• 08258-262724
  • principalaiet08@gmail.com
  • CET CODE-169

Alva's Institute of Engineering & Technology

A Unit of Alva's Education Foundation(R), Moodubidire

(Affilliated to VTU, Belgaum, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka)

Information Science & Engineering

The Department was started in the year 2008 with an intake of 60 for the undergraduate program. The course has become popular among students due to their achievements and rigor. The department has well qualified, experienced and committed faculty to provide quality industry tuned education to the students. The faculty members regularly participate in Workshops, Faculty development programs and seminars to keep themselves updated with the cutting-edge technologies. Faculty members prolifically publish research papers in renowned journals and conferences Department has well-equipped laboratories housing state of the art equipment including computer systems with the latest configurations, which are completely networked and the latest software for applications and development areas. The department is affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi.

  • Chandan Shastri of final year received Appreciation Letter from ISRO, Bangalore, for developing Automatic Weather Station (AWS). He has also received Indian Provisional Patent with no clashes for developing “Smart Iron Box”.

  • Nikhil of second year student received first prize in fine arts in VTU fest.

Class Toppers list 2020-21

4th year





1st sem

2nd sem

3rd sem

4th sem

5th sem

6th sem

7th sem

8th sem






































Funding Project Received to the Department:


Department of Information Science and Engineering has received funding project from VGST, Government of Karnataka, worth of  Rs 5 Lakhs under the guidance of Dr. Roopalakshmi R , for the title “Detection of Artificially Ripened Fruits using Spectrometric Techniques” Presently it’s an ongoing project.



Publications 2018-19

Total Number of National/ International Journals and Conferences 16
Total Number of Book Chapter 01


Title of the Paper Name of the Journal/Book chapter Year of Publication Name of the student & Faculty authors
1. A Survey on Deep Learning Techniques Used for Quality Process IGI global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7862-8.ch008 2018 Ms. Vanyashree Mardi
2. Neural Network-Based framework for Detecting Chemically Ripened Banana Fruits International Conference on Recent Trends in Communication & Intelligent Systems held from 08/06/2019 to 09/06/2019 at Arya College of Engineering and I.t, KUKAS, Jaipur. 2019 Dr.Roopalakshmi.R


3. Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks- Recent Trends & Research Challenges International Conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technology Organized by RVS Technical Campus during 23-24 may 2019 at Coimbatore. 2019 Mr.Manjunath H R


4. Systematic review on Air Pollution and water Quality Monitoring System using Wireless sensor Networks International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Communication and Computers – 18 may 2019 at Kalpataru Institute of Technology Tiptiur Karnataka. 2019 Ms.Vanyashree Mardi


5. Test Based Spam Tweets Detection Using Neural Networks International Conference on  Advancements in Computing & Management held at Jagannath University Jaipur 0n April 13-14 2019 2019 Ms.Vanyashree Mardi
6. Sentiment Analysis of Smart Phone Product Reviews Using Weightage Calculation. International Conference on  Advancements in Computing & Management held at Jagannath University Jaipur 0n April 13-14 2019 2019 Ms.Jayantkumar A Rathod
7. The new approach for Creating the Knowledge Based using Wikipedia. International Conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technology Organized by RVS Technical Campus during 23-24 may 2019 at Coimbatore. 2019 Mr.Manjunath H R


8. New Automated Vehicle Crash Avoidance System Based on Dipping and RF Techniques SPRINGER Nature Switzarland AG 2019 2019 Dr. Roopalaxmi.

Mr. Manjunath HR

Pooja T Shetty

S. Pooja



9. A Novel Framework for Automated Energy Meter Reading and Theft Detection SPRINGER Nature Singapore PTE LTD 2019 International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications. 2019 Dr. Roopalaxmi R

Ms. Swapnalaxmi.

S.M Adikeshavamurthy




10. Spam Reviews Detection Framework Based on Heterogeneous Information Network(HIN) 2nd International Conference on Inventive Communication And Computational Technologies IEEE xplore. 2018 Dr. Roopalaxmi R

Mrs. Suviksha V Shetty

Arpita kunne

Ananya S.V

Pankaj Devidas Divgi


11. Detection of Chemically Ripened Fruits Based on Visual Features And Non-destructive Sensor Techniques SPRINGER Nature Switzarland AG 2019 International Conference on ISMAC in Computational Vission and Bio Engineering 2018. 2018 Dr. Roopalaxmi R



Prajwal  Kumar

12. RFID_Based Smart Traffic control framework for Emergency Vehicles 2nd International Conference on Inventive Communication And Computational Technologies IEEE xplore. Dr. Roopalaxmi R

Mrs. Divya Ravi N

Tejas Naik

Pawdhan Jain

Sowmya B H


13. IOT-Based Framework for Automobile Theft Detection and Driver Identification. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019. S.Smyl et al. (eds) International Conference on  Computer Networks and Communication Technologies Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies 15. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8681-6_56 2018 Dr. Roopalaxmi R

Ms.Kaveri B.Kari

P.Chandra Shreyas





14. Driver Drowsiness Detection System Based on Visual features. 2nd International Conference on   Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT-2018) IEEE xplore compliant- Part-num CFP18BAC-ART, ISBN 978-1-5386-1974-2 2018 Dr. Roopalaxmi R

Mr.Jayantkumar A Rathod


Ashwitha S Shetty

Supriya K


15. IOT-Based Patient Remote health monitoring in Ambulance Services Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019. S.Smyl et al. (eds) International Conference on Computer Networks and Communication Technologies Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies 15. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8681-6_38 2018 Dr. Roopalaxmi R

Mr.Sharan Lional Pais



Mashith banu



16. IOT- Based Automated Remote Water Metering System. 2018 IEEE International Conference on  Technological Innovations In Ict For Agriculture And Rural Development TIAR 2018, 978-1-5386-2338-1 2018 Dr.Roopalakshmi.R



Keerthi B


17. A New Automated Medicine Prescription System For Plant Diseases. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. D Pandian Et al.(eds.)  International Conference on  ISMAC in Computational Vision and Bio-Engineering 2018 (ISMAC-CVB). Lecture notes in computational vision and biomechanics 30. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-00665-5_18 2018 Mr.K.Sudarshana









Publications 2017-18

Total Number of Faculty Publications: 05
  Faculty Student
International Conference 05 00


Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Year of Publication Name of the student & Faculty authors
1. IOT-Based Framework for Automobile Theft Detection and Driver Identification. International Conference on  Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies Organized by RVS Technical Campus at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India during April 26th-27th 2018 2018 Ms.Kaveri B.Kari
2. Driver Drowsiness Detection System Based on Visual features. International Conference on   Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies on 20-21st april 2018 2018 Mr.Jayantkumar A Rathod
3. IOT-Based Patient Remote health monitoring in Ambulance Services International Conference on  Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies Organized by RVS Technical Campus at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India during April 26th-27th 2018 2018 Mr.Sharan Lional Pais
4. IOT- Based Automated Remote Water Metering System. International Conference on  IEEE TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS IN ICT FOR AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Held at Easwari Engineering College on 5th and 6th april 2018 2018 Dr.Roopalakshmi.R
5. A New Automated Machine Prescription System For Plant Diseases. International Conference on  ISMAC in Computational Vision and Bio-Engineering Organized by SCAD Institute of Technology 16th -17th may 2018 at Palladam Tamilnadu 2018 Mr.K.Sudarshana



Publications 2016-17

Total Number of Faculty Publications: 03
  Faculty Student
International Journals 02 00
International Conference 01 00


Title of the Paper Name of the Journal/Book chapter Year of Publication Name of the student & Faculty authors
1 Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Support Vector Machine. International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Electronics. ISSN-0976-1353, vol-23 Issue6- October 2016. 2016 Mr.Jayantkumar Rathod

Mrs.Sahana Shetty

Mrs.Kaveri B Kari

2 Convolution Neutral Networks For Face Recognition And Feature Extraction 13th International conference on academic research in engineering science and technology (AREST-2017) ISBN: 978-93-85225-90-1, date: 02/04/2017, Bangalore. 2017 Mrs.Divya Ravi.N
3 Drifting Approach for Energy Consumption in Wireless-Sensor Networks International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management (IJAIEM) ISSN-2319-4847 vol-6, Issue 6, June 2017. 2017 Mr.Sudarshana K


Apple iOS Application
Machine Learning
Hardware and Networking Concepts
Apple iOS Application

Department of Information Science & Engineering organized Certification Program on “Apple iOS App Development using Swift C Language and XCode”. The Certification Program will be conducted in 2 different phases which was delivered by Mrs. Seema Nair, CEO, CalibreCode Solutions Pvt. Ltd ,Bengaluru. The Program was inaugurated by Head of the department Mr. Jayant Kumar A Rathod, Certification coordinator Mr. Manjunath H.R and other faculties and students.


First Phase was conducted from 25-02-2019 to 02-03-2019 and Second Phase will be conducted during 25-04-2019 to 27-04-2019. In first two days basics of App development was taught which includes simple programs to execute using swift C.


Then taught about adding screens, deleting screen, background images, text fields etc... to the screen. The next three days were focused upon designing the app.


Seven teams were made where each team consisting of six members and each group is assigned a project by the resource person and the project should be completed within two months.


Formation of team makes the students to have discussion in developing apps which can lead to innovative ideas, concepts which are very helpful for the individual development.


Finally on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students, we would thank Mrs Seema Nair for conducting certification program.


Machine Learning

Certification Program on Machine Learning with Hands on Session

Resource person:    Dr.Thyagraju G.S , Professor and Head , Dept of CSE , SDMIT , Ujire                             

The department organized three days workshop cum certification course on “Machine Learning with Hands-on session” from 10th September 2018 to 12th September 2018 which was delivered by Dr.Thyagraju G.S. During the session, he spoke about Machine learning concepts and explained how it is a core sub-area of artificial intelligence; it enables computers to get into a mode of self-learning without being explicitly programmed. So, the iterative aspect of machine learning is the ability to adapt to new data independently. Machine Learning is a branch in computer science that studies the design of algorithms that can learn. This workshop covered the basic algorithm with hands on sessions that are helped students to build and apply prediction functions with an emphasis on practical applications, basics and the fundamental concepts of Machine Learning such as: 


*   Understand components of a machine learning algorithm.

*   Apply machine learning tools to build and evaluate predictors.

*   How machine learning uses computer algorithms to search for patterns in data

*   How to use data patterns to make decisions and predictions with real-world  


*   Basic and frequently used algorithmic solutions for different industries  techniques   

     including sorting, searching, greedy algorithms and dynamic programming.


Around 38 students from the department participated and got benefitted.


Finally on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students, we would thank Dr.Thyagraju G.S for conducting workshop cum certificate programme to our students.


Hardware and Networking Concepts

The department organized a hands-on session certification program on “Hardware and Networking Concepts” on 09 /NOV/2019 for 3rd and 5th semester students. Workshop mainly focused on basics of hardware and networking concepts of computer systems. The students were exposed to live demo of different hardware components of computer systems along with their functionality. They also got an idea about different network topology.


Department organized Kesard-Onji Dina and Cinifest , a charitable movie show whose main aim is to raise funds for social purpose. The collected amount will be given to needy people of the society. An amount of Rs 50000 was donated to CRPF and Rs 25000 was donated to old orphanage – Alangara in Moodbidri.


201 +
Number of Students

09 +
Number of Faculties

97 +

75 %
  • Vision

    To Impart quality learning and nurture students to become successful technocrats by achieving excellence in information science and engineering field for addressing the evolving needs of the industry as well as the society.https://www.aiet.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/ISE-courseoutcomes.pdf​_

  • Mission

    M1: To provide quality technical education and research training for preparing competent professionals in the Information technology field.
    M2: To provide a suitable infrastructure and environment that inculcates the best engineering practices for the Socio-economic development of society.
    M3: To foster the students to become successful technocrats to meet the global competency in the field of IT industry.
    M4: To develop entrepreneurship skills with active research and innovation by inculcating ethical values among students.


    Graduates of the program will be able to,

    1. Apply the principles of Information Science & engineering and fundamentals of mathematics to provide solutions to societal needs.
    2. Pursue higher education and engage in research to meet the challenges of cutting edge technologies.
    3. Design and develop reliable software systems to satisfy industrial needs through multidisciplinary projects.
    4. Able to work in various IT related fields and contribute to society.
    1. Design, develop, test and maintain the software systems that satisfy the needs of the IT industry.
    2. Apply the knowledge of computer networking, database and computations to provide solutions to real-world engineering problems.
    3. Develop programs and projects using different modern software tools for industrial & scientific applications.



PhD Guidence

Alva’s Film Fest 2022-23

A charitable fund raising event Alva’s Film Fest charitable movie show is organized by department of Information Science and Engineering...

Alva’s Film Fest 2021-22

A charitable fund raising event Alva’s Film Fest charitable movie show is conducted by AIET, which is organized by department...


– 28th November 2021 ISE Department forum, “Techgeekz”, conducted a splendid event ‘Avani- Kesard Onji Dina’ on 28th November 2021...

Alva’s Film Fest 2019

Alva’s Film Fest charitable movie show is conducted by AIET.which was held on 16th and 17th of March 2019 The...

Kesard Onji Dina 2016-17

ISE Department forum, “Techgeekz”, set a model to be emulated by conducting a splendid event ‘Avani-Kesard Onji Dina’ on 23rd...

Alva’s Appathon -2K19

The student’s forum of Information and Science and Engineering Department, “TechGeekz” has organized an intercollegiate technical event “Alvas-Appathon 2K19” on...


The forum of Information and Science Department,“TechGeekz” has organized an intercollegiate technical event “TechCrunch2K19” on 6th of September 2019 in...

TechCrunch- (Hackathon event) 2018-19

The Department organized an intercollegiate level technical events competition i.e Hackathon on 25th of September 2018, in association with the...

Kesard Onji Dina 2017-18

ISE Department forum, “TechGeekz”, set a model to be emulated by conducting a splendid event ‘Kesard Onji...


Information Science and Engineering Department organized an intercollegiate technical event TECHCRUNCH -2018, on 25th of September...

2020 - 21

How to be a Freelance Web Development
The Department of ISE organized a Technical Talk on “HOW TO BE A FREELANCE WEB DEVELOPMENT” on 29/11/2021 to 14/09/2021.The activity was inaugurated by HoD Prof Sudheer Shetty, Forum Coordinator Mr.Manjunath H R , Resource person M harshad , Student coordinators Mr.Bhuvan ST and Ms. Ashmitha mendon other faculty members

On the day of the technical lecture, a resource person spoke about what freelancing is, where to start, benefits and disadvantages, what tech tools are, when to start, and how to start.

Around 100 students attended this session, and the resource person explained what freelance means to them: working as a self-employed contractor for a variety of companies without a long-term contract. He also discussed freelance websites such as “TOPTAL,” “PEOPLEPERHOUR,” “UPWORK,” “FIVERR,” and others.

He also discussed how crucial it is to land our first client, as well as how to use social media to brand our freelancing business and how important communication and marketing are for a freelancer. He briefed us about current technology and what technologies to employ, like “HTML,” “CSS,” “JS,” “REACT,” “BOOTSTRAP,” and so on.

Apart from that, he included a practical session on the fundamentals of web development, in which he taught us how to build a fully functional website using Bootstrap. Our students were very enthusiastic about this practical session, which was very informative and we learned how to work with Bootstrap.

Finally, On behalf of Management and principal, we would like to thank Mr. Mohammad Harshad for giving the talk.

2020 - 21

Writing Research Paper

 “Publish or Perish”, this is the key element in 21 century. Innovations that happen in world are to be published in order to disseminate knowledge. Writing a research article is not an easy task. The students of engineering college, who are going to Ideate, implement and innovate in their career, have to have a culture of publishing papers. In this direction, department of ISE organized a talk on “Writing Research Article” to the third semester students on 03-12-2020. The resource person was Dr. Kiran B. Malagi, Associate Professor, Department of ISE, AIET, Moodbidiri. 

In the session focus was given to the aspects like selecting the right domain, deciding on the paper title, structure of the paper, ethical and intellectual property rights and procedure for publishing a paper in a journal. 

The session was concluded by thanking resource person, Class teacher and HoD for organizing the event and management for supporting the activity.



Artificial Intelligence and machine Learning

Dr. Chetana Prakash
Professor, Department of CSE
Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology

The department of ISE organized a technical talk on 14th September 201 which was delivered by Dr Chetana Prakash. The technical talk was inaugurated by Head of the department Mr. Jayant Kumar A Rathod, Forum coordinator Mr. Manjunath H.R and other faculties. she spoke on the topic of “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning”.


In this session, Dr Chetana Prakash. first spoke about Artificial Intelligence and it is a way of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or a software think intelligently, in the similar manner the intelligent humans think Strong artificial intelligence or, True AI, may refer to Artificial general intelligence, a hypothetical machine that exhibits behavior at least as skillful and flexible as humans do.

She briefly told about Machine learning and it is a core sub-area of artificial intelligence; it enables computers to get into a mode of self-learning without being explicitly programmed. So, put simply, the iterative aspect of machine learning is the ability to adapt to new data independently. Machine Learning. Machine learning is a branch in computer science that studies the design of algorithms that can learn. Typical tasks are concept learning, function learning or predictive modeling, clustering and finding predictive patterns.

She then answered a few questions which the students had. With this interactive session he was able to increase our knowledge about Artificial Intelligence.

Finally on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students, we would thank Dr. Geetha V for delivering the Technical Talk.

Predictive Analytics for IOT

Professor, Department of Information Technology
NITK, Surathkal

The department of ISE organized a technical talk on 17th September 2019 which was delivered by Dr. Geetha V the technical talk was inaugurated by Head of the department Mr. Jayant Kumar A Rathod, Forum coordinator Mr. Manjunath H.R and other faculties. she spoke on the topic of “Predictive Analytics for IOT”.


In this session, first She spoke about Design Thinking is a design methodology that provides a solution-based approach to solving problems. It’s extremely useful in tackling complex problems that are ill-defined or unknown, by understanding the human needs involved, by re-framing the problem in human-centric ways, by creating many ideas in brainstorming sessions, and by adopting a hands-on approach in prototyping and testing. Understanding these five stages of Design Thinking will empower anyone to apply the Design Thinking methods in order to solve complex problems that occur around us.

She briefly explained that Design Thinking plays an important role for companies of all industries and sizes. It helps articulate what the end customer’s experience is going to be like. At the same time it leaves enough space for open-ended brainstorming and continuous learning. As potential dead ends are detected early due to iteration Design Thinking can accelerate the innovation process and save costs.

A small video which threw light on present scenario of IOT, various facts and figures associated with it. This video was an eye-opener which gave an overview on IOT. She also explained what actually Machine learning is. she stressed on the importance of machine learning.

Finally on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students, we would thank Dr .Geetha V for delivering the Technical Talk.


Operating Systems and its Applications

Dr. Shashidhar G Koolgudi
Professor Department of Information Technology
NITK Surathkal

The department of ISE organized a technical talk on 24th August 2018 which was delivered by Dr. Shashidhar G Koolgudi. The technical talk was inaugurated by Head of the department Mr. Jayant Kumar A Rathod, Forum coordinator Mr. Manjunath H.R and other faculties. He spoke on the topic of “Operating Systems and its Applications”.

In this session, first he spoke about multitasking operating system where multiple programs can be running at the same time, the operating system determines which applications should run in what order and how much time should be allowed for each application before giving another application a turn. It manages the sharing of internal memory among multiple applications.

He briefly told about various applications like, An OS enables coordination of hardware components. Each hardware device speaks a different language, but the operating system can talk to them through the specific translational software’s called device drivers. Every hardware component has different drivers for Operating systems. These drivers make the communication successful between the other software’s and the hardware etc.

He then answered a few questions which the students had. With this interactive session he was able to increase our knowledge about Artificial Intelligence.

Finally on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students, we would thank Dr. Shashidhar G. Koolgudi for delivering the Technical Talk.

Artificial Intelligence and machine Learning

Mr Raviraja Bhat
Senior Developer
Tech Mahindra Bengaluru

The department of ISE organized a technical talk on 14th September 2018 which was delivered by Mr. Raviraja Bhat. The technical talk was inaugurated by Head of the department Mr. Jayant Kumar A Rathod, Forum coordinator Mr. Manjunath H.R and other faculties. He spoke on the topic of “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning”. He is currently an employee in Tech Mahindra, Bengaluru.

In this session, Mr. Raviraja Bhat first spoke about Artificial Intelligence and it is a way of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or a software think intelligently, in the similar manner the intelligent humans think Strong artificial intelligence or, True AI, may refer to: Artificial general intelligence, a hypothetical machine that exhibits behavior at least as skillful and flexible as humans do, and the research program of building such an artificial general intelligence.

He briefly told about Machine learning and it is a core sub-area of artificial intelligence; it enables computers to get into a mode of self-learning without being explicitly programmed. So, put simply, the iterative aspect of machine learning is the ability to adapt to new data independently. Machine Learning. Machine learning is a branch in computer science that studies the design of algorithms that can learn. Typical tasks are concept learning, function learning or “predictive modeling”, clustering and finding predictive patterns.

He then answered a few questions which the students had. With this interactive session he was able to increase our knowledge about Artificial Intelligence.

Finally on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students, we would thank Mr. Raviraja Bhat for delivering the Technical Talk.


Dr. Mouneshachar S
Associate Professor
Dept of CSE
GMIT, Davanagere

The department of ISE organized a technical talk on 15th February 2019 which was delivered by Dr. Mouneshachar S. The technical talk was inaugurated by Head of the department Mr. Jayant Kumar A Rathod, Forum coordinator Mr. Manjunath H.R and other faculties. He spoke on the topic of “IOT and its Applications”.


In this session, first he spoke about Internet of Things (IoT) has been paid more and more attention by the government, academe and industry all over the world because of its great prospect. He introduced the concept of IoT, the basic properties and characteristics. Then discussed the key technologies of IoT in detail taking the wire-less sensor as an small experiment, and the application of IoT was illustrated by its typical use in environment monitoring.

He spoke about smart systems and how IoT are driven by combining three things which include sensors and actuators, connectivity, people and processes he also highlighted about usage of IoT in smart agriculture. He explained importance of IoT in home automation He then answered a few questions which the students had. With this interactive session he was able to increase our knowledge about IoT.

Finally on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students, we would thank Dr. Mouneshachar for delivering the Technical Talk.


Mrs. Shishira
Associate Scientist corporate research centre
ABB, Bengaluru

The department of ISE organized a technical talk on 01st March 2019 which was delivered by Mrs. Shishira. The technical talk was inaugurated by Head of the department Mr. Jayant Kumar A Rathod, Forum coordinator Mr. Manjunath H.R and other faculties. She spoke on the topic of “Industrial Automation with Computer Vision”.


In this session, first she spoke about Computer vision is concerned with modeling and replicating human vision using computer software and hardware. It combines knowledge in computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, physiology, biology, and cognitive science. It needs knowledge from all these fields in order to understand and simulate the operation of the human vision system.

She briefly explained evolution of automation from 1970 to till today she focused upon programmable logic controllers and its control during automation process .spoke about how the automation process carried out in industry, factory automation has been the most successful application for computer vision.

The cost of computer vision systems is coming down dramatically and changing the whole idea of how, when, where and why vision systems are used in manufacturing applications.
She explained importance of home automation and then answered a few questions which the students had. With this interactive session she was able to increase our knowledge about industrial automation with computer vision

Finally on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students, we would thank Mrs.Shishira S for delivering the Technical Talk.

Big Data Analytics for the Computer Vision Problems

Dr.Suresh D
Professor, Dept of CSE
Canara Engineering College, Mangalore

The department of ISE organized a technical talk on 08th March 2019 which was delivered by Dr. Suresh D. The technical talk was inaugurated by Head of the department Mr. Jayant Kumar A Rathod, Forum coordinator Mr. Manjunath H.R and other faculties. He spoke on the topic of “Big Data Analytics for the Computer Vision Problems”.

In this session, first he spoke about Big data analytics examines large amounts of data to uncover hidden patterns, correlations and other insights. With today’s technology, it’s possible to analyze your data and get answers from it almost immediately.


He briefly explained about computer vision is a field that includes methods for acquiring, processing, analyzing and understanding images, It duplicate the abilities of human vision by electronically perceiving and understanding the image. Image data can take many forms, such as a video sequence, depth images, views from multiple cameras, medical scanner, satellite sensor etc…

He explained about the extraction of information from still images and even videos using image processing techniques including algorithms and told about Immersive Technology is any technology that extends reality or creates a new reality where users can look in any direction and see content. Some types of Immersive Technology extend reality by overlaying digital images on a user’s environment. Others create a new reality by completely shutting a user out from the rest of the world and immersing them in a digital environment

He told about Virtual reality (VR) is an interactive computer-generated experience taking place within a simulated environment A person using virtual reality equipment is able to “look around” the artificial world, move around in it, and interact with virtual features or items. The effect is commonly created by VR headsets consisting of a head-mounted display with a small screen in front of the eyes, Other forms of VR include augmented reality and mixed reality systems.

Finally on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students, we would thank Dr.Suresh D for delivering the Technical Talk.

Concept of Network Protocol in Industry

Mr. Santhosh Kumar S B
Project Manager, Intel Technology India Private Limited

The department of ISE organized a technical talk on 23rd April 2019 which was delivered by Mr. Santhosh Kumar S B The technical talk was inaugurated by Head of the department Mr. Jayant Kumar A Rathod, Forum coordinator Mr. Manjunath H.R and other faculties. He spoke on the topic of “Concept of Network Protocol in Industry”.

In this session, first he spoke about Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) and then explained Broadband network access is gaining ground, Standalone PC is waning. Internet enabled devices are common and usually more than one in Home, Hand held devices – Smartphone’s, tablets, etc..Online video services are becoming popular

– Video on demand (VoD)
– Unicast video services (ex: YouTube)
– IPTV application is growing rapidly à Multicast technology

He briefly explained about IPTV Multicasting Internet Protocol (IP) multicast is a bandwidth-conserving mechanism Simultaneously deliver a single stream of information to thousands of recipients Multicasting (IGMP) is fundamental to the implementation of IPTV.

He explained about The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is used by IP hosts and routers. Used by hosts to report their multicast group memberships to any immediately neighbouring multicast routers. IGMP is a integral part of IP layer. It is required to be implemented by all hosts wishing to receive IP multicasts.

He showed IGMP scenarios of IGMPV2 joining the group and leaving the group. Multicast traffic capture

Finally on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students, we would thank Mr. Santhosh kumar S B for delivering the Technical Talk.

Design Thinking-A New Approach to Software Design

Mrs.Harini Shah
Team Lead , Accenture Bangalore

The department of ISE organized a technical talk on 29th March 2019 which was delivered by Mrs. Harini Shah the technical talk was inaugurated by Head of the department Mr. Jayant Kumar A Rathod, Forum coordinator Mr. Manjunath H.R and other faculties. He spoke on the topic of “Design Thinking”.

In this session, first She spoke about Design Thinking is a design methodology that provides a solution-based approach to solving problems. It’s extremely useful in tackling complex problems that are ill-defined or unknown, by understanding the human needs involved, by re-framing the problem in human-centric ways, by creating many ideas in brainstorming sessions, and by adopting a hands-on approach in prototyping and testing. Understanding these five stages of Design Thinking will empower anyone to apply the Design Thinking methods in order to solve complex problems that occur around us.

She briefly explained that Design Thinking plays an important role for companies of all industries and sizes. It helps articulate what the end customer’s experience is going to be like. At the same time it leaves enough space for open-ended brainstorming and continuous learning. As potential dead ends are detected early due to iteration Design Thinking can accelerate the innovation process and save costs.

She explained about IDEO’s Design Thinking: The 7 Rules for Brainstorming Defer judgement, Encourage wild ideas, Build on others’ ideas, Stay on topic, One conversation at a time, Be visual, Go for quantity.

Finally on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students, we would thank Mrs. Harini Shah for delivering the Technical Talk.


“Digital Image Processing and it’s Applications”

By Dr. Siddappa M

The department of ISE organized a technical talk on 9thSeptember 2017 which was delivered by Dr. Siddappa M, Associate Professor, SSIT, Bengaluru on the topic “Digital Image Processing and it’”. He was awarded with the “Rajaram Bapu Patil” national award in 2011.

In this session Dr. Siddappa M, with his presentation on digital image processing helped us in understanding how image processing works. He also explained the importance of image processing in today’s world. He stressed on the importance of image processing and its applications. He then explained how the images are classified based on their pixel rating so as to determine the method of image processing. He showed a few examples of image processing where a blur images providing not much of information was converted to a clear, informative image. His talk surely helped us in developing interest in image processing

Finally, on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students we would like to thank Dr. Siddappa M for delivering the Technical Talk.

“Multi-modal Biometrics for Person Authentication and Security”

By Dr. H S Jayanna

The department of ISE organized a technical talk on 16th September 2017 which was delivered by Dr. H S Jayanna, Professor, Dept. of ISE, SIT, Tumkur on the topic Multi-modal Biometrics for Person Authentication and Security.

Dr. H S Jayanna explained about importance of Biometrics, Different types of Biometrics, Multi-modal of Biometrics, and Digital India. He explained the students about the application of biometrics. Some of the applications include- Computer system login, ATM, cellphones etc. He showed how dynamic the application of biometric can be.

There exist many types of biometrics which he explained to the students. Some of the biometrics includes – Face, Fingerprint, Speech, Palm, Retina.

He conveyed his topic in a very efficient manner and has encouraged students to take up projects on biometrics.

Finally on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students we would like to thank Dr. H S Jayanna, for delivering the Technical Talk.

“Internet of Things 2020: A Glimpse into the Future”

By Dr. Ashok Kumar. P. S

The department of ISE organized a technical talk on 18th September 2017 which was delivered by Dr. Ashok Kumar. P. S, Prof. and Head, Dept. Of ISE, DBIT on the topic Internet of Things 2020: A Glimpse into the Future.

Dr. Ashok Kumar. P. S began his session by explaining student what IoT actually means. He briefly explained the students about the working of IoT. IoT is the network of real or virtual objects or things embedded with electronic sensors, softwares for connectivity which enables these object to collect and exchange information providing connectivity at anytime, anyplace. He has shown how the IoT existed in the early 80’s and how it evolved overtime.

He also described about various sensors which are available today. Some of the available sensors are: Proximity Sensors, Ambient Sensors, and Barometer Sensors etc. Various applications of IoT in today’s world were showcased in the session. It was a very interactive session where students of Dept of ISE surely did learn about IoT.

Finally on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students we would like to thank Dr. Ashok Kumar. P. S, for delivering the Technical Talk.

“Computer Vision and its Application”

By Dr. Suvarna Nandyal

On 6th October 2017, Dept. of ISE conducted a technical talk by the resource person Dr. Suvarna Nandyal, Professor and Head, Dept. of CSE, PDA college of Engineering, Kalaburgi. She addressed the students about “Computer Vision and its Application”.

Computer vision is an interdisciplinary field that deals with how computers can be made for gaining high-level understanding from digital images or videos. From the perspective of engineering, it seeks to automate tasks that the human visual system can do

She began her session by describing the importance of image processing. She told about the various important application of image processing of which some includes- pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, robotics, computer graphics etc. She explained various problems associated with image processing.

She concluded the talk by giving some project ideas and answers to student queries. Finally, on behalf of Management, Principal and Department of ISE, we would like to thank Dr. Suvarna Nandyal.

“Robotic Process Automation-RPA”

By Mr. Sudarshan Rao

The department of ISE organized a technical talk on 6th November 2017 which was delivered by Mr. Sudarshan Rao, Accenture, Bengaluru on the topic “Robotic Process Automation”.

In this session Mr. Sudarshan Rao first showed us a small video which threw light on process automation. Robotic process automation is an emerging form of clerical process automation technology based on the notion of software robots or artificial intelligence (AI) workers. He gave a brief description about RPA.

The hosting of RPA services also aligns with the metaphor of a software robot, with each robotic instance having its own virtual workstation, much like a human worker. The robot uses keyboard and mouse controls to take actions and execute automations. Normally all of these actions take place in a virtual environment and not on screen; the robot does not need a physical screen to operate, rather it interprets the screen display electronically.

UI-path is an open source tool used for RPA. He demonstrated the working of the tool to the students. After that there was an interactive session of Mr. Sudarshan Rao with the students.

Finally on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students we would like to thank Mr. Sudarshan Rao, for delivering the Technical Talk.


Opportunistic Networks

Dr. Satish Babu
Professor, CSE,
SIT, Tumkur


ISE Department conducted the inaugural ceremony of the forum, “Techgeekz”, for the academic year 2016-2017, on 27th August. It was an occasion for ISE Department, to pause for a moment and reflect on ourselves, to appreciate how much has been done and how much has to be done in the field of technical and social development.

The day was honored with the esteemed presence of Dr. Sathish Babu, Professor, Department of CSE, SIT, Tumkur, who inaugurated the ceremony by lighting the traditional lamp. Dr. Sathish Babu delivered the technical talk on “Opportunistic Networks and Computing: Issues and Challenges”. He introduced current trends in Opportunistic networks like EDDYSTONE- an open beacon format developed by Google and designed with transparency and robustness in mind, it is a cross-platform and versioned profile contains several frame types, including Eddystone-UID, Eddystone-URL and Eddystone-TLM where Eddystone-URL is used by the Physical Web project, whereas Eddystone-UID is typically used by native apps on a user’s device, including Google’s first party apps such as Google Maps, BIONIC BIRD- a Drone that flies like a FLAPPY BIRD using a Bluetooth 4.0 link to support 100 meters of remote controlled flight from smartphone or tablet, DRIVERLESS CAR- An autonomous car is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input, they can detect surroundings using a variety of techniques such as radar, lidar, GPS, odometry, and computer vision. Advanced control systems interpret sensory information to identify appropriate navigation paths, as well as obstacles and relevant signage, Autonomous cars have control systems that are capable of analyzing sensory data to distinguish between different cars on the road, which is very useful in planning a path to the desired destination, HUMAN GENOME COMPUTATION- Computational genomics refers to the use of computational and statistical analysis to decipher biology from genome sequences and related data, including both DNA and RNA sequence as well as other post-genomic data, computational genomics may be regarded as a subset of bioinformatics and computational biology, but with a focus on using whole genomes to understand the principles of how the DNA of a species controls its biology at the molecular level and beyond. He enlightened the students with the future research areas and upcoming challenges in the field of opportunistic networks and computing.

Entire department is thankful to Dr. Sathish Babu for his informative, inspirational, knowledgeable and thought provoking lecture to our students.

“India in Space Technology and Satellite Communication”

H L Srinivasa
ISAC ISRO, Bangalore

ISE Department forum, “Techgeekz”, organised its second technical talk on 10th September, 2016. Forum was honoured to have Mr. H. L. Srinivasa, Scientist, ISRO, Bangalore as the resource person. In his bid to inspire young minds, Mr. H L Srinivas addressed the second year students of ISE, CSE and ECE. He conducted the students through his personal gallery of ISRO, to illustrate ISRO’s vision to harness space technology for national development.

Scientist, H. L Srinivas gave the students an insight into the evolution of Indian Satellites beginning with the early days of India’s Space Research, and India’s first indigenous Rocket, which was called as “Sounding Rocket”. In 1975, when Abdul Kalam was working in ISRO, the first completely functional Rocket was made, which was named as SLV.
After the 90’s, PSLV was constructed, (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle), which was able to travel distance of 900kms. GSLV (Geo Synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle) was made to launch Satellites which were made to orbit in 36000 kms above the Surface of the Earth. He also stated that these Models go under constant improvements year by year.
In the other side, first satellite Aryabhata, this was the first ever Remote Sensing Satellite. The apple which was the first communication satellite launched by ISRO. He also mentioned that our latest Satellites were very helpful during the Cyclone Situations like HudHud. The Rescue of Operations was performed quickly and saved lakhs of lives with the help of ISRO satellite.

After the introduction he started explaining about the Assembly process, which is the important process behind the scenes of Successful launches. He also discussed about different fields in ISRO, where Engineers are brought in for different purposes like Circuit Design in Satellites, and Computer Programming areas.At the end of his talk, he gave an exclusive coverage about the ISRO’s Chandrayana mission and Mars orbiter Mission, (MOM), which took the India’s Prestige to a whole new level in Space Research. India also became the first nation to launch a successful Mars Mission in the very first attempt.

Scientist, H. L Srinivasa, further guided the students regarding job opportunities in ISRO. He said 90% employees in ISRO are computer and electronic graduates. Entire talk was very exciting, with informative pictures and exclusive inside videos of ISRO, which gave a memorable experience and made us proud about our achievements in Space Research. The forum is really grateful to Scientist, H L Srinivasa, for his extraordinary session which created a special excitement about Space Research in our students.


Advisory Consultant,
IBM, Bangalore

ISE Department forum, “Techgeekz”, organised its third technical talk on 17th September, 2016. Forum was honoured to have Mr. RANGANATH Y S, Advisory Consultant, IBM, Bangalore as the resource person. In his bid to inspire young minds, Mr. RANGANATH Y S addressed the students of ISE. He has done many projects and his contribution has attained him awards for his work from Accenture and IBM. He has also received award from former President Dr. A P J Abdul kalam.

Mr. Ranganath Y S has given introduction to Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) addresses the entire lifecycle management of physical assets of an organization in order to maximize value. It is a discipline covering areas such as the design, construction, commissioning, operations, maintenance and decommissioning/replacement of a plant, equipment, facility or some other high-value asset. A high-value asset is one that has a significant operational and financial impact on a company’s main line of business and profitability. It is “Enterprise”, because it spans across departmental, locations, facilities, business units, and geographies. The ultimate goals of managing assets in this way include: o Improving utilization and performance or Reducing capital costs or Reducing operating costs or Extending an asset’s life, and subsequently or Improving ROA (return on assets). Asset intensive industries face the harsh realities of operating in highly competitive markets and dealing with high value facilities and equipment where each failure is disruptive and costly. At the same time, they must also adhere to stringent occupational safety, health and environmental regulations. Maintaining optimal availability, reliability, profitability, and operational safety of plant, equipment, facilities and other assets is therefore essential for an organization’s success in their respective markets. Maximo EAM solutions deliver a significant return on investment in relatively short order.

The resource person also addressed about opportunity of IBM Maximo Asset Management, IBM Maximo for Industry and also its challenges. He also addressed about how Maximo for Utilities has evolved significantly over the years and has become a leader within the EAM space. At the end of his talk he told about purchase requisition, web-based interface, improved data entry tasks and IBM Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) solutions provide you with the capability to: o Support all asset types with deep enterprise asset management functionality.

The technical talk was very knowledgeable. It was indeed an honour to have the resource person who has been part of so many projects. The forum is really grateful to Mr.Ranganath, for his extraordinary session which created a special excitement about IT industry in our students.

Security Algorithms

By, Dr. Jaidhar
Assistant Professor, NITK Suratkal

ISE Department forum, “Techgeekz”, organised its fifth technical talk on 18th November, 2016. Dr. Jaidhar, Asst. Professor, NITK Suratkal, delivered a technical talk on Security Algorithms. Dr. Jaidhar gave a brief introduction to Security Algorithms. He explained that Encryption is an essential part of a technology. It ensures the effective and secure authentication of users. A security algorithm is a mathematical procedure used to encrypt data. Information is encoded and requires the use of a software key to transform the data back into its original form.

Security Algorithms and protocols are specific to fraud prevention, unauthorized access to public and private telecommunications networks and user data privacy. He further explained in detail five popular security algorithms like Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), Message Digest version (MD5) and HMAC Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) for authentication, and Data Encryption Standard (DES), DES-Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), and Triple DES (3DES) for encryption. Microsoft supports four of these five security algorithms in Windows 2000 (Win2K) IP Security (IPSec): HMAC MD5, HMAC SHA, DES, and 3DES. (Windows NT 5.0 Beta 2 includes DES-CBC, but Win2K doesn’t.). Dr. Jaidhar also answered the queries of students with respect to the modern security issues.


The Department is well equipped with hardware as well as Software facilities. The department has more than 850 computer systems and fully air-conditioned programming labs, Internet laboratories. The labs consist of most advanced i5,i3, Dual Core & Core 2 Duo, 4th,6th & 7th generation Lenovo & Dell systems with Ubuntu and Fedora Linux operating systems and servers with Windows Server 2003. Hardware facilities supporting the hardware are equipped with Assembly kits, Interfacing kit, Emulators, Cross-compilers, Micro-controller, D.S.P.Kit.

All the labs are LAN connected with licensed software packages related to latest global techniques. 400 Mbps leased line internet with Wi-Fi facility is provided so that the students can develop and sharpen their technical skills. Students have opportunities of working on live projects received from reputed national and international companies. The department has following labs with latest software and configurations:

  1. Computer Programming Lab
  2. Data Structure Lab
  3. Electronic Circuits & Logic Design Lab
  4. Algorithms Lab
  5. Micro Processor Lab
  6. Database Application Lab
  7. System Software & Operating System Lab
  8. Computer Graphics & Visualization Lab
  9. Networks Lab
  10. Web Programming Lab
  11. Project Lab
  12. Internet Lab
  13. Intel Intelligence Lab
  14. Apple Lab

Computing facility Labs have software and utilities such as Windows Vista, Windows Advanced Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows ’98, Red Hat LINUX 9.0,Ubuntu LTS 14.0 , Fedora 22 , Libre Office , Oracle 8i, MS Visual Studio, Borland C++, Turbo C++ Assemblers like MASM/TASM, etc.


Department of ISE organized Certification Program on “Apple iOS App Development using Swift C Language and XCode”. The Certification Program will be conducted in 2 different phase by Mrs Seema Nair. CEO, CalibreCode Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru.

The first Phase was conducted from 25-02-2019 to 02-03-2019 and Second Phase will be conducted during 25-04-2019 to 27-04-2019.

In the first two days, the basics of App development was taught which includes simple programs to execute using swift C. Then taught about adding screens, deleting screen, background images, text fields etc to the screen. The next three days were focused on designing the app.

Seven teams were made where each team consisting of six members and each group is assigned a project by the resource person and the project is proposed to be completed within two months.


Date and Time: Monday, 15th February 2016 from 9-5 pm

Department of CSE , AIET Moodbidri is now recognized as a Apple IDUP Centre. AIET is a Apple iOS centre offers training based on Apple iOS Development. In this connection 8 days initial workshop was conducted in the department of CSE for the faculty & student members of ECE, CSE and ISE. Mr. Arun Patawardhan, Apple iOS Trainer, Xcel Frameworks , Mumbai was the trainer during workshop. The 14 Faculty members were trained during this workshop and they developed App project and got trainer certificate.

The institution has got Apple University Programme ID, currently VI Sem CSE, ECE, ISE and VIII Students are working App projects under the guidance of faculty members. At the end of the semester on successful competition of App projects, the students are honored with Apple Developer Certificates.

In the year 2015-16 the 58 students of 3rd and Final year CSE were completed 6 Months “Apple iOS App Development” certification programme held during August 2015 to March 2016. This certification course was conducted by Dept. of CSE in association with Dheemahi Inc., Udupi(Authorized Apple iOS Certified Institution).

Linux Lab

The Linux Lab was established in the year 2015 at department CSE. Prof. Edwin, Former Professor Philadelphia University is the incharge for Linux Lab. Currently Pre-Final year and Final year student are doing their projects in the Linux Platform to encourage Open Source Software’s to current computer generation.


Intel Intelligence Systems Lab was established in department of CSE during year 2013.

The 20 staff members of the department of CSE, ECE and ISE were trained during this workshop. Workshop was inaugurated by Mr.Kiran Nambiar, Intel FICE Bangalore and Mr. Shivaprasad Yadav, Mr.Sainath Shanbaugh and Mr. Purushottam Reddy were the trainers of the Workshop. Prof. Manjunath Kotari, HOD CSE welcomed the gathering. Dr. Peter Fernandes, Principal, AIET, Moodbidri presided over the function. Currently final year students are doing projects on Intel FICE using Atom processor.


  • To support students throughout their engineering program academically as well as emotionally and act as a local guardian, thereby assist them to enhance their academic performance and achieve goals.
  • To fill in confidence to improve their academic performance in slow learners thorough one to one interaction session in prerequisites and fundamentals of topic of interest in the engineering program.


  • Based on previous academic performance, slow learners are identified by the Head of the department (HOD).
  • The HOD will allot one faculty mentor to 1-3 slow learners. Each mentor should maintain a Proctor form with details like parents/guardian’s name, addresses, contact numbers and academic details, academic scores.
  • More emphasis should be given to monitor the academic progress and design corrective measures for their prerequisites-fundamentals and facilitate them to improve their academic score.
  • Mentor should meet the student at least once in a week or whenever required.


Following are the functions of mentor:

Sl. No. Type of mentoring system Functions
1. Academic guidance Share information of academic planners, academic schedules and e-learning resources.

Identify students with poor attendance and ensure that they improve their attendance by getting counseled in the presence of mentor, counselor and HOD

Focus on academically weak students, by providing them with additional reading materials, model questions along with solutions and special make-up classes.

2. All – round development Encourage and support students towards all round development through participation in literary, cultural and sports activities which helps to develop leadership qualities, decision making abilities, team spirit, socio-psychological awareness, and shapes the student into an intellectually integrated person.
3. Personal development Empower and enable inner adjustments by individual students to counter and cope with physical, emotional, mental, social and environmental challenges through student-counsellor interaction/ through meditation workshops/ through other specialized workshops / activities.

Engage in family /peer counselling by Counsellor/ Mentor /HOD to strengthen student’s interpersonal relationships thereby improving their grades.

  • Parent meetings will be conducted regularly for bringing parents into the student mentoring system as key stake-holders.
Alvas Appathon -2K19

The student’s forum of Information and Science and Engineering Department, “TechGeekz” has organized an intercollegiate technical event “Alvas-Appathon 2K19” on...


The forum of Information and Science Department, “TechGeekz” has organized an intercollegiate technical event “TechCrunch2K19” on 6th of September 2019...

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Student Achievements

Mr.Chandan Shastri from 7th sem received an appreciation letter from ISRO for developing a web page on “Real-Time Monitoring of Automatic Weather Station” during his internship at ISRO.

Mr.Chandan Shastri received Indian Provisional Patent with no clashes for developing “ Smart Iron Box”.

Mr.Vignesh and Ms.Deepashree got selected to IBM India private Limited , for doing their Internship for about 3 months.

Mr.Ganesh Prasad and Ms.Deepashree from 7th sem , Mr.Darshan P B and Mr.Sainath A of 5th sem passed their NPTEL online certification course recognized by Government of India.

About 43 students completed their certification course on Machine Learning with Hands-on session.

All 10 batches published their project related paper in a reputed journal like Springer book chapter series and IEEE.

Technical Achievement: Paper Publications

Year: 2018-19

  1. [Sachin, Suraksha, Nayana C. N., Deeksha Shetty] published a paper entitled “A New automated Medicine Prescription System for Plant Diseases.” in the International conference on ISMAC in Computational Vision and BioEngineering organized by SCAD Institute of Technology, Palladam, Tamilnadu, India during 16-17 May 2018. Final year project entitled “A New automated Medicine Prescription System for Plant Diseases” is shortlisted for Industry Institute Conclave on Electronics Computational and Communication Technologies an intercollegiate B.E. and M.tech project exhibition and competition held at SJEC on 13th may 2018.
  2. [Tejas Naik, Soumya B.H., Manichandra, A.P. Pawdhan] Published a paper entitled “Smart Traffic Control System for Emergency Vehicles” in the International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT 2018) organized by RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore, India during 20-21 April 2018.
  3. [Spoorthi, Pavan, Chandrashreyas, Kirthy] published a paper entitled “IOT Based Framework for Theft Detection and Driver Identification” in the International Conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies (ICCNCT 2018) organized by RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore, India during 26-27 April 2018.
  4. [Nischitha, Prajwal, Meghana] published a paper entitled “Detection of Chemically Ripened Fruits Based on Visual Features and Non-Destructive Sensor Techniques” ” in the International Conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies (ICCNCT 2018) organized by RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore, India during 26-27 April 2018.
  5. [Fouzia, Supriya K., Ashwitha] published a paper entitled “Driver Drowsiness Detection Based on Visual Access” in the International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT 2018) organized by RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore, India during 20-21 April 2018.
  6. [Lolitha, Ashmitha, Mashitha, Akhila] Published a paper entitled “IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring in Ambulance Services” in the International Conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies (ICCNCT 2018) organized by RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore, India during 26-27 April 2018.
  7. [Manasa, Arpitha, Ananya, Pankaj]Published a paper entitled “Spam Reviews Detection Framework Based on Heterogeneous Information Network (HIN)” in the International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT 2018) organized by RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore, India during 20-21 April 2018.
  8. [Deekshitha, Divya, Deeksha, Keerthi] published a paper entitled “IoT Based Remote Water Metering System” in the International Conference on IEEE Technological Innovations in ICT for Agriculture and Rural Development on 5-6 April 2018.
  9. [Muhammed Sijas, Akshatha, Pooja Shetty, Pooja T. Shetty] published a paper entitled “New Automated Vehicle Crash Avoidance System Based on Dipping and RF Techniques” in the International Conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies (ICCNCT 2018) organized by RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore, India during 26-27 April 2018.
  10. [Adikeshavamurthy S Maroor, Apurva, Nagraj, Sandhya] published a paper titled “Automated Energy Meter Reading and theft detection” in International Conference on Innovative computing and communication(ICICC-2018), during May 6-7, 2018. The project was shortlisted in top 20 projects for the State Level Exhibition and was presented at “Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural and Energy Development held on 27-28, April 2018.

Cultural and Sports Achievement:

  1. Swarna Gowri of the Third year ISE Secured first place in VTU, 2015-2016, Kabbadi match in Zonal and Interzonal level. She also secured first place in VTU 2016-2017 Kabbadi match in zonal and interzonal level. She secured second place in the year 2015-2016, first place in the year 2016-2017, first place in the year 2017-2018 for thandav dance at an event held at NITK. She also secured first place for the folk dance held at VTU fest in the year 2017-2018.
  2. Deepashree V. of the third year ISE secured first place in VTU 2017-2018 Kho –Kho match in Zonal and Internal zonal level.
  3. Sushmitha H. S. of third-year ISE got first place in drama in AEF fest, second place for debate in AEF fest and also prizes for group dance held at various colleges.
  4. Aishwarya J. Shetty of third-year ISE secured second place in MAD Ads event held at Shree Devi Institute of Engineering and Technology. She also got second place in debate competition conducted at AEF.
  5. Chandan Shastri of third-year ISE secured the second prize for short movie competition held at AEF.
  6. Vishal Naik of third-year ISE secured the second prize for short movie competition held at AEF.
  7. Pavan M. R. of third-year ISE got the second prize in AEF light vocal Event.
  8. Ganesh Prasad of third-year ISE secured second place for Thandav dance held at NITK in the year 2015-2016 and in the year 2016-2017 he got second place for Thandav dance held at NITK.
  9. Pooja Shetty of final year ISE was one of the finalists in Mr. and Ms. Karavali 2018 beauty pageant held at Mumbai.
  10. Ashmitha Shetty of final year ISE secured first place in best out of the waste event held at AEF Fest.
  11. Ashwitha Shetty of final year ISE secured first place in best out of the waste event held at AEF Fest.


Wipro Limited, Cochin

On 22nd and 23rd March 2019, Department of Information Science and Engineering had organized Industrial Visit for 8th-semester ISE students. Students were accompanied by two faculty of the ISE department. The visit was planned to Wipro Limited, Cochin.



The visit started on 22nd March at 4:30 pm by train for the visit. We reached Cochin on 23rd March at around 3:00 am. We got fresh up and started our journey to Wipro. We reached Wipro and reported by 10:00 am where after a few security checks we were let inside. Ms. Anitha and Mr. Madhu C M guided us by showing the 25 Acres of campus, hospitality, learning centre and client briefing centre.

Later they took us to the sewage treatment plant, biogas plant and a utility room equipped with the power station. Around 11.00 am senior programmer Mr. Praveen Kumar conducted tech talk on Artificial Intelligence (HOMES), who got 19 years’ experience in Wipro and 10 years in Bangalore Wipro campus. During the talk he briefed about Computer Vision, Automation, Python Language and R-programming language.

During the Industrial visit we have enriched our knowledge and the total experience helped us to know more about Automation, Artificial intelligence, Programming and Wipro campus.

NPCIL, Kaiga

AIET- ISTE student Chapter had organized an Industrial Visit to NPCIL Nuclear power Plant, which is administered by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India, located at Kaiga village in North Kannada district, Karnataka on 12th of April 2019. 40 Engineering students of Information Science and Engineering department have visited under industry interaction mission of Alva’s Education Foundation, Moodbidri.



Mr. Lokesh Hegade with team of engineers of NPCIL had headed the 40 members group and described the conception, commencement, establishment, operation, maintenance and corporate social responsibility programs of NPCIL. They also described the complex control systems design, development, maintenance of the whole plant. The interaction session was arranged for the students after the visit.



Department of Information Science and Engineering had organized Industrial Visit for 5th semester ISE students. Students were accompanied by two faculties of ISE department. Students visited the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Bengaluru on 5/11/2018 and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Bengaluru on 06-11-2018.




48 students of 2nd year ISE, visited Udupi Power Corporation Limited, Padubidre, subsidiary of Adani Group on April 20th, 2018. Its capacity is 1200MW, with 2 units of 600MW each. Students learned information about thermal power generation and also understood the environmental pollution control measures taken by the company.

ISRO & HAL, Bangalore

On 16th and 17th of February 2018, Department of Information Science and Engineering had organized Industrial Visit for 5th-semester ISE students. Students were accompanied by two faculties of ISE department. The visit was planned to ISRO and HAL, Bangalore.



Dr. Srinivasa (Sr. Scientist, ISRO) guided the students by showing them the models of various satellites, other space vehicles and explained the importance and working of the same. He also demonstrated working on some of the models. The students had the opportunity to see the system level facilities established in the center called as ‘Clean Room’ where there are large equipment’s required to build a spacecraft and to test the working of the spacecraft.

The clean room is equipped with harness lab for fabricating onboard harness of the spacecraft and Mechanical lab which is equipped with mechanical ground support equipment’s required for the assembly, integration, and testing of the spacecraft. They also saw an assembly work of ROVER-6 wheeler space vehicle to do research on moon. The students were shown a short video on satellites and journey of ISRO. Thereafter Dr. Srinivasa held an interactive session with the students.

At HAL the students were shown another small video based on the aircraft used by the INDIAN AIRFORCE which was developed by HAL. They saw the models of airplanes and learned about various people associated with the HAL. On 17th February 2018, students visited the ‘Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum’ and learned many new things in the museum. Dr. Kumar taught them about the space using 3D views of the planetary objects. The two days of the industrial visit has indeed enriched their knowledge and helped them to know more about aerospace and satellites.

Infosys Global Campus, Mysore

On 5th May 2017, Department of information science and engineering had organized an industrial is it for 8th semester ISE 27 students who were accompanied by two faculties of the department, ISE. The visit was scheduled on 6th may 2017 to Infosys Global campus, Mysore.

The visit started in the early morning of Friday i.e. 5th of May .We reached Mysore around 7 in the evening where we had a halt. On 6th of May, We set our away to Infosys which was around 30 minutes from of our place of halt. As we reached, there were series of formalities to be done. Later, we were allowed to enter the most beautiful campus, Infosys. Mr. Ranjith Kumar, Senior Trainer of Infosys guided us by showing the huge campus which consisted of 337 acres.

The company comprised of 16000 employees located in 92 buildings, which includes 12,000 hostel rooms. The campus has the capability to provide one time training to 7080 people. Later, Mr. Ranjith took us to global center which was the centre of attraction where we were introduced to virtually connected computers. Meanwhile, he also shared his experience and computer related knowledge with us .Later he led us to the library which displayed 70,000 books and held the capacity to store 30,000 more. The Infosys vision led to innovation, and hence we weren’t surprised to see a new technology in library where the barcode system was replaced with RFID tags. We were guided towards the Audio visual room where the detailed history, progress and current working environment of the company were explained to us. We learnt that company was founded by Narayanamurthy in 1981 with six other partners and the first client it served was database corp.

It bought up several applications in the journey of its progress which included banking application, DMAC application (Reebok), automated solution and many more. Infosys is awarded as the world’s most innovative company by Forbes and the current turnover of the company, the section process, recruitment condition, and so on. After the lecture we walked to view rest the campus, where we saw all the relaxation and facility centers meant for the employees including Gym, pool, multiplex, sports room and court, etc.

Next day, on 7th May 2017, we set our journey back to college early morning. Hence two days of industrial visit enriched our knowledge and helped us to know more about the company, IT life and working environment.


ISRO & HAL, Bangalore

On 3rd and 4th November 2016, Department of Information Science and Engineering had organized Industrial visit for 5th semester ISE students. Students were accompanied by two faculty of ISE department. The visit was planned to ISRO and HAL, Bangalore.

The visit started on2nd November at 9:00pm by a private bus booked for the visit. We reached Bangalore on 3rd November at around 7:30 am. We went to an ashram at Vijayanagar where we got fresh and started our journey to ISRO. We reached ISRO by 11:30 am where after a few formal security checks we were let inside.

Dr. Srinivasa (Sr. Scientist, ISRO) guided the students by showing them the models of various satellites, other space vehicles and explained the importance and working of the same. He also demonstrated working on some of the models. The students had the opportunity to see the system level facilities established in the center called as ‘Clean Room’ where there are large equipment’s required to build a spacecraft and to test the working of the spacecraft. The clean room is equipped with harness lab for fabricating onboard harness of the spacecraft and Mechanical lab which is equipped with mechanical ground support equipment’s required for the assembly, integration, and testing of the spacecraft. They also saw an assembly work of ROVER-6 wheeler space vehicle to do research on moon. The students were shown a short video on satellites and journey of ISRO. Thereafter Dr. Srinivasa held an interactive session with the students.

On 4th November, we started our journey to “Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum”. We travelled to the place by Metro which was a new experience to many of us. Dr. Kumar taught us about the space using 3D views of the planetary objects.

2020 - 21

Innovative Use of Database Technologies for Building Application

Date: 17th November 2022

Venue: ISE Lab, 3rd Floor.

Resource Person: Mr. Nikhil S Acharya, Software Engineering Analyst, Capgemini Technology Services India Limited, Bangalore.


The Department of Information Science and Engineering has organized the Workshop on “Innovative use of Database technologies for building applications” on 17th November 2022, in association with the Institution Innovation Council (IIC), an Initiative of MHRD. In the workshop, the resource person, Mr. Nikhil S Acharya has provided the hands-on session on the following topics:

  • Setting up a basic PHP and MySQL development environment on Linux and Windows.

  • Writing scripts using the basic functionality of the language.

  • Using strings, arrays and associative arrays.

  • Using regular expressions to search and modify data.

  • Using the object-oriented features.

  • Reading and writing to files.

  • PHP scripts that query and update a MySQL database.

  • Using cookies and sessions for authentication.

  • Implementing security and using debugging features.

The Head and Faculty Members of Department of ISE, President, Convenor and Faculty Coordinators of Institution’s Innovation Council and 56 Students of III-year B.E. were participated and benefited from the program.


Data Analytics with Spark

Title: Data Analytics with Spark
Date: 24th August 2022
Time: 9.30 AM
Venue: ISE Department, III Floor, Admin Block

Resource Person: Mr. Vignesh, Software Developer, IBM India Private Limited, Bangalore

The Department of Information Science and Engineering has organized the workshop on Data Analytics with Spark on 24th August 2022, in association with the Institution Innovation Council (IIC), an Initiative of MHRD. The resource person Mr. Vignesh is working with IBM India Private Limited, Bangalore as a Software Developer. In the workshop, he has provided the hands-on session on the following topics:
• Spark Catalyst optimizer
• Introduction to Spark SQL
• Creating Spark Session
• Creating DataFrame
• Creating Temporary View
• Accessing Elements of List or Dictionary within DataFrame
• Where Clause
• Creating Global View
• Dropping Columns from DataFrame
• Queries on Spark SQL
• Group by and Aggregation
• Windowing in Spark
• Joins in Spark

The Head and Faculty Members of Department of ISE, President, Convenor and Faculty Coordinators of Institution’s Innovation Council and 58 Students of II-year B.E. ISE were participated and benefited from the program.

2020 - 21


The Department of ISE organized a workshop on on 21/12/2020 which was delivered by Mr. Vishak Amin 7th sem ISE on “Web Development Using ReactJS”. The workshop was inaugurated by HoD Prof Sudheer Sheety, Academic Coordinator JayantKumar A Rathod, Coordinator Manjunath H R and other faculty members 

React is a JavaScript library created by Facebook. React is a tool for building UI components. Instead of manipulating the browser’s DOM directly, React creates a virtual DOM in memory, where it does all the necessary manipulating, before making the changes in the browser DOM.

React finds out what changes have been made, and changes only what needs to be changed. You will learn the various aspects of how React does this in the rest of this tutorial

Workshop Flow:

Initially the workshop started with creating an account on Codesandbox.io where the code execution has to be done. Then the basics of web development was explained followed by explaining the HTML5 and CSS. Using HTML5 the simple webpage was designed having text and buttons. And using CSS the styling was done to the page. All students executed or created their first website successfully.

The basics of JavaScript code was explained, how to declare a function, check console, declare variables, objects and arrays.

After giving basic knowledge about HTML, CSS and JavaScript the introduction for react was explained.

The explanation was done through ppt where in the advantages of react, companies using react history of react was discussed. After the presentation and Quiz was being played wherein students were asked about the questions on topics covered using ppt.


In the hands on session the live coding session was started where everyone was coding simultaneously. Initially the JSX was explained in the React app. 

Then the React file structure and how to use the codesandbox.io for creating the react app was explained.  Using React the two main concepts onClick feature and onChange features was explained by creating two basic apps. 

First one was like button and second one was displaying text by taking input from the user. Both the app was successfully created by all the users and tested.

Finally the main Webpage was created using i.e Emoji Selector which was a combination of the above two methods onChange and onClick. The basic motto of the web app was to tell the meaning of emoji which was uploaded by the user. For Example an smiling emoji was added it should say it’s an Smiling emoji. The web app was created and tested with different emojis.

Also after the creation of the app the web app was deployed live using Netlify.

Finally on behalf of Management, Principal, Staff and students we would thank Mr. Vishak Amin for conducting the workshop. 



The department organized hand-on session workshop on ” Intro To Devops and Data Engineering in Bigdata ” under Coders Of Alvad on 13th MARCH 2020. This was delivered by Mr. Chandan Shastri , passed out student of our premier Institution. This was inaugurated by Head of the department Mr. Jayant Kumar A Rathod, Forum coordinator Mr. Manjunath H.R and other faculties. He explained the concepts through hands-on sescion.  Students from department of ISE,  CSE and ECE actively participated. The session was interactive. Around 60 students participated in this workshop.



In this session, first he spoke about Docker which is important  tool designed t

for making  the things  easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and deploy it as one package. By doing so, the developer can be assured that the application can be run on any other Linux machine regardless of any customized settings that machine might have that could differ from the machine used for writing and testing the code.

He explained how Big data plays an important role in Big data analytics and how it helps in organizing their data and use it to identify new opportunities. This in turn leads to smarter business moves, more efficient operations, higher profits and happier customers


Finally on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students, we would like to thank Mr. Chandan Shastri for delivering a knowledgeable and thought provoking hands-on session workshop to our students.

How to Crack the Top MNCs with Problems Solving and Coding Skills

Two Days Workshop on

How to Crack the Top MNCs with Problems Solving and Coding Skills


A Two Days workshop was conducted in Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology on  How to Crack the Top MNCs with Problems Solving and Coding Skills for CSE, ECE and ISE I, II, III & IV Year Students organized by Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mijar, Moodbidri, Mangalore in association with IIIT, Allahabad under  Algoris Club  on 22nd& 23rd Oct 2019. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Praveen J, Dean Academic AIET. All the Deans , Directors and  the HOD’s of various departments, all staff members  and student volunteers were also present during the inauguration function along with the resource persons  Mr. Naga Nikil, M.Tech Student, IIIT-A  and Mr. Arul Prakash, M.Tech Student, IIIT-A.


Workshop Overview


  • The workshop imparts a fundamental knowledge on  Logical understanding of a problem
  • The practical programming exercises in C/C++ assigned amidst the lecture hours enhance the Problem solving skill
  • It delivers Lecture and Demonstration on MNC oriented coding skills
  • It provides hands-on training sessions which offer a basic  data structures in C/C++  (Interview oriented programs)
  • It imparts Hands-on training with the exercises in Debugging and Testing


It finally imparts the ‘A mini-project in C/C++  for enhancing  Problems Solving and Coding Skills with Jupyter Notebook’.


Expected Outcomes: 

  • The students will be able to write programs with complete understanding of the logics.
  • The students will become better programmers with good reasoning at their interviews
  • The logical building ability of the students will get improved by continuous and rigorous practices.


Workshop Schedule



Portions/ Activities


22 oct 2019


session 1

Lecture and Demonstration on Logical understanding of a problem

9 a.m to 11 a.m

session 2

Hands-on training with the exercises in  Logical understanding of a problem

11.15 a.m to 1.00 p.m


session 3

Lecture and Demonstration onDeveloping Problem solving skill

2 p.m to 3.30 p.m

session 4

Hands-on training   with the exercises in     Developing Problem solving skill

3.30 p.m to  5 p.m

23 oct 2019


session 1

Lecture and Demonstration on MNC oriented coding skills

9 a.m to 11 a.m

session 2

Hands-on training with the exercises in    MNC oriented coding skills

11.15 a.m to 1.00 p.m

session 3

A miniproject for enhancing  Problems Solving and Coding Skills

2 p.m to   5 p.m

session 4



Inaugural Function


The inaugural function for two days workshop on How to Crack the Top MNCs with Problems Solving and Coding Skills was conducted in MBA seminar hall, Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology for CSE, ECE and ISE I, II, III & IV Year Students organized by Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology Mijar, Moodbidri, Mangalore in association with IIIT, Allahabad under  Algoris Club  on 22nd& 23rd Oct 2019. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Praveen J, Dean Academic AIET. All the Deans , Directors and  the HoDs of various departments, all staff members  and student volunteers were also present during the inauguration function along with the resource persons  Mr. Naga Nikil, B.Tech-M.Tech Student, IIIT-A  and Mr. Arul Prakash, B.Tech-M.Tech Student, IIIT-A.

The proceedings of the workshop are as follows:

Every session comprises of the lecture and demonstration of the concept by the Resource persons followed by hands – on sessions with respective worked out examples and exercises on the topic




Session 1: Introduction to MNCs Interviews, Types of interviews, Top MNCs  in India and its packages, Model Interview questions and how to answer those questions. What is the expectation of MNCs? How to answer the questions without getting tense in interviews?


Session 2: Inheritance, types of inheritance, polymorphism, types of polymorphism,   dynamic binding, Static binding, Virtual and pure virtual Functions, Abstract class,Templates in C++ with example programs.




Session 1: Basic operators Logical expression; Type casting; Strings Control Statements: Selection statements, iteration statementFile handling functions, Exception handling, In-line functions and Friend function and class in C++ with example programs. Class and objects, constructors, encapsulation, abstraction, Information hiding in  C++ with example programs.

Session 2:

A mini project on application programming is given to the students to develop.


Machine Learning with Hands On session

Resource person: Dr.Thyagraju G.S, Professor and Head, Dept of CSE, SDMIT, Ujire

The department organized three days workshop cum certification course on “Machine Learning with Hands-on session” from 10th September 2018 to 12th September 2018 which was delivered by Dr.Thyagraju G.S. The workshop was inaugurated by Head of the department Mr. Jayant Kumar A Rathod, workshop coordinator Mr. Manjunath H.R and other faculties.

In three days session, he spoke about Machine learning concepts and explained how it is a core sub-area of artificial intelligence; it enables computers to get into a mode of self-learning without being explicitly programmed. So, put simply, the iterative aspect of machine learning is the ability to adapt to new data independently. Machine Learning is a branch in computer science that studies the design of algorithms that can learn.

This workshop covered the basic algorithm with hands-on sessions that help students to build and apply prediction functions with an emphasis on practical applications, basics and the fundamental concepts of Machine Learning such as: 

*   Understand components of a machine learning algorithm.

*   Apply machine learning tools to build and evaluate predictors.

*   How machine learning uses computer algorithms to search for patterns in data

*   How to use data patterns to make decisions and predictions with real-world examples.

*   How to prepare data, deal with missing data and create custom data analysis

*   Basic and frequently used algorithmic solutions for different industries techniques including sorting, searching, greedy algorithms and dynamic programming

Around 38 students from the department participated and got benefitted out of it.


Faculty Development Program (FDP)

The department of ISE has conducted a Five Days Faculty development program from 21-01-2018 to 25-01-2018 on “Android Application Development “ in Association with VTU Belagavi and Google India Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru.The event was inaugurated by our beloved Principal Dr. Peter Fenandes, Prof. Jayant Kumar Rathod, Head, Dept of ISE  and  Prof. Sudarshana K.

The principal spoke about the importance of Android Application Development in today’s technology. He also thanked resource person Ms Simmi Anand for her excellent delivery at the end of the session.

Ms Simmi Anand was the resource person from Google India Pvt Ltd. She delivered a piece of comprehensive and in-depth information about the Android Architecture, Application Development and Publishing the Application on the Play Store. The maximum limit provided by the VTU was 25 participants, and Twenty one(21) participants from various engineering colleges were enthusiastically participated and learnt the application building.

Workshop on Java Programming

The department of ISE and CSE have jointly conducted a Five Days hands on Workshop for the students of ISE and CSE from 16-01-2018 to 20-01-2018 on “Java Programming” in association with Sangam One Connected Service Mangalore.

Mr. Chandrashekar K Rao and Team, from Sangam One Connected Service Mangalore delivered a comprehensive and in depth information about the Java Architecture, Basics of Java, Application Development. Thirty seven participants have enthusiastically participated and learnt the application building. The participants also developed the mini project as an outcome of the workshop.

Workshop on Web Technologies

The departments of ISE and CSE have jointly conducted a Ten Days hands on Workshop for the students of ISE and CSE from 22-01-2018 to 03-02-2018 on “Web Programming Product Development “in association with Sangam One Connected Service Mangalore.

Mr. Chandrashekar K Rao and Team, from Sangam One Connected Service Mangalore delivered a comprehensive and in depth information about the Web Architecture, Basics of Java Server Pages, Java Script, and Cascading Style sheets, HTML, Responsive Design for Mobile Application Development.

Thirty seven participants have enthusiastically participated and learnt the application building.

The participants also developed the mini project as an outcome of the workshop.

1. Hackathon Activities

2. App-athon Activities

3. Training session on iOS app development

4. Handson session on Python Programming Language

5. Innovative Projects

6. Review paper

7. Mini Projects

8. Every day Department of ISE is conducting Innovative Activities such as Python Programming language, Web Technology & it’s Applications, DBMS with mini projects, RPA with mini project and MAT lab programming from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM for 2nd year and 3rd year students.


Pre-placement training was organized for final year students which focused on current industry concepts as well as training for placement. Pre-placement training focused on over all development of candidate in order to prepare for various placement drives. The following aspects are included and conducted in the training.

Data Structures with C & Advanced Java Programming

Data Structures with C & Advanced Java Programming : Q-Spider Training Software Institute, Bangalore in association with Department of CSE has conducted a 18 days hand-on training on Data Structures with C and Advanced Java Programming during week ends of April/May and continuously from 10th July-17th July,2019. Mr. Manish Raj, Mr. Rohan Prabhu, Mr. Shariq and Mr. Mohammed Idris trainers were taught Data Structures with C as well as Advanced Java Programming using hands-on session. About 136 final year students were trained by above resource persons.

Algorithms and Image Processing Applications

Algorithms and Image Processing Applications: Dr. Mohammed Javed, Assistant Professor, IIIT, Allahabad was a resource person for the first session on 18th July, 2019. He was addresses about the various Engineer traits and Algorithms with live examples. He also addressed about the research perspective of Image Processing Applications.

Initially Dr. Javed explained about the 10 characteristics of engineers that includes Team Player, Continuous Learning, Creativity, Problem Solving, Analytical Ability, Communication Skills, Logical Thinking, Mathematical Ability ,Attention to Detail and Leadership.

He also explained about the purposes of Image processing and its applications like:

  • Visualization – Observe the objects that are not visible.
  • Image sharpening and restoration – To create a better image.
  • Image retrieval – Seek for the image of interest.
  • Measurement of pattern – Measures various objects in an image.
  • Image Recognition – Distinguish the objects in an image.

Database Applications & Networking

Database Applications & Networking

On 18th July,2019 Ms. Shruthi Shetty and Ms. Ankitha Shetty Department of CSE were handed the Database Applications and Networking concepts. Later they also done the assessment of all the students based on basics of Database and Networking Concepts.

Big-Data Analytics Hands-on Workshop

Big-Data Analytics Hands-on Workshop

On 19th July,2019 Dr.Sumith N, Department of CSE handed a hands on workshop on Big Data Analytics. She has addressed about the various concepts of BDA with hands-on session from 9-5 PM.

Hands-on Workshop on Networking

Hands-on Workshop on Networking

Dr.Jaidhar C D, Depat of CSE, NITK, Surathkal was the resource person for the 18th July,2019. Dr. Jaidhar C D has taken session on Networking with Network Packet Tracer Software. Initially he addressed with live examples in simulations. In the afternoon session he explained and demonstrated the various networking components like switch, hub, router etc.

Programming with C & Data Structures

Programming with C & Data Structures

On 20th Julty,2019 Prof.Padma Reddy, Professor , Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bangalore was the resource person for the topic Programming with C & Data Structures. He has addressed the students about C Programming concepts starting from Preprocessor directives to Data Structure concepts with live examples.

Data Structures & Algorithms

Data Structures & Algorithms

Dr. Prasanna Kumar H R, Professor & Head-ISE, PES Institute of Technology & Management, Shimoga has delivered a session on Data Structures and Algorithms. Dr. Prasanna Kumar has started the concepts of Data Structures that includes structure, arrays, stack, queue , linked lists, trees and graphs with live examples.  He also discussed about Design & Analysis Algorithms with Time Complexity Issues.

Dr. Prasanna Kumar also discussed the Need of Analysis , types and Applications of Algorithms with the live examples. On 21st July Afternoon session he discussed about the various placement related question and answers for the students.

Focus Academy for Career Enhancements(FACE) Aptitude Training

Focus Academy for Career Enhancements(FACE) Aptitude Training

The 8 days Aptitude Training was conducted to final year CSE students First Phase during 22nd to 25th July,2019. The second Phase was conducted during 30th July to 2nd August,2019.

This training helped the students to understand the aptitude topics such as number systems, percentage, perfect loss problems, preposition, problems on time and work, speed time and distance, probability, direction problems, questions related to blood relations, permutation and combination, simple equation. More than sufficient questions where solved in the class. They also gave useful tips to answer the group discussion and interview rounds.

Training on IoT and its Applications

Training on IoT and its Applications

2 days training on IoT and its Applications was conducted on 26th & 27th July,2019 for final year CSE/ISE/ECE students. Dr. Mohit P. Tahiliani, NITK Surathakal addressed the topic on “Need for Speed:Minimize the impact of Bufferbloat on IoT Applications ”

Mr. Vishal Rathod, Reseach Scholar NITK Surathkal took the hands-on training on IoT Applications to the students.

Workshop on Git-Hub Coding Skills

Workshop on Git-Hub Coding Skills

2 days workshop on Git-Hub coding skills was arranged for final year CSE/ISE/ECE students on 26th & 27th July,2019. Mr. Sagar from Dlithe Software, Bangalore was the resource person for 2 days. He explained and demonstrated the students about to creating GitHub accounts as well as uploading the contents to GitHub.

Workshop on Git-Hub Coding Skills

Workshop on Git-Hub Coding Skills

One day workshop on Git-Hub coding skills was arranged for final year CSE/ISE students on 26th July,2019. Mr. Sudeep D, Epitas Software, Mangalore was the resource person.He explained and demonstrated the students about to creating GitHub accounts as well as uploading the contents to GitHub repository.

Workshop on AWS

Workshop on AWS

4 days Workshop on AWS(Amazon Web Services) was conducted for CSE final year students from 5th to 8th August,2019. Mrs. Seema Nair from Callibre Code Solutions, Bangalore was the resource person. AWS introduction, EC2 instance creation, Elastic IP mapping to server topic was completed on day 1 of the training.

Remote connection to AWS server, EC2 snapshot and recovery was completed on day 2 of the workshop. Cloud watch monitoring, s3buckets creation & settings, AWS Cli commands are completed on 3rd day of the workshop. On final day, s3 bucket backup to server, MongoDB No SQL DB creation and basic queries were discussed.

Workshop on Ad.Java & J2EE, JQuery

Workshop on Ad.Java & J2EE, JQuery

Workshop on Ad.Java & J2EE, JQuery was conducted on 5th to 8th August,2019 for final year CSE students. Mr. Charles Antony, Techno-voice, Mysore was the resource person of the workshop. 

Java is one of the most popular programming languages used to create Web applications and platforms. It was designed for flexibility, allowing developers to write code that would run on any machine, regardless of architecture or platform. Students were trained on various aspects of advanced java like as stated above.

Workshop on Block Chain Technologies

Workshop on Block Chain Technologies

One day workshop on Block Chain Technologies was conducted for the part of the pre-placement training. Mr.

Workshop on Mathematical Applications

Workshop on Mathematical Applications

Dr. Chandru Hegde, Mangalore University was the resource person of the workshop on Mathematical Applications on 28th July,2019. Dr. Chandru Hegde discussed the topics of the mathematics like Linear Algebra, Probability & Statistics and Optimizations. 

Personality development and Public Speaking

Personality development and Public Speaking

Ms.KannanThandi trained students on Personality development and public speaking on 11th & 12th August,2019. She emphasized the need for being confident in public speaking which helps the students to face the interview. Trainer also spoke about various skills that students need to develop for their future.


10/Jul/2018 to 11/Aug/2018

Batch 1


Batch -1



Date / timing

9.15-11.15 AM

11.30 -1-.30 PM

2.30-4.30 PM



Pep Talk by :                    Mr. Vivek Alva

TCS Orientation

TCS Mock Test



C & DS Basics (303)

Ramani- Soft Skills

C++ Basics (303)



Ramani- Soft Skills

C & DS Basics(303)

Abhilash- Quants



C++  Basics(303)

C & DS Basics(303)

Ramani- Soft Skills



C & DS Basics(303)

C++  Basics(303)

Abhilash- Quants



C++ Basic(303)

DAA Basics(303)

Abhilash- Quants



Java Basics(303)

DAA Basics(303)

Java Basics(303)



Kannan Thandi- Personality Development, Public Speaking






Abhilash- Quants

Java Basics(303)

DAA Basics(303)



Java Basics(303)

DAA Basics(303)

Java Basics(3030



Adavanced C & Data Structures : Expert Training by Innovations Unlimited , Bangalore

15,000=00 / Batch / Day









TCS Drive



Technical Interview – Dr. Melwin D’Souza Diya Systems & Mr. Pretham + H.R Interview




2x 2,500 + Travelling



Adavanced Java, JQuery, Node JS, Angular JS: Expert Training by Q Spiders , Bangalore













Speed Maths By FACE




     to 11/8/2018

FACE Aptitude




In House Training Team

In House Training Team:

Sl. No.




C & DS

Mrs.Swapnalakshmi K



Mr.Sudarshana K



Mrs.Divya Ravi N



Mr.Manjunath h R



Jayantkumar A Rathod

Technical Mock Interview

Technical Mock Interview Result conducted by Mavenir s/w Solutions, Bangalore:


Rating (1 to10)

Rating              (1 to 10)

Rating               (1 to 10)

Rating (1 to10)

Overall rating






















Should improve technical , confidence is less, Improve resume

Deepashree V











Good, Technical good

Ganesh Prasad E











Good in technical

Kavana M G











Improve technically and confidence is low

K J Mythri











Over confident, Improve technically,












Need to work on basics, confidence is low












Should overcome fear and increase confidence, technically need improvement












Need to work on basics, confidence is low












Need to work on basics, confidence is low

Pooja R











Improve technically and confidence is low, voice not reachable

Shaziya Banu











Improve resume, No confidence, technically weak

Sukanya V M











Need to work on basics, confidence is low

Sameeksha Hegde











Improve in OS and DBMS(queries)

Vignesh Shetty












Swarna Gowri























Need to work on basics













Harshitha KO











Need to work on basics

Minal Pinto











Need to work on basics

Vishal Naik











Need to work on basics












Need to work on basics
























Need to work on basics













Pooja Hegde












Pooja TS











Need to work on basics
























Need to work on basics














[pdf id=18609]


Sl No

Company Name

Type of Industry

Number of Students

Domain / Area of Internship


TCS iON Digital Learning - Online

Private Sector


Web UI, Image Processing


Dlithe Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd

Private Sector


Machine Learning Techniques with Python


Mitra Softwares

Private Sector


PHP Web Development


Pralotech Solution Llp

Private Sector


Machine Learning with Python


Trailblazers Business Solutions, Mangalore

Private Sector


Data Science & Machine Learning


Accolite Mangalore

Private Sector


Web Development


Gaininsights Solutions Pvt Ltd

Private Sector


On job Training


Kramah Software India Pvt. Ltd

Private Sector


Machine Learing


Sansoftech Bangalore

Private Sector


Machine Learing


Autosum Infotech Pvt Ltd

Private Sector




Celestial V Solutions

Private Sector


Python with Machine Learning


Moog India Technology Center Pvt Ltd

Private Sector


Flight Software Engineering


Number of Companies Associated:



Number of students attended Internships:



Sl No

Company Name

Type of Industry

Number of Students

Domain / Area of Internship


Indian Institute Of Information Technology(IIIT), Allahabad

Government Sector


Image Processing and Deep Learning


Hindustan Aeronautical Limited (HAL), Bangalore

Government Sector


Database Management and ERP


DRDO, Bangalore

Government Sector


ERP and Operations


NPCIL Kaiga, Karwar

Government Sector


Web Developemnt and Operations


Dlithe Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd, Bangalore

Private Sector


Machine Learning


Tech Fortune Technologies, Bangalore

Private Sector


Machine Learning using R


Datagenic(Enverus), Bangalore

Private Sector


Product Domain


Infosys Technologies Limited, Bangalore

Private Sector


Java Programming


Kramah Software, Bangalore

Private Sector


ERP and Web Development


Technofist, Bangalore

Private Sector


Machine Learning


Acculine Software Solution

Private Sector


Cloud Computing, HTML and Android


Igeeks Technologies, Bangalore

Private Sector


Machine Learning with Python


Digiadd Technology

Private Sector


Machine Learning


Strides Pharma Science Ltd

Private Sector


Manufacturing Execution System


Walk-In Software Technology, Bangalore

Private Sector


Web Developemnt


Acuver Consulting Pvt Ltd

Private Sector


Java & Web Development


Bottle Lab Technology, Bangalore

Private Sector


Software Testing


Cisco Systems Ltd (Conexxion Tech)

Private Sector


Python Developer


IMR Softech Bangalore

Private Sector


Python Programming


Miotics Pvt Ltd

Private Sector


IoT Development


Paisabox E Commerce Ltd, Bangalore

Private Sector


PHP Application Development


Pralotech Solutions Private Limited

Private Sector


Machine Learning with Python


Veriteam Software Solutions Pvt Ltd

Private Sector


Machine Learning Technology


Number of Companies Associated:



Number of students attended Internships:



Sl No

Company Name

Type Of Industry

No. Of Students

Domain / Area Of Internship


Calibrecode Solutions, Bangalore

Private Sector


Web Application Development


IIIT Allahabad

Government Sector


Machine Learning and Image Processing


Mindsoft technologies, Bangalore

Private Sector


Machine Learning and Image Processing


Overhaul division, HAL Bangalore

Government Sector


Designing of Shift master


Pragyan Technologies, Bangalore

Private Sector


Networking / CCNA


School of Information Science, Manipal

Private Sector


Image processing & data analytics


Shreekrish Innovations, R&D Lab

Private Sector


Web Application Development


Tech Fortune Technologies, Bangalore

Private Sector


Machine learning / artificial intelligence


Tech Novice Solutions

Private Sector


Database Design and Manual Testing


Welldoc Software Pvt Ltd

Private Sector


Cross Tenant Access Control


IBM india Pvt Ltd

Private Sector


Data Analytics


TEK Systems

Private Sector


Data Analytics


WebStack Technologies Pvt Ltd

Private Sector


Web Technologies


Sangamone Connected Services

Private Sector


Web Technologies


NUMBER OF COMPANIES ASSOCIATED                      :  14



Sl No

Company Name

Type Of Industry

No. Of Students

Domain / Area of Internship


Calibre Code Solutions Pvt Ltd

Private Sector


Development using MEAN Stack


eMpulse Research & Data Analytics Pvt Ltd

Private Sector


Android app development


IIM Mumbai- GoCrackit [NSRCEL]

Government Sector


DATA ANALYSIS – Web Designing


ISRO, Bangalore

Government Sector


Automatic weather station & meteorological data processing system.



Private Sector


Air pollution monitoring system using IoT


Sangamone Connected Services
Pvt  Ltd  Bangalore

Private Sector


Java &Web Technologies


WELLDOC Software Pvt Ltd. Bangalore

Private Sector


Java & Android App Development



NUMBER OF COMPANIES ASSOCIATED                      :  7





Type of Industry


Domain of Internhsip


MasterSkills, Bangalore

Private Sector


Android Application Development


Arion Infotech

Private Sector


C#, .net


Bitizchla Techno

Private Sector


Improvising News Recommending system


Celestial V Solutions Bangalore

Private Sector


DBMS & Web Technologies


Oerlikon Fairfield Mumbai

Private Sector


Database services(ERP systems) & Troubleshooting


Sain Technology Bangalore

Private Sector


DBMS & Web Technologies


TJS Solutions Pvt Ltd Bengaluru

Private Sector


DBMS & Web Technologies


Trinix technology Pvt Ltd Mangaluru

Private Sector


Web Development


Osckii Labs

Private Sector


Smart Surveillance System



NUMBER OF COMPANIES ASSOCIATED                      :  9


International Conference
International Conference

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Dr. Sudheer Shetty

Professor & Head B.E, M. Tech, Ph.D

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Teaching Faculty

Pradeep Nayak

Assistant Professor

Pradeep Nayak

Assistant Professor
B.E, M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Mr. Jayanth Kumar A Rathod

Associate Professor & Academic Advisor

Mr. Jayanth Kumar A Rathod

Associate Professor & Academic Advisor
B.E, M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Sharan Lional Pais

Assistant Professor

Sharan Lional Pais

Assistant Professor
B.E, M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Nagesh U.B

Assistant Professor

Nagesh U.B

Assistant Professor
B.E, M. Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Ms. Vanyashree

Asst. Professor

Ms. Vanyashree

Asst. Professor
B.E, M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Dr. Pradeep V

Associate Professor

Dr. Pradeep V

Associate Professor
B.E., M.Tech., M.E., Ph.D.
08258- 262724 / 25

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Lolakshi P. K

Assistant Professor

Lolakshi P. K

Assistant Professor
BE, M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Priya K

Assistant professor

Priya K

Assistant professor
08258- 262724 / 25

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Mr. Naveen G

Assistant Professor

Mr. Naveen G

Assistant Professor
B.E., M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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