“Publish or Perish”, this is the key element in 21 century. Innovations that happen in world are to be published in order to disseminate knowledge. Writing a research article is not an easy task. The students of engineering college, who are going to Ideate, implement and innovate in their career, have to have a culture of publishing papers. In this direction, department of ISE organized a talk on “Writing Research Article” to the third semester students on 03-12-2020. The resource person was Dr. Kiran B. Malagi, Associate Professor, Department of ISE, AIET, Moodbidiri.
In the session focus was given to the aspects like selecting the right domain, deciding on the paper title, structure of the paper, ethical and intellectual property rights and procedure for publishing a paper in a journal.
The session was concluded by thanking resource person, Class teacher and HoD for organizing the event and management for supporting the activity.