• 08258-262724
  • principalaiet08@gmail.com
  • CET CODE-169

Alva's Institute of Engineering & Technology

A Unit of Alva's Education Foundation(R), Moodubidire

(Affilliated to VTU, Belgaum, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka)

AIET Faculty

Dr. Vinay Shivamurthy

Civil Engineering

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Tech, PhD
Phone No: 08258- 262724 / 25
Email Id:
Teaching Experience: 6 Years
Industry Experience: 3 Years

Educational Details

B.E (Civil Engineering)RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru2008
M.Tech Civil Engineering (Geo informatics)KSRSAC- VTU Extension Centre, Bengalur2013
Ph.DVTU – Belgaum2019


  • 1Period (September 2012 to December 2019)

    EWRG, CES, IISc, Bengaluru - Project Assistant
  • 2Period (January 2020 to March 2020)

    EWRG, CES, IISc, Bengaluru - Research Assistant
  • 3Period (March 2020 till July 2021)

    EURG, RCGSIDM, IIT Kharagpur - Post-doctoral Fellow
  • 4Period (July 2021-2023)

    Dept of Civil Engg, SRU Warangal - Assistant Professor

Under review

1) Ashwini, A.S., Gobinath, R., Leo Joseph., Vinay, S., Md. Awad, M., Study on soil moisture
measurement using Image coefficient Approach focusing on soil water nexus, Sustainability, under


1) Ramachandra T. V., Bharath. S., Vinay. S., 2022. Prioritization of Ecologically Sensitive Regions at
Disaggregated Levels in Dakshina Kannada District, Central Western Ghats, Productivity : A Quarterly
Journal of The National Productivity Council, 62 (4): 430-461,doi: https://doi.org/10.32381/

2) Ashwini, A. S., Gobinath, R., Vinay., S., Leo Joseph., 2022, Progress and trends in Image processing
applications in Civil Engineering: Opportunities and Challenges, Advances in Civil Engineering, doi:
https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/6400254 (Impact factor: 1.9)

3) Ramachandra, T. V., Vinay, S., Asulabha, K. S., Sincy, V., Bharath, S., Bharath H.A., Eco-hydrological
Appraisal with Environmental Quality of Freshwater Ecosystems, Water, 14(6), doi:
https://doi.org/10.3390/w14060977 (Impact factor: 3.53)

4) Vinay, S., Aishwarya, N., Bharath, H. A., 2021.,Forecasting and Evaluation of Impacts and Risk Due
to Tidal Anomalies on a Coastal Island, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, doi:
10.1007/s12524-021-01458-8 (Impact factor: 0.86)

5) Aishwarya, N., Vinay, S., Bharath, H. A., Sutapa Das., 2021., Multi parameter-based flood risk
assessment at the local spatial scale, Environment, Development and Sustainability, doi:
10.1007/s10668-021-01839-6 (Impact factor: 4.080)

6) Ramachandra, T. V., Bharath, S., Vinay, S., 2021., Assessment of Forest Transitions and Regions
of Conservation Importance in Udupi district, Karnataka, Indian Forester, 147(9), 834-847, doi:
10.36808/if/2021/v147i9/164166 (Impact factor: 0.11)

7) Ramachandra, T. V., Vinay, S., Bharath, S., 2021., Visualisation of landscape alterations with the
proposed linear projects and their impacts on the ecology, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment,
pp. 13 doi:10.1007/s40808-021-01135-2

8) Aishwarya, N., Sutapa, D., Vinay, S., Bharath, H. A., 2020., Adaptive Capacity Assessment for A
Flood Vulnerable Region through Land Use Modelling and Socio Economic and Physical Indicators.,
Journal of Environmental Informatics Letters, 3 (2), pp.107 – 119.

9) Ramachandra, T. V., Sudarshan, P. B., Vinay. S., Asulabha, K. S., Sincy, V., 2020, Nutrient and heavy
metal composition in select biotic and abiotic components of Varthur wetlands, Bangalore, India,
Springer Nature Applied Sciences, 2:1449, doi: 10.1007/s42452-020-03228-6

10) Bharath, H. A., Chandan, M. C., Vinay, S., Akshit, K., 2020, Land allocation model using cellular
automata to understand housing demand and supply, Spatial Information Research, doi:

11) Ramachandra, T. V., Vinay, S., Bharath, S., Chandran, M. D. S., Bharath, H. A., 2020, Insights to
river scape dynamics with the hydrological, ecological and social dimensions for water sustenance,
Current Science, 118 (9), 1379 – 1393, doi: 10.18520/cs/v118/i9/1379-1393 (Impact factor: 0.756)

12) Ramachandra, T.V., Bharath, S., Vinay, S., Bharath, H.A., 2020. Mitigation of Carbon
Footprint, Sustainable living, Yojana, 50(1), 36-41.

13) Ramachandra, T. V., Bharath, S., Vinay, S., 2019, Visualisation of impacts due to the proposed
Developmental projects in the Ecologically Fragile regions- Kodagu district, Karnataka, Progress in
Disaster Science, doi: 10.1016/j.pdisas.2019.100038

14) Ramachandra, T. V., Jefferey Sellers., Bharath, H. A., Vinay, S., 2019, Geo-Visualisation of
Landscape dynamics in the mega industrial corridor, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191,
doi: 10.1007/s10661-019-7701-z (Impact factor: 1.959)

15) Ramachandra, T. V., Jefferey Sellers., Bharath, H. A., Vinay, S., 2019, Modeling urban dynamics
along major industrial corridors in India., Spatial Information Research, 27(1), pp. 37 – 48, doi:

16) Ramachandra, T. V., Vinay. S., Bharath, S., Shashishankar, A.,2018, Eco-Hydrological footprint of a
River basin in Western Ghats, Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 91(4), pp.431-444, PMID:
30588209; PMCID: PMC6302628. (Impact factor: 3.549)

17) Ramachandra, T. V., Bharath, S., Vinay, S., 2018, Ecological Sustainability of Riverine Ecosystems
in Central Western Ghats, Journal of Biodiversity, 9(1-2), pp. 25– 42.

18) Ramachandra, T. V., Asulabha, K. S., Sincy, V., Vinay, S., 2018, Assessment of Physico-chemical
Integrity of Lotic Ecosystems in Central Western Ghats through Multivariate Techniques, Journal of
Biodiversity, 9(1-2), pp. 69 – 80.

19) Bharath, H. A.,Chandan, M. C., Vinay, S., Ramachandra, T. V., 2018, Modelling urban dynamics in
rapidly urbanising Indian cities, The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences,21, pp.
201 – 210. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrs.2017.08.002, (Impact factor: 5.18)

20) Bharath, H. A., Vinay, S., Ramachandra, T. V., 2018, Simulating urban growth by two state modelling
and connected network, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 4(4), pp. 1297 – 1308. doi:
10.1007/s40808-018-0506-1 (Impact factor:0.83)

21) Ramachandra, T. V., Sudarshan, P. Bhat., Mahesh, M. K., Vinay, S., 2018, Spatial patterns of heavy
metal accumulation in sediments and macrophytes of Bellandur wetland, Bangalore, Journal of
Environmental Management, 206, pp. 1204 – 1210. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.10.014(Impact
factor: 6.789)

22) Ramachandra. T. V., Vinay. S., Chandra. M. D. S., 2018, Quantification of annual sediment deposits
in Aghanashini river estuary, Journal of Environmental Management, 206, pp. 1263 – 1273. doi:
10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.07.060(Impact factor: 6.789)

23) Bharath, H. A., Vinay, S., Chandan, M. C., Gouri, B. H., Ramachandra, T.V., 2018, Green to gray:
Silicon Valley of India, Journal of Environmental Management, 206, pp. 1287 – 1295. doi:
10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.06.072 (Impact factor: 6.789)

24) Bharath, H. A., Chandan, M. C., Vinay, S., Ramachandra, T. V., 2017, Modelling the growth of two
rapidly urbanizing Indian cities, Journal of Geomatics, 11(2), pp. 149-166.

25) Bharath, H. A., Vinay, S., Ramachandra, T.V., 2017, Characterization and visualization of Spatial
Patterns of Urbanisation and Sprawl through metrics and modeling, Cities and the Environment
(CATE), 10(1), pp. 10-24.

26) Vinay, S., Vishnu, D. M., Srikanth, N., Chandran, M. D. S., Bharath, S., Shashishankar, A.,
Ramachandra, T. V.,2017, Landscapes and Hydrological Regime Linkages: Case Study of Chandiholé,
Aghanashini, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 6 (2), pp. 27 – 32.

27) Bharath, H. A., Chandan, M. C., Vinay, S., Ramachandra, T.V., 2017. Intra and Inter Spatio-Temporal
Patterns of Urbanisation in Indian Megacities, International Journal of Imaging and Robotics, 17(2),
pp. 28-39

28) Balachandran. C., Chandran, M. D. S., Vinay. S., Shrikant, N., Ramachandra. T. V., 2017, Pollinator
diversity and foraging dynamics on monsoon crop of cucurbits in a traditional landscape of South
Indian west coast, Biotropia 24(1), pp. 16-27. doi: 10.11598/btb.2017.24.1.480 (Impact factor: 2.9)

29) Ramachandra, T.V., Bharath, H. A., Gouri, K., Vinay, S., 2016. Green spaces in Bengaluru:
Quantification through geospatial techniques, Indian Forester, 143(4), pp. 307-320. (Impact factor:

30) Vinay, S., Bharath, H. A., Chandran, M. D. S., Shashishankar, A., Ramachandra, T. V., 2016, Linkages
between catchment landscape dynamics and the natural flow regime, International journal of Earth
Science and Engineering, 9(3), pp 244 – 251. (Impact factor: 0.09)

31) Ramachandra, T.V., Vinay, S., Bharath, H. A., 2016, Environmental Flow Assessment in a lotic
ecosystem of Central Western Ghats, India, Hydrology: Current Research 7: pp. 248-261. doi:

32) Bharath, H. A., Vinay, S., Ramachandra, T.V., 2016. Agent Based Modelling Urban Dynamics of
Bhopal, India. Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, 7(1), pp. 1-14. (Impact factor: 0.2)

33) Ramachandra, T.V., Bharath, H. A., and Vinay S., 2013, Land use Land Cover Dynamics in a Rapidly
Urbanizing Landscape, SCIT Journal, pp. 1-13.


1) Nikhil, T. R., Shashishankar, A., Ramesh, C. P., Vinay, S., 2022, Water Supply Engineering, Scientific
International Publishing House, ISBN: 978-93-5625-162-5

Book Chapters:

1) Vinay, S., Bharath, H.A., Geo-Spatial Modelling of Flood Risk Due to Local Sea-Level Rise and
Landscape Dynamics: A Case of Sagar Island, Ramnarayan Yadava (Eds.), Applications of Remote
Sensing and GIS in Natural Resources and Built Infrastructure Management, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-
2) Vinay, S., Aishwarya, N., Bharath, H. A., 2022., Role of local sea-level rise on disaster exposure in
Coastal Island, 5th World Congress on Disaster Management, Routledge, Vol.2, 1
st Edition Routledge,
ISBN: 9781003341932.
3) Ramachandra, T. V., Bharath, H. A., Vinay, S., Chandan, M. C., 2020, Simulation and Modelling the
urban dynamics in Bangalore – Silicon valley of India, Deden Rukmana (Eds.), The Routledge
Handbook of Planning Megacities in the Global South, 1st Edition Routledge Taylor and Francis, ISBN:
4) Ramachandra, T. V., Vinay, S., Bharath, H. A., 2020, Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) for
Urban Planning, Bharath, H. A. Ramachandra, T. V., (Eds), Urban Growth Patterns in India-Spatial
Analysis for Sustainable Development, 1
st Edition CRC Press: Taylor and Francis,, ISBN:978-
0367225216, doi: 10.1201/9780429275319
5) Ramachandra, T. V., Bharath, S., Vinay, S., Tara, N. M., Chandran, M. D. S, Joshi, N. V., 2018,
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Local Hotspots of Biodiversity. in: Sarda, N. L., Acharya,
P. S., Sen, S. (Eds.), Geospatial Infrastructure, Applications and Technologies: India Case Studies,
Springer, Singapore, doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-2330-0_27
6) Bharath, H. A., Chandan, M.C., Vinay, S., Ramachandra, T. V, 2018. Urbanisation in India: Patterns,
Visualisation of Cities and Greenhouse Gas Inventory for Developing an Urban Observatory. in: Weng,
Q., Quattrochi, D., Gamba, P.E. (Eds.), Urban Remote Sensing. 2nd Edition CRC Press: Taylor and
Francis, Boca Raton. doi: 10.1201/9781138586642

1. Vinay S., Manoj T., Arun Kumar K., Harsha Vardhan M., Lavanya S., Manasa S., Evaluating the
influence of human induced landscape alterations on ecosystem services in semiarid regions of India.
Virtual EGU General Assembly 2023, April 23 – 28, 2023, doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16794
2. Manoj T., Arun Kumar K., Harsha Vardhan M., Lavanya S., Manasa S., Vinay. S., Virtuous Human
Interventions towards improving Regional Ecosystem Services, In proceedings of Lake 2022, IISc,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, December 28 – 30, 2022
3. Hemasri T., Jyothi J., Praneeth T., Saisheshu T., Devendar C., Payal M., Vinay.S., 2022., Mapping
of Wetland and its services in KUDA – Telangana, In proceedings of Lake 2022, IISc, Bengaluru,
Karnataka, India, December 28 – 30, 2022
4. Sai Manideep D, Yeshwanth P, Saishivaram C.H, Vinay.S., 2022., Flood Exposure Mapping due to
convective precipitation – GWMC, International Virtual Conference on Development and Application
of Geoinformatics 2022, NIT Warangal, India, 29th August to 31
st August 2022
5. Vinay.S., Sai Manideep, D., Saishivaram. C. H., Dilip, A., Varun Kumar. S., 2022., Inundation
mapping due to rainfall anomalies in Tropical SemiArid Zones using high resolution Synthetic
Aperture Radar, 2nd International Conference on River Corridor Research and Management 2022, IIT
Guwahati, India, 30th May to 1
st June 2022
6. Vinay, S., Aishwarya, N., Bharath, H. A., 2021., Role of local sea-level rise on disaster exposure in
Coastal Island, 5th World Congress on Disaster Management 2021, IIT Delhi, India, November 24 –
27 2021.
7. Vinay, S., Bharath, H.A., 2021., Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis of Coastal Inundation at Regional
scale., Virtual EGU General Assembly 2021, April 19 – 30 2021, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6963.
8. Vinay, S., Ramachandra, T. V., Bharath, S., Sowmya, G. S., Bharath, H. A., Accounting goods and
services from agroecosystems, Karnataka, In proceedings of Lake 2020, IISc, Bengaluru, Karnataka,
India, December 28 – 30, 2020.
9. Ramachandra, T.V., Karthik, Naik., Bharath, S., Vinay, S., 2020, Assessment of landscape dynamics
in Belgaum district, In proceedings of 107th Indian Science Congress, GKVK Campus, Bangalore,
India, January 3 – 7, 2020
10. Ramachandra, T.V., Vinayaka, Bhatta., Vinay, S, Bharath, S., 2020, Land use dynamics in Mysore,
the cultural capital of Karnataka, In proceedings of 107th Indian Science Congress, GKVK Campus,
Bangalore, India, January 3 – 7, 2020
11. Vinay, S., Bharath, H. A., Ramachandra, T. V., 2019, Integration of optical and topographic data for
improved land use classification accuracies, In proceedings of NSRS 2019 – AMC Engineering
College, Bangalore, India, April 25 – 26, 2019
12. Sai Omkari, P., Vinay, S., Udayasimha, L., Ramachandra, T. V., 2019, Water budgeting in the
Ghataprabha river basin, In proceedings of NSRS 2018 – AMC Engineering College, Bangalore, India,
April 25 – 26, 2019
13. Ramachandra, T. V., Vinay, S., Bharath, S., 2019, Climate trends with land use dynamics in the
Western Ghats, at International Conference on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and
Adaptation: Emphasis on India and Neighbourhood (CCIVA), IIT Kharagpur, Kolkata, India, February
26 – March 2, 2019.
14. Ramachandra, T. V., Vinay, S., Bharath, S., Chandran, M. D. S., Bharath, H. A., Shashishankar, A.,
2018, Eco-Hydrological footprint of Sharavathi river basin, In proceedings of Lake 2018, Moodbidri,
Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka, India, December 22 – 25, 2018.
15. Vinay, S., Bharath, S., Shashishankar, A., Ramachandra, T. V., 2018, Hydrological status of
Venkarapura river basin- Uttara Kannada district, In proceedings of NSRS 2018 – AMC Engineering
College, Bangalore, India, April 26 – 27, 2018.
16. Vinay, S, Ramachandra, T. V, Jefferey Sellers, Bharath, H. A, 2018. Geo-visualisation of landscape
dynamics in the proposed mega industrial corridor, In Conference Proceedings of Biodiversity and
Climate Change, BDCC-2018, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, February 24-27, 2018
17. Vinay, S., Vishnu, D. M., Srikanth. N., Chandran, M. D. S., Bharath, S., Shashishankar, A., and
Ramachandra, T.V., 2017, Landscapes and Hydrological Regime Linkages: Case study of Chandiholé,
Aghanashini, In proceedings of NSRS 2017 – AMC Engineering College, Bangalore, India, March 16
– 17, 2017.
18. Ramachandra, T.V., Vinay, S., Chandran, M. D. S., Bharath, S and Shashishankar, A., 2017,
Hydrological regime dependence on catchment vegetation dynamics, In proceedings of WIEZ 2017 –
IIT Kharagpur, Kolkata, India, January 6 – 7, 2017.
19. Vinay. S., Vishnu, D. M., Srikanth. N., Asulabha. K. S., Sincy. V., Rao. G. R, Shashishankar, A.,
Chandran, M. D. S and Ramachandra, T. V.,2016, Hydrological regime in Sacred Groves and
NonSacred Groves of Central Western Ghats, In proceedings of Lake 2016, Moodbidri, Dakshina
Kannada, Karnataka, India, December 28 – 31, 2016.
20. Asulabha. K. S., Sincy. V., Vinay. S., Vishnu, D. M., Srikanth. N., Chandran, M. D. S and
Ramachandra, T. V.,2016, Nutrient Status of Soils of Kans and Non- Kans of Central Western Ghats,
In proceedings of Lake 2016, Moodbidri, Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka, India, December 28 – 31,
21. Sincy. V., Asulabha. K. S., Vinay. S., Vishnu, D. M., Srikanth. N., Chandran, M. D. S and
Ramachandra, T. V.,2016, Ecological Status of Lotic Ecosystems in Kans and Nonkans of Central
Western Ghats, In proceedings of Lake 2016, Moodbidri, Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka, India,
December 28 – 31, 2016
22. Sudarshan, P. Bhat., Sincy. V., Asulabha. K. S., Vinay. S., Mahesh, M. K., and Ramachandra, T. V.,
2016, Bioremediation Potential of Macrophytes in Varthur and Bellandur Lakes, Bangalore, In
proceedings of Lake 2016, Moodbidri, Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka, India, December 28 – 31, 2016
23. Bharath, H.A., Vinay, S., Ramachandra, T. V., 2016, Comparative assessment of Agent based and
Rule based Models for urban growth visualization, In Proceedings of KEC2016, Thiruvananthapuram,
Kerala, India, November 28-29, 2016.
24. Ramachandra, T.V., Vinay, S., Bharath, H. A., Bharath, S and Shashishankar, A., 2016, Landscape
Status and Hydrological Regime of Aghanashini River Basin, In proceedings of SWWEM 2016,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India, August 17-19, 2016.
25. Vinay, S., Bharath, H. A., Chandran, M. D. S., Shashishankar, A and Ramachandra, T. V., 2016,
Linkages between catchment landscape dynamics and the natural flow regime, In proceedings of ICEE
2016, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, June 17-18, 2016.
26. Ramachandra, T.V., Bharath, H. A., Vinay,S., Uttam Kumar., Venugopal, K. R and Joshi, N.V., 2016.
Modelling and Visualization of Urban Trajectory in 4 cities of. In proceedings of IISc- STC 2016,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India, January 7-8, 2016.
27. Bharath, H. A., Sudeep, B., Vinay, S and Ramachandra, T.V., 2015. Understanding Urbanization
Process through Temporal Remote Sensing Data. In proceedings of SMVIT GITA 2K15, Udupi,
Karnataka, India, October 16 – 17, 2015.
28. Ramachandra, T.V., Chandan, M. C., Bharath, H. A., Vinay, S., Sellers, J.M and Venugopal, K. R.,
2015. Monitoring and modelling patterns of urban growth in Chennai, India. In proceedings of NRSC
UIM 2015, Hyderabad, Telagana, India, January 21-22, 2015.
29. Ramachandra, T.V., Vinay, S., Bharath, H. A., Bharath, S and Shashishankar, A., 2015. Landscape
Status and Hydrological Regime: Insights to Linkages in Sharavati and Varada Catchments, Central
Western Ghats. In proceedings of NRSC UIM 2015, Hyderabad, Telagana, India, January 21-22, 2015.
30. Ramachandra, T.V., Bharath, H. A., Vinay, S., Venugopal, K. R and Joshi, N.V., 2015. Geospatial
scenario-based modelling of urban revolution in five major cities in India. In proceedings of IISc- STC
2015, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, January 8-9, 2015.
31. Bharath, H. A., Vinay, S and Ramachandra, T.V., 2014, Prediction of Spatial Patterns of Urban
Dynamics in Pune, India, in proceedings of IEEE-Indicon 2014, Pune, Maharashtra, India, December
11-13, 2014.
32. Ramachandra, T. V., Joshi, N. V., Bharath, S., Vinay, S., Rao, G. R., Vishnu, D. M., Bharath, H, A.,
Ganesh, Hegde., Prakash, N, Mesta., Balachandran, C., Bhoominathan, M., Mahima, Bhat., 2014,
Integrated Ecological Carrying Capacity of Uttara Kannada District, Karnataka, In proceedings of
Lake 2014, Uttara Kannada, Karnataka, India, November 13-15, 2014
33. Ramachandra, T.V., Vinay, S., Bharath, H. A., Bharath, S and Shashishankar, A., 2014.
Environmental flow assessment in the rivers originating at the Western Ghats. In proceedings of Lake
2014, Uttara Kannada, Karnataka, India, November 13-15, 2014.
34. Ramachandra, T.V., Nupur, Nagar., Vinay, S and Bharath, H. A., 2014, Modeling Hydrologic regime
of Lakshmanatirtha watershed, Cauvery River, in proceedings of IEEE-GHTC-SAS 2014,
Trivandrum, Kerala, India, September 26-27, 2014.
35. Bharath, H. A., Vinay, S., Ramachandra, T.V., 2014. Landscape dynamics modelling through
integrated Markov, Fuzzy-AHP and Cellular Automata, 2014 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Symposium, Quebec City, QC, 2014, pp. 3160-3163.doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2014.6947148
36. Bharath, H. A., Vinay, S and Ramachandra, T.V., 2013. Prediction of Land use dynamics in the rapidly
urbanising landscape using land change modeller. In proceedings Fourth International Joint
Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, AET 2013 NCR Delhi, December 13-14
37. Bharath, H. A., Vinay, S and Ramachandra, T. V., Modeling and Simulation of Urbanization in
Greater Bangalore. In proceedings of National Geospatial Data Infrastructure 2013, IIT Bombay,
Mumbai, November 29-30 2013.
38. Vinay, S., Bharath, S., Bharath, H. A., and Ramachandra, T.V., Hydrologic Model with Landscape
Dynamics for Drought Monitoring, In proceeding of: Joint International Workshop of ISPRS WG
VIII/1 and WG IV/4 on Geospatial Data for Disaster and Risk Reduction, Hyderabad, November 21 –
22, 2013.
39. Ramachandra, T.V., Bharath, H. A., Vinay S., Joshi N V., Uttam Kumar and Venugopal Rao. K,
Modelling Urban Revolution in Greater Bangalore, India, In proceedings of 30th Annual In-House
Symposium on Space Science and Technology, ISRO-IISc Space Technology Cell, Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore, November 7 – 8, 2013
40. Bharath, H. A., Ramachandra, T. V and Vinay S., Comprehension of temporal land use dynamics in
urbanising landscape, In Proceedings of: NRSC-UIM 2013, Hyderabad, February 21 – 22, 2013.
41. Vinay, S., Bharath, H. A., and Ramachandra, T. V., Spatio-temporal dynamics of Raichur city, In
proceedings of: LAKE 2012, MG University Kerala, November 6 – 8, 2012.