By Mr. Nanda Kishor Nayak
Manager (Admin & Facilities)
Marlabs, Mysore
The department of ISE organized Forum Inauguration followed by technical talk on 24th August 2019 which was delivered by Mr. Nanda kishor Nayak the technical talk was inaugurated by the Principal, Head of the department Mr. Jayant Kumar A Rathod, Forum coordinator Mr. Manjunath H.R and other faculties. He spoke on the topic of “Corporate Ethics”.
In this session, first he spoke about “Ethical culture is the foundation of all our efforts. It’s a specific culture: You either like it or you hate it, but found people who are passionate about the mission, love the culture of integrity, and can do big things here. The company as a whole has to have a very deliberate, continuous effort for a common culture.
He briefly explained about once an ethical direction and strategy are set, human resources, compliance, and sustainability will find it easier to collaborate effectively. There are many paths to success here. Some companies have added behavioral specialists to compliance teams. Others are ensuring that sustainability considerations are fully incorporated into product design and go-to-market strategies. Others still are considering ethics holistically, via governance structures that combine risk, internal audit, compliance, sustainability, and government affairs.
Finally, he told students to complete given tasks within the deadline put sincere efforts during the training on projects and focus on culture and behavior has become essential to any business aspiring to operate ethically. The enterprise must also engage externally in order to comprehend stakeholder concerns and perceptions.
Finally on behalf of the Management, Principal, Staff and students, we would thank Mr. Nanda Kishor Nayak for delivering the Technical Talk.