A sequel of the most awaited event “Varishta kreedha koota”which is a collection of traditional games of different parts of India which are vanishing from the land are recalled once again by Engineering students which was organized by the Mechanical Department Forum team “MechMeastroes” at Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology (AIET) Campus on 1st November of 2015.
Mr.AndaruGunapalHegde, Retired head master, Govt. school inspector inaugurated the “Varishtakreedhakoota“event which is organized in AIET by Mechanical Students for engineering, naturopathy, ayurvedic, homeopathy medical and degree students and also teaching and non-teaching faculty members. All students and staff got a chance to participate and know about our rich traditional games like Lagori, HaggaJaggaata(tug of war),chennemana,palle,TonkaBille,Kuttidonne,Bandiaata, Goliaata, Kottalige Cricket and indoor games like Chouka bara (similar to Lido), gooliatawhere thousands of students participated with shells, “kavade” in Kannada and many other crowd catching games which were the cultural Heritage of ancient Karnataka.In presidential remarks Principal of AIET Dr.Peter Fernandessaid that our traditional games are very economical, enjoyableand playable by everybody independent of gender and age and it can accommodate any no of players in small areas,this event is organized for rising the funds by providing the equipment for neighboring government schools.During the inauguration function Prof. K.V.Suresh, HOD, Dept. of mechanical engineering,Dr. Satyanarayan and Mr . Santosh Goudar, forum Co-coordinatorsand Mr. Ashwin carltonsalisand Mr. EdisobMethew students president were present. MelwinDmellointroduced the chief guest and conveyed the vote of thanks.
“Because of addiction to modern technology tools of entertainment like televisions and video games and modern versions of computer gaming our traditional games are disappearing fast. This event is an effort towards reviving them, and keeping the culture alive’’
Today here it’s been proved that Victory is not the sole intention, but the spirit of playing together.
During this mega event contribution fund of 8546/- rupees is collected.