Webinar was conducted by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi (VTU) on 15th December, 2020 at 02:30 PM to provide awareness about cyber-crime and security.
Key Speaker– Dr. Ananth Prabhu G, Professor, Dept. of CSE, Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management, Mangaluru
the webinar with the topic New Generation Cyber Crimes and mentioned about the book “CYBER SAFE GIRL” which promotes ‘beti bachao, cyber-crime se’. The speaker addressed topics cyber-crime, hacking & punishments to be faced for doing so and how we people should get upgraded along with time progressing.
The speaker said about QR codes and how people fall for this trap. He said that, we should be aware before scanning any QR codes and do not click on links received before verifying whether the link is trustable or not. Next, the speaker spoke about
Ransomware attacks. Ransomware attacks are new generation attacks in computers. In 2019, it was reported that for every 4 minutes, a victim falls for ransomware attacks. It’s seen that 35% websites are unsafe and he mentioned a website named VIRUSTOTAL where the file can be uploaded and scanned if the file contains virus and not.
And he also displayed the list of safe and unsafe messenger apps. He said many things related to net banking, how we can protect bank details from cyber-attacks. He also said about few websites which help hackers to get our information. For e.g., there is a website where if we upload the image, it shows the location where that image was captured. He provided information
about browsing history being saved in servers even if history is deleted, there’s a site called FOXTON in which browsing history can be viewed.
Then, he said about computer privacy filters, which is a thin piece of plastic that’s placed over your monitor or display panel in order to prevent wandering eyes from absorbing confidential information.
Computer privacy screens protect against this serious security threat by simply adhering to your laptop screen or desktop monitor to restrict the device’s viewing angle so that only the person in front of the screen can see what’s on it. Anyone attempting to steal a glance from the right or left will be seeing only a blank screen.
Finally, he said about homographic domain attack, which means creating poly fake domains exactly similar to existing original domain to fool users and access user’s data.
The webinar was attended by 3rd and 5th sem of ISE students of Alvas institute of engineering and technology, it was definitely a very useful and informative session.