• 08258-262724
  • principalaiet08@gmail.com
  • CET CODE-169

Alva's Institute of Engineering & Technology

A Unit of Alva's Education Foundation(R), Moodubidire

(Affilliated to VTU, Belgaum, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka)

Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the year 2008, recognized by AICTE, New Delhi and affiliated to VTU, Belgaum with an intake of 60 and has enhanced to 180 from academic year 2012-13. The Post Graduate course, M.Tech in Thermal Engineering has introduced from academic year 2012-13 with an intake of 18 students. Department recognize has a research centre by VTU and one faculty pursuing Ph.D programme in this centre.

Department is actively involved in co-curricular and extracurricular activities with associations and professional bodies.. The main objective of the department is to provide academic excellence, knowledge and nurture talent in the area of Mechanical Engineering. The department is also looking forward to start Bio Diesel testing centre in the campus to explore and research on Alternative Fuels.

Mr. Byre Gowda G

Mr. Byre Gowda G and His team from Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology have developed (as a part of his final-year project) a solar, electric, three-wheeler vehicle and called it ‘Go Green Glow Green – SET 3‘. Unlike other vehicles, this one is weightless and corrosion free as the young innovators have designed it using aluminium alloy 6063 instead of iron or other heavy metals. The size of the vehicle is small too. While the length is five feet, its width is only three feet and its thickness is only one inch. His team developed this vehicle that can be used in metro cities and contribute to keeping the environment green.


Mr. Rishab Shetty

Mr. Rishab Shetty, Second Year Mechanical Engineering from Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology has achieved an extraordinary milestones in sports under powerlifting category. He won 2 Gold, 3 Silver and 3 Bronze medals in powerlifting at national level and selected to undergo trials for selection FOE representation of India at international level.

Mr. Sohan Poojari S S, Mr. Sunny Sharma, Mr. Poojari Prashanth and Mr. Chirag Poojari

Mr. Sohan Poojari S S, Mr. Sunny Sharma, Mr. Poojari Prashanth and Mr. Chirag Poojari students from Final year Mechanical Engineering, AIET, got 4th place in National Level Competition – kpitsparkle 2020 conducted by KPIT (Kirtaney Pandit Information Technologies) at Pune for the project title as “Hydrogen fuel cell where polymer membrane were exposed to UV rays”

Mr. Ashwin Ashok Padmashali and Mr. Akash A Devadiga

Mr. Ashwin Ashok Padmashali and Mr. Akash A Devadiga team from Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology, won Top Runner up in Engineeria – 2016 International Quiz competition organized by corporate office of CADD centre at Chennai, received a trophy and cash price of  rupee One Lakh (Rs. 100, 000).

Mr. Sujan Shekar H S

Mr. Sujan Shekar H S, from Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology, secured a third place in 10 kilometre running and achieved a first place in 21 kilometre long running created a university meet record in a 21st Intercollegiate athletics meet-2018 (26/08/2018 to 30/08/2018) held at SJCIT, Chikkaballapura, Karnataka.

Mr. Kiran Kumar

Mr. Kiran Kumar of third year B.E mechanical engineering student won Gold medal in 4 x 100 meters relay, and won Silver medal in 400 meters Hurdles, in 21st VTU intercollegiate athletics championship, held at SJCIT Chikkaballapur from 25/10/2018 to 30/10/2018. Gold Medal in Ball Badmilton inter zone competition and Silver medal in Ball Badmilton inter college competition.

Mr. Chinmay Ganesh K

Mr. Chinmay Ganesh K second year mechanical engineering student won Gold medal in 4 x 100 meters relay, Silver medal in Javalin throw and Bronze medal in 100 meters running in VTU intercollegiate athletics   championship, held at SJCIT Chikaballapur.

Mr. Mounesh D M

Mr. Mounesh D M second year mechanical engineering student won Bronze medal in 20 Kilometre walking competition in VTU intercollegiate athletics   championship, held at SJCIT Chikaballapur.

Mr. Rathnakara

Mr. Rathnakara second year mechanical engineering student won Bronze medal in Discuss throw in VTU intercollegiate athletics   championship, held at SJCIT Chikaballapur.

Miss. Kumari Vijaylaxmi P Shivanagutti

In 70th Republic Day celebration 2019 was a day of pride moment for Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology. Miss. Kumari Vijaylaxmi P Shivanagutti, Mechanical Engineering Student, marched with the NSS contingent representing VTU – Belagavi, at the Republic Day parade, Field Marshal Manekshaw Parade Ground in Bangalore.

Miss. Janani M

Miss. Janani M, Mechanical Engineering Student, Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology has represented VTU and AIET at the state level Republic Day parade on 26th January 2020 at Field Marshal Manekshaw Parade Ground in Bangalore.

Miss Jyothi S and Team

Student of 8th Semester Miss Jyothi S and team presented a technical research paper at International Conference on Advanced Light-weight Materials and Structures (ICALMS-2k20) organised by CMR Campus, Hyderabad on March 6-7 2020. The oral presented paper bagged BEST PAPER AWARD and accepted to publish in Materials Today Proceedings: Elsevier Publication.

Mr. Shikhar V Jain

Mr. Shikhar V Jain, 5th semester student has got an internship scholarship 80,000 Yen from Government of Japan with approval from Kumamoto University, Japan. For one week internship at Kumamoto University, Japan. And presented a technical research paper “Tribological characteristics of Spray Formed Al-Si Quaternary Alloys” at IES 2019, March 13-15, 2019, Kumamoto University, Japan.

Mr. Hithesh Gopal Shetty, Mr. Prajesh Yogeshbhai Ashra and Mr. Sandesh Gananath Shetty

Mr. Hithesh Gopal Shetty,  Mr. Prajesh Yogeshbhai Ashra  and Mr. Sandesh Gananath Shetty students of  Final year Mechanical Engineering were participated and presented paper in 12th International Student  Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST 2017), 23 – 25 November, 2017, Taiwan.

Research Lab Facilities

Department is actively involved in the following research activities.

  • Bio Diesel and Alternative Fuels: Department has procured new single cylinder 4 stroke CRDI,VCR CI engine with five gas exhaust analyser and smoke meter worth of 13Lakhs rupees to carry out higher research in Bio-Diesel
  • Bio-quenchants for heat transfer applications
  • Composite materials
  • Thermal interface materials (TIM)
  • Solidification and Mechanical behavior of Al-Sn alloys in bearing applications
  • Investigation on thermal properties of materials
  • Super hydrophobic surfaces in nature
  • Lead-Free solders for electronic packaging applications
CRDI Engine Setup

(For Bio Diesel and Alternative Fuels)

IC Engine research lab (ICERL) was established during the month of December 2017. The aim of this laboratory is to carry out research in the area of internal combustion engines with an objective of increasing fuel efficiency, emission control and engine durability and new technology development. ICERL is dedicated to introducing new technologies in IC engines.

Figure: CRDI Engine Setup at Dept. of Mechanical Engineering


Figure: Interaction with students during project activities


  1. Research is focused on performance enhancement and reduction of emissions from I.C. Engines consuming alternative fuels
  2. The experimentation on performance characteristic, P-θ diagram and heat release data are conducted on Single cylinder 4 stroke computerized Common rail direct ignition (CRDI) variable compression ratio diesel engine
  3. Investigation on emission characteristic using 5 gas exhaust analyzer and smoke meter
  4. To inculcate research culture to gain knowledge in the field of alternative fuels.
  5. To help the UG,PG and PhD research students to research in the field of alternate fuels.


  1. To produce as many as Research paper in reputed international journals.
  2. To find advanced ideas in field of alternative fuels substitute to diesel.


The setup consists of single cylinder, four stroke, CRDI VCR engine connected to eddy current type dynamometer for loading. Compression ratio can be varied without stopping the engine and without altering the combustion chamber geometry by specially designed tilting cylinder block arrangement. In CRDI VCR fuel injection time, fuel injection angle, ignition angle can be programmed with open ECU at each operating point based on RPM and mass air pressure. It helps in optimizing engine performance throughout its operating range. Air temp, coolant temp, mass air pressure and trigger sensor are connected to Open ECU which control fuel flow, fuel injector and fuel pump. Set up is provided with necessary instruments for combustion pressure and crank‐angle measurements.

These signals are interfaced with computer for pressure crankangle diagrams. Instruments are provided to interface airflow, fuel flow, temperatures and load measurements.  The set up has stand‐alone panel box consisting of air box, two fuel tanks for duel fuel test, manometer, fuel measuring unit, transmitters for air and fuel flow measurements, process indicator and hardware interface. Rotameter is providing for Engine cooling water flow measurement. A battery, starter and battery charger is provided for engine electric start arrangement.  The setup enables study of VCR engine performance for brake power, indicated power, frictional power, BMEP, IMEP, brake thermal efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency, Mechanical efficiency, volumetric efficiency, specific fuel consumption, A/F ratio, heat balance and combustion analysis.  Labview based Engine Performance Analysis software package “Enginesoft” is provided for on line engine performance evaluation. Nira i7r software package is provided for programming open ECU of the engine.

The setup consists of single cylinder, four stroke, CRDI VCR engine connected to eddy current type dynamometer for loading. Compression ratio can be varied without stopping the engine and without altering the combustion chamber geometry by specially designed tilting cylinder block arrangement. In CRDI VCR fuel injection time, fuel injection angle, ignition angle can be programmed with open ECU at each operating point based on RPM and mass air pressure. Performance Analysis software package “Enginesoft” is provided for on line engine performance evaluation. Nira i7r software package is provided for programming open ECU of the engine.

Bio-quenchants for heat transfer applications

Figure: Rapid Quenching Setup

The setup used for evaluation of Rapid cooling or quenching of a part from high temperature which can cause large thermal gradients and thus thermal stresses. If a phase transformation occurs simultaneously, phase transformation dilatations will add to the thermal dilatations and contribute to the internal stress distribution. The effect can be that local nonelastic deformations occur which will cause residual stresses when the part has attained its final temperature. The thermal and transformation processes are normally very rapid, and it is not possible to follow the stress buildup experimentally. Therefore computer modeling has been very important in increasing the understanding of the physical processes. The computed residual stresses can be verified experimentally. Experimental setup is very important to thermal analysis of solid quenched specimen.


Composite Materials

Department is actively take part in the research activities in the field of composite materials. The lab is well equipped with the required experimental setup for the synthesis and characterization of the composite materials. Composites in the field of Metal matrix composite, Fibre reinforced composites, Heat treated alloys are been performed with the utilization of the lab.


  • To conduct research activities and to prepare composite materials under various aspects like Metal matrix composite, Fibre reinforced composite.
  • To prepare the samples for microscopic observations as per metallographic standards
  • To characterize the composite using optical microscope.
  • To open a channel between research scholars, students with the composite world to exhibit their key role in knowledge aspect to take part in research activities and publish as many journal papers

Equipments available:

  • Resistance Furnace (1100°C Capacity)
  • Diamond Cutter
  • Disc Polishing Machine
  • Optical Microscope

Resistance Furnace

Figure: Resistance Furnace during experimentation


Resistance furnace comes with a complete setup which includes Crucible with maximum capacity of 5KG, Clay Crucible, K-Type Thermocouple. 3 Copper coil lineup all over the inner surface of body. Silica wool Refractory lineup. Have a melt can achieve in 45minutes.       5 sets of temperature control unit by unique programming circuit design from Heatron Equipments PVT. LTD.

Diamond Cutter


Figure: Diamond Cutter 

Certified low-speed diamond saw, which equips with the advanced digital micrometer and a digital speed display controller; it is the perfect tool for cutting/dicing/slicing all kinds of materials up to 32.5 mm thickness, especially for brittle crystals, ceramics, TEM samples, and even plastic samples.  Also, this saw can be used for cutting cylindrical cell for failure analysis.

Disc Polishing Machine

Figure: Disc Polishing Machine

The Disc Polishing Machines are extensively used for polishing the Metallography Samples for Microscopic observation to study various metal structures. Disc Polishing Machines are finely polished to ensure smooth, scratch free and mirror like appearance that enable accurate metallographic interpretation. Polishing is the final stage in producing a surface that is flat, smooth, scratch-free and mirror like in appearance. Such a surface is necessary for subsequent accurate metallographic interpretation, both qualitative & quantitative. In this Machine the drive is given the motor spindle, which is mounted on the motor shaft through friction mechanism. Polishing discs are fitted on the shaft and locked by nut. Shaft has two bearings, which are fitted into bearing holder for smooth working.

Optical Microscope

Figure: Metallurgical Microscope

The Leica DM750 M is the ideal microscope for basic materials applications in an Industrial Lab or Material Science course. Its versatile stage and reflected light system work in combination to deliver high quality images of the most demanding specimens.

The mechanical stage can be used for both transmitted and reflected light. It can be equipped with various specimen holders to accommodate mounted specimens of different diameters.

The unique Reflected light LED illuminator provides brightfield, polarized light, and oblique illumination. This allows you to work with many different specimens with the same microscope configuration.

Stands with both 4 and 5 position nosepiece allow for a full range of magnifications between 50x and 1000x

Thermal Interface on Materials

Figure: TIM Experimental setup

A thermal interface material (TIM) is the backbone of a thermal management system for cooling functional electronic devices. Experimental measurements of interfacial thermal resistance for a particular TIM is critical to address the issue of increasing power dissipation. A test apparatus developed for steady state thermal resistance measurements of a TIM based on one-dimensional heat conduction and Fourier’s law. The primary objective was to develop a measurement system compatible with industry needs for repeatable and accurate thermal resistance measurements. This was accomplished by utilizing a low cost, disposable, thermocouple instrumented test section containing the TIM.


Figure: CNC Machine Equipment

Figure: CNC Machine

Department is exposing to CNC Turning & Milling to the Diploma /ITI students, enables them to understand, explore, research and contribute to the domain. We also provided hands on classes in CNC turning & milling, which will be helpful to understand the theory part of CNC programming. CNC machining is the latest trend in industry.


  • Can be used for light production work
  • Industrial Tool Changer (For Semiproduction Machines)
  • Authorised Distributors for Fanuc India products
  • Three Dimensional Simulation as well as dynamic machining
  • Certified manufacturers, suppliers, exporters and dealers
  • PLC based technology which is much more advances than PC (I/O Card) based technology generally used in trainer machines
  • CAM Programs (NC Codes) Generated from any leading CAD CAM Software such as MasterCAM, NX CAM, solidworks, Solid EDGE, EDGE CAM can be directly executed on the Hytech CNC Trainer Machines.

A week long CNC training workshop (both turning & milling ) is being  organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. This workshop is conducted for ITI & Diploma students twice in a every year.


Focus of the Workshop:

This program aims at exposing CNC Turning & Milling to the Diploma /ITI students, enables them to understand, explore, research and contribute to the domain. We also provided hands on classes in CNC turning & milling, which will be helpful to understand the theory part of CNC programming. CNC machining is the latest trend in industry.

Students were contended with the course, both theories as well as hands on. They have shown immense interest in CNC machines & its programming language. The workshop altogether was a great success considering most of the students are from rural areas, it was a great opportunity for them to have a such a nice exposure towards state-of-the-art machineries.


CATIA V6 Classes –Value Added Program (VAP)

Date:- 06/06/2018

Course Objective

  • You will learn advanced solutions for conceptual design, 3D modeling, and documentation.
  • You will learn to do product design, industrial design and styling (optimize form, fit, function and user experience), 2D design, drafting, documentation with powerful tools for layout, drawing.
  • You will do 3D modeling, assembly design, surface Modeling, and sheet metal design



 Computer Graphics-Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application (CATIA) is the world’s leading computer-aided design (CAD)/computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)/computeraided engineering (CAE) package. Developed by Dassault System and marketed worldwide by IBM, CATIA delivers one of the best Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions. It provides a single platform to design, analyze, and manufacture a product; this makes the product development faster and easier. CATIA is used by various industries, including automobiles, aerospace, industrial equipment, and ship building. CATIA Version 6 (V6) was first released in mid-2008. The new CATIA V6 user interface allows designers to directly work with solid models rather than using the feature-based design approach of CATIA V5.


Key Main Features:

A number of enhancements were made to CATIA V6 to make the process of product development easier and faster as compared to the previous versions of CATIA. The key enhancements made in CATIA V6 are as follows: · Global collaborative innovation · Real-time working environment · Single platform for product development · Systems engineering improvements We discuss each of these enhancements in detail. Catia V6.


Global Collaborative Innovation:

The users of CATIA V6 can access the collaborative threedimensional (3D) environment of Dassault System that allows an unlimited number of online users from all over the world to participate in the virtual 3D brainstorming conference. Once connected, users can use the online collaborative tools available for 3D brainstorming to coreview and co-design the product. With CATIA V6, designers, engineers, and even the prospective users of the product are able to collaborate on the product in such a way as if they were together in the same room. CATIA also supports asynchronous collaboration among users, which means that even the offline users can share the changes made in the product.


Real-Time Working Environment:

CATIA V6 provides a unique real-time working environment to design highly realistic 3D models. For example, it allows different groups of users, related to customer services, technical training, and maintenance operations, to interact with each other and create enhanced 3D-based composite documents for all types of products by using their company’s existing PLM investments. It also provides new materials, effects, and paint shaders to give a realistic appearance to virtual models. Single Platform for Product Development A new product goes through various stages from design to manufacturing during its development life cycle. CATIA V6 reduces the complexity of developing a product by allowing the integration of various product development approaches within a single platform. It allows you to store the data related to all the phases, such as designing and manufacturing, of a project at a single place from where it can be accessed and used by the designers, engineers, and manufacturers working on the project. Systems Engineering Improvements: Systems engineering has evolved as a collective, integrated, and multidisciplinary model for product development to manage the increasing complexity of products and projects. It enables you to produce systems that satisfy customer needs and reduce risk as well as the costs associated with the development of a project. CATIA V6 has introduced a unique requirements, functional, logical, and physical (RFLP) approach that provides a comprehensive and collaborative definition across different views (requirements, functional, logical, and physical) of a product. In other words, the RFLP approach simplifies the product development process by allowing you to work on different views of a product by bringing them together on the same platform.


Photo of students practicing




The AIET introduced B.E – Mechanical Engineering in the year 2008-2009 with maximum intake capacity of 180 students. Mechanical Engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. In addition to the core, mechanical engineering programs offer more specialized programs and classes, such as robotics, cryogenics, Bio fuel technology, automotive engineering, vibration and others, Mechanical engineers use these core principles along with tools like computer-aided engineering and product lifecycle management to design and analyze manufacturing plants. The field has continually evolved to incorporate advancements in technology and mechanical engineers today are pursuing developments in fields such as composites, mechatronics, and nanotechnology.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is one of the well established departments of AIET.

  • The department is functionally divided into four broad areas of specialization: (i) Design (ii) Manufacturing (iii) Thermal and iv) Materials Engineering.
  • The department has got well qualified faculty who dedicate their services for the cause of Mechanical Engineering.
  • The students undergo hands-on-training in well equipped laboratories of fine infrastructure, as required by the industry.
  • The value added basic courses on marine engineering, aeronautical engineering, automotive engineering, and robotics benefit the students to ignite their area of interest moving ahead.
  • The department is recognized as RESEARCH CENTRE by VTU Belagavi, hence the department also offers Doctoral programs in the aforementioned areas of specializations .
  • The faculties and research students of the department have published more than 200 research publications in international or national journals and conferences.
  • The Department of mechanical engineering also established regular interaction with reputed national and international industries, research organizations and technological universities though MoU and Non-MoU activities such as internships, Projects, technical talks/guest lectures and group visits.
  • Students get involved in industry institute interaction starting from fourth semester onwards
  • The department organizes FDP/STP/workshops, conferences in regular frequencies.
  • The department is recognized as nodal centre for PMKVY Automotive sector skill development programs such as CNC, Lathe, welding practices
  • The students are provided with opportunities to unleash/nurture their talent in curricular, extracurricular, cultural, sports area though various departmental forum/club activities, students are mentored to take-up active role in organizing them.
  • Students have filed for patent based on research projects.
  • The Auto club of department successfully designed, developed formula race car and received appreciation in national formula race event.

315 +
Number of Students

20 +
Number of Faculties

410 +

90 %
  • Vision

    Impart Quality Technical Education to excel in Mechanical Engineering to meet the needs of the community.

  • Mission
    • Empower Student knowledge in basic and applied areas of Mechanical Engineering.
    • Strengthening collaboration with industries, research organizations, and institutes for an internship, joint research, and consultancy.
    • To inculcate entrepreneurial skills and human values in order to cater to the needs of society.
    • Exposure to industrial practices for managerial skills & professionalism.
    PEO1 Provide an opportunity for the students to expand knowledge in mechanical engineering.
    PEO2 Be able to provide solutions for technical and social problems through research and innovation.
    PEO3 Educate students to develop continuous learning attitude, ethics and values.
    PSO1 Will be able to analyze, interpret and provide solutions to engineering and social problems.
    PSO2 Adapt to the dynamic challenges and scenario in the industries.

    [pdf id=19570]

Placed Students






PhD Guidence

Fine art Training classes

Conducted Drawing classes by faculty Mr. Ganesh...


A two days fun fest “VARISHTA KREEDAKOOTA” was organized by the mechanical student forum MECH MAESTROS on 19th and 20th...


Entrepreneur Mr. Deviprasad Shetty, who inaugurated the event, called upon the young students to focus on preserving the ancient culture of...


A sequel of  the most awaited event "Varishta kreedha koota"which is a collection of traditional games of  different parts of...


A sequel of  the most awaited event "Varishta kreedha koota"which is a collection of traditional games of  different parts of...

Swacch Mijar Abhiyan

Mechanical Engineering Department of Alvas Institute of Engineering and Technology launched ‘Swacch Mijar’ campaign at Thodaru junction on 04.11.2014. Youth...

MechXtorme – A Technical Fest

Two days inter college department “Technical Fest - MechXtorme” was organized by department of Mechanical Engineering, Alva’s institute of engineering...

Civil and Mechanical depts witnessed a new venture – an MoU with GATE Apex Academy

Civil and Mechanical depts witnessed a new venture – an MoU with GATE Apex Academy… This would drive a “first...

Click here to read about Auto Club.


1. Technical talk on Power Distribution Automation & Smart Grids



2.Fire safety Training



3.Technical Talk on Cutting Edge Insights Into Electrical
Vehicle Batteries



4. Varishta Kreedakoota



5.Technical talk on Research Facilities For Explosive Phenomena And Their Applications



6. Technical Fest



7. Technical talk on Role of Mechanical Engineers in Construction Industry



8.Technical talk on Importance of Pre- Processor in Product
development Cycle





9.Technical talk on EPILYSIS-FEA How to analyse & validate
the results





10.Technical talk on Intellectual Property Rights, Technology Transfer, And Startups




11.Technical talk on Research Culture & Higher Education
Opportunities In Japan




Even Semester

1. A Technical talk on Introduction to Virtual Machine Technology

2. A Technical talk on The Relevance of Quality Control in Mechanical Industries

3. A workshop on Solving Mechanical Problem using Python

4. A Technical talk on Additive Manufacturing and its applications

5. A Talk on How to build hypothesis in engineering, management & science-based research

6. A Technical talk on Continuous Process Improvement Using Lean Six Sigma

7. A Technical talk on The Importance of Up skilling in an Engineering Career

8. A Technical talk on Life towards protection of environment

Odd Semester

1. A Talk on Brief overview of Nondestructive Testing

2. A Technical talk on Reliability of Nondestructive Testing

3. A technical talk on Career Management in Mechanical Engineering

4. A Technical on Electrical explosion phenomenon and its application on Synthesis of Carbon Nano materials

5. A Technical on Research and Job opportunities in United States of America

6. A Demonstration of fire and safety

Even Semester


Career in Dairy Technology

Mr. B T Kishore, Deputy Manager, Milk Union Limited (KMF), Shivamogga, (27 February 2019)

Talk by Mr. B T Kishore

During the talk Speaker said that, Shivamogga dairy was established during 1991 to enable processing 1.0 LLPD. At present dairy capacity is 2.0 LLPD and processing capacity of 1.75 LLPD. The dairy manufactures Curds, Masala Butter milk, Peda, Mysore pak ,Ghee, Paneer, Cashewburfi and Nandini bite. It was said that the union has a 2nd milk processing unit  capacity 0.60 LLPD at Davanagere to cater the needs of Davanagere city and the taluk headquarters of the district and highlighted that largest Milk Producing Country in the World is India (91.3 Billion KG). State rank of milk production is Gujarat – 1.25 Crore kg/day, Karnataka – 84 Lakh kg/day, Uttar Pradesh-70 Lakh kg/day, Maharashtra – 65 Lakh kg/day, AndraPradesh – 62 Lakh kg/day.


Speech was directed to Functions involved in Dairy Plant such as Reception, Processing, Pre-Pack, Cold Store, Refrigeration, Boiler, Dispatch, ETP. The reception process involved Milk from primary societies, Receiving of Milk at Dairy, Immediate Cooling (Below 50°C), Standardisation of Milk, Pasteurisation of Milk (72°C for 15 Sec), Homogenisation of Milk (63°C for 30 Min), Cooling of Milk (below 5°C), Storage in Silos, Packing and Dispatch. 


It was concluded that, a person holding a degree of B. Tech. Dairy Technology can be employed by big companies like Mother Dairy, Amul, Nestle, Reliance and Hindustan Unilever etc. They can choose to work as Dairy scientists, Dairy equipment repairer, Dairy managers and dairy consultants etc.


The main benefits of this talk are students and faculty members of the department got exposure of understanding  of Dairy Technology. 


Presentation of memento to Mr. B T Kishore from Prof.Harishanada K S  (HOD Mech)

Coal Combustion and its effect on High temperature Boiler components in Thermal Power Plants

Dr. M G Ananda Kumar, Engineering Officer Gr.4/ Head- Training Division, Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), (2 March 2019)

 Talk by Dr. M G Ananda Kumar


Initially, a video related to the profile of Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) was presented. He said, CPRI has a vast experience and expertise in the areas of material characterization, simulation, diagnostic, calibration, and system analysis. CPRI also provides the consultancy services on various needs of power sector besides offering Customised Training Programmes. It has been extending its services for over five decades to industries in their quest for innovation, new product development, import substitution, quality assurance etc.


In his presentation, emphasis on Coal Analysis and Testing Laboratory was highlighted. He said, coal based power generation accounts for over 83% of India’s thermal power capacity. There is about 20% short fall of domestic coal supply in the country based on the forecast made by Coal India Ltd for the next 5 years. It was also expressed that, the imported coal is being blended with Indian coals and fired in the thermal power plants. There are crucial issues involved in respect of firing blended coals in existing Indian thermal power plants, as the boilers are designed for Indian coal characteristics.


Types of coals available in India


He said, some of the properties like thermal input and overall ash loading can be predicted from the blend ratio of the constituent coals, but not all the other properties. Some of the qualitative properties like grindability, ash fusion temperature, combustion reactivity, etc are generally non additive. This leads to unexpected problems like reduced mill efficiency, clinker formation, increased unburnts in ash, etc. In this context, fixing blend proportion based only on ash load and heat value is questionable.


Then, the talk was directed towards RLA (Remaining life assessment) methodology and types of tests carried out during RLA. Remaining life assessment is an estimate of the reliability of a product in its life cycle application environment based on health monitoring and prognostics analyses. The purposes of RLA Technology are Escalating cost of new units, Extended lead times in plant construction, Increasingly stringent environment and safety  regulations, Increasing awareness of the technological feasibility of extending component life, Metallurgical damage through thermally induced,     degradation, Service sponsored  damage (creep, thermal fatigue, fatigue),   Mechanical damages (Fly ash erosion), Metal Oxidation / Corrosion,   Chemical damage due to disturbance in feed water quality, Operation outside design limits.


He said, there are three methods of RLA,

Level – 1  : 

  • Operational history
  • Review of historical problems

Level – II  :  

  • Detailed Inspection Plan
  • Identification of critical components
  • Analysis of root cause of problems

Level – III  :

  • Non-destructive Examination

Fig : Typical boiler component inspection for RLA study

Fig : Inspection of turbine components for RLA study


He talked on Assessment of Microstructural Degradation in which the following tests/methods to be followed

Laboratory Evaluation  –        Destructive in nature  Sampling of tubing required  Limitations – sampling

In-Situ Metallography  –     No Sampling Is Required  On Site Assessment  By Replication Technique

Result      –   Stages of graphitiztion Inspection interval strategies Qualitative assessment


In his presentation he said, oxide scale in boiler tube produced by oxidation of tube metal, (steam side – tube internal), Compound of Complex iron oxides. Due to oxidation , Reduces heat transfer, Increases tube metal temperature,  Increases the rate of scale formation, Reduces  the effective wall thickness,    and hence the operating stress, Promote creep in tube metal.

Oxide layer formation in the boiler tube

He spoke on Methodology for Oxide Scale Measurements 

Conventional  :   Destructive Technique,Lab. Evaluation of samples  cut and  removed  from component  by  Optical or Scanning Electron Microscopy

Advanced        :   Non – Destructive Evaluation, Ultrasonic   technique  using high frequency, special long delay line probes


In concluded that, Comprehensive evaluation of Remaining life of tubes taking into account of fire side corrosion and metallurgical degradation Advanced NDE methods  viz. UT using EMATs, Phased array UT for turbine components, Small punch tests for embrittlement  studies etc are required.


The main benefits of this talk are students (U.G and P.G sections) and faculty members of the department got exposure to understanding  concept of coal analysis and their characterisation. The talk was specially appreciated by faculty members who have registered for Ph.D course (both thermal and materials background) since the talk was specific to their subject. In conclusion the talk was benefited for U.G, P.G and faculty members of the department.

Smart materials

Dr. Mahagundappa M. Benal, H.O.D, Department of Mechanical Engineering,  Govt. Engineering College, Kushalnagara, (15 March 2019)


Talk by Dr. M M Benal

Speaker said that, Smart materials have properties that react to changes in their environment. This means that one of their properties can be changed by an external condition, such as temperature, light, pressure, electricity, voltage, pH, or chemical compounds. This change is reversible and can be repeated many times.


Types of Smart Materials are Piezoelectrics: Piezoelectric materials convert electrical energy to mechanical energy, Shape Memory Alloys, Magnetostrictive,

Shape Memory Polymers, Hydrogels, Electroactive Polymers, Bi-Component Fibers.


Speaker said that, smart materials and structures will solve engineering problems with hitherto unachievable efficiency, and provide an opportunity for new wealth creating products. Potential applications of such adaptive materials range from the ability to control the aero-elastic form of an aircraft wing, thus minimising drag and improving operational efficiency, to vibration control of lightweight structures such as satellites, and power pick-up pantographs on trains.


He conveyed students that Smart materials have drawn substantial attention and interest in a broad range of applications, due to their unique and superior characteristics. However there is a blurry image over the potential applications of smart materials in consumer durables. This has stalled further research and decision making in innovating consumer durables based on smart material technologies. Therefore, cross-disciplinary research between the domain of material engineering and product design, through dedicated methods and software tools are necessary in order to improve the situation.


Mr. Jayashanker Rai, General Manger, Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd (MCF), Mangalore, (18 March 2019)

Talk by Jayashanker Rai

Speaker said that Personal empowerment is about looking at who you are and becoming more aware of yourself as a unique individual. Personal empowerment involves developing the confidence and strength to set realistic goals and fulfil your potential. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and a range of skills that are used in everyday situations, but all too often people remain unaware of, or undervalue, their true abilities.


A person aiming for empowerment is able to take control of their life by making positive choices and setting goals.  Developing self-awareness, an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses – knowing your own limitations is key to personal empowerment.


The talk was focussed on What does it mean to be self empowered? How do you teach self empowerment? What is the aim of empowerment? What is the importance of empowering individuals? How can you empower a person? Why is empowerment important in leadership? What are the empowerment skills? How do you empower yourself? How can we empower others? What are the 5 types of empowerment?


Speaker concluded that, taking steps to set and achieve goals – both short and longer-term and developing new skills, acts to increase confidence which, in itself, is essential to self-empowerment. In conclusion the talk was benefited for U.G and faculty members of the department.

Aircraft materials and Properties

Mr. G. S. Nanjunda Swamy, Chief Manager (HT and HC), Aircraft Division, HAL Bangalore, (25 March 2019)

Talk by Mr. G. S. NanjundaSwamy


At the outset speaker introduced HAL to students and faculties by showing video.


He said that, knowledge and understanding of the uses, strengths, limitations, and other characteristics of structural metals is vital to properly construct and maintain any equipment, especially airframes.


Further speaker highlighted the following topics


  • Introduction of HAL and their day to day work.
  • Advanced foundries located in HAL.
  • Fundamental of Materials.
  • Selection criteria of materials for aircraft applications.
  • Areas of research: Alloy development, production of alloys, heat treatment of alloys
  • Internship opportunities at HAL
  • Job openings at HAL


Students and faculty members of the department benefited talk.

Presentation of memento to Mr. G. S. NanjundaSwamy by Dr. Satyanarayan

Mechanical Aspects of Gas Turbine Engines

Mr. R Senthil Kumaran, Senior Scientist, CSIR- NAL, Bangalore, (29 March 2019)

Talk by Mr. R Senthil Kumaran


At the outset Scientist introduced National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) to students and faculties. Indicating that, NAL is a constituent of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India, established in the year 1959 is the only government aerospace R&D laboratory in the country’s civilian sector. CSIR-NAL is a high-technology oriented institution focusing on advanced disciplines in aerospace.


He said that the use of gas turbines for power generation and electricity production in both single cycle and combined cycle plant operation is extensive and will continue to globally grow into the future. Due to its high power density and ability to convert gaseous and liquid fuel into mechanical work with very high thermodynamic efficiencies, significant efforts continue today to further increase both the power output and thermodynamic efficiencies of the gas turbine. In particular, the aerothermal design of gas turbine components has progressed at a rapid pace in the last decade with all gas turbine manufacturers, in order to achieve higher thermodynamic efficiencies. This has been achieved by using higher turbine inlet temperatures and pressures, advanced turbine aerodynamics and efficient cooling systems of turbine airofoils, and advanced high temperature alloys, metallic coatings, and ceramic thermal barrier coatings.


In the technical talk, issues related to the thermal design of gas turbine blades were highlighted and several heat transfer technologies were examined by the scientist, such as convective cooling, impingement cooling, film cooling, and application of thermal barrier coatings. Typical methods for validating the thermal designs of gas turbine airofoils were also highlighted during the talk.


The talk was appreciated by students and faculty members especially students are in 5th semester because there are learning turbo machinery subject.  In conclusion the talk was benefited for U.G and faculty members of the department memento to speaker was presented by HOD Dr.Harishanand K S.

Presentation of Memento to Scientist by HOD Dr.Harishanand K S


Odd Semester


Corporate Expectations from Students

Mrs. Anita Borulkar, Vice President Human Resources, Bharat Fritz Werner Ltd. (BFW), Bangalore

Talk by Mrs. Anita Borulkar


Every year, many numbers of student graduates pass out from technical institutes in India and around the world. Seeing the trend and the fast pace growth in today’s world, the industry standards also keeps increasing at the same time. With this, of course comes many numbers of expectations from the up-coming students by the company. To educate the students on the same, the Department of Mechanical organized an invited lecture on “Corporate Expectations from Students”. Mrs. Anita Borulkar, Vice President Human Resources, Bharat Fritz Werner Ltd. (BFW), Bangalore delivered lecture on 13th August 2018.


Initially she said that, rapid technological change, participative management and employee empowerment, global competition, and other workplace innovations have created a demand for a higher skill level for engineering graduates. Identifying industry expectations for engineering graduates are an important step in developing university curricula which are responsive to the needs of the profession. She highlighted on specific industry expectations for new engineering graduates and which provide practical recommendations for strategically aligning engineering curricula with the professional community.   It was emphasised that, by identifying specific skills requisite for career success, universities can provide an improved service for their graduates and the engineering industry.


It was concluded that, regarding the corporate expectations of the graduates in terms of skills from the corporate industry, domain knowledge becomes the highest votes. However, the soft skills became less focus by the corporate industries today. The main benefits of this talk are students and faculty members of the department got exposure of understanding of Corporate Expectations from Students.


Presentation of memento to Mrs. Anita Borulkar from Prof. Harishanada K S (HOD Mech)

Efficiency Improvement of Biomass Based Thermal Power Plant

Dr. R. Hafeez Basha

Chief Technology Officer, Station-H Corporation (Non-profit), Mentor for Change at Atal Innovation Mission at NITI-Aayog (Planning Commission), Hyderabad.

Talk by Dr. R. Hafeez Basha

Biomass is a derivative of waste materials from various natural sources that exists in different forms depending upon its composition in content. However, the choice of biomass type based on its availability alters the values of the calorie and thermal efficiency. In the technical talk, the use of information technology in developing the renewable fuel by increasing the thermal performance and reducing the cost was highlighted by Dr. R. Hafeez Basha, Mentor for Change at Atal Innovation Mission at NITI-Aayog (Planning Commission), Hyderabad.


Talk by Dr. R. Hafeez Basha


Speaker mainly focussed on his outcomes of research obtained at Kumamoto University, Japan during his doctoral research. He said that, biomass samples (Wood Pellet and rice husk with different weight percentage) were configured into the database management system using the user interface system of the computer model which was self-developed by his team in the laboratory. The computer model was coded with moisture content feature that would influence the thermal output significantly, producing advanced material from combustible waste and also reducing global warming and pollution. The user can enter the value of moisture content in terms of percentage in each sample of biomass while entering the composition parameters itself which is the uniqueness of model. He also highlighted that; the model will be useful in determining the optimum composition of biomass and preparing its sample accordingly.


It was observed that the performance of samples during the combustion was extremely poor at 30% moisture content in biomass and the combustion halted when moisture percentage exceeded beyond 30%. The samples cannot be experimented if the moisture content is high and needs pre-treatment so that the percentage falls below 30%. The talk was concluded that, the method and model shall reduce the dependency on pre-treatment methods to increase the calorie of fuel when used in place of coal in the thermal power plants. However reduction in percentage of moisture content is considered critical in order to get better performance and avoid wastage of fuel. Natural drying techniques are still suitable for most users while preparing the biomass composition, however if the user desires to get better efficiency some of the forced drying techniques also need to be considered.

The talk was specially appreciated by faculty members those are pursuing Ph.D course in the area of thermal engineering. Since the talk was specific to their subject. In conclusion the talk was benefited for U.G and faculty members of the department.

Presentation of memento to Dr. R. Hafeez Basha from Prof. Suresh P S, Sr. Assistant Professor

Millennials in corporate India - Expectations and Preparedness

Sri. Manojit Acharya, Managing Director, Jungheinrich Lift Truck India, Pvt Ltd, Mumbai.


Demographics have become increasingly important in marketing, especially with the growth of better segmenting algorithms and plenty of big data to draw on that can help mould effective strategies. One group that is now extremely important to brands are millennials, those born between the early 1980s and the turn of the century. In fact, they’ve changed the way we marketers look at customers and delivered something of a marketing revolution. Nowhere is the group more important than in India. A talk on Indian Millennials: Facts and Figures was delivered by Sri. Manojit Acharya, Managing Director, Jungheinrich Lift Truck India, Pvt Ltd, Mumbai.


Speaker said that, those under 35 represent a large proportion (65%) of the Indian population, They are undoubtedly better educated and more tech savvy than their predecessors, They are more likely to engage and shop online. And they have a clear set of characteristics that define how marketing companies and brands should engage with them.


While earlier generations migrated to digital media, millennials were the first to be digital natives. They grew up with this stuff and are certainly more comfortable with it than their parents. This tech, lifestyle and social landscape has not only defined how these people work but how they play, shop and aspire to greater things.


Speaker highlighted the four areas of technology that businesses should remain at the forefront of to attract and retain the best talent:

  1. Education 2. Communication 3. Artificial Intelligence 4. Project Management


He said that, Millennials are eager to learn and grow, and businesses should be willing to accommodate that. With e-learning technology solutions, businesses can deliver training via progressive and more cost-effective channels, such as learning management systems, podcasts and on-demand videos. He stressed that, According to PwC (pricewaterhousecoopers), millennials also expect to communicate through social networking, instant messaging, blogs and wikis — in other words, all the different types of technology they have grown up using. Workplaces that make it easier for millennials to exchange information in a way that is natural to them will foster greater productivity.


He conveyed students that, Businesses also need to help their employees gain the skills needed to take full advantage of Artificial Intelligence (AI). According to the 2016 Dell & Intel Future Workforce Study Global Report, 56% of millennials believe that AI leads to more productivity in the workplace. Automation of routine and mundane tasks gives employees more time to focus on creative, human and value-added work.


In the talk speaker specifically said that, management and completion of work are changing. Instead of adjusting to one enterprise-wide project management system, millennials opt to use the best software tools to complete specific tasks. At the end he concluded that, talent is becoming more and more tech-fluent, and the expectations for attracting and maintaining talent will only continue to grow. Businesses that recognize and accommodate these shifts will see higher employee engagement, satisfaction and retention.

Synergism in material systems: Polymer matrix composites

Dr. Anandhan Srinivasan, Professor and HOD, Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Surathkal.

Talk by Dr. Anandhan Srinivasan

Polymer matrix composites (PMCs) are comprised of a variety of short or continuous fibers bound together by an organic polymer matrix. Unlike a ceramic matrix composite (CMC), in which the reinforcement is used primarily to improve the fracture toughness, the reinforcement in a PMC provides high strength and stiffness. The PMC is designed so that the mechanical loads to which the structure is subjected in service are supported by the reinforcement. The function of the matrix is to bond the fibers together and to transfer loads between them.


Professors said that aerospace applications of advanced composites account for about 50 percent of current sales. Sporting goods, such as golf clubs and tennis rackets, account for another 25 percent. The sporting goods market is considered mature, with projected annual growth rates of 3 percent. Automobiles and industrial equipment round out the current list of major users of PMCs, with a 25 percent share.


The next major challenge for PMCs will be use in large military and commercial transport aircraft. PMCs currently comprise about 3 percent of the structural weight of commercial aircraft such as the Boeing 757, but could eventually account for more than 65 percent. Because fuel savings are a major reason for the use of PMCs in commercial aircraft, fuel prices must rise to make them competitive. The largest volume opportunity for PMCs is in the automobile. PMCs currently are in limited production in body panels, drive shafts, and leaf springs. Professor gave incite on principle, production and applications of PMCs and mainly focussing on Research and Development Priorities. Determination of mechanical properties of PMCs was explained in the talk.


Speaker concluded that, there will no doubt give composite materials a lot of development opportunities and challenges by Providing services for information technology, making contributions to improve the quality of human life, Making contributions to solve the shortage of resources and the energy crisis. The talk was specially appreciated by students and faculty members specially those are pursuing Ph.D course in the area of materials engineering. In conclusion the talk was benefited for U.G and faculty members of the department.


Presentation of memento to Dr. Anandhan Srinivasan from HOD Dr. Harishanand K S


Mechanical Aspects of Gas Turbine Engines

Mr. C. Veera Sesha Kumar, Senior Scientist, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) Bangalore

Talk by Mr. C. Veera Sesha Kumar

At the outset Scientist introduced National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) to students and faculties. Indicating that, NAL is a constituent of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India, established in the year 1959 is the only government aerospace R&D laboratory in the country’s civilian sector. CSIR- NAL is a high-technology oriented institution focusing on advanced disciplines in aerospace.


He said, the aerothermal design of advanced gas turbines has progressed significantly in the last decade, primarily due to the requirement of increased turbine efficiencies and power. Performance increases are driven not only for reducing the consumption of fuel and the subsequent cost benefits, but also to reduce the emissions of CO2, which is a primary component for the increased global warming.


It was highlighted that, over the last decade, major gas turbine performance enhancements have been achieved by the use of higher turbine inlet temperatures and pressures, design of advanced turbine aerodynamics, through reductions in turbine cooling and leakage air, and via the introduction of new high temperature alloys, metallic antioxidation coatings, and thermal barrier coatings.


The talk was further discussed on the operation of a gas turbine, design consideration of cooled turbine blades Turbine blade thermal analysis and Detailed aerothermal designs.


Scientist concluded that the aerothermal design of gas turbine components has progressed at a rapid pace in the last decade with all gas turbine manufacturers, in order to obtain higher thermodynamic efficiencies. This has been achieved by using higher turbine inlet temperatures and pressures, advanced turbine aerodynamics, efficient cooling systems for turbine airofoils and advanced high temperature alloys, metallic coatings, and ceramic thermal barrier coatings.


Due to the complexity of the heat transfer phenomenon associated with gas turbine airofoils, it is also relatively common that final airofoil designs are thermally validated in several validation carriers which are representative of engine conditions. These validation carriers include high speed cascade rigs, scaled perspex models, airflow and qualitative heat transfer flow benches, and gas turbine test engines.

The talk was appreciated by students and faculty members especially students are in 5th semester because there are learning turbo machinery subject. In conclusion the talk was benefited for U.G and faculty members of the department memento to Mr. C. Veera Sesha Kumar was presented by HOD Dr. Harishanand K S.

Presentation of memento to by HOD Dr. Harishanand K S Mr. C. Veera Sesha Kumar



Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques

21st February 2017

Guest Speaker : Mr. Sankaran Managing Director, Gama Industrial Services, Mangalore.


The speaker basically touched upon subject of his expertise and shared various case studies he has conducted through NDT techniques. He demonstrated the non-destructive testing methods hands on with portable testing facility with group of students such as DPT testing, Ultra sound testing, MPT methods to name few.

The session was interactive and students clarified their fundaments with expert.

Expectation from engineer for Make in India Drive

25th February 2017

Guest Speaker : Mr. Prasasuraman R Dy Managing Director, Toyota Kirloskar Engine Pvt ltd, Bangalore.


The speaker basically an expert extempore speaker, he initially gave an orientation about his company and the selection process. He urged students to be strong on basics of engineering and can only be attained through regular genuine effort. He also said during student life one has to keep improving on the leadership qualities, ability to work in team, developing trust as these are key attitude that corporate sector look for in addition to technical skills.

The speaker concluded the session by saying willing ness to do hard work, positive frame of mind along with good communication skills on can surely succeed in adjusting to corporate culture.

The session was well received by students as it was really informative.

Role of Engineers in Operation and Maintenance of Petroleum Refineries

7th     March 2017

Guest Speaker : Mr. Pradeep Kumar Senior Manager,  OMPL Mangalore.



The speaker started his session with scenario of petroleum refining sector and opportunity for Mechanical Engineers. The speaker Mr Pradeep Kumar explained the role of Mechanical engineer in various departments of refinery such as Maintenance, Purchase, fabrication and erecting, Project management. He also emphasised on taking up carrier as safety engineer, testing engineer.

The speaker concluded the session by suggesting students to prepare for GATE as that is qualifying exam for such jobs in Public sector.

Optimization Techniques in Engineering

14th March 2017

Guest Speaker : Dr. Anand Kumar G, Head Training and Engineering officer, CPRI, Bangalore.


The speaker Dr Reddy is an expert on optimisation techniques and authored few books.

He explained the students on the relevance of optimisation in engineering. He made making students to Understand the need and origin of the optimization methods. He gave a broad picture of the various applications of optimization methods used in engineering in the following areas

  • The act of obtaining the best result under the given circumstances through Design, construction and maintenance of engineering
  • To find optimum solutions to the problems involve decision making both at the managerial and the technological level. The Goals of such decisions: – to minimize the effort required or – to maximize the desired

The session was technically involved and students are exposed to learning environment.

Effect of Coal combustion on Boiler performance in thermal Power plant

15th April 2017

Guest Speaker: Dr. Anand Kumar G, Head Training and Engineering officer, CPRI, Bangalore.


The speaker of the session Dr. Anand Kumar G, stared with brief introduction of his parent institution CPRI, Bangalore and its key performance area. He also discussed its contribution to performance enhancement program of Indian power plants.

The speaker shared his expert knowledge in simple way with students on topics relevant to power plant such as classification of coal , its structure and testing of properties, combustion reaction and its control, efficient design and testing of combustion equipment. The speaker ended the session by providing an information on key state of the art testing simulation facilities available at CPRI Bangalore.


We have well equipped workshops and laboratories in the department. All the necessary equipments have been procured as per A.I.C.T.E. norms. To tune ourselves to the changing technology, the laboratories are regularly being updated by providing state of the art equipments and technologies during the year.

There are 12 superb laboratories to give hands-on experience to students for extensive expertise. They are:

  • Energy Conversion lab is having sophisticated equipments to do research on properties of fuel, working performances of IC engines.
  • Heat Transfer lab equipped for conducting experiments on thermal properties of different materials, refrigeration cycles and also on heat exchangers.
  • Fluid Mechanics lab helps in developing knowledge on working of turbines, pumps, compressors, and find out properties of water in flow through different channels.
  • Metallography and Material testing lab having equipments to test properties like hardness, toughness, wearing rate of different metals by destructively and non destructively.
  • Meteorology and mechanical Measurements lab helps to understand properties of mechanical ,electro mechanical instruments also calibrate them with standards.
  • Design lab is equipped for understanding and testing different properties of material used for different machine components.
  • Computer Aided modeling and analysis lab installed with advanced modeling and analysis software which helps analyzing the new design before manufacturing thus saving testing costs.
  • Computer integrated Manufacturing lab uses the software to write program for manufacturing components in CNC machines.
  • Smithy and Foundry makes student expert in conventional manufacturing.
  • Fitting and Workshop gives basic knowledge about manufacturing.
  • Computer Aided Engineering/Machine Drawing uses advanced software to draw machine components.
  • Machine Shop equipped with conventional and advanced machines to understand different manufacturing processes.
Unique Lab Facilities

IC Engine Research Lab (ICERL)

CRDI Engine Setup

(For Bio Diesel and Alternative Fuels)

IC Engine research lab (ICERL) was established in the month of December 2017. The aim of this laboratory is to carry out research in the area of internal combustion engines with an objective of increasing fuel efficiency, emission control and engine durability and new technology development. ICERL is dedicated to introducing new technologies in IC engines. In the lab “Single cylinder 4 stroke computerized Common rail direct ignition (CRDI) variable compression ratio diesel engine” experimental was set up

Figure: (a) CRDI Engine Setup at Dept. of Mechanical Engineering (b) Interaction with students during project activities



  • Research is focused on performance enhancement and reduction of emissions from I.C. Engines consuming alternative fuels
  • The experimentation on performance characteristic, P-θ diagram and heat release
  • Investigation on emission characteristic using 5 gas exhaust analyzer and smoke meter
  • To inculcate research culture to gain knowledge in the field of alternative fuels.
  • To help the UG,PG and PhD research students to research in the field of alternate fuels.


  • To produce as many as Research paper in reputed international journals.
  • To find advanced ideas in field of alternative fuels substitute to diesel.


The setup consists of single cylinder, four stroke, CRDI VCR engine connected to eddy current type dynamometer for loading. Compression ratio can be varied without stopping the engine and without altering the combustion chamber geometry by specially designed tilting cylinder block arrangement. In CRDI VCR fuel injection time, fuel injection angle, ignition angle can be programmed with open ECU at each operating point based on RPM and mass air pressure. It helps in optimizing engine performance throughout its operating range. Air temp, coolant temp, mass air pressure and trigger sensor are connected to Open ECU which control fuel flow, fuel injector and fuel pump. Set up is provided with necessary instruments for combustion pressure and crank‐angle measurements.

These signals are interfaced with computer for pressure crankangle diagrams. Instruments are provided to interface airflow, fuel flow, temperatures and load measurements.  The set up has stand‐alone panel box consisting of air box, two fuel tanks for duel fuel test, manometer, fuel measuring unit, transmitters for air and fuel flow measurements, process indicator and hardware interface. Rotameter is providing for Engine cooling water flow measurement. A battery, starter and battery charger is provided for engine electric start arrangement.  The setup enables study of VCR engine performance for brake power, indicated power, frictional power, BMEP, IMEP, brake thermal efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency, Mechanical efficiency, volumetric efficiency, specific fuel consumption, A/F ratio, heat balance and combustion analysis.  Labview based Engine Performance Analysis software package “Enginesoft” is provided for on line engine performance evaluation. Nira i7r software package is provided for programming open ECU of the engine.

The setup consists of single cylinder, four stroke, CRDI VCR engine connected to eddy current type dynamometer for loading. Compression ratio can be varied without stopping the engine and without altering the combustion chamber geometry by specially designed tilting cylinder block arrangement. In CRDI VCR fuel injection time, fuel injection angle, ignition angle can be programmed with open ECU at each operating point based on RPM and mass air pressure. Performance Analysis software package “Enginesoft” is provided for on line engine performance evaluation. Nira i7r software package is provided for programming open ECU of the engine.


(Materials Testing & Metallography)

Facility Available

Rapid Quenching Experimental Setup


Figure: Rapid Quenching Setup

The setup used for evaluation of Rapid cooling or quenching of a part from high temperature which can cause large thermal gradients and thus thermal stresses. If a phase transformation occurs simultaneously, phase transformation dilatations will add to the thermal dilatations and contribute to the internal stress distribution. The effect can be that local nonelastic deformations occur which will cause residual stresses when the part has attained its final temperature. The thermal and transformation processes are normally very rapid, and it is not possible to follow the stress buildup experimentally. Therefore computer modeling has been very important in increasing the understanding of the physical processes. The computed residual stresses can be verified experimentally. Experimental setup is very important to thermal analysis of solid quenched specimen.



Pin On Disc Wear Testing Machine Machine

The Pin on disc wear testing machine used to study the wear properties of metals/alloys/composites/quenched specimens. The wear test can be conducted by applying a load at required disc speed (with specified radius) for a particular period of time.

Metallurgical Microscope


Figure: Metallurgical Microscope

The Leica DM750 M is the ideal microscope for basic materials applications in an Industrial Lab or Material Science course. Its versatile stage and reflected light system work in combination to deliver high quality images of the most demanding specimens.

The mechanical stage can be used for both transmitted and reflected light. It can be equipped with various specimen holders to accommodate mounted specimens of different diameters.

The unique Reflected light LED illuminator provides brightfield, polarized light, and oblique illumination. This allows you to work with many different specimens with the same microscope configuration.

Stands with both 4 and 5 position nosepiece allow for a full range of magnifications between 50x and 1000x

E-News Letter 2018-19


E-News Letter 2017-18


E-News Letter 2016-17


About AIET ISTE Chapter

About AIET ISTE Faculty Chapter: In the year 2017 ISTE FACULTY CHAPTER was established with around 80 faculty members. The...

AIET ISTE Students Chapter Organized An Intercollegiate Technical Event “ALVAS-APPATHON 2K19”

The student’s forum of Information and Science and Engineering Department, “TechGeekz” has organized an intercollegiate technical event “Alvas-Appathon 2K19” on...

AIET ISTE Students Chapter Conducted A Technical Talk “Electric Vehicle Engineering”.

ISTE Student Chapter in association technical club organized a technical talk on 10th October 2019 for the students of Technical...

Event Conducted On “Coding Competition On Data Structures And C Programming”

The AIET-ISTE Student chapter (KA 136) has hosted a 180 Minutes long coding competition on 21st August, 2019 in association...

A Talk On “Competitive Examinations”

The Indian Society for Technical Education Student Chapter of Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology, Moodbidri has organized an Invited...

Technical Talks

ISTE Student Chapter organized a technical talk on 25th March 2019 for the students of Mechanical Engineering. Mr. G. S....

Alumni Interaction

AIET ISTE Student Chapter organized Alumni Interaction with current students. Mr. Ashwini Alva alumna of AIET (2009 – 2013 batch)...

AIET Students Chapter Conducted Technical Quiz Competition

AIET ISTE Student chapter conducted a technical quiz for all AIET students under each department level in the month of...

Technical Talk On “IOT And Its Applications”

The AIET ISTE Student Chapter organized a technical talk on 15th February 2019 which was delivered by Dr. Mouneshachar S....

Three Days FDP On “Research And Publications”

AIET ISTE Faculty chapter organized three days FDP on “Research and Publications” from 23rd to 25th January 2019. The FDP...

Industrial Visits

AIET ISTE Student Chapter organized Industrial Visits for the Engineering Students of AIET to the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO),...

Inauguration Of ISTE Student Chapter – Ka 136 And ISTE Technical Activities

In the year 2017, with an initial number 111 members, the AIET ISTE STUDENT CHAPTER- KA 136 was established. AIET...

Intercollegiate Technical Events Competition “TECHCRUNCH”

AIET ISTE Student Chapter organized an intercollegiate technical events competition on 25th of September 2018. The event was inaugurated with...

Three Days Workshop On Machine Learning

Three days workshop on “Machine Learning” was organized by AIET-ISTE Student Chapter KA-136 for the students of Information Science and...

AIET ISTE Chapter Students Participated In National Level Competitions

The ISTE Chapter was taken an initiation to send two Innovative projects to “Regional Convention of 2nd AICTE – ECI...

Technical Talks Conducted Under ISTE Chapter

ISTE Student Chapter organized a technical talk on 24th August 2018 for the students of Information Science and Engineering and...

A Talk On “industry Institution Interaction In Parallel With Academics”

AIET Faculty Chapter conducted a talk on “Industry Institution Interaction in parallel with Academics” by Dr. Geetha Prakash, Director, Industry...

Inauguration of iste FACULTY chapter – KA 128

The chief guest Dr. C. K. Subbaraya, addressed the gathering about discipline, time punctuality and updating the knowledge regularly with...

Click here for Google Scholar Citation
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Best Paper Award
International Conference
Kumamoto University, Japan
Cultural Achievements
Best Paper Award

Student of 8th Semester Jyothi S (4AL16ME098) and team presented a technical research paper at International Conference on Advanced Light-weight Materials and Structures (ICALMS-2k20) organised by CMR Campus, Hyderabad on March 6-7 2020. The oral presented paper bagged BEST PAPER AWARD and accepted to publish in Materials Today Proceedings: Elsevier Publication.





Student Name

Title of article

Place and date


Karthik Prabhu and Mithesh Gowda (2nd year students)

GUIDE : Sadashiv Bellubbi

Experimental investigation of process parameters on machining force, MRR and power in Turning of AISI 316 steel

National conference (NCRAMET-2019) attended and presented an article at YIT Moodbidri on 29th and 30th April, 2019


Mr. Shikhar V Jain

Tribological characteristics of Spray Formed

Al-Si Quaternary Alloys

IES 2019, March 13-15, 2019, Kumamoto University, Japan

International Conference

International Student Conference in Taiwan.

  1. Hithesh Gopal Shetty
  2. Prajesh Yogeshbhai Ashra
  3. Sandesh Gananath Shetty

The above cited students from Final year Mechanical Engineering were participated and presented paper in 12th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST 2017), held on 23 - 25 November, 2017, Taiwan.

Kumamoto University, Japan
  1. Hithesh Gopal Shetty
  2. Prajesh Yogeshbhai Ashra
  3. Sandesh Gananath Shetty
  4. Ashwin Padmashali

The above cited students from Final year Mechanical Engineering were participated in Sakura Exchange Program In Science (Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program In Science) At Kumamoto University, Japan from 28/01/2018 to 04/02/2018.

Cultural Achievements

SI. No.

College Name


Students name (only mechanical)


Sem & Month


A.J.Institute of Engineering and Technology, mangalore

Shravan Prabha



1st in Dollu

Even Semester

In February & March


Shree devi institute of technology, Kenjar

Shravan Prabha


2nd prize in Mad acts


Shrinivas Institute of technology, mukka

Santhosh GB


Ravi nimboni

Shravan Prabha

Overall Championship


Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology & Management

Santhosh GB


Ravi nimboni

Shravan Prabha

Acharya sudharshan


Overall Championship


N.M.A.M. Institute of Technology, nitte

Shravan Prabha

Acharya Sudarshan


No Prize


NITK, Surathkal

Shravan Prabha



1st in Dollu


SDMCET,  Dharwad

Santhosh GB


Ravi nimboni



1st place in Dollu

2nd place in Western dance

2nd place in Paper presentation

Stage Program



V S Acharya Vedike, Vidyagiri


Shravan Prabha


Abhishek Deshpande


One Act Play

Odd Semester


Visit To Munirabad Hydro Power Plant And Bellary Thermal Power Station

Fourth-semester Mechanical Engineering Students visited Bellary Thermal Power Station and Munirabad Hydro Power Plant on 27th & 28th June 2022.

17 students and Two Faculties visited the Bellary Thermal Power Station and Munirabad Hydro Power Plant

4th Semester Student List



Name of the Student



Akshar N



Babugouda Shankaragouda



Chandan Bhosale Urf Hagedal



Chiranth H S



Dileep P R



Girish B Bannikoppa



Jenny Fernandes



Manoj Kumar Karnam



Manu K N



Mohammed Fahad H



Navyashree H B



Pallavi P






Sandeep Jarale



Sachin Rathod



Rakesh Kelagadi



Rahul Kambar


Dr. Gurushanth B Vaggar

Prof. Sadashiv Bellubbi


  1. To give awareness of innovations and interaction with industry experts.

  2. To give exposure to students to the real-time working environment of the industry.


  1. Students got benefitted from the automation of hydropower plants, after interacting with industry experts.

  2. Students understand the real-time working environment of the industry.

  3. Students got an awareness of the control unit of the Bellary thermal power station.

  4. Students got to know how the electricity produces from thermal & hydro power plants.

Visit To Netra Hydro Power Plant, Mundaje

Seventh-semester Mechanical Engineering Students visited Netra Hydro Power Plant, Mundaje village near Charmadi, Belthangady Taluk on 11th December 2021. Students get into the plant of various sections like the Control room, Turbine power generation unit, and Reservoir. In the control room, Mr. Amruthesh and Mr. Narayan Bhide explained to the students how the pressure and temperature of the lubrication system work in controlling the smooth running of the turbine.

Plant Engineers helps our students to understand the concepts of working principles of Francis Turbine lively. Students were also taken to the reservoir to know how the potential energy of reservoir water is converted into kinetic energy at the entrance of the turbine.

The Power plant has the following features.

  • It has 2 horizontal Francis turbine
  • This power plant produces a total of 4.5mw
  • The dam is at a height of 186m height from sea level
  • The power plant is at a height of 143.5m height from sea level
  • This Francis has synchronized generating breaker.
  • This synchronized generator helps to equalize the inlet and outlet pressure at the entrance of the furnace.
  • The generator has an electromagnet which is first induced then the turbine has to start rotating
  • The specification of the turbine are
    ◦ Diameter of the turbine – 1180mm
    ◦ Discharge of water – 7.75m3/sec
    ◦ The total head – 29m
    ◦ The rpm of the turbine-500rpm
    ◦ Output of turbine – 2250 kw
  • The lubrication system of the Francis turbine is run by lubrication oil servo-68 hydraulic oil.
  • It is supported by nitrogen gas of pressure 100kg/cm2

Netra Hydel Plant had a capacity of 4.5 MW, 2 Francis turbines, and was constructed 143.5 m above sea level and the reservoir is at 186 m height from sea level. 42 students and two faculties visited the plant.


SKF Elixer India Pvt. Ltd

Mechanical students of 3rd semester, AIET have visited SKF Elixer India Pvt. Ltd, Bannadka, Moodbidri, on 11th February as a Industrial visit. Totally 41 students were participated in this Industrial visit.

SKF Elixer India Private Limited was founded by Sri G. Ramakrishna Achar in the year 1990. He started this worldwide legacy with Paddy Processing Technology that has made SKF Elixer, a global leader in food grains. SKF Elixer then ventured into Water Purifiers, aiming to give the community access to safe drinking water. Today SKF Elixer is India’s largest producer of commercial water purifiers.

After achieving success in the field of Paddy Processing and Water Purifying, SKF Elixer India Private Limited went on to redefine the Wastewater Treatment System by providing an effective solution for wastewater treatment and management. We aim to make pure water, nutritional food and a clean environment available to everyone.

We visited the campus at 2:30 pm and Campus in charge and Staff members of SKF given the Introduction about SKF to our students. Later they carry the students to different place of the plant where different work is under progressing. In the plant they are manufacturing the boilers for paddy processing and Water purifying components. Along with that our student observed different machining operations like Lathe operations, Drilling, Milling, Cutting, Punching, Sheet metal working and other joining processes like welding, soldering, Brazing, Laser welding, Gas cutting etc.

It was a good opportunity for our students to visit SKF plant and learn about all these fabrication processes and to gain the knowledge about Industrial environment and management.

Visit To Automotive Learning Factory, Nmamit- Nitte

Mechanical students of 3rd semester, AIET have visited AUTOMOTIVE LEARNING FACTORY, NMAMIT- NITTE after welding training on 11th February 2021. The technical staff members of automotive learning factory given the brief introduction and working principle of all automobiles and their parts which are available in the factory. Also explained assembling and dissembling of parts and maintenance of automobiles. It was a good opportunity for our students to learn about automobile and their parts.

Hands on training in Welding at Fronius Centre for welding Technology, NMAMIT- Nitte

Mechanical students of 3rd semester, AIET have visited Fronius Centre for Welding Technology, NMAMIT- Nitte on 11th February 2021 for hands on training in Welding. Totally 41 students were participated in this training session. Prof. Vijesh given brief introduction about welding technology and their classification, working principle, Advantages and Applications.

They give the introduction and practical knowledge of all kind of welding process like Gas metal arc welding, Gas tungsten arc welding, Shield Metal arc welding, TIG welding, MIG welding and Robotic welding etc. Later they had hands on training on Virtual welding. All our students done virtual welding operation individually.



Department of Mechanical Engineering organized one day Industrial visit to Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt. Ltd. Bidadi, Bangalore for 5th semester students (Batch of 30 students and 02 faculties) on 22nd August 2019.

This visit was mainly focused on visual study of auto parts, assembly of vehicles and to know about Japanese techniques used in industry.

At the plant the students were asked to assemble in the seminar hall where the HR Manager gave a brief introduction about the company. After the presentation the students were taken inside the plant visit to view the different processes.

The HR Manager explained the process in such a simplified manner that B.Com and BBM students could understand technical application of the manufacturing process very easily. This was followed by a feedback session where each student expressed his/her appreciation and views on the visit to Toyota Kirloskar.

Also visited to Toyota Technical Training Institute (TTTI) which is in the same campus.

Company Overview:

Toyota Kirloskar Motor Private Limited (TKM) at a glance as a joint venture between the Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan (TMC) and Kirloskar Group. TKM aims to play a major role in the development of the automotive industry and the creation of employment opportunities through its dealer network and ancillary industries. They also offer a range of imported Toyota products through their Toyota dealership.

TKM is an emerging passenger car manufacturer in India. They manufacture and sell new vehicles, parts and deliver customer service all over India through their independently owned dealer network.

Products Manufacturing at TKM

Toyota Kirloskar Motor Private Limited manufactures Innova, Corolla, Altis and Fortunermodel vehicles.The Fortuner has been best-selling model in the SUV segment in India in 2009-2010. Also the Innova has been the best-selling model in MPV for the past few years in succession. They also import and sell Camry, Land Cruiser, Prado and Pruis models as CBU (Completely Built Unit) throughout their dealer network in India.

TKM also markets used vehicles under the ‘Toyota U Trust’ outlets. This is a dedicated used vehicle outlets refurbished by Toyota and backed by a comprehensive warranty that provides customers with a similar level of manufacturer’s commitment as new car buyers.



It is a manufacturing company which produces BIKE,CAR SEAT FOAM , URETHANE FOAM & SPRINGS , LONG FIBER INJECTION.


  • Harita Fehrer commenced its operations in January 2010
  • Since inception Harita Fehrer has evolved as a complete solution provider in all its product applications
  • Harita Fehrer leverages on the strengths of its parent companies
  • Certifications: ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 (Integrated Management System)
  • The first company to install light weighting solution technology of Long Fiber Injection with in-mould painted parts
  • Harita Fehrer started exports in 2015 catering to needs of international brands.


  • Harita Fehrer’s manufacturing units follow the best practices of Total Quality Management (TQM), Kaizen, and Lean manufacturing
  • TVS way of TQM is the way of life at Harita Fehrer which guides in all its endeavors
  • Over the years, Harita Fehrer has been reviewing and revising its manufacturing strategies aiming to improve its manufacturing capabilities
  • Harita Fehrer has automated facilities for manufacturing foams, Long Fiber Injection based parts, Micro Cellular Urethane bump stoppers and automotive interior modules
  • Harita Fehrer has robotic pouring for foaming operation at each of its locations
  • Harita Fehrer has manufacturing facilities at Hosur, Chennai, Pune, and Mysuru


The flagship company of the TVS group, TVS Motor Company is among the largest two-wheeler manufacturer in India. With plants in Hosur (near Bangalore), Mysore, Himachal Pradesh and Indonesia, it has the largest portfolio of vehicles and caters to the widest segment of customers.


TVS Motor Company is a multinational motorcycle company, headquartered in Chennai, India. It is the third largest motorcycle company in India with a revenue of over ₹15,000 crore (US$2.2 billion) in 2017-18. The company has an annual sales of 3 million units and an annual capacity of over 4 million vehicles. TVS Motor Company is also the 2nd largest exporter in India with exports to over 60 countries around the world. TVS Motor Company Ltd. (TVS Motor), a member of the TVS Group, is the largest company of the group in terms of size and turnover.

TVS Motor won the prestigious Deming Application Prize in 2002. In 2004, TVS Scooty Pep won the ‘Outstanding Design Excellence Award’ from the magazine, Business World and the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. The effective implementation of Total Productivity Maintenance (TPM) practices won TVS Motor the TPM Excellence Award given by the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance in 2008.

The list of firsts from the firm include:
• First Indian company to deploy a catalytic converter in a 100 cc motorcycle.
• India’s first 2-seater moped, TVS 50.
• India’s first indigenous scooterette, TVS Scooty.
• India’s first Digital Ignition, TVS Champ.
• India’s first fully indigenous four stroke 150cc motorcycle, TVS Victor.
• First Indian company to launch ABS in a motorcycle, TVS Apache RTR Series.
• The first scooter with Body-Balance Technology, TVS Wego.
• India’s first clutchless motorcycle, TVS Jive.
• First dual-tone exhaust noise technology, TVS Tormax at Indonesia Plant.
• India’s first oil-cooled chamber construct with a Ram-Air Assist, TVS Apache
RTR 200 4V.
• India’s first team in the Indian Motorsports Circuit, TVS Racing.


TVS Motor Company has four manufacturing and assembly plants – Hosur in Tamil Nadu, Mysore in Karnataka, Nalagarh in Himachal Pradesh and Karawang in Indonesia. The Mysore plant is spread across 182 acres with a built-up area of 17 acres and is one of the largest manufacturing plants in India. There are more than 3000 employees (900 permanent and 2100 on contract) working across all shifts.The plant manufactures approximately 5000 two-wheelers a day and more than 1 lakh two-wheelers a month. Products manufactured include motorcycles, scooters and mopeds such as Ntorq, Scooty Pep+, XL 100, XL 100 Comfort, XL 100 Heavy Duty, Apache series, Jupiter etc. Each vehicle is road tested before being deployed for shipping.

Robotic assembly lines are used for painting and welding. 85% of the on site handling is automated. Go Green initiatives such as Solid Waste Management, Rainwater Harvesting, Artificial Ponds and Zero Liquid Discharge have been implemented. 62% of the energy requirements is met by Solar Power. A bird sanctuary with more than 30 unique species has been constructed in the campus.

• The industrial visit was successfully composed at HARITA FEHRER PVT LTD & TVS MOTOR COMPANY, MYSORE.
• The company covers all important aspects while dealing with their overall production manufacturing and quality process.

We extend our heartiest thanks to HARITA FEHRER PVT LTD & TVS MOTOR COMPANY, MYSORE for making 18th oct 2019 a day to cherish students like us who are honored with your humble gesture to get an opportunity to visit such an esteemed organization. We also want to thank our department for organizing this visit.



Department of Mechanical EngineeringOF AIET organized One-day industrial visit to LAMINA FOUNDRIES PVT LTD., NITTE for the students of 4THsemester Mechanical Engineering department on13th MARCH 2020. 37 students of the 4th semester have taken advantage of this industrial visit.  During the visit students were practically exposed to various stages of foundry processes such as: Pattern & core making, Furnace and Pouring process, Mould making process using squeezing machines, Fettling and Inspection of castings.Students keenly learnt the related concepts and interacted with the Lamina training group to clear their doubts regarding various casting process stages. The students expressed that the visit could help them relate concepts learnt theoretically.


Department faculties Prof .Pramod Kumar N and ,Prof.Virendra Kumar accompanied the students during the visit.


At the plant the students were asked to assemble in the front space where the engineer  gave a brief introduction about the company. After the presentation the students were taken inside the plant visit to view the different processes.


Engineer explained the process in such a simplified manner that B.E understand technical application of the manufacturing process very easily. This was followed by a feedback session where each student expressed his/her appreciation and views on the visit to Lamina Foundary ,Nitte.



Lamina Foundries Limited is a public limited company belonging to Lamina group of Companies, commissioned in the  year 1983.   Initially the company was producing cast iron castings such as motor bodies, flywheels, valve bodies  etc. to cater to the needs of domestic customers. The company has entered into the export market since 1990 by exporting machined Brake Drums to Germany.We have won the Regional Export Award shield for the period 1992-93  andGovt. of  Karnataka State award  for export performance for the period 1996-2000.


 Locations :     

The company’s production unit is situated on a land of 16 acres and spread in a built up area of 65,000 sq. ft. at  Nitte, a village 60 kms away from Mangalore city of Karnataka State in India on Mangalore-Kudremukh highway which is a industrially notified backward area.


 The unit is well connected by sea, the nearest port being New Mangalore port trust. We are also easily accessible by air from Mumbai and Bangalore. 



Lamina Foundries has state of art facilities to manufacture Grey Iron castings mainly catering to the auto components market that has received the coveted ISO 9001:2000 Certification.Export of castings to the most competitive markets of the world successfully for the last 15 years shows the high standards of manufacture maintained by the company. These standards are followed in every step of the manufacturing process, in the comprehensive production facilities established by the company.



Grades of Cast Iron produced: 

The items have been produced in the appropriate grades conforming to International standards such as DIN, BS, JIS, ASTM, NF-A and Indian standards (IS). 

Grey Cast iron: Grey iron is produced in the grades FG 150, FG 200, FG 250 & FG 300 conforming to standard IS 210 and equivalent grades in International standards.

Spheroidal Graphite (SG) iron:  SG iron is produced in the grades SG 400/12, SG 450/10 & SG 500/7 conforming to standard IS 1865 and equivalent grades in International standards.

Details about Product Development:

From the time of inception of the foundry a large number of items of the following categories have been developed and  have been well accepted in the market. Given below are details of items developed in the past 10-12 years and items among the developed include items made by no-bake process as per the customer requirements.




Product range / types

Numbers of items developed


 Brake Drums

 450 types    ( Weighing from  4 -100 Kgs.)


 Brake Discs

  30 types    (  Weighing from 4 -38 Kgs. )


 Motor Bodies / Housings

150 types    ( Weighing from  7- 85 Kgs. )


 Other items such as End shields of

 Motors, pumps etc,  Parts of    

 Vacuum  Pumps, Mono block

 pump, Compressors  and

 Flywheels etc.

200 types    ( Weighing from 1-180 Kgs. )



We extend our heartiest thanks to for making LAMINA FOUNDRIES PVT LTD., NITTE 13thMarch 2020.A day to cherish students like us who are honoured with your humble gesture to get an opportunity to visit such an esteemed organization.We also want to thank our department for organizing this visit.


GWASF, Quality Castings Pvt. Ltd. MANGALORE

One hundred Eight (108) Mechanical Engineering 3rd semester students and 9 faculties visited GWASF Quality Castings Pvt. Ltd in two batches, on 25/08/2018& 01/09/2018. GWASF began foundry operations in 1988. GWASF supplies to North America and Europe critical high alloy and precision machined castings. GWASF manufactures a range of castings in a large variety of alloys from a weight range of 10 kg to 650 kg. After visiting GWASF Quality Castings Pvt. Ltd. students will thoroughly understand the casting process and machining & manufacturing processes of steel castings.


Thirty Five (35) Mechanical Engineering 5th semester students and 2 faculties visited Kaiga Atomic Power plant on 22/09/2018. After visiting Kaiga Atomic Power plant students will thoroughly understand the working principle of nuclear power plants. Kaiga Atomic Power plant has a total installed capacity of 960 MW.
Kaiga Generating Station (KGS) 1 & 2 – Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (2 x 220 MWe PHWR)
Kaiga Generating Station (KGS) 3 & 4 – Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (2 x 220 MWe PHWR)


Eighty Five (85) Mechanical Engineering 5th semester students and 4 faculties visited Varahi Hydro Power plant on 01/10/2018. Varahi is Karnataka’s first underground powerhouse. Varahi Hydro Electric Project has a total installed capacity of 460 MW. After visiting hydro power plant students will thoroughly understand the working principle of turbines in fluid mechanics and machinery laboratory. This industrial visit gives the real engineering world exposure without harming the environment in hydal power projects.



Eight Nine (89) Mechanical Engineering 4th& 6th semester students and 4 faculties visited Bellary Thermal Power station on 16/04/2018. Bellary Thermal Power station is located in Kudatini Village, Bellary District in the Indian state of Karnataka. Two coal-fired units of 500 MW each are in operation with generating capacity of 12 million units per day and a 700 MW coal-fired unit with operation. The plant has 3 power generating units involving 1 700MW super-critical boiler technology. After visiting BTPS students will thoroughly understand the working principle of coal based thermal power stations.


Eight Nine (89) Mechanical Engineering 4th& 6th semester students and 4 faculties visited Jindal Steel Works plant, Hospet on 17/04/2018. With the largest product portfolio in steel, JSW are India’s largest steel exporter, shipping to over 100 countries across 5 continents. Starting with a single plant in 1982, they are now India’s leading manufacturer of value-added and high-grade steel products. With plants in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, JSW has the capacity to produce 18 million tons per annum (MTPA). After visiting JSW plant students will thoroughly understand the manufacturing process steel from raw material iron ore.


ISRO Satellite Centre & HAL Bangalore

Forty Eight (48) Sixth semester mechanical engineering students are taken to ISRO Satellite centre Bangalore and HAL Bangalore on 30/03/2017. Students visited different sections of ISRO satellite centre and HAL exhibition.

HAL and FTI Bengaluru

Mechanical engineering 7th semester 44 students and two faculty are visited HAL on 26/10/2017 and FTI on 27/10/2017. In HAL students got detailed knowledge of manufacturing materials and assembly sections. In FTI students went through with different manufacturing machine tools.

Soham Phalguni Renewable Energy P. Ltd, Kellupade, Iruvailu

Fifth semester mechanical engineering students are taken to Hydro Power Plant of capacity of 10.5 MW (Two Kaplan turbines with 5.75 MW capacity each) at SohamPhalguni Renewable Energy P. Ltd, Kellupade, Iruvailu, Moodbidri.Students visited different sections of hydro power plant has got the knowledge of conversion hydraulic energy into mechanical energy and mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Mangaluru Dairy, Mangaluru

All Third semester 2017-18 Batch students along with faculty members visited Mangalore dairy, Mangalore.


10 days TKM training on Fundamentals of Automobiles at Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd.
5 days TKM training on Power Transmission System at Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd.


Workshop on Limits, Fits and Tolerance
This program was developed by the Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore for final year mechanical engineering students of Alva’s Institute of Engineering and technology Moodbidri. The program is presented as a framework of characteristics and competencies, designed to guide and support the students of final year mechanical engineering to gain practical knowledge and participate in all types of placement drives. The objective of the curriculum is to equip the industrial knowledge, skills and professional qualities appropriate to new technology needs of industry scenario.

Specific Objectives:

  • Familiarize/Refresh participants’ knowledge about the basic concepts, principles, components and approaches to Limits, fits and Tolerance.
  • Highlight the importance of Limits, fits and Tolerance and their role in manufacturing Industries.
  • Provide guidelines to the participants about incorporating GD & T and prototype modeling into industrial competency.

Training Team:  

The members of the training team were Mr. Jagadeesh B, senior Manager, TKM, Bangalore, Mr. Sajan E, Trainer, TKM, Bangalore, Mr. Bhaskar Singh, Officer, TKM, Bangalore, Mr. Dinesh V, Trainer, TKM, Bangalore, Venkatesh K, Trainer, TKM, Bangalore. 

The Training-Workshop:   

The training-workshop was opened with an inauguration; Mr. G B Vaggar formally welcomed all the trainers and participants. He mentioned about the significance of MOU between TKM and AIET, and its aims about bringing together an industry into campus. Mr. Jagadeesh has taken the privilege and introduced his team of trainers and also he was motivated our students with an instance of current trends in industries. Dr. Satyanarayan described the importance of this workshop also he motivated everyone to actively participate in the workshop to get benefited.

After the inauguration program students were engaged in training program. Total 93 students were part of this training program.

During the concluding session, Mr. Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee, gave a motivational speech on the need of learning GD & T during the valedictory program. He stated the gap between the technology and the learners should be skill based and learn the innovativeness of the recent technology. He Congratulated the Dept. of Mechanical for their initiative & motivated the departments to conduct more of such programs.

Principal Dr.Peter Fernandes thanked TKM for their support all through this training program. Also he spoke about how insisted that one should possess technical knowledge, skill and value in their student life.

Team of TKM gave feedback for our student’s involvement in this training program. Also our students expressed their responses towards this training program.

The Programme overall was the feather in the cap and it was a milestone and there will be many on the way to come. The Department is always known for giving its quality education and making the students learn through practical training. This will be continued in the years to come with more number of workshops and conferences which tunes the intuitive minds of the younger generation.



Kalaroopa 2019

Kalaroopa 2019 was a one day Clay modelling workshop organised by the Fine art club of AIET, Mijar, Moodabodri. It was held on 13th October 2019. The Fine art work shop KALAROOPA 2019 was inaugurated by the Chief guest Artist Sri Venki Palimaru, Udupi. He addressed the gathering about the importance of our cultural activities and their values and he gave the information about value of Clay modelling, different forms of Clay modelling, how to prepare the clay which suitable to do models etc. He educate the our students about different art forms etc. Along with guest prof. Vsudev Shahapur, Department of CSE, Fine art club coordinator Prof. Ganesh.M.R . Department of ME , Cultural Coordinator Prof. Swathi Department of Civil were present during the inauguration function of KALAROOPA 2019.

Sri Venki Palimaru gave the demonstration about clay modelling and he thought basic steps and convenient methods to do different models like Animals, human, tribal peoples, fort, etc.



A full day training program was organized on the topic SUCCESS MANTRA delivered by Mr.  DEEPAK RAJ and Mrs. AKSHATHA SHETTY on 27th February2020 as a Departmental Forum Activity.


This training program mainly focused on letting the students know the true value of success and how well they know about themselves. The session was mainly divided into three sub parts completely based on –

  • What is success?
  • Why we need success?
  • How to be successful?


The above topics were well explained by both the trainers with a lot of activities and real life examples, it provided a lot of motivational and a guiding way for the students to perceive their dreams in the right direction. Even price was given to the winning team by then trainers for scoring the maximum points during the activities.


This training program has brought a new spark of light that will keep on burning amongst all the students until each one of them reach success. In this, the students knew how well they know themselves and what all things are essential for leading a successful life. A clear cut path idea was given by the trainers that has provided the students a direction to reach their goals and be successful in life.


A memento was given by Prof. K V Suresh to both the trainer on behalf of AIET familyas a token of gratitude and respect.











Report in Brief

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology (AIET), In Association With Indian Ceramic Society, Karnataka Chapter (ICSKC), Bengaluru Chapter, organized One Day National workshop on “Advanced Ceramics for Engineering Applications” on 21 September 2019 (Saturday).


Dr. S. Shyam Rao, Chairman-ICSKC, Dr. C. D. Madhusoodana, Past Chairman-ICCKC, Dr. R Ramachandra Rao, Sr. Principal Scientist, NAL, Dr. Dinesh Rangappa, Secretary –ICSKC, Sri S. Chandrashekar, Vice Chairman-ICSKC, Dr. M G Anandakumar, Joint Secretary, ICSKC were grace the occasion.


The program started at 10.00 AM in the Main seminar hall, MBA block, Prof. K V Suresh, Dept. of Mechanical Engg, AIET welcomed one and all present. Principal Dr. Peter Fernandes presided over the occasion. Mr. Pramod Kumar V B, Assistant. Professor anchored the event entire session.   


In an inaugural address, Dr. S. Shyam Rao, Chairman-ICSKC said, engineering materials such as metals, ceramics, composites, polymers and nano materials/composites etc., are important in everyday life because of their versatile structural properties. He also spoke that, vital properties to be considered for the selection of ceramic materials are mechanical, electrical, thermal, magnetic and optical properties. However, selection of ceramic materials for use at elevated temperatures and/or temperature changes require an engineer/researcher to know and understand their thermal properties.   Professor stresses that, it is important to know and understand the thermal properties of engineering materials especially ceramics, because thermal expansion is the root cause for thermal stresses. Inturn thermal stresses are leading to failure of engineering structures at elevated temperatures. Hence, understanding the thermal properties of ceramic materials will help us to choose the right materials to manage heat flows. The Presidential remarks were given by Dr. Peter Fernandes, Principal, AIET and program was concluded by Vote of Thanks by workshop coordinator  Dr. Satyanarayan, Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of Mechanical Engg, AIET.

Photos From The Session


Talk : Advanced Technical Ceramics – Manufacturing and Applications’’ –

Dr. S. Shyam Rao

Chairman-ICSKC & Sr. Vice President, Industrial Ceramics Division,

M/s.Carborundum Universal (CUMI), Hosuru.



 Talk : “Development of Value Added Ceramics from Industrial Solid Waste – 

Dr. M G Anandakumar

Joint Secretary, ICSKC and Joint Director-Training, CPRI, Bengaluru




Talk : “Importance  of Selection, Installation and Dry out of Refractories for Performance”

Sri S. Chandrashekar

Vice Chairman-ICSKC and Proprietor,                                  

M/s. Refractories & Services, Bengaluru


Talk : “Ceramic Materials for Dental and Biomedical Applications”

Dr. R Ramachandra Rao

Senior Principal Scientist, Materials Science Division,         

 M/s. NAL, Bengaluru




Talk : “Synthesis and Processing of Nano-structured Ceramic Materials for Energy, Health and Environmental Application"

Dr. Dinesh Rangappa

Secretary -ICSKC, Professor & Chairman,

Department of Nanotechnology, M/s. VTU ,Muddenahalli Campus, Chickaballapur




Presentation of memento to Resource Persons by Prof. Yogish Rao, Prof. K V Suresh

Prof. S C Prabhu and Prof. G B Vaggar



Presentation of memento to Dr. Dinesh Rangappa by Prof. Harish K


Interaction Session


Group photo with Resource Persons



Faculty with Resource Persons



Hands on training in Welding at NMAMIT-FRONIUS Centre for welding Technology, Nitte


Mechanical students of 5th semester, AIET have visited NMAMIT-FRONIUS Centre for welding Technology, Nitte on 12th September 2019 and 17th September 2019 in two batches for hands on training in Welding and had training sessions on basics of welding and later they had hands on training on Virtual welding, MMA welding, TIG welding, MIG welding and Robotic welding.


Dr. Satyanarayan

Mr. Sadashiv Bellubbi

Mr. Kumarswamy M C

Mr. Srinivas CS

Mr. Abhijith S


Recent Trends in Nanotechnology

National Level workshop report on

 “Recent Trends in Nanotechnology”

held 18th & 19th Jan 2016

  • Chief guest of the inaugural function: Dr. Dinesh Rangappa
  • President of the inaugural function: Dr. Peter Fernandes
  • Vote of thanks of the inaugural function : Dr. Raghavendra Rao
  • Introduction of Chief Guest: Prof. K. V. Suresh
  • Coordinator :- Prof .Kiran H


In his chief guest’s speech, Dr. Dinesh Rangappa stressed on interdisciplinary team work. He also advised the society to change its attitude in the field of research. He insisted colleges to come up with more and more research programmes get acquainted with the government funded projects and build teams of research fellows of interdisciplinary areas. He was also more concerned about the issues with the basic sciences. He emphasised on the importance of working on basic sciences rather than mere concentrating on the technology side. During his speech, he also quoted that ”our success will be measured by others but our satisfaction should be measured by ourselves”. So, he insisted on striving for the satisfaction rather than success.


Dr. Peter Fernandes, president of the inaugural function


President of the inaugural function, Dr. Peter Fernandes, in this presidential speech, insisted on conducting these kinds of workshops at least for one week so that more amount of knowledge can be shared in the respective areas. He also advised faculties to replenish themselves and upgrade their knowledge by attending these kinds of workshops.



1st guest lecture of morning session: Dr. Dinesh Rangappa, Centre for Nanotechnology, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Bengalure Region Muddenahalli, Chikkaballapur

The topic of the talk was “Nanotechnology and Its applications in Energy Storage”.

In the first of his talk, he initially introduced nanotechnology to the audience and threw some light on the history of nanotechnology. He then spoke about the need of nanoscale and elaborately explained about the synthesis and fabrication of nanoscale materials. He also briefed about the characterisation techniques and applications of nanotechnology.

In the second part of his talk, he spoke about energy storage devices, nanomaterials for energy storage and different methods of energy storage. He concluded his talk by addressing some future scope of nanomaterials for different applications.

1st guest lecture of afternoon session:

Dr. Bhupendra K. Sharma, INSPIRE FACULTY, Centre for Nano Science & Engineering(CeNSE), IISc., Bangalore.


The topic of the lecture was “Semiconductor Oxides and 2-D Materials based Electronic Applications: Compatibility in Flexible, Stretchable and Printed Format”.

He spoke about smart electronics and flexible electronics. He concentrated his talk more on Graphene which happens to be the best material for flexible electronics; its synthesis and applications. He shared some of his doctoral work on growth of nanostructures with necessary photographs and graphical representations. He concluded his talk by explaining the applications of nanomaterials in Smart TVs and inkjet printing.

Afternoon Session, 2nd guest lecture:

Dr. Kuldeep Singh Rana, Scientific Officer, Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bangalore.


The session was on “Carbon Based Nanomaterials for Energy Storage”.

During the first half of the session, he briefed about the nanotechnology and nanomaterials. In the latter half, he spoke about the carbon based nanomaterials, materials for energy storage devices such as cathode materials and anode materials, their preparation and synthesis. He also elaborately explained about the characterisation of carbon nanotubes, their synthesis and applications. He concluded his talk by showing avenues of future projects on “Materials and Battery Fabrication”.



1st guest lecture of morning session:

Dr. M. R. Rahman, Assistant Professor, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal.



The session was on “Nanomaterials’ Characterisation”.

During the first half of the session, he discussed in brief about different types of characterisation techniques and instruments used for these characterisation.

During the second half, he discussed about four specific characterisation techniques in detail i.e. Atomic Force Microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope, Transmission Electron Microscope, Small Angle X-Ray Scattering with necessary graphs, images and equations.

2nd guest lecture of morning session:

Dr. Siddharth Joshi, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore.


The topic of the session was “Thin Films & their Structural Importance for Device Applications”.

During the session, he spoke about thin films, their applications and properties. He also discussed elaborately about how thin films can be made, their behaviour with respect to temperature and differences between thick and thin films in terms of their performance.

He concluded his talk by stressing on the dependence of structure on the molecular weight and significance of amorphous part for controlling charge carrying mobility

Afternoon Session, 1st guest lecture:

Dr. Ravikumar Kudoli, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal.

The topic of the session was “Computational Methods to Understanding Nanoscale Phenomenon”.


During the session, he emphasised more on different methods of computer simulations namely Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations. He discussed about developing algorithms, considering proper boundary conditions during simulations and basic programming for simulation codes.

Valedictory Function

Chief Guest of the valedictory function: Dr. Ravikiran Kadoli Vote of thanks: Prof. Kiran C. H., Workshop Coordinator

Certificate Distribution



One Day National Workshop on “NanoFluids: Applications for Heat Transfer and Energy Systems” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alva’s institute of engineering and technology, Moodbidri on 28th September 2017 for the benefit of the students, research scholars, faculty from technical institutes and industrialists to upgrade and share their knowledge.

Dr. Shuichi Torii, Assistant Director (College of Cross-Cultural and Multidisciplinary Studies) and Professor in the Department of Mechanical System Engineering, Kumamoto University – Japan was Chief Guest as well as resource person of the workshop. Mr. Vivek Alva, Managing trustee, Alva’s Education Foundation and Dr. P. Selvakumar, Vice Principal, PSN College of Engg and Technology, Tirunelveli were guest of honours of the function. President of the function Dr. Peter Fernandes, Prnicipal, AIET, Prof. K V Suresh, HOD & Convener of the workshop and workshop coordinator Dr. Satyanarayan were presided over the podium.

The programme was started at 10.00 AM in the Main seminar hall, MBA block by Prof. Yogish Rao (Master of ceremony of the function), Dept. of Mechanical Engg with the prayer song sung by by Mr. Shravan Prabha Final year mechanical Engg student. Prof. K V Suresh, convener of the welcomed dignitaries on the dais. Mr. Trivikram Prabhu, Asst. Professor, introduced the Chief Guest Prof. Shuichi Torii and gave a detailed description of the research work and achievements of Prof. Torii to the gathering.

In an inaugural address, Prof. Shuichi Torii said, Nanofluid helps in improving the performance of the thermal systems by enhancing heat transfer rate. Nanofluids are widely used in various applications like as fuel, as coolant in automobiles, in medical and electronic equipment to reduce the thermal resistance. Prof. Torii addressed about MOU between AIET and Kumamoto University following opportunities for foreign students to pursue Master and Doctoral courses in Kumamoto University, Japan. He also gave the information on the international symposium which will be held in Japan every year in the month of March and suggested the students and staff members to apply. Mr. Vivek Alva, guest of honour addressed the gathering highlighting understandings between AIET and Kumamoto University about exchange of students, faculty, joint projects handling and utilization of mutual resources in the domains of engineering.

Dr. Peter Fernandes Principal of AIET delivered the presidential talk to the gathering. Principal thanked Prof. Torii for hospitality given us at Japan during MoU agreement. Then, he told about the importance of nanotechnology and nanofluids in engineering applications. The reason for selecting nano size particles over micro size particles was well explained by Principal. He gave an example of his paper published in Elsevier journal within three days expressing how important and advanced field is nanofluid. He appreciated the efforts of Dept. of Mechanical Engg in organizing such a wonderful workshop. He thanked Prof. Shuichi Torii for agreeing to deliver Technical talk. He then called upon all the gathering to benefit from this national workshop.

The program was concluded by Vote of Thanks by workshop coordinator Dr. Satyanarayan, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engg, AIET. As a part of workshop, Technical talk on Turbulent heat transfer behavior of nanofluid in a circular tube heated under constant heat flux and its application was presented by Prof. Shuichi Torii. He introduced Kumamoto University, Japan indicating the location of Kumamoto, Japan in the world map and how far it is from India. Prof. Torii gave a brief history of Kumamoto University highlighting legends created from this university.

In the talk Prof. Shuichi Torii described basics and importance of Nano-Fluid defining that, it is a fluid with particles less than 100nm in diameter suspended in a fluid like water, engine oil or other fluid etc. Further, he explained and elaborated results of all the research works done on Nanofluids at Kumamoto University, Japan. He spoke about agglomeration of nano particles and preventation of the same. He conveyed that, turbulent flow is of higher importance than laminar flow.

In the presentation, he exhibited compounding of Nano Particles of Cu and Al2O3 with water and measurement of thermal conductivity against the concentration of the Nano particles. He said, diamond nano particles were synthesised at Institute of pulsed power science (Shockwave and condensed matter research centre) of Kumamoto University. He also talked about the Zeta potential of Nano- Diamonds in fluid. In which water was considered as a fluid.

In future Professor will be focussing on usage of Nanofluids as coolants so that higher performance and lower size can be achieved. He ended his presentation indicating that research in the area of improvement of heat transfer performance of Nano-Particles is important and should be focussed on systematically. The talk was followed by interaction with delegates. Prof. Chadaga, Dean and Head, Dept. of MBA, interacted with Professor about use of nanofluids in space applications. Later as a token of love and appreciation Memento was given to Prof. Shuichi Torii by Dr. Peter Fernandes.


A week long CNC training workshop ( both turning & milling ) From 04 to 11 December 2015 was organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. This workshop is conducted for ITI & Diploma students.

Pre-workshop initiative:
The workshop brochure was sent to various ITI & Diploma colleges in & around Dakshina kannada & Udupi district by personally visiting those institutes . But for few colleges information was sent through post as well as e-mail. 23 Candidates registered and actively participated in this workshop. Candidates range from National ITI Barkur to Sayyed Madani ITI . A registration fee of Rs.750 was collected and Kit (File, Pen, and Scribbling pad) was provided to all the registered candidates. An additional charge of Rs. 1,000/- was collected for accommodation & food.

Focus of the Workshop:
This program aims at exposing CNC Turning & Milling to the Diploma /ITI students, enables them to understand, explore, research and contribute to the domain. We also provided hands on classes in CNC turning & milling, which will be helpful to understand the theory part of CNC programming. CNC machining is the latest trend in industry.

Students were contended with the course, both theories as well as hands on. They have shown immense interest in CNC machines & its programming language.

The workshop altogether was a great success considering most of the students are from rural areas,it was a great opportunity for them to have a such a nice exposure towards state-of-the-art machineries.

WORKSHOP ON “Recent Trends in Nanotechnology”

A week long CNC training workshop ( both turning & milling ) From 04 to 11 December 2015 was organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. This workshop is conducted for ITI & Diploma students.

The Mechanical Engg. Department has organized a Two Days National Workshop on “Recent Trends in Nanotechnology”on 18th& 19th Jan 2016, Dr. Dinesh Rangappa, Professor and Head, Department of Nanotechnology, VIAT, Bangalore Region Muddenahalli, inaugurated the workshop.

The organizing team & Dr.Siddarth Joshi delivering his talk at the Workshop.


Development of Metal Matrix Composite
Hands on training in Welding
Development of Metal Matrix Composite


Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) always remained as interesting materials for potential applications in aerospace and automotive industries owing to their superior strength to weight ratio and high temperature resistance. The widespread adoption of particulate metal matrix composites for engineering applications has been hindered by the high cost of producing components. Although several technical challenges exist with casting technology yet it can be used to overcome this problem. Achieving a uniform distribution of reinforcement within the matrix is one such challenge, which affects directly on the properties and quality of composite material.


Our students of mechanical engineering studying in fifth semester 2019-20 batch attempted an innovative activity to get hands on experience of following:

  • Application of aluminium material melting
  • Methods to be followed to Improve yield by reducing dross losses
  • Casting techniques
  • Dispersion of SiC reinforcements
  • Study of casting defects.

The following photographs are taken during melting and casting of Aluminum matrix composites using electric induction furnace.


Hands on training in Welding

Hands on training in Welding at NMAMIT-FRONIUS Centre for welding Technology, Nitte

Mechanical students of 5th semester, AIET have visited NMAMIT-FRONIUS Centre for welding Technology, Nitte on 12th September 2019 and 17th September 2019 in two batches for hands on training in Welding and had training sessions on basics of welding and later they had hands on training on Virtual welding, MMA welding, TIG welding, MIG welding and Robotic welding.


Dr. Satyanarayan

Mr. Sadashiv Bellubbi

Mr. Kumarswamy M C

Mr. Srinivas CS

Mr. Abhijith S



Report on BOOTCAMP Pre-Placement Training 2022-23


Report on BOOTCAMP Pre-placement Training 2021-22

CATIA V5- Part Modeling

Metal Casting And Welding

Non Destructive Testing

Fundamentals of Python Programming

Python Programming by Dlithe

Fundamentals in Automobiles


pre-placement Report 2022-21

[pdf id=21786]

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

[pdf id=21788]

Metrology & Mechanical Measurement Concept

[pdf id=21790]


[pdf id=21792]

Mechanical Material Testing

[pdf id=21794]

Machine Shop and CNC Lab

[pdf id=21796]

Heat Transfer

[pdf id=21798]

Fundamental concept on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery

[pdf id=21800]

Fundamental and Application Concept of Material

[pdf id=21802]

Foundry Technology (Casting Processes)

[pdf id=21804]




Basic fundamentals on Automotive Engineering by Dr. Ravikumar, MCE Hasan

Date: 19 – 07 – 2019

Dr. Ravikumar, MCE, Hasan focused on classification use of scientific principles, technical information and imagination in the description of a mechanical system to perform specific functions with maximum economy and efficiency.

He highlighted on Classification of vehicles, design of vehicle body styles typical engine configurations, fuel systems, suspension systems, steering system, braking system, vehicle body components, and vehicle interior systems.

Basic Fundamentals on Advances in Automotive Technologies by Mr. R Vijay, MCE Hasan

Date: 19 – 07 – 2019

Mr. R Vijay, MCE, Hasan delivered a talk on automotive technologies, he covered the contents related to advanced future automotive technologies, like self-driving cars, V2V communication means vehicle to vehicle communication Cars will be equipped with sensors and communication mechanisms that will enable them to transfer data to each other. This will help avoid accidents, chalk out new routes in case of log jams. Augmented reality windshields these will be similar to the Nokia City Lens features but on the windshield. Here, all the places being viewed through the screen have basic details shown beside them and you can use gestures to select and obtain more details about the place.  BMW is already testing this out with basic data of places being displayed on the windshield of its prototype. But this technology has the potential to have the whole UI of the in-built computer to be displayed on the windshield. Energy storing with vehicle body panels that means some parts of the vehicle body are designed by solar panels or cells to store energy.

Basic Fundamentals on Material Science by Dr. M C Ramesh CSR

Date: 20 – 07 – 2019

Dr. M C Ramesh CSR, delivered a talk on material science he covered the contents, classification of materials, processing of materials, characterization of materials, properties like mechanical, Electrical, Dielectric, Magnetic, Optical Corrosion and biological. Classes and properties of polymers,   microstructure of materials. Development of advanced materials and study their strength & failure, application of engineering materials.

Basic Fundamentals on Tool Design by Mr. M S Shivaprakash, Kennametal Pvt. Ltd

Date: 20 – 07 – 2019.

Mr. M S Shivaprakash sir handled the session on different tools and tool design, standard tool materials, design of tools based on components or products and customer requirements, he explained in detail about tool parameters with live examples, he brought some costly tools from Kennametal to have an interaction sessions with students to make them understand the needs of industry requirements.   

Photo: Mr. M S Shivaprakash from Kennametal Pvt. Ltd. Interacting with students.

Skill Development Program in Boot Camp 2019– IC Engine Overhauling Hands on Experience by CADMAXX Bangalore Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore

Dates: 26 – 08 – 2019 to 29 – 08 – 2019.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized the skill development program for the 4th year Mechanical Engineering students. The session was handled by Mr. Naveena M and team CADMAXX Bangalore. The program has been designed to cater to spectrum of engineering students to enhance their skills and grow their career through higher productivity and technical expertise meeting industry needs. The program organized for Upgrading Design Engineers Skills in Product Development Support Activities, using cutting Edge Technology Tools based on Domain Centric Professional Training Modules.

Kit Content’s: A Single Cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine 150 CC and complete tool kit for Engine Overhauling will be provided during the workshop but would be taken back after the workshop.

Conduction of Workshop: CAD MAXX Bangalore has a dedicated team ensures that the students will have the necessary equipment and tools to engage in various pre-determined exercises during the workshop. These equipment’s & tools are in compliance to industry standards so that they have a simulated experience of the industry. But above all, we have designed a proactive program to share knowledge by making a group and each group will be provided with a set of tools and engine to have hands on experience in Disassembly and Assembly of the Engine.

Hands on experience, where students carry out physical activities rather than listening to a lecture, help them to gain a better understanding of the subjects. It allows students to experiment with trial and error, learn from their mistakes and understand the potential gaps between theory and practical applications.

  • Create an awareness of the working principle of an IC Engine.
  • This enhances their level of understanding the theoretical concepts and they will be able to apply their practical knowledge into academics.
  • This will help them to understand basics of IC engine design, definitions, components and their operations.
  • Students will understand and will be able to explain the procedures for:
  • Performing a preliminary engine inspection
  • Identifying and interpreting engine concerns
  • They will be able to deal successfully with present trends in automobile industry.


About the Programme:

The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized the skill development program for the 4th year Mechanical Engineering students. The session was handled by Mr. Shaneel Karia .3 DEMETRY INNOVATIONS Pune, Maharashtra, India being one of the top manufacturers of 3D printing machines in India also provides 3D Printing Training Services. The best part is that you will have a practical exposure as you will be learning from the team of one of the top manufacturers of 3D Printers in India and also one of the leading 3D Printing Service Provider in India.

3D printing today is one of the most interesting and happening technological advancements that mankind has seen in the last few decades. 3D printing today being used in almost every industry. It’s already a booming industry in the western countries and in most developed countries. But here in India and in other developing countries, 3D printing technology getting an attention but adoption is a bit slow.

Industries and institutions are fast adopting 3D Printing technology these days. They employ engineers and designers with 3D Printing Training as a prototype and product engineers. 3D Printing experts are employed in design houses as well that provide 3D design, 3D computer-aided design (CAD) modeling, biological and scientific modeling, and architecture or construction modeling services.

3D Printing Training Course Structure
  1. 3D Printing Technology Basics
    2.Introduction Additive Manufacturing
    3. Introduction and Details 3D Printer and Rapid Prototyping
    4. CAD Files Concepts and Designing
    5. Demonstration of 3D Printer Assembly
    6. Testing and calibration of 3D Printer
    7. Training & Demonstration of 3D Printing
3D Printing

3D Printing is a process of converting digital files into three dimensional solid objects. The 3D printer stacks thin layers of materials one above another to make solid objects – since it involves adding layers, 3D printing is also called additive manufacturing. 3D Printing helps engineers not only to make the final product but also optimize the quality of prototypes of products that have to be manufactured in the traditional way at factories.

Scope of 3D printing is very broad. Today 3D printing is being used in almost every industry involved in the manufacturing of the products. Also, it is being used in designing industries for creating design and prototypes. 3D printing is also used in the colleges and universities for learning and teaching in better ways.

3D Printing Training

As the 3D printing technology taking shape today, It’s one of the most lucrative career options. 3D printing technology is at an intermediate stage today in almost all developing countries, especially in India. Unlike many western countries where the technology is at booming stage, here in India there is lots of scope in 3D printing technology in coming future. 3D printing training program helps the participants understand the design, functioning, and operation of a basic to advanced 3D Printer.

3D Printing Training Course Outcome

As a student, this course will help you in getting a job in this most interesting and emerging technology today. If you are already a working professional this course will further help you in enhancing your skills. This course will help you in understanding 3D designing and printing technology from basic to advanced levels. Below are the general outcomes of our 3D Printing training course.

  1. Understand how to create a 3D file
    2.Learn about the materials, designing of CAD models, working of a 3D Printer
    3. Understand how to build and calibrate a 3D printer
    4. Mastering the 3D printing
    5. Career guidance in 3D Printing


Photos: IC Engine disassembled parts


Electrical Vehicle Technology and Engine Electronics Workshop

By Mr. Suraj S D, CEO & Cofounder of Competences Factory Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore. Mr. Venugopal Pratimal, Mr. Adthiya Naga Sai Tirumanishetti and Mr. Sunil Shetty.

Date: 01 – 08 – 2019 & 02 – 08 – 2019.


Electric vehicles are the future of transportation. Electric mobility has become an essential part of mobility needs, and will imply significant changes for vehicle manufacturers, governments, companies & individuals. Adoption of new technologies in Electric Vehicles will demand for engineers with multidisciplinary skills and domain expertise or the new set of software and hardware tools. New standards for testing and development has been implemented, approach of charging has been the dearth and there has been drastic tech growth in battery technology. May be our college curriculums are not yet updated for this change or you may not have industry experts available at your institution for showing the better career opportunities in EV segment.

Course outline

  • This course had covered the overview of EV subsystems, components & their basic engineering to gain the idea and the solid foundation.
  • Course had taught with interactive theory and demo kits for ease of understanding.

Electric Vehicle subsystems  is covered in a detailed manner, with the emphasis to design, functionality, challenges, issues, system engineering, practices and standards. Course will be a great blend of theory and practical’s to learn EV engineering.

Course content:

  • Electric Vehicle fundamentals
    • History
    • Terminologies and Abbreviations
    • Understanding units and calculations
  • Electric Vehicle Subsystems
    • Battery Technology
    • Battery Management Systems (BMS)
    • Charging Systems
    • Traction Motors
    • Motor Controller
    • Thermal management
    • EV Safety
    • Vehicle Control ECU


  • Subsystems practical demo

Photo: Electric Vehicle system sessions.

 Student Feedback about Electrical Vehicle system session:



Automotive Engine Control Unit manufactures such as BOSCH, Delphi, Continental AG, Denso, HITACHI, KEIHIN, Siemens, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., TRW automotive and many others Tier 1 & 2 suppliers are extensively working on the development and integration of such systems. From this course, students are designed to be a gateway to understand your roles and responsibilities for pursuing career in above or similar companies in Automotive. Through this is a basic course, students have learnt the components, working, functions, technology and skill sets that is require for career. Designed by core expertise in automotive technologies, with a team of specialists in Automotive Engine Control Systems. The course holds the purpose to share the resources person knowledge and create excellent skilled resources for industry needs.

Course Content:

  • Need of Engine Control Unit – Applications & Beginning
  • Engine Control Unit
    • Functions
    • Standalone Type
    • OEM Type
  • Input & output parameters
    • Air metering
    • Fuel delivery
    • Spark timing
  • Advancement
    • Closed loop system
    • Electronic Throttle Body
    • Emission control
    • Diagnostic services
  • Hands on with ECU maps
    • Fuel table (VE & PWM)
    • AFR table
    • Spark table

Photo: Engine Electronics system session.

Student Feedback about Engine Electronics session:

Talk on Quality tools and Six Sigma by Mr. Mohan Kumar S

Date: 03 – 08 – 2019.

Mr. Mohan Kumar S who has more than 35years experience in areas of operational excellence, quality management, lean manufacturing and also in teaching at engineering institutions.

He gave awareness on quality tools and Six Sigma for final year mechanical students. He also explained about DMAIC Lean Six Sigma approach is used to make improvements to existing processes and products. By this talk students are motivated and have given names for Benchmark Six Sigma Green Belt certification course.

Photo: Mr. Mohan kumar S with final year students during a talk on quality tools and Six Sigma.

Photo: Mr. Mohan kumar S delivering a talk on quality tools and Six Sigma.

Basic Fundamentals on Finite Element Analysis by Dr. Sharanappa, NITK, Surathkal

Date: 10 – 08 – 2019.

Dr. Sharnappa Joladarashi has total 7 years 6 months of experience in Industry and Teaching. 6 years 6 months in the field of Stress Analysis in Aerospace and Industrial projects and 1 year in Teaching. He has worked two years in UK on composite testing of Aircraft components. He also has an Experience in the field of Static analysis, Fatigue analysis and modal analysis of Composite Nacelle parts such as Thrust reverser components, Inner Fixed Structure (IFS), Outer Fixed Structure (OFS), Aft cascade ring, Bulkhead, Aft-cover, Ramp fairing, Bumpers and Draglink fittings, , using PATRAN, NASTRAN and Hand calculation. He delivered a talk on Finite Element Analysis.

Basic Fundamentals on Material Science by Dr. M R Ramesh, NITK, Surathkal

Date: 10 – 08 – 2019.

Dr. Ramesh M.R has an extensive knowledge in the areas such as Thermal Spray Coatings, Thin films, Laser and microwave surface modification, Biomaterials, Machining, Wear, Erosion, Oxidation & Hot Corrosion, Severe Plastic Deformation.10 students are awarded PhD under the guide ship of Dr. Ramesh M.R. He talked about material science and its applications.

Dr. Sharnappa Joladarashi and Dr. M R Ramesh, NITK professors handled a sessions on basic fundamentals

Basic Fundamentals on Composite materials by Dr. G C Mohan Kumar, NITK, Surathkal

Date: 11 – 08 – 2019.

Dr. G C Mohan Kumar gave detailed knowledge on composite materials and applications. His areas of research include Mechanical Design Engineering, Experimental & Numerical Stress Analysis. Biomechanics, Bio-Composites, Green-Composites and others. He was awarded PhD from Dept. of Applied Mechanics (IIT- Madras) in the year 1996.

Basic Fundamentals on Mechanical Vibrations by Dr. Jayaraj, NITK, Surathkal

Date: 11 – 08 – 2019

Dr. Jeyaraj who has a total of 16 years of work experience gave detailed and in depth knowledge on mechanical vibrations. His areas of interest also include structural acoustics and polymer composites. He was awarded PhD from (IIT- Madras) in the year 2009. He delivered a talk on Mechanical vibration analysis.


Students had sessions on various topics like CNC Machining, 3D Printing Technology, Research Exposures in Future Fuel: Biodiesel, How to write a technical papers, Research scope in hybrid polymer composites, CFD in Real world Applications, Managements concepts in manufacturing, Mechanical measurements and Metrology, Design Considerations in Machines, Application of Materials in manufacturing industry, by faculties of our department.

CNC Machining and Demo by Prof. Hemant Suvarna and Prof. Pramodkumar N

Date: 06 – 08 – 2019 & 07 – 08 – 2019.

Professor Hemanth Suvarna begins the session with explanation on basic fundamentals of machine tools and their operations and Computerized Numerical Control machines (CNC). How machining can be done using CNC machine tools, coordinating systems used in CNC machines, G code, M code, coolant off / on, tool change can be done in CNC Machines. Writing of part programming using G and M codes for different machining operations.

Professor Pramod Kumar N taken all students to the CNC Machining Centre for live demo working of CNC Machining Centre with proper guidelines.

3D Printing Technology by Prof. Srikanth M P

Date: 06 – 08 – 2019 & 07 – 08 – 2019.

Professor Srikanth M P delivered a talk on 3D printing technology, advances in 3D printing, it is a process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies. He also stressed on advantages of 3D printing technology.

  • Limited risk if it fails.
  • Get products into the customers hands.
  • Streamlined development process.
  • Save money and time on tooling.
  • Ability to iterate and incorporate new feedback

Drawbacks or Challenges with 3D printing technology.

  • Limited and high cost of materials
  • Unreliability of machines (20% reject rate)
  • Challenges scaling up technology
  • Speed
  • Environmental Concerns
  • Surface finish
  • Resolution
  • Mechanical properties
  • Post processing
  • Still only making shapes.

Research Exposures in Future Fuel: Biodiesel by Prof. Kiran C H

Date: 06 – 08 – 2019 & 07 – 08 – 2019.

Prof. Kiran C H delivered a talk on Future Fuel: Biodiesel he expressed that due to the increasing awareness of the depletion of fossil fuel resources and environmental issues, biodiesel became more and more attractive in the recent years. Biodiesel production is a promising and important field of research because the relevance it gains from the rising petroleum price and its environmental advantages. The presentation reviews to the students about the history and recent developments of Biodiesel, including the different types of biodiesel, the characteristics, processing and economics of Biodiesel industry. The application of biodiesel in automobile industry, the challenges of biodiesel industry development and the biodiesel policy are discussed as well.

Online Tests on Basic Fundamentals

Date: 06 – 08 – 2019 & 07 – 08 – 2019.

Online test on basic fundamentals was conducted on 7/08/2019 to test the student ability on how much they have understood the basics in core mechanical areas such as Design stream, Thermal stream and Manufacturing stream. The result analysis is done and is shown in the below images:




The duration of each test was 90 minutes. The students with lower grades were asked to concentrate more on the specified field.

PPT Presentation was done by Each Students about Mechanical Engineering Laboratories

(Academic, Industry and Research Applications).

Date: 09/08/2019

Students recollected the experiments they had performed in their last 3 years and gave a valuable and resourceful presentations that helped other students and themselves about the applications and necessity of the lab experiments in the industries as well as research.

How to write a technical papers by Dr. Satyanarayan

Date: 12 – 08 – 2019.

Dr. Satyanarayan delivered a talk on “How to write a technical papers”. He thoroughly explained on the following points. He inspired and motivated the students towards research areas, 

  • How to decide and write a Paper Title.
  • Writing accurate precise Abstract of the paper.
  • How to write an Introduction part of the paper.
  • Related work about selected title of the paper.
  • Performance experiments of related work.
  • Conclusions of the work carried.
  • Future work
  • The Acknowledgements
  • Citations
  • Appendices
  • Grammar and presentation issues.

Research Exposure on Hybrid Polymer Composites by Prof. Gurushanth B Vaggar

Date: 12 – 08 – 2019.

Prof. Gurushanth B Vaggar delivered a talk on Research exposure on Hybrid polymer composites, his overviews about developing of hybrid polymer composite as per the requirement with proper proportions of fibers, matrix and filler materials. Normally the ratio of fibers and matrix will considered as 40:60 in RPC’s (Reinforced polymer composites). Testing of Mechanical and Thermal properties of hybrid polymer composites. He also explained about the recent applications of composite materials in different fields like Medical equipment, Defense equipment, Sports equipment, Automobile body parts, Aeronautical applications etc…

The prediction of experts says that future human life styles will be more depend on these kind of composite materials, because materials can be manufactured based property and application requirements. 

CFD in Real world Applications by Prof. Kiran C H

Date: 12 – 08 – 2019.

Prof. Kiran C H delivered a talk on CFD in Real world Applications he overviewed on Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) how well established as a tool of choice for solving problems that involves one or more of the following phenomena: flow of fluids, heat transfer, mass transfer and chemical reaction. The presentation to students is about the present work reviews the salient features as well as practical application of CFD techniques carried out in the last more than 50 years in various sections related to industry with the objective of how and where it can be applied. The students also understand the importance of dimensionless numbers and similitude in the field of different applications. It is concluded that CFD presents a number of opportunities in industrial work analysis, and the scope of this opportunity will further develop as both computational hardware and software resources becomes more advanced.

Management Concepts in Engineering by Prof. Sharathchandra Prabhu

Date: 13 – 08 – 2019.

Prof. Sharathchandra Prabhu discussed about Management Major Description: A program that focuses on the application of engineering principles to the planning and operational management of industrial and manufacturing operations, and prepares individuals to plan and manage such operations with examples.

Mechanical measurements and Metrology by Prof. Hemanth Suvarna

Date: 13 – 08 – 2019.

Prof. Hemanth suvarna has presented a talk on mechanical measurements and metrology, he covered the topics, limits, fits, tolerance importance of metrology in quality control department of mechanical industry. He explained about basic units, terms used in metrology. Gauges & its uses. Briefly explained about pressure, temperature measurement techniques. 

FACE Aptitude online test conducted

13 – 08 – 2019 & 14 – 08 – 2019

FACE Aptitude online test was conducted as a part of the boot camp from 13/08/2019 to 14/08/2019  to know the ability of the students to answer the aptitude questions and knowledge about soft skills such as vocabulary and communications.

The result samples of the FACE online aptitude test are as follows:

Based on the results obtained the students were suggested to take the weak areas seriously and prepare well for the upcoming interviews.

Design Considerations in Machine Elements by Prof. Harish K

Date: 14 – 08 – 2019.

Prof. Harish K focused on the use of scientific principles, technical information and imagination in the description of a mechanical system to perform specific functions with maximum economy and efficiency.

Design procedure adopted in machine elements for optimum results. Design considerations for High Strength, Rigidity, low Cost, Safety, Aesthetics, Ergonomics, Assembly considerations, Size and shape. Mechanical properties of materials required in designing machine elements.

Application of Materials in manufacturing industry by Prof. Yogish Rao

Date: 14 – 08 – 2019.

Prof. Yogish Rao delivered a talk on Role of Advanced Materials in Automotive and Manufacturing sectors.

Over the past few decades, the Manufacturing Processes and automotive sector are striving for Improving efficiency, safety, Quality and sustainability through following ways,

  • Adopting Innovative Technology
  • Usage of Advanced Materials

During the current session The above March of innovation for achieving higher efficiency, safety, comfort in sustainable manner though usage of following advanced materials were discussed with relevant Examples.

The advanced Materials that are discussed during the session were as follows.

  • Steels and heat treated steels
  • High strength low alloy steels (HSLA )
  • Polymers  
  • Sensors and Actuator Materials
  • Biosensors
  • MR fluids
  • Surface treated Materials

The Session concluded with summarizing the fundamentals discussed and point to be focused during upcoming academic session.


Final year Project exhibition of Department of mechanical engineering, held on 20 April 2019

42 projects prepared by mechanical engineering students are exhibited and Event is judged by following judges

Internal judges

External judges

Prof. Harish K and

Prof.G B. Vaggar

Department of  Mechanical Engineering

Prof. Surendra

Department of civil engineering


Following projects ware appreciated by judges

Anand Mohan Gosabal

Dr. Peter Fernandes

U-turn accident prevention system using sensors

Bhaskar Naik

Arasikeri Dhanyakumar

Mahaling Siddappa Byakod

Shashi Kumar J

Prof. Sreekanth M P

Design and fabrication of portable weight carrying machine for elderly and differently able people

Girish R

Arun Kumar

Adarsh J

Nikhil Y J

Prof. Harish K

Negative pressure solar desalination

Muttappa B Kamati

Bharathkumar B U

Nandishkumar J N


In addition to above projects following projects received 5000 /-each cash sponsorship from VTU     belagavi

Mayyaddin Naveed

Prof. Thrivikram Prabhu

Fabrication of automatic drainage cleaning system using solar panel

Mohammed Iliyaz



Pranavatheertha K G

Prof. Hemanth Suvarna

Design and fabrication of megwheel operated grain spreader and collector


Shetty Siddharth Devaraj

Vidish Shetty


Three batches of mechanical engineering students projects received sponsorship of Rs26000/- from KSCST Bangalore

A Ranjith Prabhu

Prof. K.V.Suresh

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) fire fighter

Arjun Shushil

Vishwa Dev

Vishnu Prasad

Harsha raj

Dr. Satyanarayan

Effect of Substrate thickness on dissolution & Interfacial reaction for electronics applications

Divakar KM

Bharatesh Hegde


Akash B P

Prof. Kiran C H

Plastic Waste Recycling Through Shredding Process


Darshan K S




Final year Project exhibition of Department of mechanical engineering,

Held on 10 May 2018

48 projects prepared by mechanical engineering students are exhibited and Event is judged by following judges


Internal judges

External judges

Prof. Suresh K V and

Prof. (Brig. – Retd.) Ravindran K N

Department of Mechanical Engineering, AIET, Mijar.

Prof. M N Banal

HOD, Department Mechanical Engineering, Govt. engineering College, Kushalnagar.


Dr. Krishna Murthy, Professor, Department of mechanical engineering, MIT Manipal.


Following projects ware appreciated by judges


Prof. Ravindran K N

Automated Filling and Capping Machine using Arduino

Prajwal Kotian

Shetty Ganesh  Dharmakar

Sri Ganesh


Prof. Sadashiv M B

Water Pumping and power generation by using swinging action

Poojari Nagaraj Mahadev

Pramod Kumar B

Yogendra S

Praveen L K Kotabhagi

Prof. Srininvas C S

Design and Fabrication of Multipurpose Machine

Santhosh A Tadake

Shital Majannavar

Vinayaka M Patil


Three batches of mechanical engineering students projects received sponsorship of Rs26000/- from KSCST Bangalore

A Ranjith Prabhu

Prof. K.V.Suresh

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) fire fighter

Arjun Shushil

Vishwa Dev

Vishnu Prasad

Harsha raj

Dr. Satyanarayan

Effect of Substrate thickness on dissolution & Interfacial reaction for electronics applications

Divakar KM

Bharatesh Hegde


Akash B P

Prof. Kiran C H

Plastic Waste Recycling Through Shredding Process


Darshan K S




Final year Project exhibition of Department of mechanical engineering,

Held on 09 May 2017

48 projects prepared by mechanical engineering students are exhibited and Event is judged by following judges

Internal judges

External judges

Prof. Suresh K V and

Prof. Harish K

Department of Mechanical Engineering, AIET, Mijar.

Prof. Raveendran KN

Prof. Ravikiran Kadooli

, Department Mechanical Engineering, NITK ,


Dr. SHASHIKANTHA KARINKA, Professor and HOD Department of mechanical engineering, NMAMIT Nitte .


Following projects ware appreciated by judges

Name of the student s


Title of the project

Sagar S Melinamani

Prof.Sadashiv  Bellubbi

Pedal operation washing machine

Prithviraj R More

Sunil Chavan

Radhakrishnan E


Prof.Kiran C H

Solar Refrigiration And Seed Dryer


Prashanth P L

Suraj Bangera

Bhoomika H

Prof. Hemanth Suvarna

Design And Fabrication Of Cryogenic Grinder For Spices

Rajashekhar R

Vishanth Shetty

Timmapa S.P


Three batches of mechanical engineering students projects received sponsorship of Rs14000/- from KSCST Bangalore

Mohammed Shafee


Prof. Deepak Kothari


Muhasid P

Shyam M S

Sinto Sunny

Adarsh R Nair

Prof. Praveen K.C


Joel Joseph

Nikil M.J




ICOLD 2019
Recent Trends in Nanotechnology
ICOLD 2019

An International Conference on Laser Deposition: Nanostructures, Heterostructures and 2D layers (iCOLD-2019) was held during November 27-29, 2019 at Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology (AIET), Moodbidri. This conference was organized by Departments of Electronics & Communication Engineering and Mechanical Engineering of AIET in association with Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.


The Conference was inaugurated by Chief Guest Dr. Karanam Uma Maheshwar Rao, Director, NITK Surathkal at 9.30 AM on November 27, 2019; The inaugural program was graced by guests Dr. Burkhard Fechner, Coherent, Germany and Dr. S. Ramachandra Rao, IIT Madras. Sri. Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee; Dr. Richard Pinto, Conference-chair and Dr. Peter Fernandes, Principal, AIET were present during the inaugural session. The Abstract/Souvenir book was released during the inaugural function.


The Chief-guest delivered the inaugural keynote and conference session began with a second keynote by Dr. W. Prellier, CNRS UMR, France. The conference had scientific and technical sessions during November 27-29, 2019. There were 4 keynotes, 3 plenary talks and 22 invited lectures by renowned scientists from international institutes/companies such as CNRS UMR, France, Kumamoto University-Japan, Coherent-Germany and central institutes like IIT Madras, IIT Delhi, IIT Hyderabad, IISER-Pune, CUSAT-Cochin, IISER-Trivandrum, DIAT- Pune, NIT Calicut and NITK Surathkal. There were more than 70 research papers by researchers from all over the world.


This conference reviewed the advancements in nanostructures, heterostructures and 2D layers from physics and technology points of view. Laseraided Deposition techniques and Atomic Layer Deposition are the key techniques enabling researchers in the realization of device quality thin films, heterostructures and multi-layers. The scope included a variety of materials such as semiconductors, superconductors, ferroelectrics, polymers, nano-materials, organic materials, photonic materials, 2D systems and also novel technologies for very low frequency vibration sensors. There was an important session on energy which covered energy harvesters, proton exchange membrane fuel cells including advances in hydrogen fuel cells and other advanced devices.


The conference comprised plenary and invited talks, oral, poster presentations along with 2 industry talks. There was an exhibition of novel devices such as hydrogen fuel cells, methanol fuel cells, low frequency vibration sensors, gas sensors etc. There was a cultural program on 28-11-2019 evening by students of Alva’s Education Foundation. The conference ended with a panel discussion with the theme ‘Relevance of R & D in Engineering Education’. The feedback from the delegates rated the conference ‘good to excellent’. Further it may be added that this international conference has provided a platform, both for specialists and research students, to present their latest results in the areas of novel materials and technologies and also to enhance R&D effort at AIET. The conference proceedings will be published in Elsevier journal ‘Materials Today- Proceedings’. This conference was supported by M/s Laser Science Services (I) Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai (platinum sponsors), DST- Science and Engineering Research Board and Canara Bank Moodbidri. AIET has provided all infrastructural support for the organization of the conference including guest house accommodation for some participants, partial transportation and Seminar hall/auditorium services along with sponsoring cultural program.


Recent Trends in Nanotechnology

National Level workshop report on

 “Recent Trends in Nanotechnology”

held 18th & 19th Jan 2016

  • Chief guest of the inaugural function: Dr. Dinesh Rangappa
  • President of the inaugural function: Dr. Peter Fernandes
  • Vote of thanks of the inaugural function : Dr. Raghavendra Rao
  • Introduction of Chief Guest: Prof. K. V. Suresh
  • Coordinator :- Prof .Kiran H


In his chief guest’s speech, Dr. Dinesh Rangappa stressed on interdisciplinary team work. He also advised the society to change its attitude in the field of research. He insisted colleges to come up with more and more research programmes get acquainted with the government funded projects and build teams of research fellows of interdisciplinary areas. He was also more concerned about the issues with the basic sciences. He emphasised on the importance of working on basic sciences rather than mere concentrating on the technology side. During his speech, he also quoted that ”our success will be measured by others but our satisfaction should be measured by ourselves”. So, he insisted on striving for the satisfaction rather than success.


Dr. Peter Fernandes, president of the inaugural function


President of the inaugural function, Dr. Peter Fernandes, in this presidential speech, insisted on conducting these kinds of workshops at least for one week so that more amount of knowledge can be shared in the respective areas. He also advised faculties to replenish themselves and upgrade their knowledge by attending these kinds of workshops.



1st guest lecture of morning session: Dr. Dinesh Rangappa, Centre for Nanotechnology, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Bengalure Region Muddenahalli, Chikkaballapur

The topic of the talk was “Nanotechnology and Its applications in Energy Storage”.

In the first of his talk, he initially introduced nanotechnology to the audience and threw some light on the history of nanotechnology. He then spoke about the need of nanoscale and elaborately explained about the synthesis and fabrication of nanoscale materials. He also briefed about the characterisation techniques and applications of nanotechnology.

In the second part of his talk, he spoke about energy storage devices, nanomaterials for energy storage and different methods of energy storage. He concluded his talk by addressing some future scope of nanomaterials for different applications.

1st guest lecture of afternoon session:

Dr. Bhupendra K. Sharma, INSPIRE FACULTY, Centre for Nano Science & Engineering(CeNSE), IISc., Bangalore.


The topic of the lecture was “Semiconductor Oxides and 2-D Materials based Electronic Applications: Compatibility in Flexible, Stretchable and Printed Format”.

He spoke about smart electronics and flexible electronics. He concentrated his talk more on Graphene which happens to be the best material for flexible electronics; its synthesis and applications. He shared some of his doctoral work on growth of nanostructures with necessary photographs and graphical representations. He concluded his talk by explaining the applications of nanomaterials in Smart TVs and inkjet printing.

Afternoon Session, 2nd guest lecture:

Dr. Kuldeep Singh Rana, Scientific Officer, Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bangalore.


The session was on “Carbon Based Nanomaterials for Energy Storage”.

During the first half of the session, he briefed about the nanotechnology and nanomaterials. In the latter half, he spoke about the carbon based nanomaterials, materials for energy storage devices such as cathode materials and anode materials, their preparation and synthesis. He also elaborately explained about the characterisation of carbon nanotubes, their synthesis and applications. He concluded his talk by showing avenues of future projects on “Materials and Battery Fabrication”.



1st guest lecture of morning session:

Dr. M. R. Rahman, Assistant Professor, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal.



The session was on “Nanomaterials’ Characterisation”.

During the first half of the session, he discussed in brief about different types of characterisation techniques and instruments used for these characterisation.

During the second half, he discussed about four specific characterisation techniques in detail i.e. Atomic Force Microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope, Transmission Electron Microscope, Small Angle X-Ray Scattering with necessary graphs, images and equations.

2nd guest lecture of morning session:

Dr. Siddharth Joshi, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore.


The topic of the session was “Thin Films & their Structural Importance for Device Applications”.

During the session, he spoke about thin films, their applications and properties. He also discussed elaborately about how thin films can be made, their behaviour with respect to temperature and differences between thick and thin films in terms of their performance.

He concluded his talk by stressing on the dependence of structure on the molecular weight and significance of amorphous part for controlling charge carrying mobility

Afternoon Session, 1st guest lecture:

Dr. Ravikumar Kudoli, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal.

The topic of the session was “Computational Methods to Understanding Nanoscale Phenomenon”.


During the session, he emphasised more on different methods of computer simulations namely Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations. He discussed about developing algorithms, considering proper boundary conditions during simulations and basic programming for simulation codes.

Valedictory Function

Chief Guest of the valedictory function: Dr. Ravikiran Kadoli Vote of thanks: Prof. Kiran C. H., Workshop Coordinator

Certificate Distribution


Upcoming Events


Dr. Satyanarayan

Professor and Head B.E. M.Tech, Ph. D
08258 - 262724 satyaa.aiet@aiet.org.in

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Teaching Faculty

Dr. Peter Fernandes

Principal & Professor

Dr. Peter Fernandes

Principal & Professor
M.Tech, Ph.D, MBA
08258- 262724 / 25

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Prof. Virendra Kamboli

Associate Professor

Prof. Virendra Kamboli

Associate Professor
B.E, M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Prof. Sharathchandra Prabhu

Sr. Asst. Professor

Prof. Sharathchandra Prabhu

Sr. Asst. Professor
B.E, M.Tech, M.I.E
08258- 262724 / 25

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Dr. Gurushanth B Vaggar

Associate Professor

Dr. Gurushanth B Vaggar

Associate Professor
B.E, M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Prof. Hemanth Suvarna

Sr. Asst. Professor

Prof. Hemanth Suvarna

Sr. Asst. Professor
B.E, M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Dr. Suresh P S

Sr. Asst. Professor

Dr. Suresh P S

Sr. Asst. Professor
B.E, M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Kiran C H

Assistant Professor

Kiran C H

Assistant Professor
B.E, M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Dr. Pramod V Badyankal

Assistant Professor

Dr. Pramod V Badyankal

Assistant Professor
B.E, M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Gopal Krishna U B

Assistant Professor

Gopal Krishna U B

Assistant Professor
B.E, M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Dr. Kumar Swamy M C

Sr. Asst. Professor

Dr. Kumar Swamy M C

Sr. Asst. Professor
B.E, M.Tech
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Deepak Kothari

Assistant Professor

Deepak Kothari

Assistant Professor
B.E, M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Ganesh M.R

Assistant Professor

Ganesh M.R

Assistant Professor
B.E, M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Prof. Praveen K C

Assistant Professor

Prof. Praveen K C

Assistant Professor
B.E, M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Srinivasa C S

Assistant Professor

Srinivasa C S

Assistant Professor
B.E, M.Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Prof. Pramod Kumar N

Assistant Professor

Prof. Pramod Kumar N

Assistant Professor
B.E, M.Tech
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Sudheer P N

Assistant Professor

Sudheer P N

Assistant Professor
B.E, MTech
08258- 262724 / 25

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Mr. Muddukrishna Shetty

Asst. Professor

Mr. Muddukrishna Shetty

Asst. Professor
B. E., M. Tech
08258- 262724 / 25

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