• 08258-262724
  • principalaiet08@gmail.com
  • CET CODE-169

Alva's Institute of Engineering & Technology

A Unit of Alva's Education Foundation(R), Moodubidire

(Affilliated to VTU, Belgaum, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka)

AIET Faculty

Dr. Rahul Phatak

Agriculture Engineering

Designation: Senior Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc. Horticulture, Ph.D
Phone No: 08258- 262724 / 25
Email Id: rahulp@aiet.org.in
Teaching Experience: 9 Years
Industry Experience: 1 Years

Educational Details


Horticulture (Plantation, Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic crops)

Fundamentals of Agriculture & Crop Production Technology, Basic concepts and applications of agro-chemicals, Social connect and responsibility, Research Methodologies and Intellectual Property Rights, Sustainable agriculture and Food security.

Technical Skills: Statistical data Analysis, Field & orchard layout, Crop management (Nutrition, Pest and Disease management), Organic and natural farming practices

Soft skills: Good communication (Fluency in Kannada, Hindi, Marathi and English), Team facilitator, Organizational skills, Event management

Research articles

Phatak, R. S., Hegde, N. K., Gangadharappa, P. M. and Hegde, L., 2017, Seed germination and seedling growth as influenced by seed treatment in sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina Benth.). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, SP3 :14-17. (NAAS Rating 5.21)

Phatak, R. S., Hegde, N. K., Gangadharappa, P. M. and Hegde, L., 2017, Effect of seed treatment on germination in sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina Benth), International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 6(12) :135-140. (NAAS Rating 5.38)

Phatak, R. S., Hegde, N. K.,  Gangadharappa P. M.and Hegde, L., 2017, Seedling parameters as influenced by seed treatment in sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina Benth). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 7(1) :2539-2543. (NAAS Rating 5.38)

Phatak, R. S., Hegde, L., Hegde, N. K., Narayanpur, V. B., 2016, Effect of nutrient doses on growth, seed yield and tuber yield of glory lily (Gloriosa superba L.). Research in Environment and Life Sciences, 9(5) :634-636. (Naas Rating 4.09)

Phatak, R. S.,, Hegde, L., Hegde, N. K., Jholgiker, P. and Narayanpur, V. B., 2016, Effect of spacing on yield, quality and economics of glory lily (Gloriosa superba L.), Research in Environment and Life Sciences, 9(7) :869-870. (NAAS Rating 4.09)

Phatak, R. S., Hegde, L., Hegde, N. K., Narayanpur, V. B., 2015, Effect of fertilizer levels on yield, quality and economics of glory lily (Gloriosa superba L.). Indian Journal of Ecology, 42(1) :268-269. (NAAS Rating 4.47)

Phatak, R. S., Hegde, L., Hegde, N. K., Jholgiker, P. and Narayanpur, V. B., 2014, Effect of spacing on growth, seed yield and tuber yield of glory lily (Gloriosa superba L.). Indian Journal of Ecology, 41(2) :382-384 (2014). (NAAS Rating 4.47)

Hongal, S., Maheswarappa, H. P., Raghavendra. K. S., Gurumurthy, S. B., Bhat, D. S., Phatak, R. S. and Gurav, S., 2023, Deciphering the micro floral population and nutrient condition of cow dung and urine in order to develop natural farming inputs (Ganajeevamurtha and jeevamrutha). Eco. Env. & Cons. 29 (May Suppl. Issue) : S147-S151. (NAAS Rating 5.41)

Hongal, S., Nagesh, Gurumurthy, S. B., Maheswarappa, H. P., Kulkarni, S., Abdul, K. M., Sowjanya, T. V., Bhat, D. S. and Phatak, R. S., 2023, Evaluation of Different Management Practices against Alternaria Leaf Blight Disease of French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) caused by Alternaria alternate. Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(4) :422-426 (NAAS Rating 5.11)

Hongal, S., Sowjanya, T. V., Kulkarni, S., Maheswarappa, H. P., Gurumurthy, S. B., Shivakumar, K. M., Phatak, R. S., Nagesh,., Bhat, D. S. and Muttappanavar, R., 2023, Different Farming Systems Concerning Soil Health and Yield of Arecanut  and Black Pepper. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 35(18) :17221730. (NAAS Rating 5.07)

Hongal, S., Maheswarappa, H. P., Gurav, S. G., Gurumurthy, S. B., Raghunatha, R., Raghavendra, K. S., Sowjanya, T. V., Bhat, D. S., Phatak, R. S. and Ashoka, N., 2023, Reflex of Different Pest Management Modules against Sucking Insect-pests and Pod Borer for the Safety of Beneficial Insects in Vegetable French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Legume Research – An International Journal, 47 Issue 3 (March 2024) :477-483 (NAAS rating: 6.80 )

Chaitra, B. M., Gangadharappa, P. M., Phatak, R. S., and Shreedhara, K. S., 2015, Efffect of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on quality and economics of makoi (Solanum nigrum L.). Environment and Ecology, 33(2A) :963-966. (NAAS Rating 4.18)

  1. Ravi, P. Shankargouda, P. Rahul, M. K. Paramappa, R. K. Mahesh and W. Tammanna, 2015, Effect of rhizomes on growth and yield of turmeric. Indian Journal of Ecology, 42(2) :501-502. (NAAS Rating 4.47)

Review article

Phatak, R. S. and Hegde, L., 2014, Glory lily (Gloriosa superba L.): An important medicinal crop– A review. HortFlora Research Spectrum, 3(3): 282-287.


  • Presented eight papers in different Conferences/ Symposia
  • Published four extension folders, nine articles in periodicals, one radio talk, and many technical information bulletins focusing the farming community.
  • Acted as co-organizing secretary for one international conference and one summer school