2nd International Conference on Data Analytics & Learning
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Alva’s Institute of Engineering & Technology, Moodbidri in association with Department of Studies in Computer Science organized a 2nd International Conference on “Data Analytics & Learning” on 30th & 31st, Dec, 2022.
The Inauguration of the conference was held on 30th Dec,2022 @ 10 AM in AIET, Mijar. Campus. Dr. H.Raghav Rao, Professor, University of Texas, United States was the Chief Guest of the program. Dr.L.M.Patniak, Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru was the Guest-of-Honor of the Inaugural program. Dr.P.Nagabhushan, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Vignan University, A.P was the Inaugurator the conference.
After the Inauguration, Prof. P.Nagabhushan said that “Wisdom is adaptation and adoption, people need to assimilate the same. Also he added that, machine learning & data analytics creates a huge opportunities & challenges for the youth to learn many more things nowadays. Students and researchers need to utilize the same”. Prof.L.M.Patnaik in his guest of honors speech told that “At present, everything is depending on automation due to machine learning, but this is not good sign for development. In India we have huge data set related to healthcare industry for research, hence researchers can make use of the same for the research”.
Prof.H Raghav Rao, chief guest of the program initially shared his professional and research experience of his USA institutions. Prof.D.S Guru from University of Mysore said that “There are 23 technical research papers will be presented in the International Conference along with various Invited Lectures, hence students and researchers need to make use of this facility during the conference.
Mr.Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee, presided over the program Dr.Peter Fernandes, Principal, AIET and all the HoDs/Deans/Faculty/Students were present during the program. Dr.Manjunath Kotari, Organizing Secretary initially welcome the gathering, Mr.Rizawan N Shaikh proposed the Vote of thanks. Mrs. Deeksha M Mistress of Ceremony. About 40 authors from various engineering colleges of India were attended the inguinal program.
About 25 researchers namely Dr.D.S Guru, Professor, University Mysore, Dr. Basavaraj Anami S., Registrar, KLE University, Hubli Dr.Pvan Chakraborthy, Professor IIIT Allahabad, Dr.Dr.Mohammed Javed, Professor IIIT Allahabad, Dr.Vinay Kumar N, Senior Data Scientist, NTT Data Services, Bengaluru, Dr.Nagesh H R, Professor & Dean, SCEM, Mangalore, Dr. G Thippeswamy, Professor B M S Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Dr. M Sharmila Kumari, Professor, P A College of Engineering, Mangalore, Dr. Dinesh M.S, Principal Scientist-B, Philips India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, Prof. Karunakar Kotegar, Director – International Affairs, MIT, Manipal, Prof.Annappa, NITK, Surathkal Prof. Murali S, MIT Mysore Prof. Radhika M Pai,MIT,Manipal Prof. B H Shekar, Mangalore University, Prof. H L Shashirekha, Mangalore University, Dr. Manohar M Pai , Professor, Manipal University, Dr. Murali S, Professor, Maharaja Institute of Technology, Mysore. Dr.Prasanna Kumar H R, Professor, PESITM, Shivamogga were delivered invited lectures and interacted with conference authors/participants.
KEYNOTE ADDRESS on “Phishing Email Detection Using Persuasion Cues”
Speaker: Dr. H. Raghav Rao, Professor, University of Texas, United States.
Session Chair: Dr. Basavaraj Anami S. KLE University, Hubli
Dr. H.R. Rao was named the AT&T Distinguished Chair in Infrastructure Assurance and Security at The University of Texas at San Antonio Carlos Alvarez College of Business in January 2016. He also holds a courtesy appointment as full professor in the UTSA Department of Computer Science. Prior to working at UTSA, Professor Rao was the SUNY Distinguished Service Professor at the University at Buffalo. He graduated from Krannert Graduate School of Management at Purdue University. Professor Rao was inducted into the UTSA Academy of Distinguished Researchers in 2019. His interests are in the areas of management information systems, decision support systems, e-business, emergency response management systems and information assurance and artificial intelligence. He has chaired sessions at international conferences and presented numerous papers. He also has co-edited four books, including Information Assurance Security and Privacy Services and Information Assurance in Financial Services. He has authored or co-authored more than 200 technical papers, of which more than 125 are published in archival journals.
Prof. H.Raghav Rao has started his keynote on “Phishing Email Detection Using Persuasion Cues” Phishing is an attempt to acquire sensitive information from an unsuspecting victim by malicious means. Recent studies have shown that phishers often use persuasion techniques to get positive responses from the recipients. Still missing from this literature are studies assessing effectiveness of persuasion cues in phishing email detection. Specifically focusing on gain and loss persuasion cues, we address the following research questions: In detecting phishing emails, (1) how effective are the gain persuasion cues, (2) how effective are the loss persuasion cues, and (3) how effective is an integrated model of gain and loss persuasion? In order to address the research questions, we create three machine learning models, with relevant gain persuasion cues, loss persuasion cues, and combined gain and loss persuasion cues respectively, and compare the estimates with a baseline model that does not account for the persuasion cues. The results show that the three phishing detection models with relevant persuasion cues significantly outperform the baseline model by approximately 5% to 20% percent in terms of F-score, thus representing reliable methods for phishing email detection. The objective of this study is to develop anti-phishing methods that utilize persuasion cues for detecting phishing emails. Such research is useful because a deeper understanding of persuasion cues can inform the design of effective countermeasures for detecting and blocking phishing emails.
Paper Presentation –Session 1
Session Chairs: Dr.Mohammed Javed, Professor, IIIT, Allahabad
Dr.Mohideen Badhusha S , Professor, AIET, Moodbidri
About 6 papers are scheduled during the Paper Presentation Session 1 and Dr.Mohammed Javed IIIT Allahabad and Dr.Mohideen Badhusha S from AIET were the session chairs. All the 6 papers primary authors were presented their papers and clarified the doubts.
Invited Lecture-1 on Signals to Wisdom: Visualization of Data
Speaker: Dr. Pavan Chakraborthy, Professor & Head, Department of IT, IIIT, Allahabad
Session Chair: Dr.Nagesh H R, Professor & Dean, SCEM, Mangalore
Visualization of data is the process of representing information and data using visual elements such as charts, graphs, maps, and diagrams. This technique is essential in data analysis and communication as it allows for the quick and easy interpretation of complex data sets. Here are some signals to wisdom regarding the visualization of data:
Choose the right visualization technique: The type of visualization you choose should depend on the type of data you have and the message you want to convey. For example, a scatter plot may be useful for showing the relationship between two continuous variables, while a bar chart may be better for comparing discrete categories.
Keep it simple: A good visualization should be easy to understand at a glance. Avoid cluttering the visual with unnecessary information, and focus on highlighting the essential data points.
Use appropriate colors: Colors can add depth and meaning to your visualization, but they can also distract and confuse if not used correctly. Choose colors that complement each other and avoid using too many colors.
Label your axes and provide a legend: Proper labeling of your axes and providing a legend is critical in making your visualization easy to understand. Ensure that the labels are concise and accurately reflect the data they represent.
Include context: Providing context is essential in helping your audience understand the significance of the data being presented. Including labels, annotations, and reference lines can provide the necessary context for your visualization.
Test your visualization: Before presenting your visualization, it's important to test it thoroughly to ensure it is accurate and effective in conveying the intended message.
Paper Presentation –Session 2
Session Chairs: Dr. G Thippeswamy, Professor B M S Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
Dr. Arun Anoop M, Professor, AIET, Moodbidri
About 8 papers are scheduled during the Paper Presentation Session 2 and Dr.G.Theppyswamy ,Professor , BMSIT, Bengaluru and Dr. Arun Anoop M chaired the session chairs. All the 6 papers primary authors were presented their papers and clarified the doubts.
Paper Presentation –Session 3
Session Chairs: Dr. M Sharmila Kumari, Professor, P A College of Engineering, Mangalore.
Dr.Manjunath H R, Professor, AIET, Moodbidri
Invited Lecture-2 on “Federated Learning in healthcare”
Speaker: Dr. Dinesh M.S, Principal Scientist-B, Philips India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Session Chair: Prof. Karunakar Kotegar, Director – International Affairs, MIT, Manipal
In the last few years, we have all come to acquaint the meaning and impact of emerging technologies on various aspects of our lives. Whether its applications on our mobile phones learning our preferences or using Artificial Intelligence to assist doctors in diagnosis, the significance of technology in our lives is high.
In healthcare, we have leapfrogged innovation in artificial intelligence, particularly in Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) leading to disruptive innovation to gain insights from medical data derived from radiology, pathology, genomics, oncology, etc.
However, in healthcare, data is not just highly sensitive but also not well organised. Furthermore, data privacy, data security, data access rights need to be followed with strict adherence to country specific regulatory aspects like GDPR (Europe), FDA(USA) and CDSCO(India), NMPA (China) etc. Apart from the massive volume, data also has a large proportion of unstructured content, patient privacy sensitivity, wide geographical distribution, and lack of interoperability between different devices and vendors.
For instance, AI has demonstrated the potential to assist radiologists in performing computer-aided analysis and diagnosis. However, it remains challenging to build good models without bias from small datasets and given the challenges in collecting, curating, and maintaining a high-quality data with diverse group takes considerable time, effort, and expense. To overcome this unique problem, experts in healthcare and life sciences can leverage the benefits of Federated Learning (FL) to address the problem of data governance and privacy by training algorithms collaboratively where data stays within the firewalls of the hospital and only models are shared.
Federated learning captures larger data variability and analyses patients across different demographics. For example, with the access to electronic health records, FL can help to find clinically similar patients and predict hospitalizations due to cardiac events, mortality and ICU stay time. Originally FL was developed for different domains such as mobile and edge device use cases, it recently gained traction for healthcare applications. Recent research has shown that models trained by FL can achieve performance levels comparable to ones trained on centrally hosted data sets and superior to models that only see isolated single-institutional data.
In the field of medical imaging, FL can help to develop models for organ segmentation in X-ray, Ultrasound, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Images and Positron Emission Tomography as well as disease-specific tumor characterization. By providing an opportunity to capture larger data variability and to analyze patients across different demographics, FL can enable disruptive innovations for the future.
FL can also be used to advance academic research. For instance, in 2020, the American College of Radiology, Diagnosticos da America, Partners HealthCare, Ohio State University and Stanford Medicine used Federated Learning to developed better predictive models to assess breast tissue density for mammograms (4). The study showed that the FL-generated models outperformed those trained on a single institute’s data and were more generalizable. Similarly, the HealthChain project aims to develop and deploy a FL framework across four hospitals in France. This solution generates common models that can predict treatment response for breast cancer and melanoma patients. This can further help oncologists to ascertain the most effective way to treat each patient based on their microscopic anatomy or dermoscopy images.
Further, collating data using ‘FAIR’ principles (Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable) make the data readable and understandable to a great extent from autonomous algorithms that can be complex [2]. For instance, representing data in the form universally standardized vocabularies such as Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and publicly searchable ontologies, can help many in this field of research, overcome language barriers in clinical data accessed from global clinical sites. Strengthening FL by combining with FAIR principles can lead to meaningful clinical insights from big data on a global scale.
Federated Learning can create a huge impact on various stakeholders such as clinicians, patients, hospitals, AI researchers and healthcare providers. Despite the advantages of FL, researchers and AI developers must pay careful attention on the study design, selection of clinical protocols, data heterogeneity and data quality to alleviate model bias. Federated Learning is a promising concept to secure accurate, safe and unbiased data models. By enabling multiple parties to train collaboratively without the need to exchange or centralize data sets, FL addresses issues related to sensitive medical data. Federated Learning will have a great impact on precision medicine and holds the potential to improve patient care globally.
Panel Discussion
Theme: “Future of Data Analytics and Learning”
Panelists: Prof.Annappa, NITK, Surathkal Prof. Murali S, MIT Mysore Prof. Radhika M Pai,
MIT,Manipal Prof. B H Shekar, Mangalore University, Prof. H L Shashirekha, Mangalore University Prof. Bharathi S.K, SJCE, Mysore
Moderator: Prof. D S Guru, University of Mysore
The Panel discussion on “Future of Data Analytics and Learning” was conducted during the conference and various researchers were involved in the discussion. In the future, big data analytics will increasingly focus on data freshness with the ultimate goal of real-time analysis, enabling better-informed decisions and increased competitiveness. What is the future role of data analyst? Data Analysts can also advance up the ranks to become Data Scientists or high-level data analytics positions with additional training.
4th International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology (iCATccT) - 2018
Dates: 6TH & 7TH of Sept, 2018
The International conference iCATccT – 2018 was jointly organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Departments of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Department of Information Science and Engineering 6th and 7th September 2017.
The main objective of this conference is bring both to Applied and Theoretical Computing Researchers, academicians, scholars, experts, engineers, students and Industrialists This conference was focused on promoting, developing and organizing associations and networks of Academicians, Engineers and Professionals and also to make faculty indulge in high end research in the relevant fields. Keynote address, and paper presentations from authors were a part of iCATccT – 2018.
A total of 209 submissions were received across India as well as from abroad. To name very few among them are - UttarPradesh, Gujarath, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Hyderabhad, Telagana and various parts of Karnataka, witnessing this truly popular and international event. The Technical Program Committee (TPC) comprising around 150 experts from academia and industry selected 61 papers for presentations and 53 registered. Acceptance rate is 27.6%. The conference will run in 3 parallel sessions in 2 days.
Later lighting the lamp by Guest of Honor Dr. Alvaro Rocha, Professor, University of Coimbra, Portgul and other dignitaries on the dias. The other dignitaries present during the inauguration were Sri Ganga Prasad, Sr. Director and Center Head, C-DAC, Bengaluru, Sri.Vivek Alva, Managing trustee, AEF, Dr.Peter Fernandes, Principal, AIET, General Chair Dr.Niranajan Sr. member IEEE, Professor and Head Dept. of Computer Application. Proceedings of the conference released by dignitaries

General Chair Dr.Niranajan, iCATccT – 2018 was briefed about the details of the conference, He mentioned that total of 209 submissions were received across India as well as from abroad and the Technical Program Committee (TPC) comprising around 150 experts from academia and industry selected 61 papers for presentations and 53 registered.
After the tea break, the inauguration function was followed by key note address by Dr Alvaro Roach, AISTI & University of Coimbra, Portugal, in his key note address, stressed about process quality management through information technology audit. The roots lie in IBM’s Business System Planning Methodology which provides a top down analysis of the information requirements of the business. Dr Alvaro Roach was felicitated by guest of honor Sri.Ganga Prasad GL.
After the lunch, papers were presented by the participants in their respective tracks. The three track in charges, were
Session - 1.1
- Theoretical Computer Science I
Date/Time - September 6, 2018 (Thursday) / 02:15 - 03:45 hrs
Venue Room Number -002
Chairs - Dr. MohideenBadhusha S, Sr.Professor, dept. of CSE, AIET
N.V Subba Reddy, Professor Department of Computer Science &
Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology.
Session -1.2.
- Applications of Communication I,
Date/Time - September 6, 2018 (Thursday)/ 02:15 ‐ 03:45 hrs
Venue Room Number -002
Chairs - Dr. Manjunatha D.V, HOD & Sr.Professor, dept. of ECE, AIET
Dr. Bore Gowda S B, Professor Department of Electronics & Communication
Engineering Manipal Institute of Technology
Session 1.3
- Big Data Analytics
Date/Time September 6, 2018 (Thursday) 02:15 ‐ 03:45 hrs
Venue Room Number -103
Chairs- Dr. Sumith.N, Associate Professor, dept. of CSE, AIET
Dr. Prema K V, Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Manipal Institute of Technology.
Session 2.1
- Computing Applications I
Date/Time September 6, 2018 (Thursday) 04:00 ‐ 05:30 hrs
Venue Room Number -001
Chairs - Dr. ManjunathaKotari, HOD & Professor, dept. of CSE, AIET
N.V Subba Reddy, Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Manipal Institute of Technology
Session 2.2
- Communications Theory
Date/Time September 6, 2018 (Thursday) 04:00 ‐ 05:30 hrs
Venue Room Number -002
Chairs - Dr. RoopaLakshmi.R, Professor, dept. of ISE, AIET
Dr. Prema K V, Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Manipal Institute of Technology
Session 2.3
- Applications of Communication II
Date/Time September 6, 2018 (Thursday) 04:00 ‐ 05:30 hrs
Venue Room Number -103
Chairs - Dr. Dattathreya, Dean Planning & Sr. Professor, dept. of ECE, AIET
Dr. Bore Gowda S B, Professor Department of Electronics & Communication
Engineering Manipal Institute of Technology
On Second day 07/09/2108, the conference sessions were started with paper presentation at 10 AM. The sessions are mentioned below-
Session 3.1
- Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing I
Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 10:00 ‐ 11:30 hrs
Venue Room Number -001
Chairs - JayanthkumarRathod.A, Professor & HOD, dept. of ISE, AIET
Dr. Shashidhar G. Koolagudi, Professor Department of Computer Science
& Engineering NITK-Surathkal
Session 3.2
- Computing Applications II
Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 10:00 ‐ 11:30 hrs
Venue Room Number -002
Chairs - Dr. Sumith.N, Associate Professor, dept. of CSE, AIET
Dr. Geetha V, Professor Department of Information Technology NITKSurathkal
Session 3.3
- Applications of Communication III
Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 10:00 ‐ 11:30 hrs
Venue Room Number -103
Chairs - Dr. Praveen.J, Dean Academic & Professor, dept. of ECE, AIET
Dr. Muralidhar Kulkarni, Professor Department of Electronics &
Communication Engineering NITK- Surathkal.
Session 4.1
- Applications of Communication IV
Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 11:45 ‐ 01:15 hrs
Venue Room Number -001
Chairs - Prof. Shankar, Associate Professor, dept. of ECE, AIET
Dr. MuralidharKulkarni, Professor Department of Electronics &
Communication Engineering, NITK-Surathkal.
Session 4.2
- Theoretical Computer Science II
Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 11:45 ‐ 01:15 hrs
Venue Room Number -002
Chairs - Dr. Roopalakshmi.R, Professor, dept. of ISE, AIET.
Dr. Shashidhar G. Koolagudi, Professor Department of Computer Science
& Engineering NITK-Surathkal.
Session 4.3
- Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing II
Date/Time September 7, 2018 (Friday) 11:45 ‐ 01:15 hrs
Venue Room Number -103
Chairs - Dr. MohideenBadhusha.S, Sr.Professor, dept. of CSE, AIET
Dr. Geetha V , Professor Department of Information Technology NITKSurathkal
Session Photos
After all the presentations, the valedictory function was started at 1PM, Dr.Murlidhar Kulkarni, chief guest of the valedictory was address the gathering followed by
Dr.Peter Fernandes, Principal, AIET and concluded at 2 PM.
Photo session with Dignitaries, organising team and Sponsorers of the ICATCCT-2018