Research and Development at AIET are rooted by visionary management policies like sending faculties to pursue their research studies under Quality Improvement Programs(QIP) to IITs/NITs and deputing faculties for various Research related Conferences and Workshops, Conducting various research related conferences/workshops. Interaction and collaboration with various Indian and Foreign universities such as Europe, Japan and USA are the part of AIET research culture. Providing facility of various research related projects to the students and faculties through MoU organizations like ISRO, IIIT, IISc, HAL, SCL etc. Apart from this, the institute has established the unique labs to research aspirants to carry out research in different domains.
Highlights of R&D
- We have set up a common research center known as Alva’s Center for Advanced Research to support the
theme of Project-based learning through UG/PG/PhD Research Projects leading to enhancement of
knowledge and institutional status with the following Mission.- Identification of research projects in the field of Health, Energy, Environment, Water, Communication
etc. - Common research facility;
- Implementation of projects by involving Faculty and students from UG/PG/Ph.D.
- Involvement of Resource persons from premier institutes;
- Enhancement of Faculty/student knowledge through UG/PG/PhD Research Projects;
- Enhancement of student placement through UG/PG/PhD Research Projects;
- Publications and Patents of research results;
- Reduction of industry-academia gap through Industry-Relevant Research Projects with involvement of
industry partners; - Enhancement of institutional outreach through Conferences and Seminars;
- Overall contribution to societal needs.
- Identification of research projects in the field of Health, Energy, Environment, Water, Communication
- The faculty and students of AIET have received funds from various funding agencies, mainly Vision Group
of Science and Technology, Karnataka Council for Technological Upgradation, Karnataka State Council for
Science and Technology, Indian Space Research Organization and some industries like Laser Science
Services Pvt. Ltd and others. - AIET has SIX university recognized Research Centers and has vast pool of UG/PG/Ph.D students in many
disciplines guided by teams of talented faculty members; - AIET has active collaborations with reputed national institutes like TIFR, Mumbai, IIT Bombay, Mumbai
and IIT Madras, Chennai. These active collaborations have been very fruitful during the last three years in the
domains of Fuel cells specifically hydrogen fuel cells and vibration sensors leading to applications for
patents and many publications in high impact Scopus indexed journals. AIET has applied for 6 patents in the
domain of fuel cells including hydrogen fuel cells, low frequency vibration sensors, shock wave detection and
cancer detection. AIET won first prize in January 2018 in the All- India Nano- Hackathon contest held at IIT
Bombay. - As an outreach activity, AIET has conducted many conferences, seminars and workshops during last 5 year and organized many conferences including an international conference iCOLD 2019 during November 27-29,
2019, in association with IIT Madras. - AIET has 25 MoUs, mainly with Kumomoto University, Japan, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology
Pune, Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL), Chandigarh, IIIT, Allahabad, ISRO Head Quarters and other associated laboratories, Bangalore, National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL), Gadanki, Chittoor, AP., HAL, Bangalore, Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Bangalore, Mangalore University and others. Students of AIET have done many internship projects at various types of industries across India: Internship Projects, 123 in 2016-17, 127 during 2017-18 and 144 during 2018-19. Recently One MBA student has secured SECOND rank in the state at Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
Research Publications
Govt. Funds Received for Research Projects
Sl.No | Project Title | Funding Agency | Amount | Duration | Year of Sanction |
1 | Development of Prototype Chemicals Sensors for environmental/ Industrial/ Agricultural Applications | KCTU | Rs. 1 Crore | 2 Years | 2018-19 |
2 | Detection of Artificially Ripened Fruits using Spectrometric Techniques | VGST | Rs 5 Lakhs | 2 Years | 2018-19 |
3 | Ni-Mo Composite Coatings with Ni-ONano-Particles as Electrocatalytic Material | VGST | Rs. 5 Lakhs | 2 Years | 2018-19 |
4 | Medical Image analysis using Riemann & Finsler Geometry | VGST | Rs 4 Lakhs | 2 Years | 2016-17 |
4 | Physicochemical and mechanical characterization of natural areca fibre reinforced polymer composite materials | VGST | Rs. 30 Lakhs | 3 Years | 2016-17 |
Patent Applications
Sl. No | Title | Applicant | Patent Application number | Published date | Inventors | Inventors Institutions |
1 | A process for fabrication of P(VDF-TrFE) piezoelectric beams and cantilevers as vibration sensors and energy harvesters | Alva’s Education Foundation | 201841030070 | 14/12/2018 | Rashmi K. R, | AIET, Moodbidri |
Jayarama A, | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Richard Pinto, | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Siddhartha P. Duttagupta | IIT BOMBAY | |||||
ShriganeshPrabhu | TIFR, Mumbai | |||||
2 | Enhancement of micro direct methanol fuel cell (μ-DMFC) performance using micro channels fabricated from <100> silicon wafer orientation and P(VDF-TrFE) coated nafion membrane as proton exchange membrane | Alva’s Education Foundation | 201841040380 | 14/12/2018 | Arjun Sunil Rao, | AIET, Moodbidri |
Jayarama Arasalike, | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Manjunatha Doddaballapura Veerabhadraiah | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Richard Pinto, | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Siddhartha Prakash Duttagupta | IIT BOMBAY | |||||
AchantaVenugopal | TIFR, Mumbai | |||||
3 | Enhancement of direct methanol fuel cell performance with nafion proton exchange membrane optimally exposed to ultraviolet rays | Alva’s Education Foundation | 201941009746 | 10/5/2019 | Arjun Sunil Rao | AIET, Moodbidri |
Jayarama Arasalike | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Manjunatha Doddaballapura Veerabhadraiah | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Praveen Jayappa | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Richard Pinto | IIT BOMBAY | |||||
Peter Fernandes | TIFR, Mumbai | |||||
4 | Smart shockwave velocity measurement system based on P(VDF-TrFE) piezosensors and arduino | Alva’s Education Foundation | 201941024087 | AWAITED | Ramaprasad A T | AIET, Moodbidri |
Arjun Sunil Rao | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Anoop Radha Balan | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Jyothish Kumar Kunhipurayil | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Arjun Ashok Ambattuparambil | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Jayarama Arasalike | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Richard Pinto | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Peter Fernandes | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
5 | A process for enhancing hydrogen fuel cells performance with nafion proton exchange membrane optimally exposed to ultraviolet rays | Alva’s Education Foundation | 201941035383 | 13/09/2019 | Preetham Castelino | AIET, Moodbidri |
Sohan Poojari | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Sunny Ramniwas Sharma, | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Poojari Prashant Shekar | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Chirag Satish Poojari | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Jayarama Arasalike | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Satyanarayan | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Richard Pinto | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Shriganesh Prabhu | TIFR, Mumbai | |||||
Siddhartha Prakash Duttagupta | IIT BOMBAY | |||||
6 | ‘A Process of Synthesizing Novel Methyl Substituted Chalcone Molecules-The Potential Cancer Inhibitors’ | Alva’s Education Foundation | 201941046359 | 14-11-2019 | Sarveshwara Heggadde Palachandra | Alva’s College |
Namratha Wooluvarana Naveen Kumar | Alva’s College | |||||
Jayarama Arasalike | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Richard Pinto | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Shashidhara Bhat | Alva’s College | |||||
Shashi Kumar Kumaraswamy | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Shruthi | Kuvempu University | |||||
Shriganesh Prabhu | TIFR, Mumbai | |||||
Dr.Roshan Femandes | NMAMIT, Nitte | |||||
Dr.V. Ebenezer | KITS, Coimbatore, | |||||
Dr. KarthikPai B H | NMAMIT, Nitte | |||||
Dr. Anisha P Rodrigues | NMAMIT, Nitte | |||||
Dr. S.V.Viraktamath | SDMEC, Dharwad | |||||
Dr. ManjunathKotari | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Dr. DesaiKaranam | NMAIMT,Nitte | |||||
Dr. Sreekantha | NMAMIT,Nitte | |||||
Mr.V.Chandran | KPR IET, Coimbatore | |||||
Mr.Kiran Kumar V.G | AJIET, Mangalore | |||||
Mr.Ravinarayana B | MITE, Moodbidri | |||||
Dr.Guruprasad M S | SDMIT, Ujire | |||||
Dr.Manjunath Kotari | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Mrs.Asmita Poojari | NMAMIT, Nitte | |||||
Dr.Dayanand G K | CEC, Mangalore | |||||
Mr.Prabhakara B K | VCET, Puttur | |||||
9 | Populated place monitoring and Medical alert using Wireless Service Network and analyse and respond using Cloud Computing | INDIVIDUALS | Yet to get | Communicated | Dr.BalajiPrabhu B V | MCE, Hasan |
Dr.Anandababu J | MCE, Hasan | |||||
Dr.Naresh E | Raichur, Karnataka | |||||
Mr. Suresh Kumar K R | Doddaballapura, Bangalore | |||||
Mr.SRIKANTH M S | NCET, Bengaluru | |||||
Mr.VIVEK SHARMA S | NCET, Bengaluru | |||||
Mr.HEMANTH KUMAR N P | AIET, Moodbidri | |||||
Dr. Praveen Kumar K V | SCE, Bengaluru | |||||
Mr.Keerthan Kumar T G | SIT, Tumkur | |||||
Mr. RAVIKUMAR M | CIT, Bengaluru |
Research Supervisors
Computer Science & Engineering
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Master of Business Administration
The following departments have been recognized research centres of VTU in the institute and students were pursuing their Ph.D programs.
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electronics & Communications Engineering
- Computer Science & Engineering
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Master’s In Business Administrations
Research Facilities
Lab Name | Facilities available | Amount Spent |
Alva’s Centre for Advanced Research(ACAR) Lab |
| 100 Lakhs |
MEMS Lab |
| 50 Lakhs |
| 20 Lakhs |
ENS Lab |
| 20 Lakhs |
Composite Lab |
| 50 Lakhs |
Apple iOS Lab |
| 45 Lakhs |
Envision Lab |
| 10 Lakhs |
Linux Lab |
| 25 Lakhs |
IC Engine Lab |
| 18 Lakhs |
CNC Machinery Lab |
| 10 Lakhs |
Advanced Materials Lab |
| 20 Lakhs |
Innovation & We Lab |
| 35 Lakhs |
TOTAL Amount Spent | 4.03 Crore |