ISE Department forum, “Techgeekz”, set a model to be emulated by conducting a splendid event ‘Avani-Kesard Onji Dina’ on 23rd October’ 2016 at Mijarguthu. The event was traditionally inaugurated by Chief guest, Mr. Jayaram Hegde, Sumathi Plantations, Mijarguthu and Principal, Dr. Peter Fernandes. Principal said that, such events aptly conveys the significance of conserving the nature with utmost care for the future generations.
The whole arena was set for the event, by the students of ISE, a day earlier, with the help of Mr. Sudhakar Poonja and other staff coordinators of AIET. The faculties of ISE and other departments set the pace for mud sports events, by beginning with the running race competition. Many other sports events were conducted like Bomb in the City, Volleyball, Kabaddi, Throwball, Hit the Height, Treasure Hunt, Five Leg Race, Piggy Back, Reverse Race, Human Knot, Relay and Football. Trustee, AEF, Mr. Vivek Alva’s participation in games was the highlight of the whole event, students were brimmed with enthusiasm and sportsman spirit.
Many students of AIET actively participated in the games and made the event grand and memorable one. Certificates and medals were distributed to the individual winners and trophies were given to the group event winners. Food stalls and even stall games were arranged by the ISE students, the money gained through which would be further given for charity. In spite of the scorching sun and heat the students made the atmosphere lively with their vigour and endurance.