IP Model, IP Address and its Classes, Firewall, DNS, Network Security. Ms. Ankitha Shetty explained about Classification of networks based on (i) Transmission media, topology, and size of the network. She also explained on packet switched and circuit switched networks with difference and their working.  She explained about the functions of each layers in OSI and TCP/IP model. Five major categories of Firewall are explained.  Detailed about IP addressing with classification of IP address, IPV4 and IPV6, static and dynamic assignment, IP address classes and port number. The training was continued on DNS and Network Security concepts.

Internet of Things

Internet of Things: The training session on Internet of Things was handled by Mr. Nagesh U B, Asst. Professor of Department of ISE AIET on 14th October 2020 from 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM for the final year students in the bootcamp training periods. 

The entire session has been delivered in two parts:

  • Theory and architecture of IoT (2pm to 3.15pm)
  • Hands-on session on Contiki OS (3.30PM to 5PM)

Following topics were delivered to the participants in the first half:

  • Evolution of iot
  • Architecture of iot- three and 5 layered architectures.
  • IoT technology stack- various hardware device used as gateways
  • Sensors and actuators for iot interface.
  • Clod architecture
  • Fog architecture
  • Cloud data acquisition protocols- MQTT and CoAP protocol architecture and working
  • Application areas of IoT:  case studies following were discussed-
    • Intelligent home,
    • healthcare
    • agriculture
    • smart grid
    • smart transportation
  • Career opportunities in the field of IoT-Indian scenario.
  • Top clod platforms for IoT implementation.

Following topics are delivered in the second half as hands-on session:

  • Introduction to personal area networks and 6LoWPAN
  • Simulation of PAN in Contiki OS
  • Architecture of Contiki OS and protocol stack
  • Installation of Contiki OS in VMware virtual box.
  • Simulation of a 5 node PAN and their communication in Cooja simulator.
  • Simulation of blink LED application on sky mote.
  • Simulation of a UDP communication and performance study.

Project Guidance

Project Guidance: The training session on Project – Avenues, Processes & Challenges was handled by Dr. Manjunath Kotari Professor and Head, Department of CSE on 16th October 2020 from 9.30 AM to 11.00 AM for the final year students in the bootcamp training periods.

He explained the importance of doing the projects, Phases of Project Design & Implementation, designing the database, designing the User Interface, software design using UML diagrams, and modular design. He took a case study of “IoT application development” and “Banking Applications”. He also explained the report writing and importance of documentation.

Continuing his session to how to structure the report. His session was continued with Process overview. Here he discussed about stages of the development. Development stages includes: System Conceptions, Analysis, System Design, Class Design, Implementation, Testing, Training, Deployment, Maintenance. In his training, he explained about two development life cycles to develop the project: Waterfall development and Iterative development. In Domain analysis part, he took ATM as the case study.

Data Mining

Data Mining: The training session on Data Mining was handled by Veena M,Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering on 16th October 2020 from 11.00 AM to 1.00 PM for the final year students in the bootcamp training periods.

Started by giving the introduction to Database, need for database, Database Management Systems, purpose of DBMS and explained how to discover knowledge hidden in data using Data Mining (DM).

The process of Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) and steps involved in this process were explained to the students. Discussed various goals of DM, need for DM and explained 3 keys technologies which has made DM has an emerging trend, those key technologies are   increase in computing power, improved data collection, and statistical analysis.

Mrs Veena M explained two types of DM functions:

  • Predictive models: predict unknown values based on known data.
  • Descriptive models identify patterns in data.

Gave brief introduction to supervised and unsupervised learning and various clustering, classification, regression and predictive algorithm concepts were explained to students.

The details of classification model, definition of classification model were conveyed to the students by taking the example of credit applicants who are poor credit risks. Decision tree concept was explained with an example of how much fit a person is, and discussed how a resemblance factor can influence the classification.

Finding groups of objects which are similar and different from each other. The goal is to find the most ‘natural’ groupings of the instances, within a cluster: Maximize similarity between instances and between clusters: Minimize similarity between instances were explained with the help of various clustering algorithms like k-means, DBscan along with the concept of outliers were explained to students. 

The session ended with the discussion of various DM applications like Marketing, city planning, image processing etc.,


Tensorflow: Mr. YathishKuntadi conducted one day training about Tensorflow on 17th October 2020 during bootcamp training for final year students. TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. It has a comprehensive, flexible ecosystem of tools, libraries and community resources that lets researchers push the state-of-the-art in ML and developers easily build and deploy ML powered applications.


Pre-placement training was organized for final year students which focused on current industry concepts as well as training for placement. Pre-placement training focused on over all development of candidate in order to prepare for various placement drives. The following aspects are included and conducted in the training.

Data Structures with C & Advanced Java Programming

Data Structures with C & Advanced Java Programming : Q-Spider Training Software Institute, Bangalore in association with Department of CSE has conducted a 18 days hand-on training on Data Structures with C and Advanced Java Programming during week ends of April/May and continuously from 10th July-17th July,2019. Mr. Manish Raj, Mr. Rohan Prabhu, Mr. Shariq and Mr. Mohammed Idris trainers were taught Data Structures with C as well as Advanced Java Programming using hands-on session. About 136 final year students were trained by above resource persons.

Algorithms and Image Processing Applications

Algorithms and Image Processing Applications: Dr. Mohammed Javed, Assistant Professor, IIIT, Allahabad was a resource person for the first session on 18th July, 2019. He was addresses about the various Engineer traits and Algorithms with live examples. He also addressed about the research perspective of Image Processing Applications.

Initially Dr. Javed explained about the 10 characteristics of engineers that includes Team Player, Continuous Learning, Creativity, Problem Solving, Analytical Ability, Communication Skills, Logical Thinking, Mathematical Ability ,Attention to Detail and Leadership.

He also explained about the purposes of Image processing and its applications like:

  • Visualization – Observe the objects that are not visible.
  • Image sharpening and restoration – To create a better image.
  • Image retrieval – Seek for the image of interest.
  • Measurement of pattern – Measures various objects in an image.
  • Image Recognition – Distinguish the objects in an image.

Database Applications & Networking

Database Applications & Networking

On 18th July,2019 Ms. Shruthi Shetty and Ms. Ankitha Shetty Department of CSE were handed the Database Applications and Networking concepts. Later they also done the assessment of all the students based on basics of Database and Networking Concepts.

Big-Data Analytics Hands-on Workshop

Big-Data Analytics Hands-on Workshop

On 19th July,2019 Dr.Sumith N, Department of CSE handed a hands on workshop on Big Data Analytics. She has addressed about the various concepts of BDA with hands-on session from 9-5 PM.

Hands-on Workshop on Networking

Hands-on Workshop on Networking

Dr.Jaidhar C D, Depat of CSE, NITK, Surathkal was the resource person for the 18th July,2019. Dr. Jaidhar C D has taken session on Networking with Network Packet Tracer Software. Initially he addressed with live examples in simulations. In the afternoon session he explained and demonstrated the various networking components like switch, hub, router etc.

Programming with C & Data Structures

Programming with C & Data Structures

On 20th Julty,2019 Prof.Padma Reddy, Professor , Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bangalore was the resource person for the topic Programming with C & Data Structures. He has addressed the students about C Programming concepts starting from Preprocessor directives to Data Structure concepts with live examples.

Data Structures & Algorithms

Data Structures & Algorithms

Dr. Prasanna Kumar H R, Professor & Head-ISE, PES Institute of Technology & Management, Shimoga has delivered a session on Data Structures and Algorithms. Dr. Prasanna Kumar has started the concepts of Data Structures that includes structure, arrays, stack, queue , linked lists, trees and graphs with live examples.  He also discussed about Design & Analysis Algorithms with Time Complexity Issues.

Dr. Prasanna Kumar also discussed the Need of Analysis , types and Applications of Algorithms with the live examples. On 21st July Afternoon session he discussed about the various placement related question and answers for the students.

Focus Academy for Career Enhancements(FACE) Aptitude Training

Focus Academy for Career Enhancements(FACE) Aptitude Training

The 8 days Aptitude Training was conducted to final year CSE students First Phase during 22nd to 25th July,2019. The second Phase was conducted during 30th July to 2nd August,2019.

This training helped the students to understand the aptitude topics such as number systems, percentage, perfect loss problems, preposition, problems on time and work, speed time and distance, probability, direction problems, questions related to blood relations, permutation and combination, simple equation. More than sufficient questions where solved in the class. They also gave useful tips to answer the group discussion and interview rounds.

Training on IoT and its Applications

Training on IoT and its Applications

2 days training on IoT and its Applications was conducted on 26th & 27th July,2019 for final year CSE/ISE/ECE students. Dr. Mohit P. Tahiliani, NITK Surathakal addressed the topic on “Need for Speed:Minimize the impact of Bufferbloat on IoT Applications ”

Mr. Vishal Rathod, Reseach Scholar NITK Surathkal took the hands-on training on IoT Applications to the students.

Workshop on Git-Hub Coding Skills

Workshop on Git-Hub Coding Skills

2 days workshop on Git-Hub coding skills was arranged for final year CSE/ISE/ECE students on 26th & 27th July,2019. Mr. Sagar from Dlithe Software, Bangalore was the resource person for 2 days. He explained and demonstrated the students about to creating GitHub accounts as well as uploading the contents to GitHub.

Workshop on Git-Hub Coding Skills

Workshop on Git-Hub Coding Skills

One day workshop on Git-Hub coding skills was arranged for final year CSE/ISE students on 26th July,2019. Mr. Sudeep D, Epitas Software, Mangalore was the resource person.He explained and demonstrated the students about to creating GitHub accounts as well as uploading the contents to GitHub repository.

Workshop on AWS

Workshop on AWS

4 days Workshop on AWS(Amazon Web Services) was conducted for CSE final year students from 5th to 8th August,2019. Mrs. Seema Nair from Callibre Code Solutions, Bangalore was the resource person. AWS introduction, EC2 instance creation, Elastic IP mapping to server topic was completed on day 1 of the training.

Remote connection to AWS server, EC2 snapshot and recovery was completed on day 2 of the workshop. Cloud watch monitoring, s3buckets creation & settings, AWS Cli commands are completed on 3rd day of the workshop. On final day, s3 bucket backup to server, MongoDB No SQL DB creation and basic queries were discussed.

Workshop on Ad.Java & J2EE, JQuery

Workshop on Ad.Java & J2EE, JQuery

Workshop on Ad.Java & J2EE, JQuery was conducted on 5th to 8th August,2019 for final year CSE students. Mr. Charles Antony, Techno-voice, Mysore was the resource person of the workshop. 

Java is one of the most popular programming languages used to create Web applications and platforms. It was designed for flexibility, allowing developers to write code that would run on any machine, regardless of architecture or platform. Students were trained on various aspects of advanced java like as stated above.

Workshop on Block Chain Technologies

Workshop on Block Chain Technologies

One day workshop on Block Chain Technologies was conducted for the part of the pre-placement training. Mr.

Workshop on Mathematical Applications

Workshop on Mathematical Applications

Dr. Chandru Hegde, Mangalore University was the resource person of the workshop on Mathematical Applications on 28th July,2019. Dr. Chandru Hegde discussed the topics of the mathematics like Linear Algebra, Probability & Statistics and Optimizations. 

Personality development and Public Speaking

Personality development and Public Speaking

Ms.KannanThandi trained students on Personality development and public speaking on 11th & 12th August,2019. She emphasized the need for being confident in public speaking which helps the students to face the interview. Trainer also spoke about various skills that students need to develop for their future.


Students had session on various topic like python application, web programming, database applications, Big data analytics, OOMD, OOPs concepts, Algorithms, Java, IoT etc., by faculties of our department.


  • Object Oriented Concepts with C++ by Ms. Shilpa.

The session started with explanation on Basics of Object Oriented Concepts such as Classes, Objects and Member Function. There are 4 major principles that make an language Object Oriented. These are Encapsulation, Data Abstraction, Polymorphism and Inheritance. These are also called as four pillars of Object Oriented Programming. Encapsulation is the process of hiding the information by warping data inside the classes. Classes contain member function and member data.

Different types of member functions were discussed such as static member function, constant member function, inline member function and Friend functions. Inline function is a function that is expanded in line when it is called. When the inline function is called whole code of the inline function gets inserted or substituted at the point of inline function call. A static member function is a special member function, which is used to access only static data members, any other normal data member cannot be accessed through static member function. A const or a constant member function can only read or retrieve the data members of the calling object without modifying them. A friend function of a class is defined outside that class’ scope but it has the right to access all private and protected members of the class.

Polymorphism in C++ means that a call to a member function will cause a different function to be executed depending on the type of object that invokes the function. Types of polymorphism was discussed.

All the concepts were demonstrated with programming example and later MCQ test was conducted related to the concepts which were taught.


  • Networking by Ms. Ankitha Shetty.

She addressed on various topics of networks like Classification of network: based on: Transmission media, Topology, Size of the network. She also discussed about working of Packet switched and circuit switched network and also Difference of the same. Functions of each layer of OSI and TCP/IP model. Five major processing-mode categories of Firewalls that is Packet-filtering firewalls, Application gateways, Circuit gateways, MAC layer firewalls, Hybrids was explained Classification of IP address, introduction on IPV4 and IPV6, IP address classes, static and dynamic assignment, port number was explained. Basics, types and working of DNS were explained to students. Cryptography: Block cipher and Stream cipher, Symmetric, Asymmetric method of cryptography. MCQ test was conducted related to the concepts which were taught.


  • Python Application Programming by Prof. Sayeesh

The session started with Introduction to Python, Identifiers and keywords, operators, conditional statements, looping statements, functions, built-in functions, lists, tuples, dictionary, regular expressions. Different programming examples for conditional statements- if, if-else, nested if, chained if and looping statements- while, for. Different programming examples for lists, tuples, dictionary and regular expression. Session was concluded by solving different types of objective type questions.


  • Big data analytics by Sumith  N

As the technology is evolving, it is producing enormous data. The internet, its users and devices are the largest contributors of data. Big data has specific characteristics, namely volume, velocity, varsity and variety. Due to these characteristics, analyzing big data is a challenge.

Machine learning algorithms plays a vital role in analyzing big data. Machine learning algorithms can be broadly categorized into supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning techniques. A supervised learning techniques build a models after learning sufficiently from the examples. Data for such a learning system are always classified. Some of the algorithms discussed in the session were K- nearest neighbours, decision tree, linear regression, naïve Bayesian classifiers. Hands on training was given to students.

An unsupervised learning techniques builds the models by looking at the input data without prior training. The dataset is always unclassified. Some of the algorithms are K- means cluster analysis, PCA and factor analysis. Hands-on for  k means was given.

Further, evaluation of the model was demonstrated with hands on training.


  • Ms Shruthi Shetty J 18-07-2019 Database Applications

The session started with the Introduction to  Database and Database Management Systems. Explained advantages and applications of DBMS. The types of Database languages like Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML), Transaction Control Language (TCL) were also explained. Commonly used terminologies like Entity, Attributes, types was attributes and various integrity constraints  were explained.

Keys like Primary, Foreign, Candidate and Super keys with explained with an example. Programming language- Structured Query language and its various constructs were explained with Relational Algebra functions and examples. Example queries were solved in the session.

Functional dependency: An attribute A is said to functionally determine attribute B if each    value of A is associated with only one value of B. A is called the Determinant while B is called the Dependent. Full Functional Dependency: If A and B are attributes of a relation, B is fully functionally dependent on A if it is functionally dependent on A, but not on any subset of A. Partial Functional Dependency: If A and B are attributes of a relation, B is partially dependent on A if it is dependent on subset of A. Transitive Functional Dependency: If A, B, and C are attributes of a relation such that if A -> B and B -> C, then C is transitively dependent on A via B. Along with this Normalization and normal forms were explained. Three normal forms were explained with example.

All the concepts were explained with example and later MCQ test and query both on SQL and Relational Algebra   was conducted related to the concepts which were taught.


  • Algorithms by Mrs. Mangala Kini

Algorithms are an essential aspect in today’s world. It is a basic to all the problem solving. The session included introduction to algorithms. Asymptotic notations are the important concepts that help in knowing the efficiency of any algorithms. There are three notations: O-notation, Ө-notation, Ω- notation. The basic selection of these notations for various algorithms was given. Followed by explanation on various techniques like Divide and conquer brute force, decrease and conquer, dynamic programming, backtracking, etc. The algorithms that implement the above technique were also explained in the session. The algorithms namely sequential search, linear search, bubble sort, merge sort, quick sort, heap sort was explained along with its efficiency and applications. Some problems like Knapsack, travelling salesman was solved in the session. Graphs are also a type of problem that can be solved by various algorithms like Floyd, Warshall was explained with example.


  • Web programming by Mrs. Harshitha G M

Topics Covered: Introduction to Web programming, Web servers, Web browsers, DNS, Web, Internet, History, and Practical Implementations of html.

The session started by giving introduction to Web Programming: A brief History of the internet, web, web servers, web browsers, URL’s, DNS, HTTP was discussed. Practical Implementations of html- all basic tags, with the concepts of CSS and hyperlinks and images.


  • Database Management System by Ms. Reena Lobo

The session included discussion on Different types of keys , attributes, Entities. Relational algebra-Select and project (Unary operators), join and division(Binary operators).SQL- Insert, delete and update statements in SQL. Exist and not exists, Like, Between and minus operators.

All the concepts were demonstrated with examples and later test was conducted related to the concepts which were taught.


  • Mobile application development by Ms. Reena Lobo

The session started by informing about Basics of Android such as Introduction to android, setting up android studio, setting up AVD(Android Virtual Device).Discussed about different files in android such as java, manifest and resource. Different types of Layouts such as Linear, relative and absolute layout and also different types of orientation. Creating a new project and create app with .xml and .java file.Unlike Java (which is Back Bone of android app), xml helps to design any android app , how it will look , how components like buttons , textview , etc will be placed and their styling. Apart from these .xml is also used for parsing data either from database or server into your android application (Xml parsing). Android Studio is an IDE tool which is used to create Android Apps. The language used to develop an android app is Java.


  • Latex by Dr. Sumith

During the session students were introduce to various aspects of Latex tools as follows:

Installing Latex: Latex is a free software and can be downloaded from miktex.org. The editor can also be downloaded from texstudio.org.

Input file structure:  In a LATEX environment, LATEX takes the role of the book designer and uses TEX as its typesetter.  But LATEX is “only” a program and therefore needs more guidance. The author has to provide additional information to describe the logical structure of his work. This information is written into the text as “LATEX commands.”

Following environment variables are used to further add contents to the document

  1. Environments:
  2. Header and footer
  3. Title page
  4. Section and paragraph
  5. Figure
  6. Table
  7. Enumerations and lists
  8. Math equation
  9. References


Focus Academy for Career Enhancement (FACE) Training

Face aptitude training, which was held from 03rd Aug 2018 to 11th Aug 2018, helped the students to understand the aptitude topics such as number systems, percentage, perfect loss problems, preposition, problems on time and work, speed time and distance, probability, direction problems, questions related to blood relations, permutation and combination, simple equation. More than sufficient questions where solved in the class. They also gave useful tips to answer the group discussion and interview rounds.


Pre-placement training was organized for final year students which focused on current industry concepts as well as training for placement. Pre placement training focused on over all development of candidate in order to prepare for various placement drives. The pre placement training emphasized the following aspects:

Advanced C & Data Structures

Students were trained on advanced concepts of c & data structures by “Expert Training by Innovation Unlimited, Bangalore” from 23rd July 2018 to 28th July 2018. Concepts on C such as arrays, strings, functions, pointers, memory allocations etc. were covered. Data Structure concepts like Structures, Unions, and Operations on Stacks & Queues along with Linked lists were also discussed.


Advanced Java, JQuery, Node JS, Angular JS

The training was taken up by Mr. Charles & Team, Techno Voice, Mysore from 29th July 2018 to 31st July 2018. Java is one of the most popular programming languages used to create Web applications and platforms. It was designed for flexibility, allowing developers to write code that would run on any machine, regardless of architecture or platform. Students were trained on various aspects of advanced java like as stated above.


Orientation & Soft-skills Training


Soft-Skills training was held on 11th July to 13th July, 2018. Mr. RamaniVenkat was the resource person for this programme.  In his training he has highlighted about Leadership qualities, Motivation and Attitude Change, Business Etiquette & Personal Grooming, Change Management, Communication and Change, Assertive Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Conflict Resolution Skills, Group Dynamics and Team Building, Senior Management Presentation Skills, Time Management, Executive Coaching and Mentoring and Stress Management.


Soft skills are a combination of people skillssocial skillscommunication skillscharacter traits, attitudes, career attributes, social intelligence and emotional intelligence quotients among others that enable people to effectively navigate their environment, work well with others, perform well, and achieve their goals with complementing hard skills. The students were trained to write their resumes, and also how to face interview, FAQ in interview, mock GDs were conducted for all the Final Year students.

Quantitative Aptitude


Mr. Abhilash Trainer for Quantitative Aptitude trained final year students on various short cut methods that can be used to solve quantitative aptitude questions quickly from 14th July 2018 to 19th July 2018. Students got better insight on solving aptitude problems easily. The trainer covered various aptitude related topics.


Personality development and Public Speaking


Ms.Kannan Thandi trained students on Personality development and public speaking from 20th July 2018 to 21st July 2018. She emphasized the need for being confident in public speaking which helps the students to face the interview. Trainer also spoke about various skills that students need to develop for their future.

In-house Placement training

Topics covered: Basics of C, Data Structures, C++ and Java.

Faculties of CSE dept have conducted Pre-placement training on C, C++, Data Structures, Java, Web Development and C# &.NET from 11th July 2018 to 17th July 2018. Mrs. Harshitha G M and Mrs. Mangala Kini handled concepts on C, which includes arrays, strings, functions, pointers, memory allocations etc. Hands-on sessions and MCQ’s were an important part of it. Assignments were given at the end of each session, which was collected and evaluated the next day.


Mr. Tahir N and Mr. Venkatesh trained students on various Data Structure concepts like Structures, Unions, and Operations on Stacks & Queues along with Linked lists. Hands-on sessions and MCQ’s were an important part of it. Assignments were given at the end of each session, which was collected and evaluated the next day.


Ms. Ankitha Shetty and Ms. Shruthi Shetty J handled the various object oriented concepts like Encapsulation, Abstraction, inheritance, Polymorphism, virtual functions etc. Hands-on sessions and MCQ’s were an important part of it. Assignments were given at the end of each session, which was collected and evaluated the next day. Mrs. Deeksha, Ms. Megha, Mr. Parikshith, Mr. Sayeesh and Ms. Reena covered the topics on Java like classes, inheritance, exceptions, packages, Applet-class, String handling, JSP, JDBC etc. Hands-on sessions and MCQ’s were an important part of it. Assignments were given at the end of each session, which was collected and evaluated the next day.

Dot Net and Web Technology

Students were trained on Dot Net and Web technology by Mr. Venkatesh and Dr. Mohideen Badusha S respectively. They were given extensive hands on training by the trainers and assignments were also given. Students were introduced to the new programming concepts of web programming and Dot net.


Pre-placement training was organized for final year students which focused on current industry concepts as well as training for placement. Pre placement training focused on over all development of candidate in order to prepare for various placement drives. The pre placement training emphasized the following aspects:

Orientation & Soft-skills Training

Pre-placement Orientation was held on 1st & 2nd August,2017. Mr. Ramani Venkat was the resource person for this orientation.  In his training he has highlighted about Leadership qualities, Motivation and Attitude Change, Business Etiquette & Personal Grooming, Change Management, Communication and Change, Assertive Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Conflict Resolution Skills, Group Dynamics and Team Building, Senior Management Presentation Skills, Time Management, Executive Coaching and Mentoring and Stress Management.

Soft skills are a combination of people skillssocial skillscommunication skillscharacter traits, attitudes, career attributes, social intelligence and emotional intelligence quotients among others that enable people to effectively navigate their environment, work well with others, perform well, and achieve their goals with complementing hard skills. The students were trained to write their resumes, and also how to face interview, FAQ in interview, mock GDs were conducted for all the Final Year students.

Aptitude Training

Genesis Carrier Avenue, Bangalore helped the students to understand the aptitude topics such as number systems, percentage, perfect loss problems, preposition, problems on time and work, speed time and distance, probability, direction problems, questions related to blood relations, permutation and combination, simple equation. More than sufficient questions where solved in the class. They also gave useful tips to answer the group discussion and interview rounds. This training was conducted from 3rd to 12th August 2017.


C & Data Structures Training

C language is a basic for understanding all other programming languages. The professional trainers of Cranes Software Pvt. Ltd. provided the training to CSE students in C and Data structures for TEN days. The continuous hands-on training was held from 13th to 23rd August,2017. During this training, the students were trained with applications of Arrays, Functions, Loops, Structures, Unions, Stacks, Linked Lists, Queues, Trees and Graphs. The entire training was held in lab with hands-on sessions, helped students in coding developments and error detections.


Java training

Three days of Extensive java training was conducted for final year students by Rookies World, Bangalore. Hands-on session where provided for the students for better understanding of concepts. This session was held on 9th to 11th September, 2017. During this training, the professional trainers of the Rookies World were discussed the applications of following concepts like Encapsulation, Inheritance , Polymorphism, Java Swing, Applet etc.


Java Script & Pure Script

2 days Java Script & Pure Script Training was conducted on 16th & 17th October,2017 by Mr.Pranesh Kumar , NIIT, Bangalore. All the final year students were attended this Hands-on workshop.

Advanced Data Structures & Application

One day Advanced Data Structures & Application training was arranged for Final Year students on 25th October,2017. The Hands-on training session was handled by in house faculties Prof. Sayeesh and Mr. Tahir N H B.

JAVA Programming

Java is a high-level programming language. Java it is simpler to use and enforces an object-oriented programming model. Java can be used to create complete applications that may run on a single computer or be distributed among servers and clients in a network. The inhouse faculties(Dr. Mohideen Badhusha, Prof. Sayeesh, Mr. Parikshith, Ms. Ankitha Shetty, Mrs. Deeksha M and Ms. Shilpa) of department of CSE were handled the basics of Java for 2 days. During this basic training, the inhouse faculties taught Object Orientation concepts and Basics of Java programming.

For Pre-Final Year Students

C and C ++ Training

C Programming is best known programming language. C Programming is near to machine as well as human so it is called as Middle level Programming Language. C Programming can be used to do verity of tasks.  This training was also conducted for pre-final year students. The training was conducted for three days, including 2 days for C language and one day of C++. This session was conducted on 26th, 27th and 28th August 2017 by Genesis Carrier Avenue,Bangalore.

Soft skill Training

Students were trained with soft skill for one day. They were given with real world examples of facing the interviews, also trained to face different rounds of interviews like group discussion etc. This session was handled by Mr. Afthab , Genesis Carrier Avenue, Bangalore.


Software testing and automation

The Four days Software Testing & Automation was conducted from 27th October to 31st October 2017 for V Semester Students. The Four days hands-on session was handled by Mrs. Seema Nair, Callibri Code Pvt. Ltd. , Bangalore.

Software testing is a process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding the software bugs. Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test. Software testing can also provide an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of software implementation. Test techniques include the process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding software errors or other defects. It can also be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a software program or application or product. Students were guided with the uses of software testing and its implementation and its current use in the trending companies. The hands-on about software testing was also given to students in the collage labs by the resource person.




Date: 23-06-2022
Venue: Apple iOS lab, Class room number 311 and 312
Judges: Prof. Dinesh Naik, NITK Surathkal and Dr.G Srinivas

Department of CSE has organized “Students’ Innovation Project Competition-2022” for the projects designed by the final year CSE students on 23rd June 2022 at Apple iOS lab, class room number 311 and 312 .There were 28 projects.

Prof. Dinesh Naik, Assistant Professor (Grade II), Department of Information Technology, NITK Surathkal Evaluated the project. His research interests are Semantic web Technologies, Machine Learning and Cloud Computing. He has 18 years of Professional Experience. His Project OPEN xVM RESEARCH has been awarded Sun Microsystems Research Grant award.

All the final year CSE Students exhibited their project along with the posters. All the project were reviewed by the judges. According to judges, it was a dense competition between the projects to select any 2 best projects. Based on the presentation, demonstration skills, scope of the project and application in the field the judgment was given.

The following Projects were awarded with first and second prize respectively.




Name of the guide

Title of the Project




Jyothi B R

Ms. Shilpa

Alva’s ERP

(Student Academic Welfare-Part 2)




M Mahammad Asif


M R Jeevan


C K Chethan

Dr. Manjunath Kotari

Alva’s ERP

(Student Academic Welfare-Part1)



D Richard Franklin


K S Prajwal


Laxman Pundalik Budhihal



Keertana Ganesh Ganiga


Mrs.Deeksha M

Blockchain Based E-Voting System



Lavanya D M


Niveditha Magadum


Sinchana K N





Department of computer science and engineering conducted a final year students Project Exhibition on 26th April 2019. There were 26 projects of various fields like Cloud Computing, Big Data Analysis, Image Processing, Network Security, Data Mining, Android Applications, RASPBERRY PI, Wireless Sensor Networks, E-Governance, Robotics, Web-services, E-Commerce, Mobile Applications, ERP and Healthcare.



Dr Roopalaxmi, Dr Sumith N., Prof. Jayanth Rathod, Mrs Harshitha GM and Mr Manjunath H. R had evaluated the projects.

Following is the glimpse of the Project Exhibition Day of Department of Computer Science and Engineering.





The following projects were selected as the best projects for this year by judges


Project associates

Project guide



Shilpa Shetty




Mrs. Vidya

Analysis of  quality of coconut


Adarsha MS

Chaitra G


Prof. Venkatesh Bhat

Dynamic video stitching via shakiness removal


Ganesh Shrikanth

Heisam Sursita


Mishra Himanshu U

Mrs. Shruthi Shetty

Smart trash segregator dustbin monitoring system

All Projects Work Details CAY (2018-19)

Batch No.







Pratiksha Rai


Ms. Ankitha Shetty

Fuel tanker safety system

IoT/Embedded Systems


Sumith Kumar


Varsha S


Shetty Aishwarya





Mr. Tahir N

Prevention of phishing attacks on voting system using visual cryptography

Network security


Vaibhavi K




Raja Rajeshwari


Mr. Vivek Sharma

Automobile anti theft system

Embedded Real Time systems


Shreyas Rao


Thripthi A H



Arjun K


Deekshith Raj




Mr. Vivek Sharma

AI consultant partner

Artificial intelligence



Nidhi Aradya


Mr. Harish Kunder

Removal of Gaussian impulse noise from computed tomography

Image processing


Meghan G R


Thejaswini m b





Rahul nayak


Mrs. Merlyn

Traffic management near U-turns to avoid accident












Mrs. Vidya

Analyzing the quality of coconut

Machine Learning






Shilpa Shetty



Ashwini Shetty


Mr. Chanchal

Advanced data integrity checking mechanism in cloud

Network security


Devika Shetty


Deeksha Shetty





Divya R


Dr. Sumith N.

Intelligent Automatic Teller Machine










Adarsh rai


Dr.  Mohideen Badhusha S

Recovery of fault node in WSN for smart agriculture

Wireless sensor network


Mayor Shetty






Priyanka BM


Dr. Manjunath Kotari

Automatic driver drowsiness detection system using GSM and Raspberry Pi










Adarsh MS


Mr. Venkatesh

Dynamic video stitching via shakiness removing

Image processing


Chaitra G







Ms. Shruthi

Sensor based smart dustbin for waste segregation using GSM









Yogesh UH


Mr. Sushanth M

Video steganography to secure communication using LSB matching revisited algorithm for military application

Network security


Pramod KS


Sneha K N


Suraksha RB



Adithya V Shetty


Ms. Reena

Easy surf

Web application

Algeena carol


Aditya Naik





Mr. Hemanth Kumar

Smart irrigation



Kavya rai




Pavithra G





Ms. Megha

Smart parking system










Anu Prakash


Mrs. Harshitha

Behavior analysis based on tweets: a classification approach

Machine learning







Aishwarya K


Mr. ParikshithNayaka

E bank Log system

Network security


Arjun V









Mrs. MangalaKini

Auto detection of phishing websites using machine learning

Machine learning











Mr. Sayeesh

The voice of citizen

Web based application










Dr. Manjunath Kotari

Water tank monitoring system












Ms. Shilpa

Sign language communication

Machine learning









Priyanka SP


Mr. VasudevShahpur

Secured data sharing in cloud












Mr. VasudevShahpur

Implementation of DNA cryptography in cloud computing

Network security






Vinay S



Nidhi C


Mr. Hemanth Kumar

An android app for mushroom disease detection: A data mining approach

Machine learning


Prajwal S


Shetty Niketha


Rakshitha M


Project Screening , Project Funding & Project Exhibition 2017-18

The KSCST- Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology sanctioned a Rs. 12,000 for Best 3 projects of the department of Computer Science & Engineering for the Academic year 2017-18. All the 3 projects were selected for KSCST Zonal Level Exhibition held at SJEC, Mangalore.   



Finally, one project is selected for the KSCST State Level Exhibition held on 10th & 11th August,2018 BIET,Davanagere.



The  VTU has given financial assistance to following projects and sanctioned Rs 10,000 for the execution the project.

Sl. no






Vbraille: Haptic Braille perception using a touch screen and vibration on mobile phones

4AL14CS067, 4AL14CS068







Mr. Tahir Naquash


Smartphone based automatic irrigation system









Mr. Chanchal Anthony



Project Screening

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering organized a Project Screening on 5th October, 2017 the purpose of funding the best Two projects of Final years students.  The event was screened by following committee members

  1. Harish K S, Prof & Head, Dept. of MCA, MIT, Manipal
  2. Geetha V, Professor, Dept of IT, NITK, Surathkal.
  3. Manjunath Kotari, Prof & HOD, CSE
  4. Sumith N, Associate Professor & Project Coordinator, Dept of CSE
  5. Project Guides of the Department


There were 23 project batches of Final year students were presented their idea of Projects. The Two batches of student’s projects have been rejected by committee during this screening. The committee also suggested to modify the projects of 3 batches. The committee also scrutinized and selected 2 best projects for funding. Based on applications and usefulness in the social community 2 projects got selected for the funding by the committee for the year 2017-18.


Project Exhibition

The following are list of projects selected for final years and exhibited during Project Exhibition held on 10th May, 2018.



Batch No.

Name of the student s


Name of the guide

Title of the Project



Anvitha Bhat H.G


Dr. S Mohideen Badhusha

Automatic number plate recognition and RFID tag for detecting the vehicle number plate



Bhavyashree S Barkuru










Karthika K




Mr. Sayeesh

Remote controlling and threat detection of home appliances using arduino


Sindhu M.R.



Vimal K.







Aishwarya Saraswathi H M


Mr. Venkatesh

An android app for traffic pre-emption using vanet






Kartik Ganiga



Manjula K C




Archana Achar


Dr. Sumith N.

IoT patient monitoring system


Neetha Tellis



Deepa Shetty



Deepthi Shetty




Chandana C


Ms. Ankitha

Two factor access control for web based cloud computing services



Harshitha Bhat



Mohitha S



Nishmitha Shetty




Pratheek P P


Mr. Tahir

Vbraille: Text input of multi-touch screen mobile phones


R Toshitha






K Nikhil V Shetty




Anita Parashurama Chalavadi 


Mrs. Vidya

VCOP : Vehicle Document Verification Using Vehicle Number


Fathima Ashika




Kaveri Ningappa Gunjiganvi



Kavyashree Rai




Divya Vinod Bandekar


Mrs. Deeksha

Alvas Vidyarthi


Karishma R Vernekar



Mamata V Naik



Nagaveni V




Bitty Grace




Mr. Harish Kunder

A Smart Surveillance for ATM



Apeksha Rai



Shetty Shraddha



Kavya Padman




Bhat Apoorva Ananda


Mrs. Harshitha

IOT Based Smart Bus Ticketing and Tracking System



Bharath M.



Nitesh Narayan Vaidya



Kavitha Chandrahasa




Sumathi S M



Automatic toll collection system using RFID


Jithesh A



Manasa R



Nikhitha Kale M




Preema jovita serrao


Ms. Shruthi


Facial expression based music player












Khaleed Ahmed


Mrs. Merlyn

SmartLib using RFID and Android





Rakshith Pai



Tejaswini Gowda







Web based criminal reporting system using mobile device


Rashmitha R



Shetty Diksha Dinesh



Prakruthi  Prakash




Varsha A


Mr. Chanchal Antony

Smartphone based automatic irrigation system


Varsha P M



Shubha H V



Praneeth C




Rakesh MS


Mr. Sushant M

Development of Mobile-Based Hand Vein Biometrics for Global Health Patient Identification


Rakshithashree H



Ramya K







Prarthana M J


Mr. Parikshith Nayaka S K

Biometric authentication using online dynamic signature


Trupti padmanabha poojary



Pratiksha Shetty



Priyanka K G D




Pragathi Shetty


Mr. Hemanth Kumar

Cloud based file sharing system


 Rajkumari Sunanda



Sowmya Shree K S



Swathi  N G




Shetty Prajwal Poovappa


Mrs.Mangala Kini

Iot Based Accident Detection and Vehicle Monitoring System






Sandeep G Naik







Poojari Karan Satish



Ms. Remul Pinto

Rare blood tracker: Android application



Shetty Sunny Shivram










Pragathi Kalgutkar


Mr. Vivek Sharma

A Speakup app for people


Reeba Thankam Chandy



Sai Priya



Sonal D Bandekar




Akash K


Mr. Vasudev Shahpur

Learn and teach








Karthik OV






Mr. Vasudev Shahpur

Sensor Based Automated Attendance System



Sony Kotian






Umesh Pujar B





The judges of the Project Exhibition

  1. Harish K S, Prof & Head, Dept. of MCA, MIT, Manipal
  2. Annappa , Professor, dept of CSE, NITK, Surathkal

The judges were selected the following best two best for the I & II Prizes during Exhibition.





Guide Name



K M Thomas


Karthika K

Sindhu M R


Remote controlling & threat detection of Home appliances using AURDINO





Prof. Sayeesh



Nithesh Vaidya





IOT based smart bus  ticketing and tracking system

Mrs. Harshitha G M



Internships are beneficial because they help to develop your professional aptitude, strengthen personal character, and provide a greater door to opportunity. Department is encouraging the students to apprehend internship programs during their semester break. HOD, TOP and Faculties help the students by interacting with the industrial experts, provide the student's recommendation letters and other necessary supports. The HOD and Dean (Planning) constantly interacted with the Academic Collaboration/MOU-related organizations and request them to provide necessary guidelines and supports for the internship. Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic situation, students were suggested to complete the online internships. TCS-iON provided 30 to 45 days internship for 2nd and 3rd-year students by providing group projects.

List of Students undergone with Online TCS-iON internship

SL. No USN Name
1 4al15cs026 Darshan M
2 4al16cs049 Mani Bhushan Nadendla
3 4al17cs030 Gayatri V Kamat
4 4al17cs041 Kavya
5 4al17cs042 Kavya R Shetty
6 4al17cs054 Nanditha.R.Shetty
7 4al17cs056 Pallavi
8 4al17cs057 Pavana P
9 4al17cs059 Prajna
10 4al17cs071 Raghavi H Gaonkar
11 4al17cs083 Shah Dhruvil Amit
12 4al17cs087 Shetty Disha Ravindra
13 4al17cs089 Shetty Sathvik Ravindra
14 4al17cs091 Shreetal Kalabandi
15 4al17cs093 Shwetha M S
16 4al17cs095 Sneha K Bakale
17 4al18cs002 Abhishek S Harsoorkar
18 4al18cs004 Akash S
19 4al18cs005 Ambika V
20 4al18cs006 Amrutha G
21 4al18cs007 Anjali Manohar Prabhu
22 4al18cs008 Anush Ratnakar Shetty
23 4al18cs009 Anusha.K
24 4al18cs010 Anvitha H M
25 4al18cs011 Archana J C
26 4al18cs012 Ashish Gracion Menezes
27 4al18cs013 B.A.Sohankumar
28 4al18cs014 Bhavya S
29 4al18cs016 Chandana S
30 4al18cs017 Chethan C K
31 4al18cs019 Churashma
32 4al18cs020 D Richard Franklin
33 4al18cs021 Felina Menezes
34 4al18cs022 Felomina Jancy
35 4al18cs023 Gudugunti Anirudh
36 4al18cs024 Hanan Saleem Baji
37 4al18cs025 Hymha N Raj
38 4al18cs026 Ijaz Ibrahim
39 4al18cs027 Jahnavi P C
40 4al18cs028 Jaison Jaideep Lobo
41 4al18cs029 Jasline Sharon Tauro
42 4al18cs030 Jyothi B R
43 4al18cs031 K Isha Hegde
44 4al18cs032 K S Prajwal
45 4al18cs033 Karthik H B
46 4al18cs034 Karthik S
47 4al18cs035 Latika Kavoor
48 4al18cs036 Keertana Ganesh Ganiga
49 4al18cs037 Khatheeja Safreena
50 4al18cs039 Krishnitha
51 4al18cs040 Lanson Pereira
52 4al18cs041 Lavanya D M
53 4al18cs043 Laxman Pundalik
54 4al18cs045 M Mahammad Asif
55 4al18cs046 M R Jeevan
56 4al18cs047 M Venkataramanachari
57 4al18cs049 Mohammed Mukarram
58 4al18cs050 Naipunya Vinod Naik
59 4al18cs051 Naveen M D
60 4al18cs052 Nihal Rafiq
61 4al18cs053 Nivedita Magadum
62 4al18cs054 P.Yuvaraj
63 4al18cs055 Ponica.J
64 4al18cs056 Pooja D S
65 4al18cs057 Prajwal
66 4al18cs058 Pramod P M
67 4al18cs059 Pramod R
68 4al18cs060 Prashant Rama Bhat
69 4al18cs061 Prathusha K A
70 4al18cs062 Pratibha Shetti
71 4al18cs063 Priya Nagari
72 4al18cs064 Punith S
73 4al18cs065 Rachana B S
74 4al18cs068 Ramesh S B
75 4al18cs069 Raveena C Hulikatti
76 4al18cs070 Riya C.P
77 4al18cs072 S Mohammed Tanzeel
78 4al18cs074 Samruddhi A Bogar
79 4al18cs075 Sanjana
80 4al18cs076 Shaikh Numaan Imtiyaz
81 4al18cs077 Shailashree
82 4al18cs078 Shiza Amreen.J
83 4al18cs079 Shraddha Acharya
84 4al18cs080 Shreekiran R Bhat
85 4al18cs081 Shrikantha
86 4al18cs082 Sidramesh Hiremath
87 4al18cs083 Sinchana K N
88 4al18cs084 Sneha G
89 4al18cs085 Sneha H R
90 4al18cs087 Spoorthy V V
91 4al18cs088 Spoorti S Daroji
92 4al18cs089 Sujana
93 4al18cs090 Sujaya
94 4al18cs091 Swathi B C
95 4al18cs093 Tushit Shukla
96 4al18cs094 V Anjana Pai
97 4al18cs095 Vandana
98 4al18cs096 Vanishree Binjadagi
99 4al18cs097 Viresh
100 4al18cs098 Sudarshan
101 4al18cs099 Gulam Rabbani
102 4al18cs401 Sandhya Kapse
103 4al19cs400 Nikhil Kimar
104 4al19cs401 Praneeta Handral
105 4al19cs402 Prasanna Kumar T R
106 4al19cs403 Ritika Kulkarni
107 4al19cs404 Swapna M D


The students are encouraged to take internship program during their semester break. HoD, TPO and Faculty members give their guidance, suggestions and scope and contact details of an internship. HoD and Faculty also help the students by interacting with the industrial experts, provide the students recommendation letters and other necessary supports. The HoD and Dean(Planning) constantly interacts with the Academic Collaboration/MoU related organizations and request them to provide necessary guidelines and supports for internship. As per the University Curriculum, all the students admitted to III year of BE/B.Tech shall have to undergo mandatory internship of 4 weeks during the vacation of VI and VII semesters and /or VII and VIII semesters. A University examination shall be conducted during VIII semester and the prescribed credit shall be included in VIII semester. Internship shall be considered as a head of passing and shall be considered for the award of degree.


Department of Computer Science & Engineering students were doing internship in various MoU related organizations like NARL-ISRO, Gadanki, NRSC-ISRO,Hydrabad ,RRSC-ISRO,&  ISRO Head Quarters Bangalore, IIIT Allahabad, HAL, Bangalore, DIAT Pune etc.


CSE Student Pramod presenting his Internship work in IBM Labs

The students are also doing internship in other than MoU related organizations like NIC, Goa, NPCOIL, Kaiga, IIM, Bangalore, L & T Bangalore, Sasken, Bangalore and Siemens, Mumbai.



Following are the list of students who did their internship in various MoU related organizations.

Sl. No.Name of the StudentUSN Name of the Organization
1.    Marsh Vishal Lobo 4AL16CS052NARL, Thitupathi,
2.    Nayak Vishal Sadananda4AL16CS057AP
3.    Ravi K R4AL16CS076AP
4.    Manoj L4AL16CS125AP
5.    P Vighnesh Pejathaya4AL16CS060AP
6.    Vignesh4AL16CS124AP
7.    Manish B. Shriyan4AL16CS131AP
8.    Imran Khan4AL16CS040AP
9.    Ms. Aruna Kumari V4AL16CS018RRSC, Bangalore
10.         Sangeetha N A4AL16CS083IIIT, Allahabad
11.         Shaima Abdul Kader4AL16CS087IIIT, Allahabad
12.         Shruthi K Kamath4AL16CS100IIIT, Allahabad
13.         Shetty Sonali Sanjeeva4AL16CS123IIIT, Allahabad
14.         Karthik M R4AL16CS044IIIT, Allahabad
15.         Sujay4AL16CS106IIIT, Allahabad
16.         Rakesh M Kotian4AL16CS072IIIT, Allahabad
17.         Rakshith Umesh Rai4AL16CS075IIIT, Allahabad
18.         VAIBHAVI4AL16CS115IIIT, Allahabad
19.         AFRAH SALEEM4AL16CS062IIIT, Allahabad
20.         APEKSHA RANE4AL17CS010IIIT, Allahabad
21.         Ajayashree K4AL17CS002NIC, GOA
22.         Anusha P S4AL16CS015IIIT, Allahabad
23.         Pooja Rajeev4AL16CS063IIIT, Allahabad
24.         Harshith S4AL16CS078IIIT, Allahabad
25.         Sandhya Kapse4AL18CS401IIIT, Allahabad
26.         Rousha4AL17CS079IIIT, Allahabad
27.         Shaifa Shala4AL17CS084IIIT, Allahabad
28.         Ajeyashree K4AL17CS002IIIT, Allahabad
29.         Shrilatha K Kamath4AL17CS099IIIT, Allahabad
30.         Apeksha Rajendra Rane4AL17CS010IIIT, Allahabad
31.         Gayatri V Kamat4AL17CS030NPCOIL, Kaiga
32.         Raghavi Harischandra Gaonkar4AL17CS071NPCOIL, Kaiga
33.         Hemalatha S4AL17CS033RRSC-ISRO, Bangalore
34.         Jayalakshmi M4AL17CS035RRSC-ISRO, Bangalore
35.         Mhaske Pooja Sambhaji4AL17CS050RRSC-ISRO, Bangalore
36.         Jagath Haren4AL17CS034NRSC, Hydrabad
37.         K Thrishul4AL17CS038NRSC, Hydrabad
38.         Nagashree Arun M4AL17CS052NRSC, Hydrabad
39.         Naik Nayana Ganapati4AL17CS053NRSC, Hydrabad
40.         Ramitha Y S4AL17CS074Go-Crack It- IIM, Bangalore
41.         Rani M D4AL17CS075Go-Crack It- IIM, Bangalore
42.         Shah Dhruvil Amit4AL17CS083NARL, Thirupathi
43.         Vikas A L4AL17CS109NARL, Thirupathi
44.         Syed Hudaif Ibrahim4AL17CS104NARL, Thirupathi
45.         Viha B Raju4AL17CS108L & T, Bangalore
46.         Vinod Kumar4AL17CS112DIAT, Pune
47.         Nachiketh S Bhat4AL17CS119DIAT, Pune
48.         Ravi Math4AL17CS122DIAT, Pune
49.         Shetty Ankit Suresh4AL17CS086DIAT, Pune



Name of the Company

Number of Students








RRSC-ISRO, Bangalore



IIIT, Allahabad



IIM, Bangalore



HAL, Bangalore



BHEL, Bangalore



IBM Labs, Bangalore



Seimens, Mumbai



Sasken, Bangalore



Mitra Software, Shivamogga



Mindsoft-HP, Bangalore



Callibre Code Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore



SOIS, Manipal



IQ Gateway, Bangalore



MedPac Solutions, Bangalore



Technovice Pvt. Ltd, Mysore



Amphisoft, Mysore



Mobinius, Bangalore



Hamshine, Bangalore



Zoom Tail Technologies, Bangalore



Evry Pvt Ltd, Bangalore



Azure Skynet Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Hydrabad




Name of the Copany

Number of Students


RRSC-ISRO, Bangalore



IIM, Bangalore



Bosch Automation, Bangalore



Mitra Software, Shivamogga



MONKFOX, Bangalore



Calibre Code Solutions Pvt Ltd



Vizio Consultancy Software Pvt Ltd



Empulse Research and Data Analytics Pvt Ltd, Mysore



Oscki Lab, Bangalore



Jelebiz, Mumbai



Applied Cognition Systems Pvt Ltd, Manipal



Prok Devices, Mumbai



Welldoc, Mumbai



Prism Cyber Soft Pvt Ltd., Mumbai



SOIS, Manipal



RIIT, Mysore



Change Street Technology Pvt Ltd



2nd International Conference on Data Analytics & Learning
iCATccT - 2018
2nd International Conference on Data Analytics & Learning

2nd International Conference on Data Analytics & Learning


Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Alva’s Institute of Engineering & Technology, Moodbidri in association with Department of Studies in Computer Science organized a 2nd International Conference on “Data Analytics & Learning” on 30th & 31st, Dec, 2022.

The Inauguration of the conference was held on 30th Dec,2022 @ 10 AM in AIET, Mijar. Campus. Dr. H.Raghav Rao, Professor, University of Texas, United States was the Chief Guest of the program. Dr.L.M.Patniak, Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru was the Guest-of-Honor of the Inaugural program. Dr.P.Nagabhushan, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Vignan University, A.P was the Inaugurator the conference.

After the Inauguration, Prof. P.Nagabhushan said that “Wisdom is adaptation and adoption, people need to assimilate the same. Also he added that, machine learning & data analytics creates a huge opportunities & challenges for the youth to learn many more things nowadays. Students and researchers need to utilize the same”. Prof.L.M.Patnaik in his guest of honors speech told that “At present, everything is depending on automation due to machine learning, but this is not good sign for development. In India we have huge data set related to healthcare industry for research, hence researchers can make use of the same for the research”.

Prof.H Raghav Rao, chief guest of the program initially shared his professional and research experience of his USA institutions. Prof.D.S Guru from University of Mysore said that “There are 23 technical research papers will be presented in the International Conference along with various Invited Lectures, hence students and researchers need to make use of this facility during the conference.

Mr.Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee, presided over the program Dr.Peter Fernandes, Principal, AIET and all the HoDs/Deans/Faculty/Students were present during the program. Dr.Manjunath Kotari, Organizing Secretary initially welcome the gathering, Mr.Rizawan N Shaikh proposed the Vote of thanks. Mrs. Deeksha M Mistress of Ceremony. About 40 authors from various engineering colleges of India were attended the inguinal program.

 About 25 researchers namely Dr.D.S Guru, Professor, University Mysore, Dr. Basavaraj Anami S., Registrar, KLE University, Hubli Dr.Pvan Chakraborthy, Professor IIIT Allahabad, Dr.Dr.Mohammed Javed, Professor IIIT Allahabad, Dr.Vinay Kumar N, Senior Data Scientist, NTT Data Services, Bengaluru, Dr.Nagesh H R, Professor & Dean, SCEM, Mangalore, Dr. G Thippeswamy, Professor B M S Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Dr. M Sharmila Kumari, Professor, P A College of Engineering, Mangalore, Dr. Dinesh M.S, Principal Scientist-B, Philips India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, Prof. Karunakar Kotegar, Director – International Affairs, MIT, Manipal, Prof.Annappa, NITK, Surathkal Prof. Murali S, MIT Mysore Prof. Radhika M Pai,MIT,Manipal Prof. B H Shekar, Mangalore University, Prof. H L Shashirekha, Mangalore University, Dr. Manohar M Pai , Professor, Manipal University, Dr. Murali S, Professor, Maharaja Institute of Technology, Mysore. Dr.Prasanna Kumar H R, Professor, PESITM, Shivamogga were delivered invited lectures and interacted with conference authors/participants.

KEYNOTE ADDRESS on “Phishing Email Detection Using Persuasion Cues”

Speaker: Dr. H. Raghav Rao, Professor, University of Texas, United States.

Session Chair: Dr. Basavaraj Anami S. KLE University, Hubli

Dr. H.R. Rao was named the AT&T Distinguished Chair in Infrastructure Assurance and Security at The University of Texas at San Antonio Carlos Alvarez College of Business in January 2016. He also holds a courtesy appointment as full professor in the UTSA Department of Computer Science. Prior to working at UTSA, Professor Rao was the SUNY Distinguished Service Professor at the University at Buffalo. He graduated from Krannert Graduate School of Management at Purdue University. Professor Rao was inducted into the UTSA Academy of Distinguished Researchers in 2019. His interests are in the areas of management information systems, decision support systems, e-business, emergency response management systems and information assurance and artificial intelligence. He has chaired sessions at international conferences and presented numerous papers. He also has co-edited four books, including Information Assurance Security and Privacy Services and Information Assurance in Financial Services. He has authored or co-authored more than 200 technical papers, of which more than 125 are published in archival journals.

Prof. H.Raghav Rao has started his keynote on “Phishing Email Detection Using Persuasion Cues” Phishing is an attempt to acquire sensitive information from an unsuspecting victim by malicious means. Recent studies have shown that phishers often use persuasion techniques to get positive responses from the recipients. Still missing from this literature are studies assessing effectiveness of persuasion cues in phishing email detection. Specifically focusing on gain and loss persuasion cues, we address the following research questions: In detecting phishing emails, (1) how effective are the gain persuasion cues, (2) how effective are the loss persuasion cues, and (3) how effective is an integrated model of gain and loss persuasion? In order to address the research questions, we create three machine learning models, with relevant gain persuasion cues, loss persuasion cues, and combined gain and loss persuasion cues respectively, and compare the estimates with a baseline model that does not account for the persuasion cues. The results show that the three phishing detection models with relevant persuasion cues significantly outperform the baseline model by approximately 5% to 20% percent in terms of F-score, thus representing reliable methods for phishing email detection. The objective of this study is to develop anti-phishing methods that utilize persuasion cues for detecting phishing emails. Such research is useful because a deeper understanding of persuasion cues can inform the design of effective countermeasures for detecting and blocking phishing emails.

Paper Presentation –Session 1

Session Chairs: Dr.Mohammed Javed, Professor, IIIT, Allahabad

Dr.Mohideen Badhusha S , Professor, AIET, Moodbidri

About 6 papers are scheduled during the Paper Presentation Session 1 and Dr.Mohammed Javed IIIT Allahabad and Dr.Mohideen Badhusha S from AIET were the session chairs. All the 6 papers primary authors were presented their papers and clarified the doubts.

 Invited Lecture-1 on Signals to Wisdom: Visualization of Data

Speaker: Dr. Pavan Chakraborthy, Professor & Head, Department of IT, IIIT, Allahabad

Session Chair: Dr.Nagesh H R, Professor & Dean, SCEM, Mangalore

Visualization of data is the process of representing information and data using visual elements such as charts, graphs, maps, and diagrams. This technique is essential in data analysis and communication as it allows for the quick and easy interpretation of complex data sets. Here are some signals to wisdom regarding the visualization of data:

  • Choose the right visualization technique: The type of visualization you choose should depend on the type of data you have and the message you want to convey. For example, a scatter plot may be useful for showing the relationship between two continuous variables, while a bar chart may be better for comparing discrete categories.

  • Keep it simple: A good visualization should be easy to understand at a glance. Avoid cluttering the visual with unnecessary information, and focus on highlighting the essential data points.

  • Use appropriate colors: Colors can add depth and meaning to your visualization, but they can also distract and confuse if not used correctly. Choose colors that complement each other and avoid using too many colors.

  • Label your axes and provide a legend: Proper labeling of your axes and providing a legend is critical in making your visualization easy to understand. Ensure that the labels are concise and accurately reflect the data they represent.

  • Include context: Providing context is essential in helping your audience understand the significance of the data being presented. Including labels, annotations, and reference lines can provide the necessary context for your visualization.

  • Test your visualization: Before presenting your visualization, it's important to test it thoroughly to ensure it is accurate and effective in conveying the intended message.

Paper Presentation –Session 2

Session Chairs: Dr. G Thippeswamy, Professor B M S Institute of Technology, Bangalore.

Dr. Arun Anoop M, Professor, AIET, Moodbidri

About 8 papers are scheduled during the Paper Presentation Session 2 and Dr.G.Theppyswamy ,Professor , BMSIT, Bengaluru and Dr. Arun Anoop M chaired the session chairs. All the 6 papers primary authors were presented their papers and clarified the doubts.

 Paper Presentation –Session 3

Session Chairs: Dr. M Sharmila Kumari, Professor, P A College of Engineering, Mangalore.

Dr.Manjunath H R, Professor, AIET, Moodbidri

 Invited Lecture-2 on “Federated Learning in healthcare”

Speaker: Dr. Dinesh M.S, Principal Scientist-B, Philips India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore

Session Chair: Prof. Karunakar Kotegar, Director – International Affairs, MIT, Manipal

In the last few years, we have all come to acquaint the meaning and impact of emerging technologies on various aspects of our lives. Whether its applications on our mobile phones learning our preferences or using Artificial Intelligence to assist doctors in diagnosis, the significance of technology in our lives is high.

In healthcare, we have leapfrogged innovation in artificial intelligence, particularly in Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) leading to disruptive innovation to gain insights from medical data derived from radiology, pathology, genomics, oncology, etc.

However, in healthcare, data is not just highly sensitive but also not well organised. Furthermore, data privacy, data security, data access rights need to be followed with strict adherence to country specific regulatory aspects like GDPR (Europe), FDA(USA) and CDSCO(India), NMPA (China) etc. Apart from the massive volume, data also has a large proportion of unstructured content, patient privacy sensitivity, wide geographical distribution, and lack of interoperability between different devices and vendors.

For instance, AI has demonstrated the potential to assist radiologists in performing computer-aided analysis and diagnosis. However, it remains challenging to build good models without bias from small datasets and given the challenges in collecting, curating, and maintaining a high-quality data with diverse group takes considerable time, effort, and expense. To overcome this unique problem, experts in healthcare and life sciences can leverage the benefits of Federated Learning (FL) to address the problem of data governance and privacy by training algorithms collaboratively where data stays within the firewalls of the hospital and only models are shared.

Federated learning captures larger data variability and analyses patients across different demographics. For example, with the access to electronic health records, FL can help to find clinically similar patients and predict hospitalizations due to cardiac events, mortality and ICU stay time. Originally FL was developed for different domains such as mobile and edge device use cases, it recently gained traction for healthcare applications. Recent research has shown that models trained by FL can achieve performance levels comparable to ones trained on centrally hosted data sets and superior to models that only see isolated single-institutional data.

In the field of medical imaging, FL can help to develop models for organ segmentation in X-ray, Ultrasound, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Images and Positron Emission Tomography as well as disease-specific tumor characterization. By providing an opportunity to capture larger data variability and to analyze patients across different demographics, FL can enable disruptive innovations for the future.

FL can also be used to advance academic research. For instance, in 2020, the American College of Radiology, Diagnosticos da America, Partners HealthCare, Ohio State University and Stanford Medicine used Federated Learning to developed better predictive models to assess breast tissue density for mammograms (4). The study showed that the FL-generated models outperformed those trained on a single institute’s data and were more generalizable. Similarly, the HealthChain project aims to develop and deploy a FL framework across four hospitals in France. This solution generates common models that can predict treatment response for breast cancer and melanoma patients. This can further help oncologists to ascertain the most effective way to treat each patient based on their microscopic anatomy or dermoscopy images.

Further, collating data using ‘FAIR’ principles (Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable) make the data readable and understandable to a great extent from autonomous algorithms that can be complex [2]. For instance, representing data in the form universally standardized vocabularies such as Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and publicly searchable ontologies, can help many in this field of research, overcome language barriers in clinical data accessed from global clinical sites. Strengthening FL by combining with FAIR principles can lead to meaningful clinical insights from big data on a global scale.

Federated Learning can create a huge impact on various stakeholders such as clinicians, patients, hospitals, AI researchers and healthcare providers. Despite the advantages of FL, researchers and AI developers must pay careful attention on the study design, selection of clinical protocols, data heterogeneity and data quality to alleviate model bias. Federated Learning is a promising concept to secure accurate, safe and unbiased data models. By enabling multiple parties to train collaboratively without the need to exchange or centralize data sets, FL addresses issues related to sensitive medical data. Federated Learning will have a great impact on precision medicine and holds the potential to improve patient care globally.

Panel Discussion

Theme: “Future of Data Analytics and Learning”

Panelists: Prof.Annappa, NITK, Surathkal Prof. Murali S, MIT Mysore Prof. Radhika M Pai,

MIT,Manipal Prof. B H Shekar, Mangalore University, Prof. H L Shashirekha, Mangalore University Prof. Bharathi S.K, SJCE, Mysore

Moderator: Prof. D S Guru, University of Mysore

The Panel discussion on “Future of Data Analytics and Learning” was conducted during the conference and various researchers were involved in the discussion. In the future, big data analytics will increasingly focus on data freshness with the ultimate goal of real-time analysis, enabling better-informed decisions and increased competitiveness. What is the future role of data analyst? Data Analysts can also advance up the ranks to become Data Scientists or high-level data analytics positions with additional training.

iCATccT - 2018
4th International Conference on  Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology (iCATccT) - 2018

 Dates: 6TH & 7TH of Sept, 2018

The International conference iCATccT – 2018 was jointly organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Departments of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Department of Information Science and Engineering 6th and 7th September 2017.


The main objective of this conference is bring both to Applied and Theoretical Computing Researchers, academicians, scholars, experts, engineers, students and Industrialists This conference was focused on promoting, developing and organizing associations and networks of Academicians, Engineers and Professionals and also to make faculty indulge in high end research in the relevant fields. Keynote address, and paper presentations from authors were a part of iCATccT – 2018.


A total of 209 submissions were received across India as well as from abroad.  To name very few among them are - UttarPradesh, Gujarath, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Hyderabhad, Telagana and various parts of Karnataka, witnessing this truly popular and international event. The Technical Program Committee (TPC) comprising around 150 experts from academia and industry selected 61 papers for presentations and 53 registered. Acceptance rate is 27.6%. The conference will run in 3 parallel sessions in 2 days.       


Later lighting the lamp by Guest of Honor Dr.  Alvaro Rocha, Professor, University of Coimbra, Portgul and other dignitaries on the dias. The other dignitaries present during the inauguration were Sri Ganga Prasad, Sr. Director and Center Head, C-DAC, Bengaluru,  Sri.Vivek Alva, Managing trustee, AEF, Dr.Peter Fernandes, Principal, AIET, General Chair Dr.Niranajan Sr. member IEEE, Professor and Head Dept. of Computer Application. Proceedings of the conference released by dignitaries



General Chair Dr.Niranajan, iCATccT – 2018 was briefed about the details of the conference, He mentioned that total of 209 submissions were received across India as well as from abroad and the Technical Program Committee (TPC) comprising around 150 experts from academia and industry selected 61 papers for presentations and 53 registered.


After the tea break, the inauguration function was followed by key note address by Dr Alvaro Roach, AISTI & University of Coimbra, Portugal, in his key note address, stressed about process quality management through information technology audit. The roots lie in IBM’s Business System Planning Methodology which provides a top down analysis of the information requirements of the business. Dr Alvaro Roach was felicitated by guest of honor Sri.Ganga Prasad GL.


After the lunch, papers were presented by the participants in their respective tracks.  The three track in charges, were


Session - 1.1

  1. Theoretical Computer Science I

Date/Time -  September 6, 2018 (Thursday) / 02:15 -  03:45 hrs

Venue Room Number -002

Chairs - Dr. MohideenBadhusha S, Sr.Professor, dept. of CSE, AIET

              N.V Subba Reddy, Professor Department of Computer Science &                

              Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology.

Session -1.2.

  1. Applications of Communication I,

           Date/Time -  September 6, 2018 (Thursday)/ 02:15 03:45 hrs

           Venue Room Number -002

Chairs - Dr. Manjunatha D.V, HOD & Sr.Professor, dept. of ECE, AIET

              Dr. Bore Gowda S B, Professor Department of Electronics & Communication   

              Engineering Manipal Institute of Technology

Session 1.3

  1. Big Data Analytics

                Date/Time September 6, 2018 (Thursday) 02:15 ‐ 03:45 hrs

                Venue Room Number -103

Chairs- Dr. Sumith.N, Associate Professor, dept. of CSE, AIET

             Dr. Prema K V, Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering

             Manipal Institute of Technology.

Session 2.1

  1. Computing Applications I

                Date/Time September 6, 2018 (Thursday) 04:00 ‐ 05:30 hrs

                Venue Room Number -001

Chairs - Dr. ManjunathaKotari, HOD & Professor, dept. of CSE, AIET

              N.V Subba Reddy, Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering   

              Manipal Institute of Technology

Session 2.2

  1. Communications Theory

                Date/Time September 6, 2018 (Thursday) 04:00 ‐ 05:30 hrs

               Venue Room Number -002

Chairs - Dr. RoopaLakshmi.R, Professor, dept. of ISE, AIET

              Dr. Prema K V, Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering

              Manipal Institute of Technology

Session 2.3

  1. Applications of Communication II

               Date/Time September 6, 2018 (Thursday) 04:00 ‐ 05:30 hrs

               Venue Room Number -103

Chairs - Dr. Dattathreya, Dean Planning & Sr. Professor, dept. of ECE, AIET

              Dr. Bore Gowda S B, Professor Department of Electronics & Communication       

              Engineering Manipal Institute of Technology

On Second day 07/09/2108, the conference sessions were started with paper presentation at 10 AM. The sessions are mentioned below-

Session 3.1

  1. Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing I

                 Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 10:00 ‐ 11:30 hrs

                 Venue Room Number -001

Chairs - JayanthkumarRathod.A, Professor & HOD, dept. of ISE, AIET

              Dr. Shashidhar G. Koolagudi, Professor Department of Computer Science

              & Engineering NITK-Surathkal

Session 3.2

  1. Computing Applications II

                Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 10:00 ‐ 11:30 hrs

                Venue Room Number -002

Chairs - Dr. Sumith.N, Associate Professor, dept. of CSE, AIET

              Dr. Geetha V, Professor Department of Information Technology NITKSurathkal

Session 3.3

  1. Applications of Communication III

               Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 10:00 ‐ 11:30 hrs

               Venue Room Number -103

Chairs - Dr. Praveen.J, Dean Academic & Professor, dept. of ECE, AIET

              Dr. Muralidhar Kulkarni, Professor Department of Electronics &                

              Communication Engineering NITK- Surathkal.

Session 4.1

  1. Applications of Communication IV

                    Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 11:45 ‐ 01:15 hrs

                    Venue Room Number -001

Chairs - Prof. Shankar, Associate Professor, dept. of ECE, AIET

              Dr. MuralidharKulkarni, Professor Department of Electronics &

              Communication Engineering, NITK-Surathkal.

Session 4.2

  1. Theoretical Computer Science II

                     Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 11:45 ‐ 01:15 hrs

                     Venue Room Number -002

Chairs - Dr. Roopalakshmi.R, Professor, dept. of ISE, AIET.

             Dr. Shashidhar G. Koolagudi, Professor Department of Computer Science

             & Engineering NITK-Surathkal.

Session 4.3

  1. Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing II

                     Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 11:45 ‐ 01:15 hrs

                     Venue Room Number -103

Chairs - Dr. MohideenBadhusha.S, Sr.Professor, dept. of CSE, AIET

              Dr. Geetha V , Professor Department of Information Technology NITKSurathkal


Session Photos

After all the presentations, the valedictory function was started at 1PM, Dr.Murlidhar Kulkarni, chief guest of the valedictory was address the gathering followed by
Dr.Peter Fernandes, Principal, AIET and concluded at 2 PM.


Photo session with Dignitaries, organising team and Sponsorers of the ICATCCT-2018


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